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I3 - 2 2011 In

nternational Conference on Electrical Engiineering and Informatics

17-19 July 20011, Bandung, Indonesia

Refarming of Freqquency 700 MHz Analyysis for Long

Term Evolutionn (LTE) in Indonesia Using
U Link
Budget Calculation
Denny Kusuma Hendraningrat[11], Nachwan Mufti A.[2], Uke Kurniawan Usman[33], Denny Setiawan[4]
Faculty of Electricaal Engineering and Communication, Telkom Institute of
o Technology
Jl. Telecom
mmunications No.1 Bojongsoang Bandung, Indonesia
Department FTUI,
F University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonessia

Abstract— Long Term Evolution (LTE) is kn nown as broadband television, which transmits innformation using packet data
technology with bandwidth varying from 1.44 to 20 MHz which network. Surely the technology in our country will soon adopt
uses different modulation techniques at different
d distances. digital television.
However, the availability of frequency allocations for LTE is Along with the devvelopment of Indonesian
exhausted. Now, the opportunity of frequencyy allocation for LTE
telecommunication, digital teleevision era will emerge when
emerges along with the government plan to change analog
television (478-806 MHz) with 8 MHz ban ndwidth into digital the LTE begin to be implemented. This frequency can be used
television because digital television needs leess bandwidth than to implement LTE in the future. The current frequency band
analog television. The contribution of this paaper is to know how 700 MHz in Indonesia is shownn in Fig 1.
many eNodeBs needed for LTE FDD D or LTE TDD
implementation for frequency of 700 MHz an nd to know the best
scenarios for slot allocation of LTE providers..

Keywords— LTE frequency, refarming of Frrequency 700 MHz,

coverage, capacity

Fig. 1 Spectrum Freqquency on 700 MHz
Spectrum is a valuable resource. So, inn order to allocate
frequency for LTE, refarming needs to be done.
d Refarming is Channel 22-62 each has 8 MHz M frequency band for each
a concept of rearrangement of previously used
u frequency for channel. The list of frequenciess for each channel on the UHF
new technologies to make it more optimal. This refarming is frequency band is shown in Tabble I.
also supported by government regulation thaat it will be applied TABLE I
on digital television at the end of 2014 to major cities in UHF TELEVISION FREQUENCY
Indonesia and the use of 700 MHz frequuency band for the
refarming will not eliminate any existinng technology. In
addition, the LTE with 700 MHz frequencyy band will reduce
the number of towers that will further savve the cost of LTE
network development. In this analysis, we are
a able to compare
LTE FDD and LTE TDD which is implemented in 700 MHz.
The refarming scenarios can be conssideration for the
arrangement of frequency allocation for LTEE provider.


Currently, frequency of 700 MHz is currently used for
broadcast television service. But on the otther hand, in many UHF channels are grouped innto 6 channel group which is
countries, a broadcast television service is becoming
b absolute, shown in Table II.
even for developed countries, are not allowwed to broadcast the
service anymore. They have begun to enteer the era of digital

978-1-4577-0752-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

TABLE II In refarming process, according to standard ITU-R
CHANNEL GROUP OF ANALOG TELEVISION WRC07 for LTE frequency band allocation is from 698 MHz
to 806 MHz frequency. So there are three additional channels
to be used for digital television applications or to the other, as
shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2 Refarming Digital Television After Digital Switchover
B. Spectrum Allocation Options for LTE
A. Digital Television Bandwidth Calculation
Current usage of frequency is the 700 MHz frequency
The standard requires Net Data Bit Rate of 2.4 Mbps or
band (broadcast television) from 478 MHz to 806 MHz. Based
greater to support the data rate that is expected to come from
on ITU-R WRC07 decision, Indonesia which is in region 3
the MPEG-2 encoder. So we can calculate the necessary
must use 698-806 MHz range for mobile broadband (LTE /
bandwidth value in digital television transmission using the
WiMAX). For the harmonization of LTE FDD frequency-
MPEG-2 encoder. Here are examples of digital television
based APT AWF14 for FDD bandwidth allocation from 698
capacity calculations using QPSK ½, such as equation 1.
MHz to 806 MHz can only be used 2x45 MHz because 5 MHz
. .................. [1] is currently used as guard band at 698-703 MHz, there are
For digital television capacity in modulation and coding centre gap of 10 MHz at 478-488 MHz and 3 MHz guard band
rate that varies can be seen in Table III. at 803 - 806 MHz, as shown in Fig. 3.


