Observation Logs Ecis 1

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Carly Campbell

Observation Logs

CHILD Day of the Content:Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Tuesday: LA-focus is on learning The student wants to

9/7/21 individual letters in the learn, but he may need
Daniel alphabet. extra support. When he
said, “I don’t know, I
Everyone was learning thought we were just
about the letter K. Child 1 raising our hands”, it
raised his hand during may imply that he
large group time to follows what others are
answer a question about doing. He may not be
what starts with the letter able to focus or he may
K. A few other children need additional support
had their hands raised as to help his learning.
well to answer the After a discussion with
question. The mentor the mentor teacher, she
teacher called on two said that he often does
other children first and follow his peers and has
they answered with trouble focusing. The
“koala” or “kangaroo”. mentor teacher says
Child 1 was called on and that he has educational
he shrugged and said, “I autism and possibly
don’t know, I thought we ADD. He is easily
were just raising our distracted and needs
hands”. The mentor lots of refocusing on his
teacher asked him to try work. I think that he
to think of a word that would learn best from
starts with the letter K hands-on learning to
and gave him the sound keep him actively
of the letter. He paused engaged in his learning.
and said “house”.
Observation One (Week of September 7th, 2021)

Child 1 Tuesday: Math: practice writing I think the student

numerals and recognizing would work best if he
Daniel 9/7/21 numbers had a timer or a
reminder of when time
The whole class was was almost up. Also, if
given a worksheet to the learning was
complete. This worksheet modeled first he may
had numbers 1 to 6. They understand it better. He
needed to trace the may not learn from a
numbers and practice worksheet. Again, he
writing it on their own will need hands-on
next to the traced learning to help him. He
numbers. All of the other may have trouble
students completed it in focusing on his work
about 15 minutes. The and there may be too
student had only many distractions
completed number one around him. He may
after 15 minutes. He was need to sit closer to the
staring at the worksheet, teacher or in a different
not writing. I asked if he seat. The other students
needed any extra help that he was sitting next
with his work. He said to were chatting
“no”. I asked him what throughout their work
some of the numbers and when they were
were as I pointed them done with their work,
out. He said, “I don’t they were even more of
know. 100?”. I helped him a distraction for him.
by telling him the
numbers, but he never
finished it during their
math time. He had to take
it to recess and work on it

Child 2 Thursday: LA-focus is on learning The student could use

individual letters in the additional support with
Kaydence 9/9/21 alphabet. learning the letters in
the alphabet. The
mentor teacher taught it
through discussion in a
Everyone was learning large group, and then a
about the letter “m”. worksheet. The student
During the large group, may learn better from
they were discussing visuals or being able to
what starts with the letter move around since she
“m”. The student was was falling asleep in the
falling asleep. The mentor discussion. The
teacher told her that she students love
needs to participate. The educational brain break
mentor teacher asked for Youtube videos, so
a reminder about what maybe learning the
letter they were working alphabet or letters
on and showed the through videos that
student the letter. The allow them to use
student said, “A”. When movement while
they went back to their learning will help the
seats to practice tracing student best.
and writing the letter, she
finished it in a reasonable
amount of time. The
mentor teacher asked her
what the letter was and
the student said, “umm
8?”. The mentor teacher
said, “no, a letter”. The
student said, “umm T”.

Child 2 Thursday: Math: practice writing After observing this

9/9/21 numerals and recognizing student, I realized that
Kaydence numbers she may be more of a
visual learner. When she
The students were in their asked me to show her
math circles on the carpet how to write the
with the whole class. numbers, this may imply
They were practicing that she is a visual
writing their numbers on learner. Also, it would
white boards and saying help her to have things
the number out loud. The repeated multiple times
mentor teacher would say to help the student
a rhyme out loud for how retain information. The
to write a number like mentor teacher would
“down and across and show her and I would
down some more, now we show her again but she
have the number four”. would still ask for more
She had them trace it in help. She will need
the air and then practice additional support with
writing it on the board. If her writing. I talked with
they needed help, she the mentor teacher
would show them on the about what I observed,
white board at the front. and she agreed with my
The student could not interpretations and said
write the number 2, 3, 4, 5, she thought the same.
or 6. I asked her if she
needed help and she
asked if I could show her
how to write each number

