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Indian Equity:

An All-Weather Asset Class


India is the sixth-largest economy in the AUTHORS

world, a US$2.6 trillion powerhouse that has INDIA EQUITY TEAM

consistently clocked nominal GDP growth

rate of 13% over 20 years.1 It is also the
largest democracy in the world, with free and
fair elections, an independent institutional
framework and a reform-oriented, fiscally
responsible regime at the helm.

Reforms such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and

demonetization are slowly being digested and paving the way
for a broad-based formalization of the economy. Corporate
earnings are also showing signs of recovery after the twin
displacements from these reforms. In this paper, we seek to
discuss in detail why the long-term opportunity remains intact
despite the near-term headwinds, and why we believe this
could be an interesting time to position in India.

Why India?

India as an economy offers a combination of size as well as

growth, a rare combination on the world stage today. In terms
of size, India is a US$2.6 trillion economy, with 1.3 billion
people.1 Nominal GDP growth rate has averaged 13% over
a span of the last two decades and represents one of the only
large countries growing at that clip.1

In the late 2016 to mid-2017 phase, real GDP growth rate

dipped because of the impact of demonetization and the GST

International Monetary Fund, World Bank Database, as of July 2018.

implementation. Real gross domestic

product growth returned to the 7% range
Quarterly GDP growth (%)
in the October-December 2017 period, as
the economy shook off these disruptions 16
(Display 1). This process of normalization 13.8
has continued, and India has quickly 12
regained the tag of the fastest growing 11.0 10.8 10.8 10.7 11.0 10.9
economy in the world.2 8 9.5 8.2
8.1 7.6 8.3 7.7
6.8 6.3 7.0
6.1 5.6
India is not only one of the largest
populations in the world, but also one 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
of the youngest. Nearly two-thirds of FY17 FY17 FY17 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY19
India’s population is under 35 years of
age.3 One million people enter the labor ■ Real GDP growth (%YoY) ■ Nominal GDP growth (%YoY)
force every month, giving the country a Source: RBI, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of September 2018.
significant edge in terms of productivity.3 Fiscal Year (FY) refers to India’s traditional fiscal year which runs for twelve consecutive months
from April 1st until the following March 31st. For example, fiscal years referred to as FY17, FY18 and
This also means that India is among the FY19 are short-hand for FY2016/2017, FY2017/2018 and FY2018/2019 respectively.
highest contributors to the workforce
globally (Display 2). Therefore, it presents DISPLAY 2
a sharp contrast and investment hedge India contributes c.18-19% of global working-age population
in the context of a rapidly aging world
(Display 3). 18.5%
India has around 5,000 listed companies, 16.0%
second only to the United States in terms 15.5%
of investment universe (see Display 4).4 14.5%
However, the growth in India’s formal 14.0%
corporate sector does not truly represent 1950 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100
India’s domestic growth story. While ■ India share % in 15-59 age world population
India has clocked a consistent double-
digit nominal GDP growth, the earnings Source: U.N. data estimates, Jefferies Research, as of October 2018.
for the NIFTY 50 Index (Nifty) for Charts and graphs provided herein are for illustrative purposes only. Forecasts/estimates are based
on current market conditions, subject to change and may not necessarily come to pass.
the past three years have grown at a
rate of just 1.7%.5 It is a similar story
for the MSCI India Index too. This
Potentially making India the world’s biggest supplier of workforce
is because outward-facing companies
constitute a large chunk of the indexes. Millions
By outward-facing companies, we mean 1,200
export-oriented sectors like technology
and pharmaceuticals companies linked 800
to global commodity cycles and those
that derive significant value from their
International Monetary Fund, World Bank, as
of August 2018. 0
Organization for Economic Cooperation and 1950 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100
Development Economic Survey, 2017.
The National Stock Exchange and The Bombay
■ China ■ India
Stock E xchange, Jef feries Research, as of Source: U.N. data estimates, Jefferies Research, as of October 2018.
October 2018. Charts and graphs provided herein are for illustrative purposes only. Forecasts/estimates are based
Bloomberg, CLSA, as of October 2018. on current market conditions, subject to change and may not necessarily come to pass.