Fig. 3 LTE FDD Frequency Allocation

For LTE TDD, the spectrum can be used from 694 MHz
to 806 MHz is 108 MHz which is used for uplink and
downlink simultaneously, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 LTE FDD Frequency Allocation



From Table III, can be concluded higher modulation A. LTE Link Budget Based on Coverage
schemes will produce lower bandwidth with a constant bit rate 1) Receiver Sensitivity: Receiver sensitivity value can be
(2.4 Mbps). Based on ITU-R WRC 07, Indonesia placed in calculated by equation 2.
region 3 that LTE spectrum allocation ranging from 698 MHz
to 806 MHz. So, the allocation frequency required for digital SR= -102+SNR(RX)+10log .. [2]
television channel in Indonesia ranging from channel 22 to so that the receiver sensitivity value for each modulation can
channel 48. Digital television channel can be compressed as be shown as Fig. 5.
shown Table IV.


Fig. 5 Receiver Sensitivity

2) Maximum Allowable Pathloss (MAPL): From the
sensitivity of our receiver can calculate the value of pathloss
by equation 3.
MAPL= Pt-Ls+Gt+Gr-SR .................. [3]
But in TDD mode there is power reduction as shown as by
equation 4.
PD= 10 log ( ) …………… [4]

Parameter Value Fig. 7 Number of eNode-B 2x20 MHz LTE FDD and 20 MHz LTE TDD

Power Transmit (Pt) 43 dBm From Fig. 7 can be seen that bigger the OBQ and the total
Gain Transmit (Gt) 18 dBi area, the comparison of the number of eNodeB between LTE
Gain Receive (Gr) 0 dBi TDD and LTE FDD more significant. So LTE FDD would be
more suitable for LTE in Indonesia if implemented 2x20 MHz
Antenna Transmit Height (hb) 30 meters
for LTE FDD and 20 MHz for LTE TDD.
Antenna Receive Height (hr) 1,5 meters By looking at the ratio between the number eNodeB on
Loss system (Ls) 3 dB LTE FDD and LTE TDD, it can be seen the implementation
of cost savings from the number of eNodeB when compared
The value MAPL can be seen in Fig. 6. with LTE FDD toward LTE TDD as shown in Table VI.

OBQ Wide Area (km2)
(Mbps/km2) 100 250 500
50 10 eNodeBs 27 eNodeBs 55 eNodeBs
100 22 eNodeBs 55 eNodeBs 110 eNodeBs

Table VI shows that the cost for LTE FDD will be cheaper
when used 2x20 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD toward 20
Fig. 6 Comparison of MAPL from equation 3. MHz bandwidth for LTE TDD.
To calculate the cell radius can be used Okumura Hatta propagation Fig. 8 shows the number of eNode B which is
model such as equation 5. implemented in 700 MHz frequency band using bandwidth
PL= 69,55 + 26,16 log f – 13,83 log htx – a(hrx) + (44,9 – 2x10 MHz (paired) for LTE FDD and 20 MHz for LTE TDD,
6,55 log htx) log d ………………........... [5] with varying wide area (100 km2, 250 km2 and 500 km2) and
varying user traffic (50 Mbps and 100 Mbps).
B. LTE Link Budget Based on Capacity
LTE OFDMA capacity can be determined using equation 6
based on frame structure.
C = M x NPRB x NSubcarrier/PRB x NSym/TTI x NSubframe/Sec .... [6]
By using the assumption of 3 sectors for each site, then the
cell radius can be calculated by equation 7.
Cell radius = .
.......... [7]

