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Chapter 1


Background of study

In over a year, the world experienced an unprecedented shift in

way of life due to COVID-19. Education has changed. School and
universities moved onine some blending face-to-face with online
lectures,radio,social media and TV broadcasts and others diverted
to modular learning. While the phlippines is coping with the
challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the commission
on higher Education (CHED) and the Department of education (DPED)
implemented the flexible mode of blended learning despite many
opposotions. As the classes resumed, there are individuals, most
of which were students crying for academic freeze due to
disadvantage posed by the new normal on education. (Navarosa and
Fernando,2020) in the current situation it is important to know
how the students feel and cope with the challenges struggles this
education. It is necessary to look into the effects of the new
norm in education among the Senior high school students to know if
the mode of learning is effective or not.

Senior high school students should spend energy on mastering their

academic work,and study habits that will set them up for a
lifetime of effective learning. As Dr Gillian Mooney,Dean:academic
Development and Support at the independent institute of learning
is just as important as the learning itself,and is a crucial
component of handling the demands of higher education once
learners become students.”(IIE)Study habits of students should be
observed to help their continuous learning and be able to
differentiate the favorable and adverse effects that the new norm
in education had brought.

Being a Senior high School students does not revolve around study
only. The students also have personal and social life. However,
with the occurrence of the Covid 19 pandemic, where home becomes
school and personal life is very much affected with necessary to
look into the experiences of the students in this new normal.
Children regard educators or schools as their family. Schools
impart knowledge on nutrition, health and hygiene services; mental
health and psychosocial support; and dramatically reduce the risk
of violence, early pregnancy and more to children. Prolonged
closure of education institutions can have unfavorable effects on
students. This disrupts important school-based services. Lesser
peer contact and changed routine may cause anxiety and stress to
students. (Garcia, 2020) In general, the pandemic created a big
gap in terms of equity, access and support among schools. Some
were able to respond quickly to closure, while some encountered
problems with access and readiness. Parents were overwhelmed
because they became teachers overnight and had to understand the
modules or online learning activities that teachers have created
for their children. In these trying times, it is recommended that
parents and schools should have stro nger partnership to
effectively communicate learning goals and feedback for the
betterment of the students. (Tuscano,2020).

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to look deeper into the effects of the new normal
in education specifically in Senior High School Students.
Particularly, the research also aims to answer the following

1. How do the Senior High School Students cope with the challenges
and struggles brought about the new normal in education?

2. What arethe favorable and adverse effects or result in the

changes in the respondents’ study habits?

3. What are the areas of participants’ personal and social

experiences that have been affected by sudden shift of mode of

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