overseas subsidiaries. As of September to outperform. The regime in India has long as companies deliver on growth
2018, Jefferies Research estimates that rewarded a consistent “buy and hold” and do not dilute quality. A growth and
such outward-facing companies make style of long-term investment. This is quality portfolio may underperform in
up almost 59% of the benchmark Nifty also a reason why we believe that it is environments of macro stress but has
earnings. Therefore, the index is not the important to maintain portfolio holdings generally outperformed benchmarks over
best representation of domestic growth irrespective of market environment, as longer durations.
opportunities, and one is arguably better
off looking for an active manager who
can sift through them for higher returns.
This is a well-accepted argument and one
Number of companies listed in India is highest ex. U.S.
of the major reasons why active India
funds as an asset class have assets in 6,000
excess of US$50 billion.6
We believe, through the stock-level
returns work we have done, that investors 2,000
may do well in making a strategic rather 1,000
than tactical allocation to India. As
shown in Display 5, India has the third- IN JP CN UK SK GR FR RU MA TH ID BR SA SP
largest number of stocks (349) among
the emerging markets, with market cap ■ Number of listed companies
in excess of US$500 million. While the Source: Bloomberg, Factset, Jefferies Research, as of October 2018.
decadal MSCI returns for most emerging
markets, including India, have been close
to zero, there was stock-picking succor DISPLAY 5
in India, as over 30% of those stocks NO. OF STOCKS NO. OF PERCENTAGE
quintupled (went up >5x) in that time NO. OF WITH MCAP PERSISTENT OF STOCKS
frame. This is by far the best percentage WITH MCAP AND >5X 10 YEAR THE SAME OVER THE SAME
for all emerging and developed markets. COUNTRY >500 MM RETURN IN USD TIME PERIOD TIME PERIOD
Further, of the 118 stocks that quintupled India 349 118 35 34%
in 10 years (17%+ CAGR), we looked for
China 1,903 171 17 9%
persistency to check how many of those
doubled in the last three years (26% + China-H 354 56 14 16%
CAGR) and tripled in last five years (25% Korea 295 64 28 22%
+ CAGR). Of the 118 stocks, 35 stocks Taiwan 265 36 9 14%
met all three criteria (see Display 5). This
Brazil 154 1 0 1%
implies that there has been much better
persistency in stock returns in India than South Africa 113 8 0 7%
in some of the other emerging markets. Russia 84 3 2 4%
For example, in mainland China, only Mexico 89 4 0 4%
14 of the 56 stocks that quintupled in
Indonesia 116 25 6 22%
10 years showed persistency, reflecting a
market where tactical timing is important Thailand 134 37 4 28%
(as depicted in Display 5). This further US 2,736 293 97 11%
showcases that the same stocks in India UK 374 64 12 17%
may do consistently well and one may
Japan 1,158 181 75 16%
not need to tactically time the market
Germany 220 32 14 15%
France 229 22 9 10%

Source: Bloomberg, MSCI Datastream, as of 30 September 2018. Time period for 10-year return is
from September 2008 to September 2018. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Morgan Stanley Research, as of September 2017. Provided for informational purposes only, not to be construed as an investment recommendation.



Why India now? cycle in India. Nonperforming loans including the tribal and backward
A BROAD BASKET OF REFORMS representing 25% of the total bad-loan areas. The outlay of US$84 billion
stock in the country were referred under Bharatmala makes it the single-
The central government is currently
to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy largest outlay for a government road
ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party
tribunal mid-2017 for a time-bound construction scheme.10
(BJP), led by Prime Minister Narendra
resolution (180/270 days). These are
Modi. Under the leadership of this 7.  Ujwal Bharat is a joint program of
now finally getting resolved with the
government, economic and regulatory the Ministry of Power, Coal, New
sale of the underlying assets to new
changes have been put in place which and Renewable Energy, which aims
management teams and exit of the
have the potential for enduring long-term to ensure 24/7, affordable clean power
defaulting promoters/founders. This
change. Some reform initiatives of the supply for every household by 2019.11
could mean a system-wide clean-up
government are detailed below: The target of the program is to double
of bank balance sheets, with the hope
that moribund corporate lending in the Coal India’s production to 1 billion
1.  In July 2017, the Goods and Services
country may finally revive. tons/year and to strengthen the ‘One
Tax (GST) was implemented. This
nation, One Grid, One Price’ policy
system of uniform taxation is slowly
4.  The government announced a bank by ensuring electricity for all states at
driving formalization of the economy
recapitalization plan of INR2.11 affordable rates.11 As a result of this,
and creating a common market.
trillion (US$33 billion)7 over the next a 40% increase in transformation
2.  The Aadhaar system of biometric two years to boost balance sheets of capacity has been reported in March
identification was adopted for a state-owned banks. 2017. Consequently, India became a
targeted delivery of subsidies to net exporter of electricity in 2016-17
5.  Make in India, one of the flagship for the first time.12
the bank accounts of intended
programs of the current government,
beneficiaries. This is called the Direct
was launched in 2014 with the Significant macro events, paving
Benefit Transfer (DBT) system.
objective of job creation and skill the way for long-term change in the
The DBT has worked to ensure better
enhancement across 25 sectors of the structure of the economy
targeting of government subsidies to
economy, and to transform India
the intended beneficiaries, by cutting India witnessed a series of significant
into a ‘manufacturing hub’ and a top
out middlemen and corruption. As macro events which impacted the market
investment destination globally. Post
such, it has helped bring down the in the years 2016-2018. We have outlined
launch, India has received investment
overall subsidy bill for the government a few of the important events below, and
commitments worth US$230 billion
by plugging leakages. the structural impact they have had and
and investment inquiries worth US$21
continue to have on the economy.
3.  The Insolvency and Bankruptcy billion between September 2014 and
Code of 2017 laid out an institutional February 2016.8 As a positive outcome
and time-bound framework for of this, in 2015, India emerged as
the top destination for FDI with On November 8, 2016, the government
pushing ailing companies into
US$63 billion.9 of India “demonetized” all high-
bankruptcy proceedings. Banks
denomination currency notes (INR 500
are using the mechanism to seize
6.  “Bharatmala Pariyojana” is a new and INR 1,000). These denominations
companies that have consistently
umbrella project for road construction ceased to be legal tender and were
failed to pay back their loans and
by the Ministry of Road Transport replaced by new INR 500 and INR
replace founders with professional
and Highways. This project has the 2,000 notes.
management. This reform is a big step
stated objective of adding a whopping
toward resolving the legacy bad-loan Two years on, the report card of
34,000 kilometers of roads within a
problem that ails the state- owned the Indian economy reflects mixed
span of five years. Special emphasis
banks. We are fairly optimistic about consequences from demonetization.
will be given to providing connectivity
the end of the corporate bad-loan The displacement remains largely
to far-flung border and rural areas,

