The 2018 Sulawesi Tsunami in Palu City As A Result of Several Landslides and Coseismic Tsunamis

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The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result

of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis

Rafael Aránguiz, Miguel Esteban, Hiroshi Takagi, Takahito Mikami, Tomoyuki

Takabatake, Matías Gómez, Juan González, Tomoya Shibayama, Ryo
Okuwaki, Yuji Yagi, Kousuke Shimizu, Hendra Achiari, Jacob Stolle, Ian
Robertson, Koichiro Ohira, Ryota Nakamura, Yuta Nishida, Clemens
Krautwald, Nils Goseberg & Ioan Nistor

To cite this article: Rafael Aránguiz, Miguel Esteban, Hiroshi Takagi, Takahito Mikami, Tomoyuki
Takabatake, Matías Gómez, Juan González, Tomoya Shibayama, Ryo Okuwaki, Yuji Yagi,
Kousuke Shimizu, Hendra Achiari, Jacob Stolle, Ian Robertson, Koichiro Ohira, Ryota Nakamura,
Yuta Nishida, Clemens Krautwald, Nils Goseberg & Ioan Nistor (2020) The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami
in Palu city as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis, Coastal Engineering Journal,
62:4, 445-459, DOI: 10.1080/21664250.2020.1780719

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2020, VOL. 62, NO. 4, 445–459

The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result of several landslides and
coseismic tsunamis
Rafael Aránguiz a,b, Miguel Esteban c, Hiroshi Takagi d, Takahito Mikami e, Tomoyuki Takabatake c,
Matías Gómez a, Juan González b,f, Tomoya Shibayama c, Ryo Okuwaki g, Yuji Yagih, Kousuke Shimizug,
Hendra Achiarii, Jacob Stolle j, Ian Robertsonk, Koichiro Ohiral, Ryota Nakamura m, Yuta Nishidac,
Clemens Krautwald n, Nils Goseberg n and Ioan Nistor o
Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción, Chile; bResearch Center for Integrated
Disaster Risk Management (CIGIDEN), Chile; cDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan;
School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; eDepartment of Urban and Civil Engineering, Tokyo City
University, Tokyo, Japan; fDepartment of Geological Sciences, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile; gGraduate School of Life
and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan; hFaculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba,
Japan; iDepartment of Ocean Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung City, Indonesia; jCentre Eau Terre Environnement,
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Quebec, Canada; kDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Honolulu, USA; lJERA Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan; mDepartment of Engineering, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan; nDepartment of
Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; oDepartment
of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


The September 28 2018 Palu tsunami surprised the scientific community, as neither the earth­ Received 19 November 2019
quake magnitude nor its strike-slip mechanism were deemed capable of producing the wave Accepted 6 June 2020
heights that were observed. However, recent research has shown that the earthquake generated KEYWORDS
several landslides inside Palu bay. The authors conducted a post-disaster field survey of the area Palu city; landslide tsunami;
affected to collect spatial data on tsunami inundation heights, nearshore and bay bathymetry, numerical simulation
and carried out eyewitness interviews to collect testimonies of the event. In addition, numerical
simulations of the tsunami generation and propagation mechanisms were carried out and
validated with the inferred time series. Seven small submarine landslides were identified along
the western shore of the bay, and one large one was reported on the eastern shore of Palu City.
Most of these landslides occurred at river mouths and reclamation areas, where soft submarine
sediments had accumulated. The numerical simulations support a scenario in which the tsunami
waves that arrived at Palu city 4–10 min after the earthquake were caused by the co-seismic
seafloor deformation, possibly coupled with secondary waves generated from several submarine
landslides. These findings suggest that more comprehensive methodologies and tools need to be
used when assessing probabilistic tsunami hazards in narrow bays.

1. Introduction which resulted in ~450 casualties (Heidarzadeh et al.

2020; Takabatake et al. 2019). Recent research indicates
On September 28, 2018, an earthquake of moment mag­
that the Palu earthquake ruptured at supershear velocities
nitude Mw. 7.5, with its epicenter located at 0.18°S and
(Socquet et al. 2019; Bao et al. 2019) and additional non-
119.85°E, occurred in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. Tsunami
tectonic sources contributed to the generation of the tsu­
waves were reported in several areas inside Palu Bay only
nami, including landslides and liquefied gravity flows
a few minutes after the earthquake, with unexpectedly
(Heidarzadeh, Muhari, and Wijanarto 2018; Takagi et al.
large inundation heights observed at Palu City (Mikami
2019; Sassa and Takagawa 2018; Pakoksung et al. 2019;
et al. 2019; Omira et al. 2019) (Figure 1). There were over Carvajal et al. 2019; Arikawa et al. 2018; Gusman et al. 2019).
4300 casualties,1 and 537,000 people were affected (Song Ten possible locations where coastal landslides could have
et al. 2019). Moreover, buildings and lifeline infrastructure taken place have been identified around the bay (Omira
experienced severe earthquake- and inundation-induced et al. 2019).
damage (Paulik et al. 2019). This event was the second Landslides are frequent in narrow bays and fjords, and
deadliest in recent times in Indonesia, after the 2004 can generate significant tsunami amplitudes (Lastras et al.
Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and tsunami 2013; Levin and Nosov 2009; Higman et al. 2018) that
(Heidarzadeh, Muhari, and Wijanarto 2018). In addition, devastate coastal communities (L’heureux et al. 2011). In
another deadly tsunami took place in December 2018, addition, narrow bays can experience large tsunami wave
caused by the eruption of the Anak Krakatau volcano, amplification due to energy focusing and resonance