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Monday: LA: blending words for The student may benefit
9/13/21 phonemic awareness from additional
skills (Heggerty) one-on-one support.
After he missed the
The whole class began words, I would show
working on Heggerty. him how to correctly
They were practicing with chop the syllables. He
blending words. Blending would repeat it and say,
is a basic phonemic “oh okay let me try”. He
awareness skill that is may grasp it better if
part of the three levels of there was additional
the phonemic awareness modeling. It is still early
curriculum. The teacher in the year, so he may
was working with catch on with the skill of
syllables. The mentor blending. We will
teacher asked the continue to practice this
students to “chop” with a everyday in Heggerty.
hand motion each syllable From his excited tone, I
that they hear and blend it know that he is excited
together to make a to learn and wants to
complete word. They learn. He seems
needed to blend the motivated but maybe he
sounds into words. She is a bit distracted. He
gave the word, “recess”. may need reminders to
The student was not refocus him on learning,
participating. He was and additional support.
looking around the room.
I went to sit with him to
help him. I showed him
how she wants us to chop
the syllables we hear. He
said, “re-cess-es-es” and
chopped four times and
said “4 syllables!!” in a
very excited tone. There
are only two syllables but
he made the word longer.
He did this with the next
four words the class did
together as well.

Observation Two (Week of September 13th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday: Math: One-to-one The student could

9/13/21 correspondence and benefit from additional
counting to 10 time working on his
work. He still looks
The whole class was around the room when
practicing with counting he is working, so maybe
to 10, but more it would also help to
specifically they were all give him five minute
working on touching and warnings that time is
counting worksheets. The almost up but go check
students had to count on how he is doing and
how many items were in ask if he could use
each group and write the additional help. He
number next to it. The needs additional
mentor teacher support. He may also
demonstrated how she benefit from learning to
would touch each object touch and count first
and count it as she went. with manipulatives, so
When she recited the last he can actually move
number that would be her that item away as he
number she would write. counts it. For example,
The student was touching he can be given snap
each image in the groups cubes and he can touch
but was saying, “1, 2, 5” one snap cube and drag
really fast. I went over to it to the side as he
help him. I said “Let’s counts. This will serve
count slowly and touch as great hands-on
each object first before learning for him to
we say the number”. I practice one-to-one
showed him again. He correspondence. They
touched each object as he use the cubes in the
was counting but this classroom a lot but not
time said, as much for this skill
“1…,2...,3…..,4….”. There which could help this
were five objects in all for student.
this example. He then
said, “5...6, 7!”. He
touched the last item but
counted 5, 6, 7. After I
asked him to try again, he
said, “but everyone else
is almost done with
theirs, Miss Campbell and
I not.” I told him not to
worry and that everyone
works at a different pace
and it's okay to work a
little slower.

Child 2 Tuesday: LA: blending words for This student may not
9/14/21 phonemic awareness get a lot of sleep at
skills (Heggerty) home or she may be
used to taking a nap at
The whole class was home around the time
working on Heggerty with we do Heggerty because
the mentor teacher. The this student lacks
student was falling asleep preschool experience
during it. The mentor due to COVID-19. This
teacher repeatedly tried to student may need to
keep her awake by saying stand up to learn in
her name while learning Heggerty or move
to try to keep her awake around while learning.
to learn. The student The mentor teacher
continued to try to informed me that this is
participate but was falling an everyday situation
asleep. I tried to go over around the same time
and wake her up to guide that we are learning
her through Heggerty. She Heggerty.
was sleepy and you could
see it was causing her to
lose focus. She tried
chopping the words but
was not clearly saying the
word out loud. For
example the word was
“classroom”. She did the
chopping hand motion
three times and started
falling asleep again. She
needed to know it was
two syllables and to say it
out loud, but she did not.