Reserve Bank of India, as of November 2017. 9
fDi intelligence, Financial Times, as of April 2016. 11
Ministry of Power, Coal, New and Renewable
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, 10
Government of India, National Highway Energy, announced in 2014.
Media articles, as of February 2016. Developmental Program, as of November 2017. 12
Press Release by Ministry of Power Government
of India, as of June 2017.



concentrated in the unorganized sector

(which largely dealt with cash). However,
New tax filers (Indirect and direct)
we do believe that the short-term
upheaval has set in motion a process Millions
of long-term “formalization“ of the 12
economy. While many of the supply
chains in the informal sector broke down
as a result of demonetization, listed 8
companies operating in the formal space
have been big beneficiaries.
Demonetization has accentuated the
process of “financialization” of the Indian 2
economy. Savings were rapidly moving 0
away from the traditional avenues of 11/2010- 11/2011- 11/2012- 11/2013- 11/2014- 11/2015- 11/2016-
gold and real estate into financial assets, 11/2011 11/2012 11/2013 11/2014 11/2015 11/2016 11/2017
a trend that has gained momentum
post-demonetization. While the overall Source: Department of revenue (CBDT), Survey calculations, Economic survey 2017-18, Ministry of
Finance, Government of India.
financial savings of the households as a
percentage of Gross National Disposable
Income (GNDI) increased from 9.1% in (indirect plus direct) in the 13 months on several consumer durable products,
FY2017 to 11.1% in FY2018 (significantly since demonetization (November paints, etc., from 28% to 18%, and has
higher than the growth witnessed in 2016-November 2017) with previous additionally made important changes to
any of the preceding five years), savings 13-month time windows. After the return filing/compliance process in
in the form of currency as a percentage November 2016, 10.1 million filers were response to feedback, making the reform
of GNDI continued to remain at lower added, compared with an average of 6.2 process more dynamic and better poised
levels at 2.8% in FY2018.13 This decline million in the preceding six years.14 An to succeed. The E-way bill, which was put
is primarily on account of the withdrawal improving tax/GDP ratio is extremely on hold in July 2017 during the launch,
of high-denomination currency notes positive, as it means more money in the was also rolled out in April 2018. E-way
in November 2016 and partial “re- hands of the government for capital/ bill is an electronic invoice generated off
monetization” by the end of March 2017. infrastructure spending. There has the GST network, and is mandatory for
The savings channeled into bank deposits, also been an addition (over and above interstate movement of goods where the
life insurance funds, and shares and trend growth) of about 1.8 million value of the goods exceeds INR 50,000.
debentures increased by 82%, 66% and in individual income tax filers since This has been an important measure
345% respectively, in 2016-17.14 Within November 2016.14 toward widening the tax net and cracking
the shares and debentures category, down on evasion.
the growth of savings in mutual funds EVENT #2: GOODS AND
registered a phenomenal increase of more SERVICES TAX (GST) Encouragingly, GST collections crossed
than 400% in 2016-2017, over and above the INR 1000 billion mark (US$13.9
July 2017 was marked by the
the growth of 126% witnessed in 2015- billion) in October 2018 after a gap of 5
introduction of the GST, arguably India’s
2016.14 Thus, within a span of two years, months,15 after the E-way bill was made
biggest indirect tax reform and longest in
savings in the form of mutual funds mandatory.
the making. It eliminates the cascading
registered more than an 11-fold increase.14
impact of various central, state and local The GST has set in motion a process
Another of the unintended, yet extremely body taxes, and unifies them into a single of formalization of the economy. As of
salutary impacts of demonetization levy. One year on, the “One Nation- December 2017, there were 9.8 million
has been an increase in the number One Tax” is still continually evolving unique GST registrants.14 Adjusting
of taxpayers. Display 6 compares in response to feedback. In mid-2018, the base for double and triple counting,
the total number of new taxpayers the Government reduced the GST rate the GST has increased the number

The Reserve Bank of India preliminary estimates, Economic Survey 2017-18, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Finance, Jefferies Research, as of

Jefferies Research, as of October 2018. Government of India. October 2018.