CONTACT Rafael Aránguiz

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 Japan Society of Civil Engineers

Figure 1. Index maps. Left: Location of Palu Bay within Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. The map has been generated using available
maps in ArcGis 10.2 software. The fault lines were obtained after Bellier et al. (2006). The epicenter and the fault plane of the Mw
7.5 event is given by the USGS (United States Geological Survey 2018). Right: bathymetry of Palu Bay, inundation heights
measurements from Mikami et al. (2019), and important locations. TVRI is the location of Televisi Republik Indonesia. Bathymetry
released by the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency.

(Didenkulova and Pelinovsky 2011; Henry and Murty 1995; amplitudes are considerably smaller than those observed
Harbitz et al. 2006). Moreover, large tsunamis may also be along the southern shore of the bay. Moreover, Carvajal
generated by co-seismic seafloor displacement, coupled et al. (2019) reconstructed the tsunami waveforms at sev­
with a submarine landslide triggered by an earthquake eral locations inside Palu bay by combining video footage
(Favalli et al. 2009). Submarine landslides can take place and satellite imagery. These results were used by
where a large amount of sediments accrue on steep Sepúlveda et al. (2020) to define possible landslide loca­
seabed slopes, which accumulate a huge amount of poten­ tions by means of a tsunami source inversion. They con­
tial energy (Levin and Nosov 2009; Marchuk 2008) that has cluded that a limited number of landslides in the sourthern
tsunamigenic potential (Spinney 2014; Lee et al. 2006). Palu bay are able to explain the tsunami amplitudes
Therefore, there is widespread evidence that large tsuna­ observed. In addition, they highlighted that the 1-min
mis in narrow bays cannot be generated solely by co- sampling interval of the Pantoloan gauge did not capture
seismic effects (L’heureux et al. 2011; Heidarzadeh, well the short-period features of the Palu tsunami, and
Muhari, and Wijanarto 2018; Ward 2001). In fact, Takagi therefore this record may not provide a realistic time-
et al. (2019) demonstrated that a landslide tsunami was series for this event. A recent multibeam bathymetry of
generated at the south western shore of Palu bay and Palu Bay (Frederik et al. 2019) allowed the identification of
propagated as an edge wave to Palu city. In addition, several submarine slumps within the bay, and despite the
Pakoksung et al. (2019) analyzed submarine/subaerial land­ fact that the data did not include shallow waters, it was
slides inside Palu bay by means of numerical simulations concluded that there could have been a landslide near the
and validated the model with the Pantoloan tide gauge mouth of Palu river.
records. On the contrary, Ulrich et al. (2019) proposed The present study reports the results of a bathymetry
a rupture model which matches the Pantoloan tide survey along the shallow part of the southern half of
gauge, and conclude that the large inundation was the Palu Bay, which were combined with numerical simula­
sole result of coseismic tsunami action. On the other hand, tions to investigate not only the location but also the
Heidarzadeh, Muhari, and Wijanarto (2018) simulated the size of potential landslides that could be responsible for
tsunami using a purely tectonic source, and while their the large tsunami, and the possible coupling with a co-
results are in fairly good agreement with the tide gauge generation mechanism. The paper is structured as fol­
records at Pantoloan and Mumuju, the maximum wave lows: Section 2 gives a general description of the

Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami, and section 3 arrived 15–20 min after the previous wave. At TVRI Palu
describes the methodology. Section 4 then presents three tsunami waves arrived with a time difference of
the results, which are discussed in section 5. Finally, 5 min, with the first one reaching the area within 5 min of
section 6 provides the main conclusions of this research. the earthquake. At Wani, local residents indicated that
waves arrived about 4–6 min after the earthquake.
A video captured by CCTV just inland from Wani port
2. The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami shows the leading tsunami wave arriving exactly 3 min
Palu Bay, located on the northern Sulawesi Island of 35 s after the start of the earthquake. The CCTV camera of
Indonesia, has a North-South length of 30 km, an East- Kampoeng Nelayan Hotel in the Talise area shows that
West width of 6–7 km and maximum depths of up to the first tsunami wave arrived only 2 min after the earth­
700 m (see Figure 1). The bay is bisected by the Palu-Koro quake started. In a similar manner, a CCTV camera in
transform fault (Bellier et al. 2001; Watkinson and Hall Pantoloan port recorded ~2 m of water retreat and
2017). This fault belongs to the Makassar Strait seismic a rise of water of ~4 m only 3 min after the earthquake
region, which has previously generated the highest fre­ (Carvajal et al. 2019). All these observations, together with
quency of tsunami events in Indonesia. Fourteen of these the backward tsunami ray tracing conducted by Carvajal
phenomena have been recorded in Sulawesi Island et al. (2019), provide strong evidence that at least part of
between 1820 and 1982 (Prasetya, De Lange, and Healy the tsunami energy was released inside Palu Bay (Sassa
2001). and Takagawa 2018; Carvajal et al. 2019; Heidarzadeh,
The earthquake on September 28, 2018, took place Muhari, and Wijanarto 2018; Frederik et al. 2019).
at 10:02 UTC (18:02, local time) and had a moment
magnitude of Mw 7.5. The hypocenter of the earth­ 3. Methodology
quake was located at 0.256°S and 119.846°E at 20 km 3.1. Bathymetry survey
depth (United States Geological Survey 2018). It has
been noted that the earthquake probably ruptured at The bathymetric surveys were conducted from 28 to
supershear velocities (Socquet et al. 2019; Bao et al. October 30, 2018, using a Garmin GPSMAP 585 echo­
2019), and that not only a segment along the Palu- sounder which was mounted at the side of a speedboat
Koro fault to the north moved, but also a northwestern (the instrument was inside the water at all times, and
segment offshore (Song et al. 2019). care was taken to ensure that turbulence was not
Our international research team visited Sulawesi interfering with the measurements). Figure 2(a, b)
Island to survey the areas affected by the earthquake shows the type of speedboat used. The speed of the
and tsunami and recorded inundation heights and max­ boat was kept below 15 km/hour, given the opera­
imum runups (Mikami et al. 2019), while investigating tional limitations of the instrumentation (which usually
the impact of the tsunami on the coastal communities stopped recording after this velocity was reached). In
and associated infrastructure. Interviews were con­ fact, while measuring the bathymetry, the speed of the
ducted with the local population with the intention to boat was usually less than 10 km/hour, and in some
establish the most probable arrival time of the tsunami cases when wind waves become higher, it was as low
waves at various locations. In addition, a bathymetric as 5–6 km/hour. The bathymetry data collected was
survey was conducted along coastal zones, together analyzed using QGIS 3.2 software, and interpolated
with an aerial survey using a Phantom 4 pro drone.2 using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method,
Results from the field survey show that the largest with contour lines being extracted from these interpo­
inundation heights were observed at the southern lated data. The coastline was extracted from aerial
shore of the bay (Mikami et al. 2019). At the western images after the tsunami event from the Copernicus
side of Palu River mouth, maximum inundation heights Emergency Management Service (EMS) Mapping, and
of up to 6 m were measured, while along the eastern Figure 2(c) was produced with the help of ArcGIS.
shore water marks of approximately 4.5 m (at the location
3.2. Identification of landslides
of TVRI Palu, Figure 1) were observed. Inundation heights
decreased toward the entrance (north) of the bay, reach­ The differences between the bathymetric data from
ing values of only 1.5–2 m (Mikami et al. 2019) 2014 (provided by the Indonesian Geospatial
(see Figure 1), which is in good agreement with other Information Agency) and that collected by the authors
field surveys (Omira et al. 2019; Syamsidik et al. 2019; after the 2018 earthquake and tsunami enabled the
Arikawa et al. 2018). According to eyewitnesses, the first identification of areas where a submarine landslide
wave at Loli Dondo arrived from the direction of Palu may have occurred. Based on the characteristics of
approximately 4 min after the earthquake. At Buluri, 3 the submarine landslide bathymetry described in pre­
waves arrived within 3–5 min. The first wave at Silae vious research (Yamamoto 1991; Canals et al. 2004;
arrived 10 min after the earthquake, while the second Longva et al. 2003; Yalciner et al. 2014), the extraction

Figure 2. (a) Bathymetry survey around Palu. (b) Speedboat used in bathymetric survey (photo taken in Karang, Donggala city,
28th of October 2018). (c) Interpolated contour lines obtained from batymetry survey.

Table 1. Characteristics of the submarine landslide bathymetry. evidence, such as footage of the event or the testimo­
Scarps Steep slopes expanding downward in the form of nies of witnesses. The first such piece of evidence was
horse’s shoe and semi-circular planar shapes.
Steep slopes with smooth shapes without the video taken by Mr. Ricosetta Mafella, pilot of the
irregularity in plain, with a certain inclination. Batik 6321 flight (Carvajal et al. 2019; Takagi et al. 2019;
Sedimentary Fan-shaped portions at the base of scarps or
sections tongue-shaped hills.
Sepúlveda et al. 2020), and other online videos of the
Separate hills and convex topography. event, such as those taken from barges on the west
Long thin tongue shapes, or plateau shapes in side of the bay (see Table 2). For the first time, these
some cases.
videos captured the initial moment when the tsunami
waves were generated by multiple submarine land­
method for the present bathymetry took into account slides. Figure 3 shows the landslides identified by the
that it consists of scarps and sedimentary portions and pilot’s video. The second source of information were
that, for the case of thinner landslides, only the scarps the reports of witnesses of the event. While the inun­
are recognizable (see Table 1). The Paraview software3 dation surveys were being carried out, the authors also
was used to visualize such scarps and sedimentary interviewed residents of the affected areas, asking
sections. them about the characteristics of the wave and arrival
To further verify that these landslides actually took times (see previous section). According to such infor­
place, the authors resorted to searching for other mation, the bathymetric survey focused on the west

