TRI 2110 UDL3612 T01 - 02 Topic 1

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UDL3612 Land Law I Tri 1, 2021/2022

Topic 1 Introduction

Tutorials 01 & 02 (Weeks 2 & 3)

1. Identify and discuss the sources of land law in Malaysia.

2. Distinguish between the terms “registration of title” and “title by registration”.

3. By reference to the relevant authorities and illustrations, explain the following


(a) “ownership” and “possession”;

(b) “title” and “interest”
(c) “legal interest” and “equitable interest”;
(d) “disposal” and “dealings”
(e) “restriction in interest” and “conditions”
(f) “real estate” and “personal estate”.

4. Is National Land Code a comprehensive code on land law in Peninsular Malaysia?

Discuss critically.

5. To what extent English law is applicable to our Malaysian land law? Discuss with
reference to relevant cases, statutory provisions and journal articles.

Written exercises for Question 6 and 7

6. With reference to relevant provisions of the National Land Code 1965, discuss the main
features of the Torrens system as found in West Malaysia.
(10 marks)
[Tri 1, 2007/08, Final]

7. “Our land law, despite based on the substratum of Torrens system, is still being haunted
by the English land law.”

To what extent do you agree?

(15 marks)
[Tri 1, 2006/07, Final]

Prepared by Tay Eng Siang, FOL, MMU

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