Child 2 Tuesday: Math: One-to-one The student may need

9/14/21 correspondence and additional support with
counting to 10 one-to-one
correspondence. The
The class was working on student may also need
one-to-one additional help with
correspondence while counting by ones to
learning about ten frames twenty. The student may
in a large group. They not know what comes
needed to count how after five. I asked the
many dots were in the ten student but she shrugged
frames that were shown when I asked her what
to them on a flash card by comes after five. She may
the mentor teacher by learn best if things are
rebuilding it on their own repeated frequently and if
individual ten frames with she is given additional
snap cubes, and counting one-on-one support by a
how many there were. The teacher. She wants to
mentor teacher called on learn because she raised
the students that had her hand and gave it a try
their hand raised to but got it wrong. She tried
answer how many dots though, and it shows me
they thought were and that she wants to learn
why they thought that. and is doing her best.
The student raised her
hand to answer. The
teacher called on her.
There were 7 dots on the
mentor teacher's ten
frame. The student
answered with five. The
teacher asked her to
recount again. The
student counted them
again saying, “1, 2, 3, 4,
5” as she touched and
counted the first five but
then stopped. The teacher
asked her to keep going
and the student said, “I
do not know”. The
teacher moved onto the
next student to answer
the question.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)
Child 1 Monday: LA-focus is on learning This student may benefit
9/20/21 individual letters in the from a reward or incentive
alphabet. motivation technique to
keep him focused on
The students were completing work in a
working on learning the T. timely manner. The
The students were mentor teacher says that
individually writing the he loves to be praised for
letters on a handwriting good work, so I think a
worksheet. They needed reward or incentive will
to trace all of the help him to stay focused
upper-case and and motivated to learn.
lower-case letters “T” and Also a timer, to let him see
write their own at least that he only has so much
five more times on each time left and needs to
line. It had a star on the finish soon.
top of each line where
they should start their
own letters. This was
given to them and they
needed to complete it in
class, so she could see
each of their handwriting.
Child 1 was still on the
first line by the end of
Language Arts class. In
about 20 minutes, he had
only traced the uppercase
Ts. He was focused on the
other kids around the
room and was not looking
at his paper. The teacher
gave him a few warnings
but it did not help a lot. He
was still unfocused.

Observation Log #3 (Week Three: Week of September 20th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday: Math: learning and The student could use
9/20/21 recognizing shapes more real-life experiences
like today for practice. He
The students were all needs to be able to have
working on learning their authentic learning where
shapes and recognizing he can find the shapes in
the shapes around the real life experiences. He
room. The mentor teacher could also use more
wanted to see who visuals of what the shapes
understood the shapes, look like and what they
so she said, “Everyday might look like turned in a
this week, we will look at different direction. A
different shapes that I misconception that
have around the room. students have is the way
Today, we will find a shape is turned decides
rectangles. Everyone go what shape it is. For
find one circle around the example, if a rectangle is
classroom and it cannot lying on its side, the
be the same as someone student will see that it is a
else. The student walked rectangle, but if it is turned
over to a triangle and to stand tall, the students
pointed. She asked the will not recognize it as a
student what that shape rectangle sometimes. I
was and he said “it is a think he could use more
rectangle’. The mentor visuals and support with
teacher said, “that is a his shapes.
triangle, let's find a
rectangle”. He stood there
for a few minutes and
then shrugged.

