Typing Theories

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The central idea at rawls Justice as farness is asses’ social system without making a main
consideration to prove a satisfaction of which citizen’s basic rights and liberties have some basic
social valve goods and can be expressed yet the better compared to utilitarianism (rawls,1999).
Social justice theory by martin rawls since it development has received a lot of criticisms, one
critical is by H.L.A hart in his critical Discman 1973. In a revised edition some of the weakness
pointed by hart is adduced to say ‘’the basic rights and liberties and their priority ‘’ said are to
guarantee equality for all citizens to social conditions essential for the sufficient development
and exercise of their moral powers –capacity in sense of justice and for a conception of the good.
Second, account of primary Goods that was ambiguous to understand either depend on natural
facts of human psychology or whether depends on a moral conception of the person that
nobodies a contain ideal. In the revision is in favor of latter which subject primary goods
character ices as what person need in their status as free and equal citizen, and as normally fully
cooperating member of society over a complete life in them cense one health become critical to
incorporate through social loath insure schemes. Regards the principles to measure justice as
famines in the distribution primary health care to all citizen it executed the NHIS provides a way
of assigning nights’ x duties to monitors health care provisions so that the apocopate supply of
healthcare is provided to meet the saunas benefit package of NHS to lessen insured-patient ill-
health that is enshrined in enrollment on guard of equal liberty to enjoy primary healthcare as
sided by the NHIA act 2012 (act 826). This aunty to rawls is leads to promote just schemes –it
the sense of justice. In second to this, bankousky (2011) defended rawls them of justice against
harlot objection-‘’ pleural conception of justice founded on the basic if recognition to say both
aramids similar intentions. Follesdal (2014) aggress that question of rights, duties, benefits and
burdens should be distributed, the ideal, of freedom and equality conflicts with each other. For
exanyole in another between liberty and equality for individual freedoms and schemes for
uniuerah, egalitarian welfare arrangement as in NHIS is rawls explain that citizen should support
to meet expected outcome as distribution effects of public goods vary and for equity social
groups who are most disadvantage should be given distribution of economic benefit to up lift
their light of science of farness. This means although citizen need to support group schemes for
university it should be guided with principles that are just to protect civil rights especially basic
health care. Linking debates and clarity of rawls social justice theory, rugger (2005) makes great
contribution of how to create a just health system that profoundly impact the distribution of
health such that it base on responsibilities and it balances in the promoted choice/ distribution of
healthcare that cater for disparities of injustice/ inequity for UHC to ensure equity in access and
utilization. In his attempts he waves to construct a foundational new theory, the ‘’health
capability paradigm’’ that seek to build equitable and efficient health system worldwide. Central
to his contribution, she has gather accedes from scalars Sen, Beauchamp, frank, new home,
pongee chaplain reviews of what she termed should health governance’’ here she Tieu
individuals right and liberty to responsibility and choice and can be applied both to individual
(inside)and to the public instilling (NHIA, and health can preacher and stakeholders who has
state in health GHS, NGO in health, MOH, CHNG) Her theory builds and utilitarian ,
libatanan Rawlsian and communitarians focusing on health inequalities, rugger and mitral
(2015) build on sen (2009) capability approach to say the varying health inequalities accords
social and economic groups illenied to low public health disbursement, and high out- of packet
healthcare epunliment that create responsibilities among the population. Also posted, the
shortfall in (equipment ,equal , information, facility, chairman, heatment cares )resource
allocation and capacity of professional significantly affect group/……… quality make
impossible for all to access necessary and appropriate care.to address these rugger (2009) HCP
central health capabilities is suggested purpose a social justice ………………… that guarantes
equal access to high quality wedically necessary and appropriate health care to ………/ group
where health provide (gency) translate resucis into good health. Away from microeconomic
………….. of focusing on demand and supply and pare to efficiency model, this study argnes
from the principles of HCP which sought to understanding of the supply of health care
distribution, ethics of prouision health agency and example method(quant and qual) and
allocation of resource based on equity criteria that focuse in health care availasity capability and
fundring to cation the health need of the …………. The is applicable in this study because HCP
is appropmate particulay health insurance from rahib (ruger, now) given it all 20126) evaluaty
social police like NHIS with out individual societies level (rugger mutra 2015) rugger, 2015
sen,2009 meeting health gency need is central to justice in health capability is based on what a
person wants to achieve and what power she/he has to covent primary good to reach desived
gool( monis 2002) . While other think raw juices as farness is apt in addressing disputes in
society, peter (2012) believes sens idea of Justice is faster forward in talking about Justice. Peter
aggresses that Justice is more understood as a movement than ……………………………retain
of Justice as a social arrangement that show relationship between institution and ………….
patterns. In this way, regard this research sees rawl distribution pattern of health care by NHIA
through healthcare provides as egalitation right see theory under the principal of equality of
opportunity appropriate to establish the relationship between the supply of healthcare and
demand for healthcare support that …………….healthcare ……………………….is a
………….right and should be delivered in just to those enrolled (………….) in this context. This
supported petti (1974) assertion that Rawls theory of Justice is only useful in a particular sense of
justice (equity healthcare delivered to the those but cannot assume enrolled and not) a universal
theory of providing social health insurance scheme to cover all population and policy. In the way
pratt el al (2020) suggest a more complex approach than purely distributing which unplies
considering whether social structures ensures people’s health, well-being and participation in a
health policy. According literature considering social and health services delivery structures of
society provides essential knowledge (healthcare access, behaviour, belief and …..protection)
necessary to understand and reduce health disparities between and within countries (pratt el al
2020). For assessing social justice, equal health is situated as a demand for equality in access or
entitlement to health services ( ………..2014 in rugar, 2006 hessler etal, 2002)

