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Ferrous Sulfate Ferrous Sulfate Pharmacological Class: Constipation, Nausea, Epigastric Before:
Oral Iron Supplement Elevates prevention diarrhea, stomach pain, Vomiting, > check the doctor’s order
cramps, or upset Constipation, Black > assess for allergy to any
Therapeutic Class:
the serum and stomach stools, anorexia. ingredient,sulfite;
iron treatment hemosiderosis, haemolytic

concentra of iron- > assess for skin lesions,

color; gums, teeth (color);
bowel sounds
tion, and deficiency > monitor blood studies
> confirm that client does
is then anemias have
iron deficiency
Prevention and treatment
converted of iron-deficiency
> verify patient’s identity
to Low Hemoglobin count
because Ferrous sulfate
> administer the right drug
in the rightdose and route
at the right time
Hgb or replaces iron, an essential
component in the
> do not crush, chew or cut
tablets and capsules
trapped in formation of hemoglobin.
> give drug with meals
(avoiding milk,eggs,
the coffee, and tea)
> administer liquid

reticuloen preparations in water or

juice to mask the taste and
prevent staining of teeth;
have patient/drink solution
with a straw
dothelial > do not take this drug
with antacids nor
cells for tetracyclines

storage After:
> warn patient that stool

and may be dark or green

> arrange for periodic
monitoring of Hct and Hgb
eventual levels
> report severe Gi upset,
conversio lethargy, rapid respirations
and constipation
n to > Document and record.

a usable
form of
Elevates the serum
iron concentration,
and is then converted
to Hgb or trapped in
the reticuloendothelial
cells for storage and
eventual conversion to
a usable form of iron

Folic Acid Folic Acid Pharmacological Class: Megaloblastic or Nausea, abdominal CNS: PRIOR:
Folic acid derivative macrocytic anemia distention, General malaise. > Take a drug history
Therapeutic Class: Required for protein secondary to folic flatulence, altered Respiratory: including antacid use ,
Vitamin supplement synthesis and Red acid deficiency, sleep pattern, Bronchospasm. OTC Drugs , recent
Blood Cell function, hepatic disease, overactivity, Skin:  abdominal surgeries and
alcoholism, intestinal
Stimulates the Allergic reactions allergies to sulfates
production of RBC’s excessive hemolysis (rash, pruritus, > Assess nutritional status
Indicated for the Megaloblastic or erythema). and diet history
prevention and macrocytic anemia DURING:
treatment of secondary to folic acid > Take with meals
megaloblastic and deficiency, hepatic > Do nut crush tablet
macrocytic anemias disease, alcoholism, > Encourage to take with
intestinal obstruction, ferrous sulfate with citrus
excessive hemolysis juice
> Monitor Vital Signs
> Note for any signs of GI
> Note any signs of
fatigue, pallor, and poor
skin turgor

Tranexamic Acid Tranexamic Acid Pharmacological Class: Before:

Antifibrinolytic Tranexamic acid >Treatment of excessive CNS: > Check the doctor’s order
Therapeutic Class: competitively inhibits bleeding resulting from > Observe the 15 rights of
Hemostatic Agent activation of
plasminogen (via
systemic or local
Dizziness drug administration
> Do skin testing
binding to the kringle
domain), thereby
> Prophylaxis in patients
with coagulopathy
EENT: > Tell patient to inform the
healthcare provider if color
reducing conversion
of plasminogen to
undergoing surgical
procedures Visual blind, have a history of
stroke, and blood clot, or
plasmin (fibrinolysin), > Treatment of excessive bleeding in your brain
an enzyme that bleeding resulting from abnormal .> Caution patient to avoid
degrades fibrin clots, systemic or local products containing aspirin
fibrinogen, and other hyperfibrinolysis ities or NSAIDs
plasma proteins, > For women who are
including the CV: taking to control heavy
procoagulant factors bleeding, the medication
V and VII Hypotens should only be taken
during the menstrual
ion, period

thromboe > administer the drug at

the right dosage and route
in the right time
mbolism, > check the patency of the
IV site and IV line
thrombos > Do not use this
medication without telling
is your doctor if you are
breastfeeding a baby

GI: After:
> Advise patient to take
medication exactly as
Diarrhea, directed
> Unusual change in
nausea, bleeding pattern should be
reported to the physician
vomiting > Report severe allergic
reactions such as rash,
CNS: Dizziness hives, itching, dyspnea,
EENT: tightness in the chest,
Visual abnormalities swelling of the mouth,
CV: Hypotension, face, lips or tongue
thromboembolism, > If the patient missed a
thrombosis dose, let patient take when
GI: Diarrhea, nausea, remembered, then take
vomiting next dose at least 6 hours
.> Store this medication at
room temperature away
from moisture and hea

> check the doctor’s order
> assess for allergy to any ingredient,
sulfite; hemochromatosis,
hemosiderosis, haemolytic anemias
> assess for skin lesions, color;
gums, teeth (color); bowel sounds
> monitor blood studies
> confirm that client does have iron
deficiency anemia
> verify patient’s identity
> administer the right drug in the right
dose and route at the right time
> do not crush, chew or cut tablets
and capsules
> give drug with meals (avoiding milk,
eggs, coffee, and tea)
> administer liquid preparations in
water or juice to mask the taste and
prevent staining of teeth; have patient
drink solution with a straw
> do not take this drug with antacids
nor tetracyclines unless prescribed
> warn patient that stool may be dark
or green
> arrange for periodic monitoring of
Hct and Hgb levels
> keep this drug out of reach of
children (may cause fetal poisoning)
> report severe Gi upset, lethargy,
rapid respirations and constipation
> document and record.

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