Child 2 Tuesday: LA-focus is on learning The student will need

9/21/21 individual letters in the additional support with her
alphabet. letters. The mentor
teacher and I called her
Today the students were over and pointed to a few
learning about the letter different letters in the
“U”. The students were alphabet and she was
working in a large group only able to recognize one
for brainstorming words out of eight we pointed at.
that start with the letter She finally learned K from
“U”. The group came up the other day because it's
with “unicorn” and in her name. The student
“unicycle” together with will need more visuals
the mentor teacher. The with the letters to
teacher asked if there demonstrate what the
were any other ideas and image starts with. For
called on the child 2. example, a picture of an
Child 2 said, “I don’t umbrella for U. The
know”. When the mentor student will also need
teacher said, “would you more support through her
like to take a guess?”, the learning. She may lack
student said, “No”. After focus as well, so a reward
they finished their or incentive to pay
discussion, the mentor attention may also help
teacher went over to the the student stay focused
student and asked what and motivated to learn.
letter they were just
learning about. The
student said “C?”.

Child 2 Tuesday: Math: learning and The student may not yet
9/21/21 recognizing shapes know the correct way to
explain her thoughts or
The students were the words she wants to
reviewing their shapes use. She may remember it
and the attributes in each but cannot communicate it
shape to be able to help out loud too. We will
them recognize the continue to scaffold her
shapes. The mentor learning and help her to
teacher told them to walk communicate her
around the classroom thoughts and ideas out
today and try to find a loud. We will review the
triangle. Child 2 walked ways to determine a
around and around. The shape too and model what
teacher asked her to we would say when we
hurry and find a triangle. find the shape. We could
The student walked over say, “This is a (insert
to a book that was on the shape name) because it
bookshelf and it had a has (#) of sides and (#) of
small triangle on it. She angles. This will help them
was able to recognize the to learn that they should
triangle. We asked her also say that when they
how she knew it was a find shapes.
triangle. She said,
“because it is a triangle”,
but she could not give
any further information on
why it was a triangle.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Monday: LA-focus is on learning This student will need

9/27/21 individual letters in the additional help with his
alphabet. alphabet and handwriting.
He holds the pencil
The students were correctly, but I think Y is a
learning the letter “y” difficult letter for him. With
today. They had a lot of additional practice, he
letter activities planned may get better at it and
for the day. They had to recognize the letter more
start by learning the letter with practice. The student
and practice writing and would benefit from
tracing the letter in alphabet practice each
lower-case and day. The mentor teacher
upper-case on a agrees and already does
handwriting worksheet. the letters and letter
The student traced the sounds during Heggerty
letters well but when he and Countdown (Really
had to write it on his own, Great Reading). We will
he struggled with writing start using more alphabet
the letter “y”, especially Youtube songs to help
the uppercase letters. I them learn and retain the
had him trace another letters in the alphabet
letter and really focus because this is how they
how he traced the letter. like to learn.
He was able to do it after
a couple more tries. After
I helped him, I asked him
what letter it was for
clarification that he
understood the letter
today. He said “X”.

Observation Log #4 (Week Four: Week of September 27th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday: Math: One-to-one I think this student is

9/27/21 correspondence and struggling with
counting to 10 using ten understanding the
frames concept of “touch and
count” each object. He is
The students came back not understanding
to working with one-to-one
one-to-one correspondence. He only
correspondence because touches one cube. He will
this is a weakness area of need additional instruction
every student. This will and maybe taught with
more than likely be my another visual for
lesson week topic hands-on learning. He
because the students are may work better with
not able to grasp the counting something else
concept. They are to help him learn. The
working with the ten student will also need to
frames again and be reminded to touch
rebuilding the teacher’s each object while saying a
ten frames with snap number and continuing
cubes and counting how counting. With additional
many. The teacher practice, he will
showed them a card with strengthen this skill.
5 on it. The student is
struggling with counting
each individual snap
cube. The mentor teacher
said “Make sure you have
five, please count it
again”. The student said,
“I do have five because I
counted” but he had
eight. He pointed at one
snap cube the whole time
and counted to eight
without touching any of
the other cubes.