of unique indirect taxpayers by more its prior rating of Baa3 (outlook stable) resolution, of which, 91 cases closed
than 50 percent—a substantial 3.4 in November 2017. It was the first on appeal/review, while 34 were closed
million.14 The Economic Survey 2017- upgrade of India’s rating in 14 years. The on resolution and 136 were closed on
2018, published by the Ministry of Moody’s upgrade endorsed recent reforms liquidation.18 This is leading to a system-
Finance, Government of India, notes a such as GST, measures to address the wide clean-up of bank balance sheets,
large increase in voluntary registrations, banking system’s nonperforming loans with the hope that moribund corporate
especially by small enterprises that buy and Aadhaar-enabled Direct Benefit lending in the country may finally revive.
from large enterprises and want to avail Transfers (a mechanism for transferring
themselves of input tax credits. This is government subsidies directly to citizens EVENT #6: FINANCIALIZATION
a good indicator of the formalization of that is intended to reduce informality in OF SAVINGS
the economy and higher tax/GDP ratios the economy). Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) were
going forward. net sellers of the Indian market in 2018.
EVENT #5 INSOLVENCY AND However, continued strong investments
EVENT #3: STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISE BANKRUPTCY CODE (IBC): SALE OF by domestic institutions acted as the
(SOE) BANK RECAP ASSETS UNLOCKING VALUE balancing force for the Indian markets.
The condition of the state-owned banks Proceedings under the Insolvency Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs)
was an oft-quoted macro worry for India, and Bankruptcy Code have gained pumped in ~US$16 billion of net inflows
with bad loans amounting to nearly momentum, especially as the Reserve into equities (secondary market) YTD
10.2% of assets.16 In October 2017, the Bank of India/Government recently as of 31 October 2018.19 In essence,
government announced that it would encouraged banks to take large corporate financialization—the greater use of
recapitalize the state-owned banks accounts to resolution. formal financial institutions by Indian
with US$33 billion worth of capital savers—has reduced the impact of FII
(composed of recapitalization bonds The IBC process is run in two steps: a) selling on the equity market. Some
worth $21 billion, already budgeted resolution of bankruptcy—through debt of the important causes and effects of
fiscal support worth US$3 billion and restructuring, etc., is attempted within greater financialization of savings are
banks’ own capital raisings worth US$9 180/270 days of admission, failing which, listed below:
billion).17 Under the International b) assets of the company are put up for
Monetary Fund classification, this would liquidation. The company is operated • Jan Dhan Yojana; Government’s
not be treated as fiscal deficit but only by an insolvency professional during Financial Push – The government
as higher public debt to GDP. Broader the bankruptcy process, guided by a launched a mass financial inclusion
macro risk perceptibly receded with the committee of creditors. The incumbent program called the “Jan Dhan Yojana”
recapitalization. Banks are benefitting shareholders do not have much say in earlier in its tenure. The scheme
from the system-wide unclogging that is these plans once bankruptcy is admitted. was aimed at bringing the excluded
slowly occurring with state-owned banks, sections of the society into the ambit of
The number of cases admitted under the formal financial system. Under the
with shored-up capital taking haircuts on
the insolvency process has seen a steady scheme, the biometric identification,
bad assets and moving on.
rise over the last few quarters. The latest or Aadhar card issued to citizens,
release from the IBC Board of India has was accepted as an identity proof for
reported 977 cases being registered under opening a bank account. It has been
India’s improving growth outlook and the insolvency process as of 1QFY19, out a big success since its launch three
structural reforms agenda got a shot in of which 25% of cases were admitted only years ago, and a staggering 332 million
the arm with Moody’s upgrading India’s in 1QFY19, reflecting faster resolution of accounts were opened under the
local and foreign currency rating to stressed assets by the body.18 At the end of scheme since 2015, with total balance
Baa2 (outlook positive), a notch above 1QFY19, 716 corporates were undergoing in those accounts going up to US$12

The Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Institutional 18
The Reser ve Bank of India, IBBI , Kotak Funds of India (AMFI), Merrill Lynch Research, as
Equities, as of July 2018. Institutional Equities, as of October 2018. of 31 October 2018.
The Reserve Bank of India, as of October 2017. 19
The Reserve Bank of India, Association of Mutual