Table 2. List of videos which were analyzed to identify landslide location, wave arrival time and direction. All hyperlinks were
available as of December 7 2018.
Video N° Location Description Link
1 Shopping center, Arrival of first wave at Palu City
0°53ʹ1.75”S watch?v = mOEfs2Foh7E
2 Shopping Center: Arrival of second wave at Palu City
0°53ʹ1.75”S watch?v = uCr5MgP5VVs
3 Antena at TVRI area Generation of landslide tsunami at East side of Palu Bay
0°53ʹ12.83”S watch?v=xplXjWMf7QM
4 Kampoeng Nelayan Hotel, Talise Earthquake and Arrival of first wave at Talise area (Palu City)
0°51ʹ55.07”S watch?v=w6FYVCq3-as
5 Barge, 0°50ʹ31.4”S 119°49ʹ02.0”E Generation of landslide tsunamis at the west coast of Palu Bay
6 Vessel inside the bay: location Generation of landslide tsunami in some point inside the bay
unknown watch?v=KtQUntAHjE4


Figure 3. Waveforms generated by underwater landslides. Images taken by Mr. Ricosetta Mafella, Batik 6321 flight, minutes after
take-off (just after the earthquake). The red arrows indicate the existence of waves produced by large submarine landslides (Lw1-
Lw4). The blue arrows indicate smaller landslides, generated by reclaimed land used for storage and loading of gravel into large
barges, which were identified from another publicly available video (Video 5 in Table 2).

Figure 4. Bathymetry and cross-sections in Palu bay for definition of landslides parameters. LW means landslides at the west side
of the bay, while LE correspond to landslides at the east side.

side of the bay, as well as the Talise area. Once the located in shallower areas (which are not covered in
landslides locations were identified, cross-sections of their bathymetry). Moreover, from the estimated
the 2014 bathymetry were analyzed by means of volume of displaced sediment, a possible would
GlobalMapper software, which allowed the authors to appear to be located near the mouth of Palu river
define relevant parameters such as length, thickness, (Frederik et al. 2019), which coincides with source LE
depth, and slope angle (see Figure 4). LW represents shown in Figure 4 (which for simulation purposes was
landslides located at the west side of the Palu bay, divided into three different landslides in the present
while LE are those located on its east side. These land­ work)
slides locations were also compared with possible
landslides identified by Frederik et al. (2019), and land­
3.3. Numerical simulations and setup
slides LW2-3 coincide with those detailed in the cross
sections 5a and 5b of those authors. However, Frederik Tsunami numerical simulations of both co-seismic and
et al. (2019) analyzed a deeper bathymetry segment of landslide tsunamis were performed separately, using
the bay, with steeper slopes. In addition, they acknowl­ two different well-known numerical models. The for­
edged the difficulty in estimating the volume of sedi­ mer was simulated by means of the NEOWAVE model
ment due to uncertainties regarding the scarp as well (Yamazaki, Kowalik, and Cheung 2009; Yamazaki,
as the possibility that additional sources may be Cheung, and Kowalik 2011), which solves the nonlinear

shallow water equations and uses a vertical velocity The co-seismic tsunami was generated from the
term to account for weakly dispersive waves and the finite fault model (Okuwaki, Yagi, and Shimizu 2018),
non-hydrostatic component of pressure. The latter by using the method of the vertical component of 49
used two different but integrated models, GEOWAVE teleseismic P waveforms (Fig, 6a), downloaded via the
to generate the landslide’s tsunami initial condition Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Data
(Watts et al. 2003, 2005) and FUNWAVE (which uses Management Center (IRIS DMC). The instrumental
fully non-linear Boussinesq equations) to propagate responses were removed and converted into the velo­
the waves. city waveforms at a sampling rate of 1.0 s. Green’s
The simulation of the co-seismic tsunami with the functions were computed based on the method of
NEOWAVE model used three-level nested computa­ Kikuchi and Kanamori (1991) with the near-source
tional grids, with resolutions of 60-arcsec (~1850 m), velocity structures adopted from the CRUST1.0 model
15-arcsec (~460 m) and 3-arcsec (~90 m). The level-1 (Laske et al. 2013). A rectangle model-fault plane strik­
and level-2 grids were built using the GEBCO database ing at 385° and dipping at 69° was used, with a length
(resolution 30-arc seconds), while the level-3 grid was and width of 240 km and 30 km, respectively, with the
built from detailed bathymetry and topography possible source nodes distributed with grid intervals of
released by the Indonesian Geospatial Agency (resolu­ 5 km and 5 km along the strike and dip directions,
tion of 180 m (Pakoksung et al. 2019)), Figure 5(a,c) respectively. The initial rupture point was assumed to
show the nested grids used in the NEOWAVE numerical have taken place at 0.178°S, 119.840°E, at a 12-km
simulations. The landslide numerical simulations with depth. The slip on each source node was represented
GEOWAVE used one grid of 50 m resolution in UTM along the model-fault plane, with five-basis double-
coordinates. This grid included the entire Palu bay, as couple components (Kikuchi and Kanamori 1991),
shown in Figure 5(d). based on the extended framework of the inversion

