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Teacher: Ms. Larissa

Grade/Course: First Grade
Title of the Unit of Study: Long V.S. Short Vowel

Common Core Standards Addressed

1.1.4 Distinguish long- and short-vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (e.g., bit/bite).

Learning Outcomes of the Unit:

Students will be able to determine if a single-syllable word has a long or short vowel sound and distinguish which row each word will go under.

Lesson Plans
Intro Lesson:
 Draw student’s attention to the objects (hat, cup, flag, tube, bowl, and plate) in the front of the classroom.
 Have students stand up and make sure there is space to move around.
 Hold up each individual item (One at a time) and have students go to the left side of the room if they think the object is a single-syllable word with a long vowel and the
right side of the room if they think it has a short vowel.
 Instruct students to return to their seats.
 Let them know that the words you just presented are the same words that they are going to match on their own.
3-5 Reflection Activities:
Activity #1:
1. Have students perform a few verbs (ex: sit and spin)
2. Ask students to raise their hand if they know if what they just did was a long or short vowel word.
3. Call on a different student each time.
4. Repeat step two and three for each verb.
5. Have students sit in their seats.
Activity #2:
1. Ask students one by one to come up to the white board and write one word that they think has a short vowel.
2. Try to keep students from writing the same word twice.
3. Help students with spelling.
4. Make sure they are single-syllable words.
5. Go over the words written on the board aloud and at the end, erase the ones that do not have a short vowel.
6. Repeat steps one through five, with long vowel words.
7. Have students return to their seats if they haven't already.
Activity #3 (completed at home):
1. Locate the Long V.S. Short Vowel Module on the class website.
2. Print out the Long Vowel or Short Vowel Single-Syllable Cut-Out Worksheet.
3. Grab a pair of safety scissors.
4. Students should cut out each solid box, along the solid lines. (leaving the dotted lines)
5. When students complete cutting out each solid box, have them mix up the words and match them under the correct category. (either long vowel or short vowel)
6. Students will take a picture of their completed rows.
7. Upload the image and submit it under the Long V.S. Short Vowel Module.

Formative Assessment Lesson:
1. Create a Jamboard.
2. Hand out Chromebooks or tablets to the class.
3. Have them log in and join.
4. Have students write one complete sentence reflecting what they learned about long and short vowel sounds.
5. Write examples of some sentence starters on the board such as: My favorite activity was _______ because…
6. Encourage students to read their peers' posts and engage with them by liking at least one and replying to at least one.
7. Inform students that their posts will be anonymous and they will be graded simply for effort.
8. Allow students about ten minutes to complete the assessment.
9. Read a few posts out loud to the class and reflect.
10. Turn off devices and collect them.
Summative Assessment:
1. Hand out a marker/ colored pencil to each student.
2. Hand out the Long and Short Vowel Quiz.
3. Instruct students to write their name on the top of the paper when they receive it.
4. Tell students to wait for instructions before they begin.
5. Inform students that this assessment will not be graded and it is to check their understanding.
6. Go over instructions.
7. Provide as much time as needed for everyone to finish.
8. Have students color on the back if done early.
9. Collect, grade, and hand back to them.
10. After handing back, go over the answers and explain the reasoning for each answer.
Individual Student Reflection & Peer Reflection:
1. Have students think to themselves the following?
2. How did I do on the assessments?
3. Do I understand the lesson, need a review, or need it to be re-taught.
4. How can I do better in the future?
5. Separate the class into groups of three or four.
6. Have each group discuss the following:
7. What was my favorite activity this week?
8. What did I find interesting?
9. Was there any difficulty with using technology.

1. Adapted from OCDE Integrated Planning Template at

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