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Capstone Project l CIS4913

Assignment 1
Protection Scanner

Capstone Project l CIS4913

Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Problem Statement 5

Project Objectives 6

Feasibility Study 7

Technical Feasibility 7

Operational Feasibility 8

Contribution and Project Deliverables 9

Reference 10

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Abstract:

In these days there are many swimming pools in the hotels. The children are the most at risk of
drowning reason for this problem. And the reason of this problem is there no parental supervision of
children in the swimming pool. Abu Dhabi police of our country said the cause of the children
drowning in the swimming pool are because a lack supervision (UAE: Police reveal main reason for
children drowning in Pools 2021). Therefore, we will make an application that named (protection
scanner) drowning protection that has a system for putting in near of pool entrance or near from
fence to decrease the numbers of drowning. The scanner has Two important jobs. First it has to scan
children barcode when the children want to swimming in the swimming pool and scan the barcode for
people who has no experience in the swimming pool. So, this will help the parents know the children
are near of the swimming pool. The second job of this scanner is it has connection in the parent phone
after that the parent will receive a massage in application that their children are will swim in the
swimming pool. This will let the parents monitor the children in the swimming pool in their phones.
Also, it will alert parent in short time, fast to know the location of children, monitor the area of
swimming pool in the phone screen, easy to know the time when the children are entrance in the
swimming pool. The scanner can use it in outside area and good to use it near of the swimming pools.

There are six sections in this report. Starting with the introduction of our project and next the
problem statement, project Statement, project objectives, feasibility study, contribution and project
deliverables and references.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Introduction:

In this report we will describe our application (protection scanner). This application connection with
scanner will be use in the public swimming pool near of the entrance of the swimming pool. The
parents will register their children information in the barcode to register it in the protection scanner.
The scanner in the swimming pool will scan the children barcode that it includes their name and
parents number phone, before entrance in the swimming pool. After scanning the barcode of the
children, the scanner will send a message to parents of the children to know children are in the
swimming pool. In the application that will be available in android operating system. The user can
select message item to read the message. After message the parents can agree or not agree and resend
it. In addition, user can click to contact to the employee in need. After that process if the result is
agreeing the children can entrance and swim. If the result is not agreeing the children can’t entrance
the swimming pool. Application is saved all the personal information in privacy. There are many
reasons for making this scanner.

The first reason is to help the hotels and families take responsible and organizing about the children
in the swimming pool because the public swimming pool are opened in different times. So, this
application will be easy way to give the families knowing about their children when they are in
swimming pool. And good steps in the hotels or public swimming pools.

The second reason is the application will help fast and alert the families by massage about their
children are near of the swimming pool if they don’t know they will swim in the swimming pool. The
massage will start when the children are near of the scanner, then the scanner will send the massages
in the phone so it will send massage with sentence to alert the parents. And especially in the time that
the parents are not near from swimming pool.

The third reason is the application will make safety process when the children in the public swimming
pool. And it will give good service to customers and families that has children. The application is
taking easy steps and it will give to each child specific barcode to use it. So, this will give the families
feel comfortable that their children are in the swimming pool.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Problem Statement:

Drowning is one of the most common accidents all over the world. Sadly, we witnessed uncounted
cases of drowning, which is heartbreaking. We can describe it as the tragedy of every summer. It has
always been a problem that takes people's lives miserably, especially for those who don’t know how
to swim and children, according to (Facts & Stats About Drowning,2020) “Drowning is a leading cause
of death ages 1-4 ".

Drowning increases in the summertime, vacation, and summer holidays, due to climate conditions
because that's the time people decided to go to the entertainment places like hotels, or private pools
with their family to spend the holidays. On the other hand, many people avoid going to these places
that's because the necessary precautions are not taken so they don’t feel secure to take their families,
drowning always been a huge concern to the families. Preventive precautions are confined to first aid,
resuscitation lessons, and safety guidelines which they are helpful but not strongly enough to save
your life. In short, the risk of drowning is always high which prevent people from spend their best
time, people need something that makes them feel fully safe so they spend their time comfortably.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Project Objectives:

Drowning is a serious problem in the whole world since a long time ago. It should be managed,
thousands of people losing their life. Our main objective is to create something that will efficiently
help to reduce this problem and to save people's lives. Many people lack how to swim, old or young
and not all of them teach their children how to swim, huge numbers of people lack swimming skills,
add to that not everyone know how to apply first aid all of this increase the cause of drowning so we
as a people must contribute to the development of our country. This project will add value to the UAE
rescue organization, it will help reduce the number of people death drowning, and also will help
reduce the reports of drowning to the organization. The organization will be always in contact,
monitoring, and will do the rapid intervention which will make the organization work efficiency and
provide the best security process, because they use technical solutions to solve emergency problems
instead of the usual solutions. This project is strongly aligned with strategic priorities of the
organization. The organization priorities are providing and make us feel safe, which a huge
responsibly, so that will support the organization objectives and will makes their works easier, faster
and will also makes them achieve the best service and executed efficiently. Our expectations are high
for the project It will reduce a serious problem that ends the life of thousands of people. Drowning
death is the worst, it not always happens because of family neglecting, but family is always is who got
the blame, we have to realize It happens suddenly and not always the family fault so we want to
provide something that will avoid the problem itself. The children will be provided a card that will be
connected with the organization and their family it will work effectively to notify them if the kids try
to access to the pool, the second they receive the report by alert message they will immediately do the
necessary protection before anything’s happen. This will be mandatory for the underage children
even if they know how to swim just for more safety, also it can be provided to anyone’s doesn’t know
how to swim. The project works effectively and it’s easy to use and doesn’t require a lot. It will provide
high deliverables, the families will be provided with a safe environment that they can enjoy without
any concerns, furthermore, it will minimize the heartbreaking news that we receive because of
drowning. This project will achieve many benefits: It will facilitate the work of the organization, the
organization and family will be on live communication, which will make the process easier by rapid
intervention, all of that will lead to a safe environment. Furthermore, it will thrive tourism in our
country, people will be attracted because they will feel safe especially the families. The project will
contribute solve many problems: the delay of response to an emergency, reducing most common
accidents, people's fears of going to the pools will reduce a bit, and hopefully decreasing the death
caused by drowning.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Feasibility Study:

Technical Feasibility:

We get this idea because the numbers of drowning children in the swimming pool more than one
times, and sometimes looking to children swim in the swimming people without their parents know.
And keeping the children swim in the swimming pool in too long times. And this will make a problem
specific if the swimmer has no experience in the swimming. Which leads to diseases and drowning.

In the hotels when the parents are having to go to work or to have something outside and they are
worry about children they have to be near from them to know where they will go. We discuss this in
the team to add scanner in the entrance of the public swimming pool connection with the application.
To take scan for the barcode that is for the children. And to send to the parent’s message to knowing
that their children will swim in the swimming pool. And this will help to protect the children and save
the time.

The main focus of the protection scanner is will provide:

1. Getting the message from the scanner to validity the children swim.
2. The parents can call the employee in the need.
3. The application manages it by employees who has experience in technology.
4. The protection scanner application has validity to work in android operating system.
5. Using the application give the user the time and alert message.
6. The employee has experience in using the scanner and technical issue.
7. The employee tracking all the process in the application and save the user information in high

The problem that we are talking in it are happened many times and in some country. There are many
different kinds of scanners in the world but we don’t look a scanner that use it specific in the entrance
of swimming pool. Other scanners are use it in other needs that scan the barcode in supermarket to
scan the information of the products, and restaurant to show the menu, so our scanner is different
because it will scan the barcode and send information by the massage and service the parents.

Our team want to work in this protection scanner application to make safety swim in the swimming
pool for children with parents knowing. Second, because there is no scanner protection in swimming
pool in our country that is new technique in protection technology.

The protection scanner is very easy is to use staring with register the information of the user and get a
specific barcode with his information. The employees will be training in using the scanner and
barcode. The barcode will service children to use it in scan in easy way. After scanner will allowed to
send a message to parents in the application. Also, parents can contact with employee by calling if the
they need thing.
Capstone Project l CIS4913

a. Operational Feasibility

The protection scanner application needs to developed by the team and can improved with
new addition in the future. The process to developed this application will need training in
using scanner. Trying to make the process of the protection scanner fast to save the time and
easy in using.

This protection scanner will service the hotels in organizing and keeping the safe in swimming
pool. And it will help the employees in hotels get experience in a new technical scanner. Our
team goal is to save the children from swimming alone and to alert parents to knowing their
children will swim in the swimming pool. The hotels should have a employee that have
experience in using scanner and in technology to solve any problems.

In scanner protection application should have all the steps are done fast to make the process
fast and easy in using that the message sends directly after scanning the barcode. In addition, should
from employee’s fast registration and organizing the work to receive important calling from parents.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Contribution and Project Deliverables:

Our project will come out with a high quality of protection, UAE always seeks to develop, this will
produce a smart and developed environment by providing a solution that will contribute in a way to
help and solve the drowning problem. We want to produce something that will stop drowning from
happening, which will lead to providing a safe place for everyone. The UAE rescue organization will be
in touch managing, monitoring, response to the situation directly and much faster. This project
requires knowing the knowledge of programming skills to produce a high-level program. We did face
some major of challenges during implementing this project. We took time produce the program, we
wanted a full complete program that works effectively without any error. Finding a sponsor was a lit
bit a challenge to us, we did our best effort to convince the organization to be our sponsor. Lastly, we
did face a challenge to define and manage the budget to the project.

Capstone Project l CIS4913

➤ Reference:

Report, W. (n.d.). UAE: Police reveal main reason for children drowning in Pools. Khaleej Times.
Retrieved September 24, 2021, from

Facts & Stats About Drowning. (2020, August 27). Stop Drowning Now.


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