Figure 5. Computational grids for coseismic and landslide tsunami simulations. (a) Level-1 grid with 60-arcsec resolution for
NEOWAVE model. (b) Level-2 grid with 15-arcsec resolution for NEOWAVE model. (c) Level-3 grid with 3-arcsec resolution for
NEOWAVE model. (d) Grid of 50 m resolution for landslide simulations with GEOWAVE model.

formulation developed by Yagi and Fukahata (2011). horizontal deformation, as recommended by Tanioka
The slip-rate function on each source node was repre­ and Satake (1996). Figure 7 shows the vertical and hor­
sented as a linear B-spline function with an interval at izontal deformation obtained from the tsunami source
1.0 s and duration of 20 s. The maximum rupture model. The relative horizontal deformation is estimated
velocity was set at 6.0 km/s, by considering the possi­ to be ~2-3 m inside Palu bay, which is in good agreement
bility of supershear rupture. The total source duration with reported information (Valkaniotis et al. 2018).
was assumed to be 40 s. The authors resolved large co- The simulation of landslides with GEOWAVE consid­
seismic slip zones at around 10 km and 80 km south ered the underwater slides as the tsunami source,
from the epicenter (Figure 6(c, d)). Overall, the finite- which are essentially thin slope failures parallel to the
fault model shows that the 2018 Palu earthquake is incline. Only submarine and coastal landslides have
a left-lateral strike-slip fault with a unilateral rupture been reported, and therefore no subaerial landslides
propagation toward the south from the epicenter. were considered in the analysis. Underwater slides are
However, especially for the large slip zone around characterized by the specific gravity, landslide length
80 km south from the epicenter, the slip vectors are (b), thickness (T), width (w) and an incline angle (theta).
not a pure strike slip, but involve dip-slip components From these variables, and assuming a rigid body move­
(Figure 6(d, e)). ment with the center of mass parallel to the incline,
The co-seismic tsunami’s initial condition was obtained other variables such as the initial acceleration, theore­
by means of the Okada (1985) formulation. Since the tical terminal velocity, characteristic distance of motion
vertical velocity term facilitates the simulation of tsunami and time of motion are computed internally by the
generation and kinetic energy transfer from the sea bot­ model (Watts et al. 2003).
tom deformation, the simulation considered a kinetic The landslide parameters were inferred from
source model. In addition, since the fault mechanism is a morphologic analysis of existing bathymetry that
a strike-slip with significant horizontal displacement, the were based on quantitative measurements, similar to
tsunami initial condition generation considered this Pakoksung et al. (2019), combined with a sensitivity

Figure 6. Summary plots of the finite-fault model. (a) Station distribution. Star denotes the epicenter. Dashed lines show epicentral
distances at 30° and 90°. (b) The resultant moment-rate function. (c) Map view of the finite-fault model. The gray rectangle
outlines the model fault. Black line shows the top of the model fault. Star denotes the epicenter. Color represents the slip. Coast
lines are drawn as gray lines. (d) Cross-sectional view of the slip. Arrow denotes the resultant rake angle. Star denotes the
epicenter. Color represents the slip. (e) Static distribution of moment-tensor distribution in a strike-dip view. Star denotes the
epicenter. Color represents a slip amplitude. Each beach ball represents a moment-tensor solution using a lower-hemisphere
stereographic projection.

Figure 7. Coseismic deformations of the earthquake source obtained from the NEOWAVE model. (a) Vertical deformation in
meters, positive numbers denote an uplift, while negative values represent subsidence. (b) Horizontal deformation in meters,
positive deformation is from south to north while negative deformation is from north to south. The arrows indicate the direction of
the deformation.

analysis of landslide tsunami simulations. Details of this 4. Results

sensitivity analysis are presented in the Supplementary
4.1. Location of submarine landslides
Material. Due to restrictions in the grid size, the follow­
ing analysis considered a grid resolution of 50 m for all According to the interview with the pilot, 7 circular
landslide simulations, and thus the entire Palu Bay is waves could be observed on the western shore of the
included in the analysis (See Figure 5(d)). bay immediately after the earthquake. From the pilot’s
video, it was not possible to observe whether any
additional waves were propagating radially from the
east side of the bay. However, the authors’ field surveys
and analysis of satellite images showed that an area in
the Talise neighborhood that was near a river mouth

