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Academic Year __________

Semester ________________

Program: _____________________________________________

Student Name: _____________________________________________

Student ID Number: _____________________________________________

Program Year/Level: _____________________________________________

Course/Code: _____________________________________________

Instructor Name: _____________________________________________

Assignment Title: _____________________________________________

Due Date: ______________________________________________

Date of Actual Submission: ___________________________________________

Student Agreement:

I understand if my assignment is late, that 10% of the total assignment grade will be deducted if
submitted anytime within the five academic days following the due date. Later than this, I understand
that I will receive a zero on the assignment.

Student Signature: _____________________________________________

Instructor Signature: ____________________________________________

1. This cover sheet must be attached to the assignment.

2. Written assignments are to be submitted in soft copies (electronic) in Word.

Nov. 26, 2017

Assignment Instructions

1- Make research for Coronavirus by using a WORD document and Follow the requirements below

2- Handin date 1-11-2021

3- Save the Research with your campus id as pdf and .docx (that mean two files) ,send it via email

4- when any two files are similar between students, the assignment score will be canceled for both.

The Questions (20 points)

1- Write The Headlines with size 16 and body with size 12. (1 point)

2-Use Font Arial for Headlines and Cambia for body .(1 point)

3- Insert images (No less than two images ). (2 point)

4- When adding the required references in the search, use Insert > Link. (1 point)

5- Add page numbering from insert. (1 point)

6- When enumeration use Bullets > small black square. (1 point)

7- Use Bold for research subject. (1 point)

8- When creating references, use create a table. (2 point)

9- Use the color Blue for the introduction and red for body( 1point)

10- Make highlight with yellow on the names of the Topics . (1 point)

Nov. 26, 2017

11- Make underline of the numbers mentioned in the search (1 point)

12- Use Italic for reference.(1 point)

13- Write the topic of the table at the top, write the topic of the figure or image at the bottom.

(2 point)

14- Add at least 2 comments . (1 point )

15-Add Header& Footer with research name. (1 point)

16-Add Symbol white smiling face at the end of the research.(1 point)

17- Save the Research with your campus id and send it via email .(1 point)

Nov. 26, 2017

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