Child 2 Tuesday: LA-focus is on learning This student also would

9/28/21 individual letters in the benefit from extra
alphabet. practice. With additional
practice, she may get
The students were better at it and recognize
working on finishing the the letter more with
alphabet today with the practice. The student
letter Z. They discussed would benefit from
as a group words that alphabet practice each
started with the letter Z. day, and repetition when
The mentor teacher wrote teaching the letter. Also,
and drew them on the she will need to make a
board up front. Then, she goal to at least write one
asked them to go back to word or more in her
their seats and draw four alphabet book, for
things that started with example to practice
the letter Z in their reading and writing words.
alphabet books that they This could be a reason
have been making and why she forgot what the
they could copy what was pictures she drew were.
on the board. Child 2 went Kindergarten drawings
to her seat and sat staring can be sloppy if they are
at her paper for a few in the beginning stages of
minutes. She drew a few writing development. If
things but wrote no she struggles with writing,
words. It was time to she would also benefit
share with a partner. She from more writing
could not share because practice.
she said, “I forgot the
letter and what I drawed”.

Child 2 Tuesday: Math: One-to-one The student may need

9/28/21 correspondence and instructions repeated over
counting to 10 using ten and over again to help
frames process what she needs
to be doing. A step by
The students are working step process would help
with one-to-one the student. My
correspondence because interpretation of this is that
this is a weakness area of maybe when the mentor
every student. They are teacher said, “look at my
working with the ten ten frame and build it with
frames again and your ten frame, count the
rebuilding the teacher’s cubes, and tell me how
ten frames with snap many there are” was too
cubes and counting how much for the student to
many. The teacher process and remember all
showed a ten frame with 9 at once. That could be
and asked the students to why she stared blankly
rebuild it and count how confused about what she
many. Child 2 stared at should do first, but then
her and did not rebuild it. when the teacher told her
The teacher asked her to step by step, she did it
start using her cubes to and did it right. I think she
build the ten frames like will benefit from repetition
hers. She started to build and clear, explicit
it. Then, the mentor instructions for the
teacher asked the student students to follow step by
how many cubes there step. She even
were. The child stared at self-corrected herself
the mentor teacher. The which is good!
teacher told her to count
her cubes to tell her how
many. The child counted
and said, “8”. Then,
corrected herself, and
said, “no, 9”.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)
Child 1 Monday, LA: rhyming words in The student probably
October 4th, Heggerty does not understand what
2021 rhyming is or cannot hear
The students were the rhymes. He needs to
working on what words practice understanding
rhyme and what words do ending sounds and
not rhyme in Heggerty. rhyming. He will need
The mentor teacher would additional support. It
say, “dog, frog” and they would also help him if he
would give a thumbs up if also said it out loud, so he
it rhymed and a thumbs can hear if it rhymes or
down if it did not rhyme. not. With additional
The student would look at practice, he could improve
his peers for what they this skill.
were doing and copy their
answer. The mentor
teacher noticed and
asked him to look at her
while he decided his
answer. She said, “log,
teacher”. He put his
thumbs. She said “No, it
does not rhyme”. Then,
she did “cat, bat”. He put
his thumbs down. She
said “It rhymes, they have
the same ending sounds”.

Observation Log #5 (Week Five: Week of October 4th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday, Math: standard number My interpretation of this is

October 4th, order, what comes before that the student still
2021 and after a number on a struggles with numbers
number line and standard number
order. He could use more
The teacher had a number practice with counting to
line on the board with 20, and understanding the
certain numbers covered correct number order to
up and some not covered. determine what comes
The mentor teacher would before and after a
point to an uncovered number. He needs
number on the number additional support. He
line like the number 7. could learn from more
She asked, “What number visuals and talk it out
comes before 7?” The more.
student raised his hand
and she called on him. He
said, “ummmmmmm
10!”She said, “no, what
comes before 7?” He
said, “3. No, 8!” She
uncovered 6 and showed
him the number. He said,
“Oh, so it is 5”.