Figure 8. Location of landslides. Left: Map of the seabed slopes of Palu Bay and location of landslides inside the bay. Red arrows
correspond to landslides identified from the pilot’s video at the west side (LW). Blue arrows are landslides reclamation areas
identified from aerial images and other videos. Green arrow corresponds to the large landslide at East Palu (LE), which consists of 6
simultaneous submarine landslides. The red squares A, B, C, and D are shown as enlarged areas on the right-hand side of the
figure. Right: Location and dimensions of landslides. LW2 and LW3 are simulated as a single landslide.

slumped into the bay, including pedestrian and road left column shows the tsunami generated from each
bridges, as well as several shops (Sassa and Takagawa landslide. The GEOWAVE model computes a different
2018). Figure 8 shows a map of the underwater bay characteristic time of motion for each landslide, which
slopes and the possible location of the 7 circular waves depends on the parameters provided in Table 3. The
inferred from the pilot’s video and other available central column shows the maximum tsunami ampli­
videos (see Table 2). Figure 8 also shows the most tude. Even though the landslides generate large tsu­
important landslides identified through the bathy­ nami amplitudes, the effects are mainly local (around
metric surveys performed prior to and after the earth­ the immediate vicinity of the place where the landslide
quake. The locations of these landslides are also shown was generated). Thus, LW23 generates limited effects
in Figure 4, in which cross-section A-A is placed along for Palu City. The right columns show the tsunami
landslide LW1, cross-section B-B along landslides LW2 waveforms at Palu City and Talise. These locations
and LW3, while cross-sections C-C, D-D, and were selected due to Palu being the study area of the
E-E correspond to the location of landslides LE1, LE2, present research (as it had the maximum inundation
and LE3, respectively. Since the maximum tsunami heights recorded throughout Palu Bay) and the CCTV
amplitude took place within 5 min of the earthquake camera at Talise recorded the arrival time. Landslide
at Palu city and Talise, landslide LW4 was not included LW23 generates tsunami amplitudes of less than
in the present analysis due to the fact that the arrival 50 cm, while LW1 and LE123 reach up to 1 m and
time of a wave from this location would be around 3 m at Palu City, respectively. Therefore, the following
10 min. Moreover, as highlighted by Sepúlveda et al. analysis is mainly focused on those landslides.
(2020), a limited number of landslides in southern Palu Figure 10 provides the results of the co-seismic and
bay are sufficient to explain the tsunami inundation landslide tsunami numerical simulations. The latter con­
height measurements. The size of the landslides and sidered the two simultaneous landslides described
other parameters used in this study were defined above. It can be observed that the coseismic tsunami
entirely based on the available preliminary data initial condition induces an initial amplitude of ~0.3 m
(Pakoksung et al. 2019), combined with the bathyme­ and a water level decrease of ~60 cm at the south-eastern
try survey carried out by the authors. side of the bay (Figure 10(a)). Figure 10(b) shows that
maximum co-seismic tsunami amplitudes reached up to
4.2. Tsunami simulations 1.5 m at the southern shore of the bay (with the first
tsunami wave reaching an amplitude of 0.7 m, 7.2 min
To understand the local dynamics of simultaneously after the earthquake, as seen in Figure 10(c)). The max­
occurring landslides superposed with co-seismic tsu­ imum tsunami amplitudes at the southern end of the bay
nami action, numerical simulations were carried out, are characteristic of U-shaped bays, due to energy focus­
with Lw2 and Lw3 being combined into one single ing (Didenkulova and Pelinovsky 2011).
landslide, referred to as Lw23. The landslides in East The lower panel of Figure 10 shows the results of the
Palu were divided into three individual landslides. The landslide simulations, though only LW1 and LE123 (see
parameters of the landslides were defined by means of Table 3) were considered as simultaneous landslides. As
an analysis of the bathymetry, , and a sensitivity ana­ previously mentioned, the effects of the other landslide
lysis (by comparing arrival times and maximum tsu­ (Lw23) had relatively limited effects on Palu City (see
nami amplitudes). The results of the sensitivity analysis Figure 9). All the simulated landslides (Lw1 and LE123)
are shown in the Supplementary Material. The simulta­ were considered to have started at the same time (t = 0)
neous simulation of the three landslides is referred to in the simulation. Although the time when the largest
as LE123. Table 3 shows the landslides parameters that wave arrived depends on the location and size of the
were used in the numerical simulations. landslide sources (Figure 10(d)), large amplitudes (~5 m)
Figure 9 shows the results of tsunami simulations of were obtained at the southern and south-eastern shores
the individual landslides LW1, LW23, and LE123. The

