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• Pembentukan

dan distribusi wealth (kekayaan), memproduksi

barang dan jasa sesuai kebutuhan, dan distribusi yang adil
• Pembangkitan dan penyebaran truth (kebenaran), informasi,
pengetahuan, dan pengertian. five
• Kreasi dan penyebaran beauty (keindahan) , aspek dimensio
keberadaan emosional, kegembiraan. ns of a
• Pembentukan value (nilai) , untuk tujuan pengaturan dan
mempertahankan hubungan interpersonal: kerja sama, koalisi, system
persaingan, dan konflik.
• Pengembangan power (kekuasaan), wewenang, dan tanggung
jawab atau, gagasan pemerintahan.

• REACTIVE (reacting to certain problems in social

life) : Economics, Scientifics, aesthetics, ethics,
and politics.

• PROACTIVE (reaching for the ultimate good):

truth (scientific function), plenty (economic
function), good (ethical-moral function), and
beauty (aesthetic function).
Although some prominent social thinkers have implicitly considered more
than one dimension in their analysis, most have chosen a single and, not
surprisingly, different function as the prime cause of all social phenomena.
Example :
• Marx à considered the economy, the mode of production, as the
underlying cause of social realities.
• Weber à. power, supported by notions of authority and legitimacy,
seemed the prime concern
• Bagdanov à used knowledge as the organizing principle of society.
• Religious thinkers place values at the core of everything
• Recognizing these five dimensions as a complete set, unlike those
of conventional practice, is not meant to isolate each dimension so
it can be analyzed separately. Rather, it is to emphasize their
interactions. It is quite feasible to use any four of the above
dimensions to partly explain the characteristics of the fifth.
• For example, power, as the ability to do, can be defined in terms of
wealth, knowledge, beauty (charisma), and values (tradition). Each
dimension could be the source of power. However, we also need to
recognize the significance of power in the decision process and as
the organizing element of society in its own right
Our main purpose here, however, is to explore the
practical implications of these five dimensions in
designing business processes.

• The main function of a business, of course, is to produce a

throughput — that is, in the most general terms, to generate
and disseminate wealth.
• throughputs define how the organization’s output is to be
produced. It is the effectiveness of this process that ultimately
results in a business concern’s success or failure
The rest of this chapter explores the operating rules and
basic elements of a throughput system, then discusses the
basics of organizational processes in the following order:
• Membership
• Conflict management
• Decision system
• Learning and control
The definition of throughput in this context is the process of
generating and disseminating wealth. It contains all the activities
necessary to obtain required inputs, convert inputs to outputs, and
then take the final products to market.

Therefore, marketing, selling, order processing, purchasing,

producing, shipping, billing, and accounting—in addition to cash
management, quality, time, and cost—are among the activities of a
throughput chain.
• The significance of • Effective membership in a
membership in multiminded system
sociocultural systems requires a role, a sense of
(families, groups, belonging, and a
organizations, nations) lies commitment to participate
in the fact that the units of in creating the group’s
these systems are not so future, so much so that
much the individuals, but rolessness is the major
the roles imparted to them obstruction to integrating a
social system.

The effectiveness of an
organization, therefore,
depends not so much on
managing the of
individuals, but on
managing the interactions
among its members.
The interactions among
members of an
organization take many

• To deal effectively with multiminded systems requires

understanding choice, and choice is a matter of freedom and
power-to-do. We have argued that while the parts of a
multiminded system increasingly display choice and behave
independently, the whole becomes more and more
interdependent. This represents a dilemma: a dichotomy of
centralization (a concern for the interest of the whole) or
decentralization (a concern for the interest of the parts). The
answer lies in the fact that centralization and decentralization are
two sides of the same coin. Both must happen at the same time.
This phenomenon is possible because power is like knowledge
In summary, to manage a throughput in a multiminded system,
we need to:
• Align the interest of purposeful members and generate excitement
and commitment to the purpose of the whole and vice versa.
• Let empowerment happen by duplicating power, not abdicating it.
• Separate control from service and convert it to a learning function.
• Prevent a win/lose struggle and dissolve paralyzing conflicts.
sebagai indikator kehadiran

• Berikan contoh tipe interaksi

(hubungan) antar individu
dalam 4 type dalam gambar
tersebut !

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