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Max Marks: 50

Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed.

Section - A : Attempt any four questions out of five . Each question carries 05 marks. [20
Q1. Define Ethics and Moral Philosophy. Explain the benefits of ethics.

Q2 Elaborate on the Value Based and Compliance Code of Ethics with the help of

Q3 Discuss the concept of Ethical Dilemma`s and its importance with examples.

Q4 Elucidate the significance of green practices in ethical environment/

Q5. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Respect for Privacy

b) Whistle blowing
c) Corporate Governance
d) Conflict of Interest
e) Work Place Ethics

Section – B: Answer Any Two Questions from this Section. Each question carries 8 marks.[16

Q6. Discuss the Basic Theories of ethics as Deontology, Utilitarianism, Virtue

Theory, Rights Theory with appropriate examples.

Q7. Discuss the Role of Ethics in Research , Education and Medicine domain.

Q8. Discuss the role of regulatory authorities like RBI and IRDA in professional
ethical codes for banking and insurance industry.

Section - C : Compulsory question .Both carry equal marks

14 Marks
Q9. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly important as
economic globalisation has taken off. As businesses grow, it is more important
than ever before that they consider their impact on a country’s domestic populace.
In this article, Dr Julie Broussard, country programme manager for the United
Nations Women in China Office, and Chia-LinCoispeau, co-founder
of Maverlinn Impact Innovation, discuss the role corporations can play in
improving their local environment.

Responsibility and profitability

Corporations play a major role in the economic system. By generating profits,

corporations create value that can be re-invested to create economic development
that can positively impact society at large. “Corporate social responsibility is not
simply limited to charitable donations, but is closely related to corporate values,
employment mechanisms, business models… CSR has to be integrated into the
company’s core values and business models.” —Jack Ma Founder, Alibaba, China

The concept of CSR has more than one definition and evolves according to the
geography and maturity of the market. For some, it is defined as philanthropy with
mechanisms for donating when used in times of disaster. For others, CSR is a
central pillar of corporate values and strategy. “An enterprise exists and lasts only
because it creates value for society as a whole … The ‘raison d’être’ of the
enterprise lies in its social usefulness. It is to serve society and mankind, in the
everyday lives of men and women, through the products, services, employment or
even the dividends it provides”. —Franck Riboud Former Chairman, Danone,
A business engaging in CSR should not be considered a luxury that one might or
might not be able to afford. Corporations that practice CSR and sustainable
development need to operate in ways that are respectful to the general population
and their surrounding environment. Doing these things successfully requires
businesses to pay special attention to product quality and the impact their activities
might be having on their community, something that might initially be considered
a simple operational cost. However, not all costs are equal and some corporations
have learned that by acting responsibly, they can become more innovative, increase
their revenue by producing higher quality products, and reduce costs by making
smarter business decisions.
CSR and the Sustainable Development Goals
Having been the orchestrator of the many challenges humanity now faces,
countries around the world are now responsible for finding solutions to these
global issues. The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the United Nations
(UN) General Assembly in September 2015, contained 17 global goals, such as
“no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender
equality, clean water and sanitation, and affordable and clean energy”. Collective
efforts to address these issues can be triggered by individuals with innovative ideas
and the support of the private and/or public sector.
Corporations need to take action to improve the economy, society as a whole, and
the environment. The way to do so is to innovate. Innovation can uncover new
ways to foster societal progress and when it comes to innovation, the private sector
has a crucial role by engaging in CSR.
The private sector also has a largely unrecognised role to play in advancing gender
equality. Without female empowerment, the world cannot fully eradicate poverty
or attain zero hunger. As employers, the private sector can potentially empower
millions of female employees and consumers, who often prioritise the well-being
of their families. Additionally, multiple studies have unequivocally demonstrated
that companies with a more gender-equal workforce, and women in more
leadership positions, are more profitable on average. In their CSR efforts,
companies should not only promote gender equality, but consider the role they can
play in promoting all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Protecting the planet

In 2016, China’s 13th Five-Year Plan confirmed sustainable development as the

model for China’s economic growth. In July 2017, Prime Minister Li Keqiang,
reaffirmed that “once a certain economic development level is reached, we do need
to encourage green growth”.

China is well aware of the environmental challenges it faces, as illustrated by what

Li Ganjie, the minister of Environmental Protection, said during the 19th Party
Congress: “We understand that air quality in China is not at the level expected by
the Chinese people, however, you will need to be patient, as it will take much time
to solve a challenge of this magnitude.” In the spirit of what the Environmental
Protection minister has said, China has started to do green financing and
innovation. In 2017, China supported the development of green financing in five
pilot zones (Guangdong, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Xinjiang). Furthermore,
as a signatory to the 2015 Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change, China also participated at the One Planet Summit in 2017.
These are all important steps in fostering a more sustainable model of economic

Discussion Questions
1. Do you think that CSR and Business Ethics leads to the Sustainable
Development? Please explain how ethics in business a key aspect of sustainable
development with reference to above case study is.
2. list down the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG`s) or Global Goals set up
in 2015 by United Nations General Assembly and explain any two SDG`s.

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