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Ryan Bing

RELP 485
Call to Ministry

Biblical Basis for ministry as a career

The role of a minister as a career can be seen throughout the Bible, though they take

various types of forms and shapes. We can see Moses as a minister or prophet for the Israelites

where he acts as the mouth piece of God instructing the Israelites on what God, is telling them.

This is the beginning of the office of the prophet in Exodus 20. From here we can see several

prophets come after Moses where their career is to go around and preach the word of God to

those around them, such as Elijah or Jonah. These people are led by God to go around to

different people or to the powerful rulers and instruct them on God’s plans and wishes. This

continues throughout the Old Testament, showing people devoting their whole lives and

careers to God. In the New Testament there is still the role of the prophet, though with Christ

and his ministry we begin to see churches and Christianity begin. With these churches and

groups of people desiring to follow Jesus, we see the position of elder or pastor arise. We see

Jesus calling us and telling us that he came among us not to be served but to serve. The word

used to serve in the Greek is the word “διακονῶν” which can and is also translated as minister,

such as in 1 Timothy 1:12 “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He

counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” So, we see Christ calling us to serve others,

or minister to others like he came down to us not to be served but to serve us. We to are to be

ministers, servants of God, intervening for those around us, and preaching the word of God to

all people, as the Bible as shown us to do.

My Call to Ministry

I believe that my call to ministry has been a long process in the making. From practicing

preaching sermons as a little kid to my family after church, to getting involved in church and

being asked to speak upfront throughout my life. While I felt this tuck on my life, I often ignored

it or pushed it down, it remained persistent in the back of my head, but always believing it was

just due to the fact of my parents being pastors or getting asked if I would follow their footsteps

constantly as a child. However, I have a very vivid and specific moment where all of this came

together. It was during the last quarter of my freshman year of college in 2017, I was back at my

home in the Seattle area due to a long weekend visiting my family. During this trip my family

went to a mall, while we were all there my father and I went to the food court area to sit and

talk while my sister and mom went shopping somewhere else. My father and I were having just

a normal chat talking about how school was going for me and other standard things. Then when

there was a lull in the conversation my dad out of nowhere told me he thought I would be a

great pastor and that I need to seriously consider becoming a pastor. I replied by saying that if

God wanted me to be a pastor, he would have to make it very clear to me. So, we had a

conversation about how God would make it clear and what that might look like. Then I started

to realize that what we talked about on how God communicates to us and different signs I

realized I had experienced quite a few of them. I had quite a few spiritual mentors and people

who knew me also tell me they believed I would be a good pastor, I felt unrest in my current

degree program and job. However, stuck in my old ways I tried to push it down as I had when

others told me to be a pastor. Yet months later the conversation would not leave my mind, it

was always in the back of my head with a persistent feeling that I need to become a pastor. So,
I finally listened to God and switched my major to theology, and I felt peace about my decision

from then on. So, my call to ministry has taken place over several years but rather specifically

around April 2017. It took place in a mall food court near Seattle, Washington. With my dad and

myself being present for when I was called.

Confirmed Call to Ministry

Since I have received my calling to be a minister, I have seen the calling confirmed by

others in a couple different ways. One of the main and most important confirmations of my

calling was being hired by the Washington Conference to be a pastor within their conference.

This showed that they also saw within me the calling to be a minister and to serve others as

Christ served us. Another group of people who have confirmed my calling to ministry is the

school of Theology at Walla Walla University. Through receiving my undergraduate degree and

getting to know and interact with them throughout that time that have seen how I study, serve,

and live my life. From this they have confirmed my calling by showing me areas I can improve

upon to be a better pastor as well as showing and telling me their confidence in me becoming a

good pastor.

Along with people confirming my call to ministry there have been a couple experiences

or circumstances that have helped confirm my ministry. I was able to have a couple different

pastoral internships in the last couple of years that have helped show me the life of a pastor as

well as make meaningful and deep connections with people in the congregation. Throughout

my time as an Intern pastor at Milton-Freewater church, I lead weekly youth groups and various
activities, which really gave me the right circumstances to see how much I enjoyed serving

others and ministering.

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