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Practical Research 2

Module 3: Quarter 1 – Week 6

Let us check if you have knowledge on the topic. Goodluck!!!

Directions: Carefully read each statement below. Choose the one alternative that
best completes the statement or answers the question. Write your answer in your
logbook which will be collected.

1] It is a picture that represents the components of a process, device, or

other object using abstract, often standardized symbols and lines.
A. Concept Map B. Schematic Diagram C.
Framework D. Venn Diagram

2] This purpose of Conceptual Framework allows the researcher to be certain on

what is happening in his research.
A. Keeps in Right track
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals
and questions
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

3] The researcher can identify variables and their relationships.

A. Keeps in Right track
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals
and questions
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

4] It allows researchers to further explain the concepts and how they connected to
one another thus making the flow of the research comprehensible and
A. Keeps in Right track
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals
and questions
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

5] When a researcher wanted to conduct a research on the effect of Tawa-tawa

Euphorbia hirta to Covid 19 patient, the most appropriate way to present this is
A. Narrative presentation of theories related to Tawa-tawa.
B. Presenting the existing knowledge of the researcher and guided
by relevant theories related to Covid 19.
C. Displaying the flow of research showing variables in a form of
concept map.
D. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study.


Let us talk about concepts, principles and processes. There is a question after the discussion

What the terms Theoretical and Conceptual frameworks connote?

A theoretical framework is founded on the theories already developed over an area

over a long period of time having a robust historical background while the
conceptual framework is used in a new researchable area. In fact, both explain the
future course of the research study justifying the research enterprise with the aim
to make sure that the findings are more meaningful, acceptable and generalizable.
The theoretical framework helps explain why the current research problem exists while
using the lens of a relevant theory from existing literature. However, it is believed that
the research paradigm determines the role of a theory in the research undertaking.
Hence, one must consider his/her world view in the research. In the conceptual
framework, the fundamental concepts that characterize and delineate the study
variables are presented to establish an informed understanding of the study.

Conceptual Framework versus Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework
Narrower Scope Broader Scope
Very Specific, Definite structure, No General, Less structured, no ambiguity
Ambiguity in definition in definition
Provide the structure, paradigm for a Provide basic foundation for a research
research analysis study
Derived from concepts, specific Derived from theories that already exist
variables that maybe identified in the
study itself
It lies in the entire commencement of It is the starting point of the
the study discussion, makes readers aware of
what follows

Should you focus your research on conceptual framework or on the theoretical
framework? Why or why not?

There is an important idea that you need to know.
Please take time to read it!


Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you understand conceptual


What is Conceptual Framework?

Is a graphical presentation of your concepts or ideas on the basic structure or

components of your research as well as on the relationships of these elements with
one another. It is a graph or non-prose material, specifically, a schematic diagram
that shows a well-ordered elements of the research. Giving a carefully constructed
arrangement of the components of your study, conceptual framework is a broad
outline or plan to give shape to your research (Shields et. al, 2013).

What are the Purposes of Conceptual Framework?

1. Keeps research on track.

2. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
3. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
4. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts

A Sample Conceptual Framework

Research Problem or Topic: Enhancing Body Weight of a Senior High School student
through Balance diet.

The above sample shows that the Body weight of a senior high school student can
be enhanced through balance diet. The Balance diet can be achieved by eating
variety of fruits, vegetables, drinking plenty of fluids and the like.

Quality Assessment Checklist
Make sure that when you develop a conceptual framework the following are achieved.
Put check (√) to the space provided if you met or answered the following questions.

Checklist Put (√)

Does your framework draw on theory, research, relevant
concepts, and experience?
Does your framework depict the overall “territory” of your
Does your framework illuminate the relationships among
conceptual variables?
Does your framework enable a reader to understand what
your study seeks to achieve and how that will be achieved?
If you have developed diagramatic model, is it clearly and
accurately presented? In other words, does it makes sense and
have meaning?
If you have developed a diagrammatic model, is this
accompanied by comprehensive descriptive narrative?
If you have developed conceptual categories, are these directly
tied to the research questions?
Do you have at least one (1) conceptual category per research
Does your conceptual framework add value to the way you
others understand your research?
. Does your chosen framework enhance the conceptual quality
of your research?

Pointers in Writing a Conceptual Framework

1) Familiarize yourself with the objective of the conceptual framework.

