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Isthmus university

the Chorrera


Saul Fernandez


santos Monroy


English II


Lic. in maritime business administration with emphasis

on ports and multimodal transport


workshop irregular verbs

1. What are irregular verbs?
Irregular verbs are those that do not comply with the
conjugation rules of regular verbs. That is, unlike regular
verbs, irregular verbs do not have the ending -ED or -D when
conjugated in the past simple.

2. List 20 examples of irregular verbs in present and in simple

Simple present Simple past
1. Eat. 1.Ate.
2.Speak. 2.Spoke.
3.Write. 3.Wrote.
4.Sing. 4.Sang.
5.Think. 5.Thought.
6.Say. 6.Said.
7.Forget. 7.Forgot.
8.Give. 8.Gave.
9.Draw. 9.Drew.
10.Know. 10Knew.
11. Teach. 11.Taught.
12.Understand. 12.Understood.
13.Feel. 13.Felt.
14.Leave. 14.Left.
15.Go. 15.Went.
16.Win. 16.Won.
17.Sleep. 17.Slept.
18.Begin. 18.Began.
19.Run. 19.Ran.
20. Steal. 20.Stole.
3. Write a sentence for each example in simple past.
Simple Past Sentences
1. Jordan ate at the kFC.
2. Sara spoke with her mother yesterday afternoon by video
3. Juan wrote to his aunt in the United States.
4. Tiffany sang in the classroom.
5. Juan thought that today he was holy.
6. the teacher said there was an exam.
7. Michael forgot homework.
8. Juan gave Carlos his car.
9. Leonardo da Vinci drew the Monalisa.
10. Juan knew that yesterday was Sunday.
11. Juan is taught in good doctrines.
12. Juan has not yet understood the Spanish test.
13. Juan felt a tremor yesterday.
14. Jordan left in the morning.
15. Nathaly went for a run in the park.
16. Juan has already won the chess game.
17. Michael slept until 10:00 a.m. in the morning.
18. Martin started the pool game.
19. Leonel ran all night.
20. Juan stole Grandma's candy.

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