Negative To Positive Language

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DON’T touch _______! _______, isn’t for touching.

You can have x or y

That’s wrong Try this way

Hurry up Run like a cheetah!

Stop running Walking inside

Don’t tear the book Books are for reading not tearing

Don’t drop it Two hands

NO! _______(object) is not for _______(verb)

Describe what they can do

DON’T BITE! Biting hurts! We can bite food, not _____

Don’t throw food on the floor Food stays on the plate, not on the floor

DON’T HIT! Hands on your own body

Repetitively saying - You did it! OR Thanks for ______

Good boy / girl
Stop shouting Inside voice (in a low voice)

Please share / Play nice Turn taking is kind, can ______have a turn

Don’t slam the door Doors are closed gently

Stop being so rough Gentle with _______

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