The …………. Between …………….and capacity theonist are (………………………………)

vrs …………………………………) which in this shedy both are of essense to quality health
care delivery. While the former pays attention to inputs for health the latter focus which an
output -thus a good ……….in this study (Ruger 2006) on justice and health, it is posited that
globally there is inequalities in health out come and opportunities for health. Because capabilities
to heat and perment disease are uneven, hurty there must poor people who need health care
(rugger and Horton 2020) health is a basic need because we are each other good life. Hene
solving problem of health justice equal cooperation and ground principles of health justice that
guides individual and collective (rugger 2009).

-Solving global health problem unfair responsible allocation of insurance (………………,

…………………….) based on facture, health agency central and homeostatic because of glebal,
natural, local and individual level (rugger hart on 2020, rugger, 2009 rugger 2020)
-Smith (2000) depart farm David (1972) Harvey’s ………………………. Of territional social
justice as an aspect of difference to be transcended which sen (2009) reacoed . rawls wanted as
well level society (1971) and a gene that morally that is human sameness, through the
identification of needs, associated right thus an egalitanam conception of social justice. He
shakier natural the earth and it eschewed sources are ………. Distributed, hence the discourse
should be censored or how we can live diversely in common and not difference prupasute

-Merging health policy issue and philosoply of social justice, rugger contribution is phenomenal
(venkatapuram and rugger,2010). -A just society is one that guarantees liberties, welfare,
resource, capabilities or some hybrid (veakatapuraon and rugger, 2010). - rugger HCP takes
health capabilities as the focal variable for sassily equality and efficiency in health policy
(UIR2010). - after placing health capabilities as target at health policy, she argons that these are
control health capabilities (CHC) – capabilities to avoid premature death and escapable
morbidity (U and R 2010). According to V.R(2010) health and social justice is incomplete if
health policy is limited to only heather without Melony concerns for social domain like cultural
malice, education and institutors that shapes public norms. According who (2016) address social
justice and human right in health social determent of health play. Acritical role to ensure equity.
Wiley (2014) proposal that health justice offers on alternative to market competition and
pertinent rights paradigms. This full resolute with Sen (2009) capability theory and ruggers’
(2010) health and social justice hurry-HCP, particularly.


Social Insurance programs, particularly health insurance exist in most developing countries
around the world. Ziebarth (2018) identified research gap particularly to understand how social
health insurance interact and affect human health, now demand and supply theory is applicable
in health policy analyses.