billion (Display 7).20 Savings as a using fintech services on a regular platforms have reached US$7.5 billion
result have moved into financial assets basis (as per the 2017 survey by Ernst in August 2018, up from US$0.4
and found their way into insurance and Young Research). The survey million in August 2016, as per EY.
products, mutual fund schemes, etc. by EY also concluded, that 47% of This also points to an increasing
respondents from India were reported penetration of financial products and
• Early fintech adoption, increased to have used a fintech insurance noncash financial transactions in the
financialization – Financialization product. Various platforms in India, economy, an encouraging trend for the
of savings is receiving an added push such as the Unified Payments Interface Financials and Consumer sectors.
because of increasing use of cutting (UPI) that lets parties exchange money
edge technology in the space. India instantaneously, have exponentially • Coming of age of the Indian Mutual
has been one of the earliest adopters grown to join the lending force with Fund industry – The Indian mutual
of financial technological products, traditional banks and have widened the fund industry had a banner year for
along with China, where more than consumer base for digital payments. inflows in 2017. Total mutual fund
half of the adult consumers reported The transactions through these online inflows for the calendar year 2017
stood at US$30 billion, the second-
largest number since 2008.21 Total
inflows into mutual funds stand at
US$19.7 billion YTD to 31 October
Increasing number of Jan Dhan accounts
2018.22 Month-over-month strong
350 14 additions highlight steadiness and
stickiness of the flows (Display 8).
300 12
200 8 In 2018, India climbed another 23
150 6 points in the World Bank’s Ease of
100 4 Doing business ranking to 77th place,
becoming the top ranked country in
50 2
South Asia for the first time and the
0 0 third among the BRICS (Brazil, Russia,
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 11/18 India, China and South Africa).23 The
■ No. of accounts (mn) (LHS) Balance in accounts (USD bn) (RHS) World Bank has also recognized India
as one of the top improvers for the year,
Source: Ministry of Finance, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of November 2018. with India featuring among the list of
top 10 improvers for the second year in a
row. Earlier in 2017, India had jumped a
DISPLAY 8 record 30 places to bag the 100th spot in
Monthly flow via SIP provides stickiness to domestic flows the same evaluation by the World Bank.
This goes to show the enduring impact
85 of some of the long-term reforms being
75 put in place.
25 20
Ministry of Finance, Kotak Institutional Equities,
4/16 7/16 10/16 1/17 4/17 7/17 10/17 1/18 4/18 7/18 10/18 as of November 2018.
Reserve Bank of India, Association of Mutual
■ Monthly SIP (INR bn) Funds of India (AMFI), Kotak Institutional Equities,
as of December 2017.
Source: AMFI, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of October 2018. 22
Reserve Bank of India, Association of Mutual
Funds of India (AMFI), Jefferies Research , as of 31
October 2018.
World Bank Group, as of November 2018.



Challenges In 2018
Global economic winds shifted in 2018 Current account deficit widening with the spike of oil
and with a strengthening U.S. Dollar,
Emerging Markets were the first in line to 0 0%
be exposed, and India was no exception. -5 -1%
The global headwinds and recent setbacks -10 -2%
in certain sectors posed a few challenges -3%
in 2018 as summarized below: -4%
The narrative in the markets today is that -30 -7%
the environment is very similar to 2013;
a period of acute underperformance and -35 -8%
1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q
vulnerability for Emerging Markets. As
FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19
the Federal Reserve continues tightening,
many emerging markets are feeling the ■ Current account (US$ bn) (LHS) CAD/GDP (%) (RHS)
pressure on their currencies and the reversal
Source: RBI, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of October 2018.
of portfolio flows. The markets fear a redux
of the Taper Tantrum situation of 2013,
when countries with high current and fiscal DISPLAY 10
deficits saw a run on their currencies. In Inflation remains in the targeted range
India, macro variables receding from their 15%
2017 highs reinforced the fear of the 2013
history playing out again (In 2013, India
was one of the Fragile Five economies that 10%
faced currency pressures because of high
twin deficits).24
However, today the fundamentals of the
economy are in a much better position than
they were in 2013. In 2013, India had a 0%
high current account deficit (6% of GDP),25 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 10/18
high fiscal deficit and very high inflation
(Consumer Price Inflation consistently CPI (%) Repo rate (%)
averaged double digits and was around
Source: RBI, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of October 2018.
12%25 when the Taper Tantrum hit). Today
the current account deficit is at ~2.4%26 of
GDP (Display 9) and the inflation is 3.3%27 DISPLAY 11
(Display 10). So while these levels for India Fiscal discipline not at risk
Gross Fiscal Deficit (% of GDP)
are off of the best levels we saw last year
(CAD was 0.5% of GDP and inflation 12%
was 2% in 2017),28 this is by no stretch
of imagination close to the crisis levels of
2013. Additionally, the Indian government 8%
has consistently adhered to fiscal discipline 6%
with fiscal deficits having seen a sharp 4%
improvement since 2009-2010 (Display 11).
International Monetary Fund, as of 2013. -2%
The Reserve Bank of India, as of 2013. FY91 FY95 FY99 FY03 FY07 FY11 FY15 FY19
The Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Institutional BE
Securities, as of October 2018.
■ Centre ■ States ■ Inter govt/Others Combined
The Reserve Bank of India, as of October 2018.
The Reserve Bank of India, as of December 2017. Source: Ministry of Finance, Jefferies, as of October 2018, RE- Revised Estimates, BE- Budget Estimates.



The peak macro data is likely behind us, flows. This marks a distinct break from largest recipient of global FDI in 2017
but the scorecard for the country overall 2013, when the country was highly and remained the topmost destination
remains in good shape. dependent on foreign portfolio flows to for Greenfield capital investment.
finance the current account deficit. Additionally, there was a substantial
There are also a few big qualitative increase in FPI (Foreign Portfolio
changes since 2013 that reinforce macro FDI inflows amounted to 1.3% of Investors) flows in 2017-2018 from
stability for India and can be considered India’s nominal GDP on a 12-month the preceding year, mainly driven by
as silver lining. trailing basis in June 2018.29 Gross higher flows into the debt segment. Net
inflows of FDI into India increased investment inflows of FDI and FPI,
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) mainly due to higher flows into the which together amounted to US$52.4
India’s current account deficit is now communication services, retail and billion and account for 57% of net
being funded more sustainably with FDI, wholesale trade, financial services and capital inflows in FY2018, play a large
which tends to be stickier and longer computer services (Display 12). According role in external financing.30 Further,
term in nature than foreign portfolio to the UNCTAD’s Investment Trends recent easing of norms for investment
Monitor (2018), India was the 10th in retail, airlines and construction by
the government is expected to improve
ease of doing business and attract more
strategic capital into the country.
FDI inflows have remained stable for the last few years