Child 2 Tuesday, LA: rhyming words in The student probably

October 5th, Heggerty does not understand what
2021 rhyming is. She needs to
The students were learn what rhyming is over
working on what words again and be reminded
rhyme and what words do how words are able to
not rhyme in Heggerty. If rhyme. The student may
it rhymes, they put their forget what rhyming is and
thumbs up, if it does not, needs to be reminded.
they put their thumbs Additional learning with
down. The teacher gave rhyming would help. It
the students the words, would also benefit the
“goat, boat”. The student student to learn about
put her thumbs down. The word families. This can
teacher asked the student help with rhyming words.
if the words had the same Songs and rhyming
ending sounds. The poems or books can help
student said “yes”. The too. It will help to allow the
teacher said, “so, do they student to say the words
rhyme”. The student said, out loud as well to hear
“no, they do not”. The the rhymes
student did this with the
next 3 examples as well.

Child 2 Tuesday, Math: standard number My interpretation is that

October 5th, order, what comes before the student may
2021 and after a number on a understand it but needs
number line more practice with it. She
understands some of the
The teacher had a number standard number order
line on the board with but may need more
certain numbers covered practice with it. If the
up and some not covered. student needs too she can
The mentor teacher would count on her fingers or
point to an uncovered she can say the numbers
number on the number out loud from 1 to 20 to
line. She pointed to 3. She help her determine what
said, “what comes after comes next, but she could
this number?”. The use extra support in her
student was called on and learning and keep
the student said 5. She practicing to strengthen
said “5 is after 3 but what this skill.
comes right after 3 and is
before 5?” The student
said 8. The teacher said
“it is 4, but let's do
another one” to the
student. She asked the
student what comes after
6. The student said 7. This
time it was understood.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Tuesday, LA: blending words for The student may need to
October 12th, phonemic awareness be reminded what a
2021 skills syllable is and how to
count them. He needs
The students were extra scaffolding and
chopping words by their practice. He would learn
syllables and the teacher
wanted them to count great from someone
how many syllables it was modeling it more with him.
that were in each word. He needs more practice
The students chopped the with this. From his excited
word “napkin” together tone, I know that he is
with the teacher. The excited to learn and wants
teacher said, “how many to learn but needs more
syllables was that, hold one-on-one support
up that many fingers”. whenever possible.
The student held up five
fingers. She said, “There
were only two”. The next
word was “picnic”. The
student chopped the word
with the teacher but could
not count how many
syllables. He said

Observation Log #6 (Week Six: Week of October 11th, 2021)

Child 1 Tuesday, Math: one-to-one The student probably felt

October 12th, correspondence in math rushed into figuring out
2021 stations the answer and agreed
with his partner before he
The students were taught actually counted them by
a new game to help them himself. He did not use
with one-to-one the touch and count
correspondence and technique, so he may
counting. The game is need to be reminded to do
“Spill the Beans”. They this. He could benefit from
had to spill plastic beans additional practice. Also,
on a surface and count we will tell the partners to
only the ones with the red make sure to keep the
side up and record it on a number to themselves
recording sheet. The and when both students
student spilled the beans figure it out they can give
and there were five beans a thumbs up and share
with red sides up. He the answer. Child 1 needs
looked at it for a while more time to figure it out
and his partner yelled “5”. on his own without his
The student said “yeah
five”. I asked him to show peers giving him the
me how he counted them. answers all the time.
He looked at it and
counted “1, 2, 3, 4…There
are 4!”.

Child 2 Thursday, LA: blending words for This student may need to
October 14th, phonemic awareness stand up to learn or move
2021 skills around while learning.
They can chop the words
The students were while standing up to keep
chopping words by their her awake. Also, the
syllables and the teacher teacher can go around the
wanted them to count classroom to a few
how many syllables it was students to the students
that were in each word. that need more practice
Child 2 was falling asleep and allow them to try on
while they were doing this their own. This can give
as a whole class. The the teacher a chance to
teacher chopped three give the students
words before asking the individual help and
student to try one on her practice while giving them
own. The teacher gave feedback.
her the word “zipper”.
The student said, “zip-per,
1 syllable”.

