Life-Cycle Analysis Template: ISO 14001:2015 EMS

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ISO 14001:2015 EMS

An understanding of your organization’s environmental impacts, even at a high level, will help concentrate efforts on where environmental performance can be
improved the most. When applying a life cycle perspective, the following examples of activities, aspects, impacts, level of control or influence, risks and
opportunities and actions; can be used to develop your own life cycle analysis.
Activity Aspects Impacts Control or Influence Risks Opportunities Operation Control
Possible considerations Examples of actions
Example risks to the Example opportunities
Life cycle stage Example activity Example aspect(s) Example impact(s) for control or including operational
organisation for the organization
influence? control or influence

Raw material Establish

extraction Discharge of mining Resource depletion, Control type of Unavailability of raw Securing a source of environmental
Underground or open tailings, fuel surface and ground material used materials and parts strategically important requirements in the
Supply chain
pit mineral/ metal combustion, and water quality, climate Limited influence of due to depletion of materials to ensure design process, e.g.
mining, drilling and fertiliser runoff change, air quality suppliers’ processes natural resources business continuity relating to material
pumping oil and gas use

Review resource
Filtration of heavy Control type of Unavailability of raw Securing a source of scarcity vulnerability
processing. Human toxicity,
metals, fuel material used. materials and parts strategically important of supply chain.
Supply chain Oil refining, smelting, landfill use, climate
combustion, waste Limited influence of due to depletion of materials to ensure Suppliers/contractors
grinding, washing, change, air quality
generation suppliers’ processes natural resources business continuity to be ISO 14001

Improved stock
No control or control and ordering
Cost of part increases (reduce occurrence of
Material waste, energy influence over design
Resource depletion, Product unavailable Reduced cost of part redundant stock)
consumption, air or supplier’s
landfill use, air quality, manufacturing due to non- due to more efficient
Supply chain Part supplier emissions, water Reduce quantity of
water quality, climate methods. compliance with logistics/manufacturin
emissions, water fasteners required
change chemical substance g methods
consumption Can influence through through design
supplier selection R&D into alternative

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ISO 14001:2015 EMS

Activity Aspects Impacts Control or Influence Risks Opportunities Operation Control
Possible considerations Examples of actions
Example risks to the Example opportunities
Life cycle stage Example activity Example aspect(s) Example impact(s) for control or including operational
organisation for the organization
influence? control or influence
Design control is
dependent on
ownership of design Inefficiencies make Reduce resource costs
Waste metal and Use of resources and Reduce errors and
Manufacturing energy use authority organization’s product Improve production Fabrication
climate change scrappage
Control over uncompetitive efficiencies

Combustion of fuel in Control shipment Work with customers

Reduce transport
vehicle, energy use at method through Disruption from to invest in reusable
costs through efficient
Transport and Shipping by sea, rail, warehouses/ operational controls, extreme weather packaging
Air quality, climate ordering
delivery distribution centres, contracts with Increased transport Specify the use of
road or air change, landfill use Positive publicity
and disposal of transport contractor, costs from rising fuel more efficient vehicles
associated with
packaging required design of supply chain costs and plan for efficient
innovative approach
for shipping network routing

No control (unless
Reduction in virgin Increased revenue
undertaking activity) Redesign parts to
End-of-life resource use and Difficult to recycle from being able to
Disassembly Recycling of metal Influence through allow separation of
treatment contribution to composite materials offer innovative
design and materials
climate change recycling approach

Influence through Participate in

Loss of finite design, take back Increased costs Increased revenue initiatives to increase
resources programs, and associated with landfill from being able to recyclability
Landfill of plastic/
Final disposal Disposal of parts Impacts from landfill, information Restrictions on waste offer innovative waste Implement
water pollution, Influence through that can be sent to recovery and recycling programme to reuse
climate change design and landfill approaches or recycle individual
information parts

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ISO 14001:2015 EMS

Activity Aspects Impacts Control or Influence Risks Opportunities Operation Control
Possible considerations Examples of actions
Example risks to the Example opportunities
Life cycle stage Example activity Example aspect(s) Example impact(s) for control or including operational
organisation for the organization
influence? control or influence


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ISO 14001:2015 EMS


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