in US$ mn Foreign Exchange Reserves and

Remittances at comfortable levels
India’s foreign exchange reserves in
40,000 September 2018 were at US$401 billion
(over 10 months import cover) compared
30,000 to US$277 billion in September 2013
(7 months import cover),31 which were
20,000 more than adequate to meet short-term
debt liabilities (Display 13). India is also
expected to retain its position as the
0 world’s top recipient of remittances in
3/01 3/03 3/05 3/07 3/09 3/11 3/13 3/15 3/17 6/18 2018, where it is expected to receive a
whopping US$80 billion.32 Remittances
12 m trailing FDI (in mn ) to India in 2017 also had picked up
sharply by 9.9%, reversing the previous
Source: RBI, Jefferies Research, as of June 2018. year’s sharp decline (8.9% in 2016).32
As against US$62.7 billion in 2016,
DISPLAY 13 it received US$69 billion in 2017.32
India has a reasonable stock of foreign exchange reserves Remittances to India are positively
correlated to oil prices, since many of
450 14 India’s migrant workers are based in the
12 Middle East where earnings rise with a
rise in oil price.
300 10
2 29
The Reserve Bank of India, Jefferies Research,
0 0 as of June 2018.
9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 30
The Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance,
as of June 2018.
Forex reserves (US$ bn) (LHS) 31
CIEC, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of
Import cover-3mma (months) (RHS) September 2018.
The World Bank’s Migration and Development
Source: CIEC, Kotak Institutional Equities, as of September 2018. Brief report, as of December 2018.




STABILIZED: Crude went up from US$75 Brent Crude cooling off its peak
per bbl to US$85 per bbl over a short 90
period from July to September 2018.33
With India’s 90% of oil requirements
being catered to by imports, crude price
is the one important macro variable
that feeds through into all of India’s 70
macro vulnerabilities—inflation, current
account and fiscal deficit. YTD as of 60
September 30, 2018, INR was down 12%
against USD making it 20th out of 24 of 50
the main Emerging Markets currencies, 1/18 2/18 3/18 4/18 5/18 6/18 7/18 8/18 9/18 10/18 11/18
while for September, it was down over
2%, second only to the Argentine Peso.34 Brent price (US$)

Since then, crude oil has cooled by ~30% Source: Bloomberg, as of 23 November 2018.
from recent highs (Display 14).35 The
currency has also stabilized. Additionally,
the bond market ownership in India is housing finance companies exacerbating consumption at a micro level. This
largely local which restricts a large flight panic that liquidity was tight. attitudinal shift toward leverage should
of fixed income money out of India see the Indian household increasingly
To us, it is a liquidity issue more than a level up and spend on consumption.
under distressed situations. So even
solvency issue. The risk of contagion seems Indian household debt to GDP inched
with the volatility in the currency, India
contained, but the fear of a severe liquidity up from 11.2% in FY12 to 15.7% in
has avoided the added complication of
stress and credit crunch weighed heavily FY18.36 This trend has legs to run aided
the outflow of the fixed income money,
on the market sentiment which led to a by a confluence of several factors apart
which has led to debt crises in other
huge selloff across the sector. We have seen from the attitudinal shift. For starters,
places. With that, many of the factors
concerted efforts from the Reserve Bank 15.7% household debt to GDP is fairly low
that triggered the latest bout of macro
of India and the government to unfreeze compared to the Emerging Market average
volatility have settled down, without
the liquidity crisis. The government of 39%.37 Another important enabler is the
being adequately reflected in stock prices.
encouraged various commercial and state formation of credit information bureaus
owned banks to increase their portfolio that lenders can access to check the credit
NBFC crisis
buyouts from the NBFCs. This was an history of their prospective borrowers.
The market saw high volatility in the month indirect way of infusing liquidity into Data-savvy lenders, especially banks, are
of September 2018 with the Nonbanking Housing Finance Companies that were now using their own customers’ banking
Financial Companies (NBFC) crisis, facing a severe liquidity crunch with data to extend targeted loans. Along with
leading to widespread fears of a credit mutual funds and other lenders nervous these immediate tailwinds, better asset
markets freeze. The panic was set off with about lending to them post the crisis. ownership records could be a meaningful
a key rating agency downgrading the debt From late September when the crisis hit medium-term driver. All these factors
of IL&FS (an unlisted NBFC) which to now, many NBFCs have raised papers underline the vibrant consumption and
was widely held by banks and mutual at reasonably competitive rates; and we lending story in India, despite the near-
funds, to junk status. The default by this are not overly concerned about solvency term hiccup of the NBFC crisis.
major NBFC led to a significant liquidity issues for a majority of NBFCs in the
compression in the market. Subsequently, a listed space. Strong and durable micro uptick
leading mutual fund sold another popular
NBFC paper at a distressed yield to meet However, there are long-term changes Over 2016 and 2017, the Indian economy
redemption. Markets perceived this as a taking place which reinforce the potential went through two self-inflicted shocks
fire sale and the stock was materially hit. for this sector. We are seeing a generational (i.e., demonetization and GST). These
Consequently, the selloff spread to other shift in consumption and debt, supporting posed disruptions to the economy and