Table 3. Parameters of landslides used in the numerical simulation with GEOWAVE. x and y are the coordinates of the centroid
with reference to UTM zone 50 S, b is the landslide length, w is the width, T is the thickness, d is the depth of the centroid, Ѳ is the
slope angle, Φ is the azimuth, ao is the initial acceleration, ut is the terminal velocity, and to is the characteristic time. Landslide LE
consists of three simultaneous earthquake-triggered submarine landslides. The density of the landslide material is assumed to be
ρ = 1900 kg/m3.
X Y b w T d Ѳ Φ ao ut to
Name (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (°) (°) (m/s2) (m/s) (s)
LW1 813,978 9,907,000 550 400 30 100 20 290 1,003 49.74 49.60
LW23 812,571 9,911,224 500 310 30 50 7 290 0,3576 28.31 79.17
LE1 817,980 9,902,335 600 400 30 55 10 345 0,509 37.02 72.73
LE2 818,710 9,902,192 450 360 30 75 10 10 0,509 32.061 62.99
LE3 819,412 9,902,740 470 300 30 35 10 65 0,509 32.765 64.37

Figure 9. Results of landslide tsunami simulation of individual landslides LW1, LW23, LW4 and the series of 3 simultaneous
landslides of LE (LE246). Left column: initial condition, dashed lines represent isobaths at −10, −200, −400, and −600 m. Central
column: maximum tsunami amplitudes. Right column: tsunami wave form at Palu City and Talise.

Figure 10. Results of numerical simulations. Upper panel: Results from co-seismic tsunami, (a) tsunami initial condition, (b)
maximum tsunami amplitude, (c) tsunami waveform at Palu (blue) and Talise (red). Lower panel: Results from landslides LW1 and
LE, (d) landslide tsunami propagation at time t = 73.94 s, (e) maximum tsunami amplitudes, (f) tsunami waveform at Palu (blue)
and Talise (red). The maps of co-seismic tsunamis are in Geographical Coordinates, while the maps of the landslide tsunami is in
UTM zone 50 S. Dashed lines represent isobaths at −10, −200, −400, and −600 m.

of the bay (Figure 10(e)), which is in good agreement component of the waves that arrived to Pantoloan
with the field survey measurements shown in Figure 1. It shortly after the earthquake. Since landslides around
is significant that the first tsunami wave (~2 m high) Pantoloan area have not been simulated in the present
reached Palu City only 3.9 min after the earthquake (in research (due to the fact that the bathymetry survey
good agreement with the CCTV camera at Talise, which conducted by the authors did not cover that area),
shows the wave arrived at ~2.1 min), while the second a good agreement cannot be expected between the
(and largest) wave arrived 5.9 min after the earthquake inferred and simulated time series. Furthermore, it
(Figure 10(f)). should be noted that since the Pantoloan’s gauge
In addition, the present results are also in very good could not reliably capture short-period landslide tsu­
agreement with the inferred time series at Palu and nami waves (Carvajal et al. 2019; Sepúlveda et al.
Talise given by Carvajal et al. (2019), as shown in 2020), any numerical model validation conducted solely
Figure 11(a, b). In fact, the inferred tsunami waveform using this record should be treated with extreme
at Palu west indicates three waves that peaked at 3.8, caution.
5.8, and 7.9 min, with the second wave being the largest
(See Figure 11(a)). Figure 11(c) shows a comparison of
numerical simulations with the Pantoloan’s tide gauge
5. Discussion
time series. It can be observed that the inferred tide There is field-based evidence that the Palu earthquake
gauge time series at Pantoloan proposed by Carvajal generated a series of landslides around the bay, which
et al. (2019) indicates that the maximum tsunami wave is further supported by other recent findings (Sassa
took place 3.5 min after the earthquake and reached up and Takagawa 2018; Pakoksung et al. 2019; Carvajal
to ~3 m, and it was due to a landslide which in all et al. 2019). This sequence of hazardous events is also
likelihood took place in its vicinity (Carvajal et al. 2019; supported by other events in the past (Lee et al. 2006),
Heidarzadeh, Muhari, and Wijanarto 2018), such as land­ including the case of the Strait of Messina (where the
slide S1 given by Pakoksung et al. (2019) or Ls8, Ls9, and coupled effect of both co-seismic and landslides
Ls10 identified by Omira et al. (2019). Thus, it can be enhanced tsunami inundation (Favalli et al. 2009)).
inferred that landslides represented the main The landslide at East Palu (LE123) is inside the possible

Figure 11. Comparison of tsunami simulations of LW1+ LE123 and time series inferred from videos given by Carvajal et al. (2019)
at three locations. (a) Landslide tsunami waveform at Palu city. (b) Landslide tsunami waveform at Talise area. The NH Hotel time
series was considered for comparison in this location. (c) Tsunami waveforms at Pantoloan. Upper panel shows the coseismic
tsunami simulations and lower panel the landslide tsunami.