C. The Number of eNode B Calculation and Duplexing Mode

Analysis for LTE Implementation in Frequency Band 700
By comparing the trade-off cell radius based on capacity Fig. 8 Number of eNodeB 2x10 MHz LTE FDD and 20 MHz LTE TDD
and based on coverage, the amount of eNodeB required for By looking at the ratio between the number eNodeB on
frequency of 700 MHz using a bandwidth of 2x20 MHz LTE FDD and LTE TDD, it can be seen the implementation
(paired) for LTE FDD and 20 MHz for LTE TDD of cost saving from the number of eNodeB when compared
implemented on varying wide area (100 km2, 250 km2 and 500 LTE FDD with LTE TDD as shown in Table VII:
km2) and varying user traffic (50 Mbps and 100 Mbps) can be
viewed in the Fig. 7.
(2X10 MHZ)
Service P d BHCA
Wide Area (km2) (Mbps)
OBQ (Mbps/km2)
100 250 500 VOIP 0,4 45 0,04 0,064
50 6 eNodeBs 15 eNodeBs 28 eNodeBs
DATA 0,5 20 0,008 0,384
100 11 eNodeBs 29 eNodeBs 55 eNodeBs
HMM 0,1 40 0,008 1
Table VII shows that the cost for LTE TDD will be
cheaper when used 2x10 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD
toward 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE TDD. VOIP service is a service that used for VOIP only and
DATA is the service to serve data connection, such as SMS,
V. LTE REFARMING ANALYSIS MMS, EMS, and email services. HMM (High Interactive
Multimedia) is the services that serve the media stream, IPTV,
A. Predicted population online gaming, video conferencing, and other multimedia
First, predict the population is used for the next few years services.
before make a scenarios such as equation 8:
Un = Uo ( 1 + fp )n ....................... [8] C. LTE Refarming Scenarios
With assume number of population of a region is Scenario in refarming LTE conducted to test performance
1,867,010 people in 2009 and its growth rate is assumed 1.34 of bandwidth usage for LTE providers based on frequency
every 2 year. The parameters used in this research is shown in auction scenario. Some scenarios applied to see the cell radius
Table VII: based on the coverage and capacity. In this scenario used
TABLE VIII some assumptions and limitation of refarming :
CUSTOMERS PARAMETERS ASSUMPTIONS a. Only 3 LTE providers in the scenario to be analysed.
Parameter number of customers Value b. Each provider can only add 5 MHz and business
development aspect assumed linier for each provider.
Cellular Penetration (%) 80
c. The allocation of frequencies for LTE FDD is 45 MHz
Cellular growth every 2 years (%) 20 and use 30 MHz dual duplexer scheme.
d. Every 4 years each provider increase 5 MHz bandwidth
UMTS Penetration (%) 5
as shown as each scenario and was started in 2015 (the
UMTS growth every 2 years (%) 1 end of the year 2014 have replaced analog television to
digital television).
The number of UMTS provider customers (%) 60
e. TDD frequency allocations which used in refarming
LTE Penetration (%) 3 scenario is 60 MHz (unpaired) from 698 MHz to 758
The number of provider customers LTE (%) 60 f. Link budget is used in urban areas with 167.5 km2.
LTE growth every 2 years (%) 1 g. Using reuse 1 scheme in the scenario.
Distribution of customers are assumed to consist of 30% in 1) Case I : Refarming Scenarios LTE FDD - In FDD
building, 40% pedestrian and 30% vehicular. scenarios , frequency regulation will be used 45 MHz which is
divided every 5 MHz for each slot and used 30 MHz dual
B. Traffic Estimation duplexer scheme.
To estimate total traffic density of LTE services, it can use Scenario 1, the two providers is planned to use a combination
Offered Bit Quantity (OBQ). OBQ is the total throughput of of dual carrier 10MHz+5MHz and an provider using 15 MHz
bits/km2 at a hour. Basically, for each LTE service, OBQ is as shown in Fig. 9.
calculated during peak hours for a particular area based on
several assumptions, namely penetration of users, effective
calls duration, Busy Hour Call Attempt (BHCA) and the
bandwidth from the LTE services. BHCA is the number of Fig. 9 Scenario 1 Refarming of LTE FDD
times a phone call attempt during the busiest hours of the day.
So, OBQ can be calculated such as equation 9. Scenario 2, each provider planned to use 15 MHz allocation as
OBQ = σ x p x d x BHCA x BW ........................ [9] shown in Fig. 10.
Parameters assumption based on earlier studies, OBQ
stated in table IX.
Fig. 10 Scenario 2 Refarming of LTE FDD
Scenario 3, provider A is planned to use 20 MHz, provider B
using 15 MHz and provider C using 10 MHz as shown in Fig.
11. Fig. 16 Scenario 3 Refarming of LTE TDD