2) Base the contents of the conceptual framework on your own understanding
of the elements and of the relationships of the research features.
3) See to it that all aspects of the conceptual framework are related to the
objective of the research.
4) Let others read your conceptual framework for comments or feedback for
improvement purposes.

Directions. Decide whether each set of words make up a conceptual framework or
a theoretical framework. Copy the table below in your logbook. Put a check mark (√)
on the line where appropriate after each set of words.
Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework
Using Concept Map
Pre-test and Post-test
Charles Darwin of
Testing the effect of
Saluyot or Jute in Dengue
The Origin of the Universe


Directions: Write a two paragraph composition about the most important things
you learned about conceptual framework. Write your answers in your logbook.

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1] Which of the following would be regarded as the most abstract?

A] A construct C] A concept
B] A variable D] An indicator

2] It is a picture that represents the components of a process, device, or other

object using abstract, often standardized symbols and lines.
A] Concept Map C] Framework
B] Schematic Diagram D] Venn Diagram

3] This purpose of Conceptual Framework allows the researcher to be certain

what is happening in his research.
A] Keeps in Right track
B] Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and
C] Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D] Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
4] We can only measure concepts directly from the empirical data we collect.
A] True C] It depends on the type of research B] False D] None of the
5] The researcher can identify variables and their relationships.
A] Keeps in Right track
B] Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and
C] Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D] Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
6] When developing conceptual framework, make sure that the concepts are
related to what part of the research?
A] Title of the study C] Research Objectives
B] Conclusions D] Recommendation
7] The researcher can clearly identify the connection of one literature to
another. A] Keeps in Right track
B] Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals
and questions
C] Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D] Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

8] It allows researchers to further explain the concepts and how they connected to
one another thus making the flow of the research comprehensible and
A] Keeps in Right track
B] Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and
C] Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D] Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
9] When a researcher wanted to conduct a research on the effect of Tawa-tawa
Euphorbia hirta to Covid 19 patient, the most appropriate way to present this is
A] Narrative presentation of theories related to Tawa-tawa.
B] Presenting the existing knowledge of the researcher and guided by
relevant theories related to Covid 19.
C] Displaying the flow of research showing variables in a form of
concept map.
D] Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study.
10] In a deductive study the conceptual framework is derived from:
A] The analysis of empirical data.
B] The literature review.
C] Inductive reasoning.
D] None of the above is true

Answer Key:


1) B
2) A
3) C
4) D
5) C

1) C
2) B
3) A
4) A
5) C
6) C
7) B
8) D
9) C
10) B


Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you define and understand
terms used in a research study, distinguish operational definition from other types
of definition and compare and contrast operational and theoretical definition.

Language of Research
Every outstanding research contains terms or words that sometimes cannot
understand by the readers. There are variables that are used in the study that is
not familiar with the readers and it may lead to misconception or misinterpretation.
Operational definition allows the researchers to describe in a specific way what they
mean when they use a certain term.

For non-researchers, unless they purposely read bookd on research, the language
of research appears as jargon. Jargons are terms considered as technical because
these are commonly used only by people belonging to the same field of
specialization. Exclusively used by specific set of person, like engineers, doctors,
lawyers, architects, or businessman, among others, these terms do not sound
familiar or understandable to ordinary persons in society (Shields, 2013).

What Is Operational Definition?

An operational definition is a detailed specification of how one would go about

measuring a given variable. Operational definitions can range from very simple and
straightforward to quite complex, depending on the nature of the variable and the
needs of the researcher. Operational definitions should be tied to the theoretical
constructs under study. The theory behind the research often clarifies the nature of
the variables involved and, therefore, would guide the development of operational
definitions that would tap the critical variables (Grazanio, 2013).

Clearly Stating the Operational Definition

There is an old saying that you can never be too rich. When it comes to operational
definitions, you can never be too detailed. The more clearly you specify the
procedures, the more likely that the procedures will be carried out precisely and the
more likely that researchers who attempt to replicate your work will use the same

Even for simple things, it it best to specify procedures in detail. For example, if you
want to weigh people in a study, you could just say "weigh them." That procedure
seems obvious on the surface, but how do you guarantee that the scale is working
properly (standardizing the measure) and what should you have your participants
wear when they are being weighed. The weight of street clothes can vary significantly
depending on how cold it is or what you might be carrying in your pockets. Those
variation add error variance (Grazanio, 2013).