Child 2 Thursday, Math: one-to-one The student is using touch

October 14th, correspondence in math and count when counting.
2021 stations The student got one right
but missed one. The
The students played the student kept this pattern
game “Spill the Beans throughout the game. She
again in math stations”. would miss a few but get
They had to spill plastic a few right. I think that she
beans on a surface and maybe is starting to
count only the ones with understand but is feeling
the red side up and like she needs to rush
record it on a recording through it causing the
sheet. The student spilled mistakes. She will need to
the beans and the number be reminded to take her
was 2, the student said time to complete these
“2”. They spilled again activities so she does not
and it was 4. The student make mistakes.
said “3”.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Tuesday, LA: Writing with detail to The student may need to
October 19th, tell a story be reminded constantly to
2021 refocus on his work to
I taught my lesson and help him. The timer may
explained that they need not be a good idea for him
to write a story with detail anymore either for him to
and pictures to share with see. The timer may need
a peer to tell a story to to be hidden now, but give
their partner. They will be a five minute warning,
writing quietly with no then a one or two minute
distractions for 7 minutes warning, so that he
and 42 seconds. They focuses on his writing. If
were given a prompt to he is focused and working
write about a community but needs additional time,
helper. The student was he may benefit from extra
told to begin and he work time as well.
stared at his paper for 3
minutes. I went over to
him and reminded him
what he needed to be
doing. He started writing
but only wrote his name. I
asked him to try to draw
pictures too if he was
worried about not being
able to write. He did not
participate in the writing
workshop because he
could not focus on his
journal. He said “I wanted
to watch the timer”

Observation Log #7 (Week Seven: Week of October 18th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday, Math: one-to-one All of the practice helped

October 18th, correspondence the student. Plus, the
2021 students had to discuss
This was the lesson that I with each other if they
taught to the students. I agreed or not and why
had them complete a they did or did not agree.
pumpkin patch match. I They liked getting to move
gave some of them ten around. I think this activity
frames with pumpkins on really helped him. We can
it and some of them the move on to another math
numerals. I needed them standard now but I think it
to walk around the would benefit him to keep
classroom to find their reviewing one-to-one
peers that matched their correspondence every
card. For example, if one once in a while.
student had a ten frame
with two dots they
counted and another
student had the number 2,
they would match. The
student was given a ten
frame card with 8, so he
would use his touch and
count technique. He
counted 8 and found the
partner with the number
8. He finally understood it
and it made me so happy!

Child 2 Tuesday, LA: Writing with detail to I think that the student
October 19th, tell a story needs to try to make a
2021 goal to always write
For my lesson, the something even if it is not
students were writing
about community helpers spelled correctly. She
in their writing workshops needs more writing
at their tables in their practice. Also, if the
writing journals. I gave student needs more time,
the prompt and started she can be given
the timer for them to see. additional time, so that
The student was working she is not rushing through
hard and drawing lots of her work. She needs to
pictures. She did not write practice with her drawing
anything except her name and writing skills to tell a
but she did not put her story, so we will continue
crayons down until the working with this.
last second which
showed me that she was
trying and working hard.
When it came time to
share their story to the
peer, she could not tell
her story because she
could not remember what
she wrote about because
it was all scribbles and
even she did not
understand it.

Child 2 Monday, Math: one-to-one Having the student

October 18th, correspondence explain her thought
2021 process to me helped me
This was the lesson that I to know that she truly
taught to the students. I understood the activity
had them complete a today. All of the practice
pumpkin patch match. I helped the student. They
gave some of them ten liked getting to move
frames with pumpkins on around. I think this activity
it and some of them the really helped her too. We
numerals. I needed them can move on to another
to walk around the math standard now but I
classroom to find their think it would benefit all of
peers that matched their the students to keep
card. I gave the student a reviewing one-to-one
card with 10 pumpkins on correspondence every
a ten frame. I wanted to once in a while.
see if she could figure out
that all ten spaces filled in
on the ten frames meant
there were ten. She found
her partner with the
numeral ten and I asked
her to explain it to me.
She said, “there are five
on top and five on bottom
and that is all 10”. She
was able to communicate
with me what her thought
process was. I love
seeing progress with the
students. It took a long
time to figure out this skill
but a lot of them
understand it now.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with (observed learning style,
DATE Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
some personal
Name the content area and interpretation here.
state only what you
observed (hear and see)