area identified by Carvajal et al. (2019), Gusman et al. Koro fault. Moreover, the land surveys revealed that all
(2019) and Frederik et al. (2019), and coincides with these possible landslides took place at river mouths or
sources S3 and S4 defined by Pakoksung et al. (2019). land reclamation areas (for the local quarry industry
In a similar manner, Lw1 and Lw2 have also been (Mikami et al. 2019)).
identified in recent works (Sassa and Takagawa 2018; Another interesting finding from the present results
Pakoksung et al. 2019). However, the present analysis, regards the influence of the bathymetry on tsunami pro­
which was calibrated using the time series from pagation. Figure 12 shows snapshots of the simultaneous
Carvajal et al. (2019), indicates that the landslides that landslide tsunami propagation due to LW1 and LE123. In
took place were probably much smaller than the ones this figure, the influence of the bathymetry in the immedi­
proposed by Pakoksung et al. (2019). In general, the ate vicinity of Palu City is clear (see, for example, wave
landslides along the western side of the bay took place propagation at t = 3.30 min and t = 3.79 min as the first
in areas with steep slopes that run parallel to the Palu- tsunami wave arrives at Palu City). The shallow water

Figure 12. Tsunami wave propagation from landslides LW1 and LE123 at different times. Dashed lines represent isobaths at −10,
−200, and −400 m. Competing Interest: The authors declare no competing interests.

bathymetry in the southwestern side of the bay, com­ narrow bays and fjords in earthquake-prone areas, includ­
pared to the much deeper southeastern side, resulted in ing a probabilistic approach that investigates cascading
refraction and shoaling of tsunami waves (see also Takagi effects and multi-hazard risks. In addition, communities
et al. 2019), which explains why video evidence and residing in these tsunami prone areas need to be made
witnesses in Palu reported that waves arrived from var­ aware that any earthquake can trigger a landslide-
ious directions, with the largest being from the northeast. induced tsunami with short arrival times.
Moreover, large tsunami amplification was observed
along the southern shore of the bay due to energy focuss­
ing (Didenkulova and Pelinovsky 2011). In addition, if Acknowledgements
landslides took place shortly after the earthquake
The field survey was financially supported by Penta Ocean
ended, the maximum tsunami amplitudes of both the co-
Co. Ltd. and by New CC Construction Consultants Co., Ltd.
seismic components and that due to landslides would Part of the present work was performed as a part of the
have coincided. Hence, future work should consider non- activities of Research Institute of Sustainable Future Society,
linear effects of the interactions between co-seismic and Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering,
landslide tsunamis, which have been neglected in the Waseda University. The authors would like to thank ANID
(Chile) for its FONDAP 15110017 grant, and the
present study.
Postgraduate program of Universidad Catolica de la
The tsunami inside Palu bay demonstrated that tsu­ Santisima Concepción for its support. This research was also
nami waves may arrive within a few minutes after an partially funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of
earthquake and that warning systems may not be able Science (JSPS KAKENHI 16KK0121, JP19K15104,16J00298 and
to alert local communities in due time. Therefore, resi­ 19J00814). The authors also thank Dr. Valkaniotis Sotiris for
dents and visitors to these tsunami prone areas need to sharing bathymetry data, Dr. Yoshiki Yamazaki for guidance
on the application of kinematic tsunami initial condition as
be made aware that any earthquake can trigger well as horizontal deformation, and the two anonymous
a landslide-induced tsunami. There is also a clear need reviewers.
for more comprehensive methodologies and tools to be
developed for assessing tsunami hazards in such areas.
Recent tsunami hazard maps of Sulawesi summarized Disclosure statement
tsunamigenic earthquakes and other potential tsunami
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
sources, such as submarine slumping (Prasetya, De
Lange, and Healy 2001). However, due to difficulties in
associating return probabilities, the latest probabilistic Funding
tsunami hazard assessment for Indonesia considered
only submarine earthquakes as tsunami sources This work was supported by the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science [19K15104]; Japan Society for the
(Horspool et al. 2014), and thus submarine landslides,
Promotion of Science [16KK0121]; Japan Society for the
submarine volcanic eruptions, and meteorite impacts Promotion of Science [19J00814]; Japan Society for the
were not included in the analysis. Finally, there is also Promotion of Science [16J00298]; ANID/FONDAP [15110017].
a need for improvements in tsunami awareness and self-
evacuation in order to save lives (Monecke et al. 2008),
particularly in areas with very short arrival times. ORCID
Rafael Aránguiz
6. Conclusions Miguel Esteban
Hiroshi Takagi
Results from the study highlight the complexity of Takahito Mikami
tsunami generation and propagation in Palu Bay, sug­ Tomoyuki Takabatake
gesting that this event resulted from the occurrence of 1216
several landslides in addition to co-seismic deforma­ Matías Gómez
tion. The effects of landslides were significant during Juan González
Tomoya Shibayama
the first 10–15 min, and manifested as a series of short
period waves. While the first wave observed at Palu Ryo Okuwaki
City was generated by a series of submarine landslides Jacob Stolle
at East Palu (LE), the second and largest wave may Ryota Nakamura
have been generated by a combination of co-seismic Clemens Krautwald
effects and a series of landslides from both the west 1352
Nils Goseberg
and east sides of the bay, with the energy focusing due
Ioan Nistor
to its shape and the particular offshore bathymetry.
These findings suggest that the potential for complex
landslide-induced tsunamis needs to be quantitatively re-
assessed in many areas of the world, particularly along

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