Operational definition is making the concept or the thing meaningful by specifying

the way your research should measure such concept. It defines the basic concept .
Defining Operationally

An operational definition of a variable describes:

• What is observed.
• What is measured.

These definitions are written quantitatively using:

• length, width, height, etc
• time
• distance
• temperature
• numerical value of something

To gain a better understanding of what an operational definition is, consider
the following example:

Senior High School researchers are interested to conduct a research in sports

medicine and exercise physiology study the effects of various variables on a
person's endurance. Each researcher might decide on a different way of measuring
this variable. For example, if an experiment was conducted to test the effects of
Vitamin E on endurance, the dependent variable being the person's endurance,
might be operationally defined in ways such as:

• The distance a person could run without stopping.

• The number of hours a person could stay awake.
• The number of jumping jacks a person could do before getting tired.

Guidelines in Giving Operational Definitions

1) Have a clear understanding of the concept focused on by your study

before you begin defining such concept operationally.
2) Base your operational definition on the concept under study.
3) Express your operational definition in only one sentence.
4) Let the operational definition explain the measurement of variables clearly.
5) Construct an operational definition that other researchers can understand,
assess, and repeat in other research studies.

Examples of Operational Definitions

1) Defining Temperature

Theoretical/Conceptual Definition:
Temperature is a heat flowing between infinite reservoir
Operational Definition:
Temperature is defined in relation to operations with gas thermometer.

2) Defining Anger

Theoretical/Conceptual Definition:
Anger is intangible; not directly measured by
observation Operational Definition:
Anger is defined basing from the facial expressions, vocabulary,
or voice tone to measure anger.

Directions: Copy the statements below in your logbook. Write OD, if the statement
defines the term operationally; TD, if it defines the term theoretically or conceptually.

1) A sentence is a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea.

2) A sentence is made up of a subject, consisting of a name word, and a
predicate, made-up of an action word, to express complete thought.
3) A bug is a fault or an error in a computer program.
4) A bug is an error in a computer program that is characterized by high-speed
telegraph key.
5) Cycle is a set of operations.

Directions: Convert each theoretical definition to operational definition.
Write your answer in your logbook which will be collected on schedule.

1. Covid 19 is a communicable disease.

2. Electric fan is a device for convenience.

3. Face mask is a protective material for nose and mouth.

Directions. Copy the following sentences in your logbook. Put a check ( √ )
before the statement that is true.

1. Science is synonymous with jargon.

Science deals with concrete and abstract terms.
2. Operational definition stresses the category of the concept under study.
Operational definition stresses theoretical definition of concept
3. Expert’s words and phrases enrich the language of research.
Expert’s language is metaphorical and philosophical
4. Research has its own way of framing questions.
Research gives way to any kind of questions.
5. Research sounds complex because of its multisyllable words.

Research needs more multi-syllable words from experts.
6. Other researchers should not mind one’s operational definition of term.
Other researchers are not in position to judge one’s operational
7. Theoretical definition is the stepping stone to operational definition.
Theoretical definition has nothing to do with operational definition.
8. Operational definition is an element of an empirical study.
Operational definition is as understandable as a conceptual definition
9. An operation definition of variable described what is observed
and measured.
There is no need to observe and measure when defining variables
operationally because there is a Webster dictionary.
10. Construct an operational definition that other researchers
can understand, assess, and repeat in other research studies.
Construct an operational definition from Wikipedia or from your own
Answer Key:
1. Science deals with concrete and abstract terms.
2. Operational definition stresses the measurement of concept
3. Research has its own way of framing questions.
4. Other researchers are not in position to judge one’s operational definition.
5. Operational definition is an element of an empirical study.

1) TD
2) OD
3) TD
4) OD
5) TD
Answers will based on teachers idea
1) Science deals with concrete and abstract terms.
2) Operational definition stresses the category of the concept under study.
3) Expert’s words and phrases enrich the language of research.
4) Research has its own way of framing questions.
5) Research sounds complex because of its multisyllable words.
6) Other researchers are not in position to judge one’s operational definition.
7) Theoretical definition is the stepping stone to operational definition.
8) Operational definition is an element of an empirical study.
9) An operation definition of variable described what is observed and measured.
10) Construct an operational definition that other researchers can understand,
assess, and repeat in other research studies.


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