Child 1 Monday, LA: Writing with detail to The student may need to
October 25th, tell a story brainstorm ideas first
2021 about what he wants to
The students were given a write about. He may not
prompt to write about the know yet specifically and
pumpkin they received needs time to think about
today and what they were it. I think it would help him
going to do with it. The to have a few extra
student did not have a minutes in the beginning
timer to look at this time to brainstorm ideas first
but he was still and then write. The more
unfocused. He stared at practice he gets with
his paper for 3 minutes writing, the better he will
out of the 7 minutes and get. He will understand
42 seconds. I went over that a story needs to have
and reminded him what detail. He will be reminded
he needed to write about. more frequently to add
He started writing and detail to tell a story.
drawing then. After the
time was up, he did not
have enough detail
because he ran out of
time and could not tell a
story to his partner. He
just kept saying, “I have a

Observation Log #8 (Week Eight: Week of October 25th, 2021)

Child 1 Monday, Math: more than, less The student is doing way
October 25th, than better with his one to one
2021 correspondence but
The students are working needs more practice with
on what is more than and number lines with which
what is less than based numbers come before or
on images. They need to after. He will need more
count the objects on the practice and scaffolding
visuals which is the with more than and less
one-to-one than. I think it would
correspondence skill and benefit him to also use
say which group has different games and
more or which has less. activities with different
They played a game from objects too. Objects that
Bridges in their math he can move around like
stations for this after they manipulatives and see
reviewed it with the which is bigger.
teacher. Child 1 counted
one card that had 6
objects, then he counted
another card that had 3.
He said, “6 is less than 3”.
I told him to say which
number came first when
he counts. He said “3”. I
said “good, so which is
the one with less”. He
said “6”.

Child 2 Tuesday, LA: Writing with detail to She is already getting

October 26th, tell a story better with writing but she
2021 will need more practice to
The student was given the write and draw more. The
writing prompt. The student may need words
student started right away longer or tricky words put
and was able to even on the board for them to
write one word. She wrote copy, but we want them to
the word “pumpkin” and try to stretch the words
drew pictures around it. out themselves to figure
She was able to write out what letters are in the
pumpkin because we words based on the letter
normally put words on the sounds. The student will
board for them to copy, need more practice with
but she was able to do it this when she is writing in
this time. When it came to her writing journals.
telling a story, she was
able to tell her partner a
little bit more because
she wrote the word
pumpkins and it reminded
her that she wrote about
pumpkins. She said, “ I
will paint the pumpkin
and put it outside.”

Child 2 Tuesday, Math: more than, less The student understands

October 26th, than how to count the objects
2021 now and does a better job
The students are working with figuring out how
on what is more than and many objects there are in
what is less than based the groups, but she will
on images. They need to also need more practice
count the objects on the with understanding which
visuals which is the is more than and which is
one-to-one less than. She understood
correspondence skill and it after talking it out. I think
say which group has that she understands it
more or which has less. but needs to slow her
They played a game from thinking down and think
Bridges in their math about it carefully instead
stations for this after they of rushing because it is a
reviewed it with the game and wants it to be
teacher. The student done or to win. With more
counted one card that had practice and scaffolded
6 and another card that learning, she will
had 9. She said, “6 is strengthen this skill.gyu
more than 9”. I asked the
student if she was sure
and she said,
“yes...no….maybe. 9 is
after 6”. I said “yes, 9
does come after 6, so
which has more”. She
said “the one with 9”.

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