Bloomberg, as of September 2018. 35
Bloomberg, as of 23 November 2018. 37
International Monetary Fund, the Reserve Bank
Bloomberg, as of September 30 2018. 36
The Reserve Bank of India, Macquarie Macro of India, CEIC, BIS, Macquarie Macro Strategy, as
Strategy, as of July 2018. of December 2017.



impacted growth, particularly in the micro uptick and earnings narrative should scare environment is to buy Information
consumer sectors at a time during which triumph longer term, especially given that Technology (dollar earners, hence benefit
global growth was inflecting upwards. crude and the currency are settling down. from a falling INR) and Staples. Both
the sectors did well as a negative macro
From September to October 2017, the 2018 selloff poses as an opportunity narrative for India dominated. However,
economy began to show signs of coming these sectors do not truly represent the
In 2018, the narrative for India almost
out of the shocks posed by these two events. Indian growth story, which is essentially
turned on its head as the macro trade
Now, real GDP growth has inflected consumer-centric. Such risk-off periods
for India peaked out. Crude went from
to an 8% handle in the second quarter also coincide with mid-cap selloffs in
US$60 to US$85,40 the current account
of FY201938 as the economy slowly but India, as risk aversion leads to a flight to
deficit went from 0.5% of GDP to 2.4%41
steadily recovers from the disruptions. We large-caps. Currently, with recent macro
and the INR weakened to a low of
are seeing durable inflections in some of headwinds receding, currency stabilizing
74.3.40 The consensus view of big macro
the high frequency indicators that we track and with the inflection in the domestic
concerns and a very defensive positioning
on the ground (e.g., automobile demand growth story, we think it could be an
did well. The classic trade in a macro
remains strong (Display 15) and consumer
durables demand is also on a pick-up
(Display 16). Additionally, we are seeing
a strong growth in consumer expenditure
(at US$1.8 billion in 2017 and is expected Commercial vehicles volume growth remains strong (%)
to double to US$3.6 billion by 2020)39 led 80
by increasing growth in the retail market.
A recent report published by India Brand 60
Equity Foundation (IBEF) says that the 40
retail market is expected to increase by
60% to reach US$1.1 trillion by 2020, 20
emerging as one of the largest sectors in the 0
economy. With strong investment flows and
GST in place, share of organized retail as
a percentage of total retail is also expected -40
to increase to 20% by 2020 from less than 10/03 10/06 10/09 10/12 10/15 10/18
10% today, showed the report.
TTM % y/y
2014-2017 was a period of big macro gains
for India, over which current account Source: CMIE, Jefferies, as of October 2018.
deficit, fiscal deficit and inflation made
big improvements, and this was rewarded
by a big macro re-rating for the market. DISPLAY 16
Interestingly, over this period, the bottom- Consumer durables pick up
up environment (i.e., micro) stayed 3m m.a. growth (%)
insipid because of the challenges posed
by demonetization and GST. Now the 25 14
reverse is playing out, where the macro is 12
20 10
turning worse, though not alarmingly so, 8
but bottom-up growth is looking solid. 6
The market narrative is very focused on the 10 4
macro worries for India and the micro story 2
5 0
is being overlooked. In our opinion, the
0 -2
-5 -6
The Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Institutional 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 8/18
Equities, as of August 2018.
IBEF, as of October 2018. Manufacturing (LHS) Electricity (LHS)
Bloomberg, as of September 2018. Consumer non-durables (LHS) Consumer durables (RHS)
The Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Institutional
Equities, as of October 2018. Source: CMIE, Jefferies Research, as of August 2018.