From Zweitel (2007) SHI can be defended from now demand and supply perspective. On the
demand SHI, holds premises on grounds of efficiency, equity and public choice ….. efficiency it
is agreed SHI helps in the redistributing of health, medical care and health particular NHIS. For
example, in a …………………...approach their shared redistribution of wealth shifted
………………………the poor through compulsory tax, subsider a premium and exemption by
spreading healthcare ………….to a large popular. This is said create moral hazard spill-over of
excess demand leady to inefficiency in ……….. (word bank,.) the nor poor ……………………… to
the poor, despite subsidize premium payout and ex……... but …. It is under how SHI scheme really
benefits the poor as …………… become problematic, thus, the rich continue to have much ………….to
pay (WTP) to ……. To the disadvantage of the poor majority thus, total redistribution effect of SHI
remain ambiguous in most developing continues where majority of the population is dominated by the
informal sector. on account of equity and public choice, equal access to health insurance quadrantile equal
access to health care which to come extent which e……………. effective (source) of the may in of
maintaining good health status (zweifel 2007) however, the efficiency and equity ………. Dispute
received much attention in health policy ………. Remain not convincing (aweifel,2007, Sand T,2018,)
.because that is a lot depends on good comment in the provisions of health facilities, capable health prof,
………… comprehensive service package, supply of drugs to put of population in the society. From the
conclusion drawn from the forgive gov’t and public ……. (NHIA, GHS, MIR, ……) are regarded as
supplies of healthcare under SHI (zweitel,2007) ……... in the case of Ghana. Zweifel posits that the
supply of health insurance has several dimensions, comprehenaveness and structure of benefits package,
the can’t of integration of health care provides, efforts devoted to risk selection, the price of coverage and
market structure of health insurance. On service package under public’s health insurance schemes like
NHIS, six factor are likely to affect the size of the service package, moral hazard, (-1), diversity of
preferences (+1), diversity of risk (+1), …………... of new health risk (+1), regulation (+1), fraud and
Abuse (-1) (NB (+) = INCREASE, (-) =because (1) reinforcement, (1)=itemizationof relationship).

Moral hazard is the extend of quality of health senses demanded by the insured of the price or mammal
cost of health care .in public health insurance system like NHIS, is more important factor as consumption
of health care service usually entiails little of cost showing (perm and tax …….) for the user while usage
increase proportionately, because how cost do little to deter excess demand, thus leads, to me loading on
providers that affect quality of care as scheme end up in deficit…………..(world bank

Also on diversity of preference, because the aim of public health insurance is to provide primary
healthcare to the entire population under the principle of equals of opportunity, it become …………… for
policy ………….to accommodate difference inferences, in principle and praline of micro economics,
…………. Differ more, the …. Likely for a natural health insure scheme is burden to satisfy beneficially,
thus leads to inefficiency (……..).

On diversity of risk, because NHIS works on the mission of university to provide a …………. Healthcare
to everyone who need good health. Diversity of risk is hardly reflected in practice. For ………….. guilt
through NHIA views access to healthcare as a public good, and guaranteeing equal access through equal
benefit many ……….. package need to be uniform. emergence of new health risks is an important factor
that affect the supply of SHI particularly in NHIS. Because new health risk give rise to demand for an
extension of the benefits package for instant in Ghana, cancer treatment HB cheese and some other health
risk ………… has generate debate for their …………. NHIS …… package because public health is at
stake. according to zweifel, through often under NHIS guilt need to take into account the course ……is
that it reins the police effeteness and increase gov’t health ……. Deficit. Because in a normal sense,
extending service package refuse adjustment in premium and tax levies, which ……….. affect the poor
to enroll onto the scheme and access healthcare. this in the ………… defeat the purpose of SHI as a
………… policy (alatinga,2018).

On regulation, another factor that affect SHI is that because gov’t is expected to expired service benefit
package, regulation mostly is exposed to fraud and …… by provider and users (………….) ……. Aboard
to latest that due to fraud and abuse by provides in ……… services with dishonestly and the …….. seek
for healthcare is causing the NHIS …….. sum of money in ……… supplying healthcare equitable……...
and meet the desired quality of the insured (………).


While making efforts to attract the ………riks is typical of ………. Through zweifel see it ………in
NHIS. This……is completely not available as option, because the primary gault of SHI and NHIS is to
provide health care ……….. to all most majority of the population as much as possible. This means NHIS
attracts both favorable and unfavorable risk person into the pool and provides uniform service package at
some premium charge. Because NHIS is doomed a social………. Policy ……...ill-health

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