From the scenario as shown in Fig. 14, Fig. 15 and Fig. 16 ,

the result of the cell radius can be seen in Fig. 17.
Fig. 11 Scenario 3 Refarming of LTE FDD

From the scenario as shown in Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 ,

the result of the cell radius can be seen in Fig. 12.

Fig. 157 Cell Radius of LTE TDD

From Fig. 17, it can be seen the results of the radius of the
cell that suitable until 2035 is scenario 3. In Fig. 16, there are
dual carrier mechanisms to maximize cell radius. In 2019,
provider C is better using dual carrier scheme 5MHz+5MHz
Fig. 12 Cell Radius of LTE FDD than single carrier 10 MHz. In conclusion, scenario 3 is the
most suitable scenario applied in Indonesia because the
From Fig. 12, it can be seen the results of the cell radius
stability of cell radius if using LTE TDD configuration 3.
that suitable until 2035 is scenario 2. In Fig. 12, there are dual
So the refarming recommendation of LTE TDD as shown
carrier mechanisms to maximize cell radius. In 2019, all
in Fig 18.
providers using dual carrier scheme 5MHz+5MHz in all
scenarios. In 2023, provider C using 10MHz+5MHz in all
scenarios, and in 2027, provider A and C using 10MHz+5
MHz for scenario 2. In conclusion, scenario 2 is the most
suitable scenario applied in Indonesia because the stability of
Fig. 18 Refarming Recommendation of LTE TDD
the cell radius.
So the refarming recommendation of LTE FDD as shown D. Scenario Comparison of LTE FDD and LTE TDD
in Fig 13. From the analysis of cell radius between LTE FDD in scenario
3 (Fig. 15) and LTE TDD configuration 5 in scenario 2 (Fig.
10), it can be compared cell radius from 2015 to 2035 as
shown in Fig. 19.
Fig. 13 Refarming Recommendation of LTE FDD

2) Case II : Refarming Scenarios LTE TDD - In TDD

scenarios, frequency regulation will be used 60 MHz which is
divided every 5 MHz for each slot.
Scenario 1, each provider planned to use a combination of
2x10 MHz dual carrier as shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 Scenario 1 Refarming of LTE TDD

Scenario 2, each provider planned to use a combination of

dual carrier 15 MHz +5 MHz as shown in Fig. 15.
Fig. 19 Comparison Cell Radius LTE FDD Scenario 2 and LTE TDD
Scenario 3

From Fig. 17 shows that the LTE FDD better coverage than
Fig. 145 Scenario 2 Refarming of LTE TDD the LTE TDD.
Scenario 3, each provider planned to use the maximum
bandwidth of 20 MHz as shown in Fig. 16.
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15 MHz (scenario 2) for each provider, and for the LTE TDD
is 20 MHz (scenario 3) for each provider.

The authors would like to thank to DG Post &
Telecommunication Indonesia for the support and reference
during the preparation and the refarming analysis.

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