opportune time to position in the India

growth story.
Headline Nifty performance hides mid- and small-cap pain
This has been the most concentrated
12,000 8,000
performance for the market that we have
seen since 2004. While headline MSCI 7,500
India was down about 11% YTD as 11,000
of September 30, 2018, in US$ terms,
MSCI EM was down about 9.5%.42 This 10,000 6,500
headline index performance hides the 6,000
carnage that has occurred in the small and 9,000
mid-cap space (Display 17). The month 5,500
of September was especially bad for mid- 8,000 5,000
and small-caps with declines mirroring 1/18 2/18 3/18 4/18 5/18 6/18 7/18 8/18 9/18 10/18 11/18
September 2008 which marked the
doom of Lehman Brothers (Display 18). Nifty Index (LHS) Nifty Small and Mid Cap Index (RHS)
Additionally, within the headline index,
performance has been further concentrated Source: Bloomberg, MSIM, as of 21st November 2018.
heavily in a few large cap stocks. Only 18
out of 51 Nifty stocks outperformed as of
September 2018 versus about 25 stocks in
a normal year (Display 19). Even within September 2018 selloff worse than the aftermath of the GFC
the subset of 18 stocks, we have seen the LEHMAN EFFECT IL&FS EFFECT
market rally concentrated only in top five
index weights.
Nifty -10.06% Nifty -6.42%
In our experience, these episodes of Nifty Junior -15.34% Nifty Junior -12.69%
narrow outperformance are not normal
Nifty Midcap -14.18% Nifty Midcap -13.89%
for India and tend to snapback sharply
when the macro headwinds recede. So Nifty Smallcap -18.99% Nifty Smallcap -19.79%
with a slight cooling of macro worries, Source: MSIM, as of September 2018.
moderating crude oil prices and the INR
regaining a modicum of stability, it poses
a great opportunity for a sharp recovery, DISPLAY 19
particularly in the small and midcap space Narrowest outperformance since 2013
where valuations are at deep distress levels.
30 40%
Also more recently, in 2018, concerns on 25 30%
27 27
global tech valuations are growing. With 25 24 25
20 20%
this backdrop, India with her strong 21
20 10%
domestic story and attractive valuations 15 18
could be a natural beneficiary of a 14 0%
reallocation. We are beginning to see a 10
broad-basing of the rally in the markets, 5 -20%
with the small- and mid-cap indices
beginning to recover sharply from deeply 0 -30%
oversold levels. Growth as a theme has 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 9/2018
underperformed year-to-date because ■ Stocks outperformed Nifty (LHS) Nifty returns (%) (RHS)
markets have been dominated by macro
factors, but the bottom-up data reinforce Source: Bloomberg, MSIM, as of 30th September 2018.
that the fundamentals of growth
remain sound.

Bloomberg, as of September 30th 2018.



Conclusion stock picking opportunities for a growth to position in India with the economy
We think investors would do well to make and quality investor. In the long term, a showing green shoots of recovery post the
a strategic long-term allocation to India. growth and quality portfolio has delivered after-effects of the ambitious reforms of
At a macro level, the country offers a rare superior returns. Valuations have turned 2016-2017 and reasonable valuations after
combination of size and growth. At a reasonable after the 2018 selloff. We the recent market selloff.
bottom-up level, there is a large pond of think this could be an opportune time

India at a glance IN USD BN

• Democratic country with elections every five years
Market Capitalization 1,870.2
• Rising middle class driving consumption
• Rule of law FII holding 375.9
• Market economy with reforms not crisis driven Debt Market 1,039.2
Government Bond 699.3
INDIA GLOBAL RANK FII Holding Government Bond 33.5
GDP (in USD Tn) 2.6 6 Corporate bond 339.9
GDP PPP (in USD) 9.4 3 FII Holding Corporate Bond 64.0
GDP growth rate* (5-year average) 11.0 2 External Borrowing 514.4
Population (in Bn) 1.3 2 Commercial Borrowing 183.6
Market Capitalization (in USD Tn) 1.9 Source: World Bank, Jefferies Research, as of June 2018. For illustrative
Exports (in USD Bn) 303.3 18 purposes only.

Imports (in USD Bn) 464.8 11

Political Structure
FDI cumulative (in USD Bn) 518.1 24 • India is the largest democracy in the world, with free and fair
Reserves (in USD Bn) 393.5 18 elections held every five years.
• The states have their own democratically elected governments.
Public debt to GDP (%) 45.1 68
• Equitable division of powers between the Centre and states
* Nominal GDP growth rate reinforces independence and efficiency.
Source: World Bank, Jefferies Research, as of June 2018. India’s global • India has a strong institutional framework with an independent
ranking is based on data compiled by the World Bank, which includes Judiciary, Election Commission and central bank (Reserve Bank of
181 countries. For illustrative purposes only. India-RBI).
• Frequent checks and balances on the government are conducted
through institutions like the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of
India, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and Election Commission.


Democracy —  CAG Supreme Court

Elections once every five years
1 Centre and 28 states CVC High Courts – State wise
Centre — BJP
• Lok Sabha — BJP majority RBI Lower Courts
• Rajya Sabha — BJP minority



Risk Considerations
There is no assurance that a portfolio will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the possibility
that the market values of securities owned by the portfolio will decline. Accordingly, you can lose money investing in this portfolio.
Please be aware that this portfolio may be subject to certain additional risks. In general, equities securities’ values also fluctuate in
response to activities specific to a company. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks such as currency, political, economic
and market risks. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater than the risks generally associated with investments
in foreign developed countries. Stocks of small- and medium-capitalization companies entail special risks, such as limited product
lines, markets and financial resources, and greater market volatility than securities of larger, more-established companies. Derivative
instruments can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase losses and may have a potentially large negative impact on the portfolio’s
performance. Illiquid securities may be more difficult to sell and value than public traded securities (liquidity risk). Non-diversified
portfolios often invest in a more limited number of issuers. As such, changes in the financial condition or market value of a single
issuer may cause greater volatility. Geographic concentration. The portfolio is more susceptible to such risks affecting Indian issuers
than a portfolio that does not limit its investments to such issuers. When investing in value securities, the market may not have the
same value assessment as the manager, and, therefore, the performance of the securities may decline.



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