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Posterior Compartment of the Leg – Tibial Nerve

Muscle Proximal Distal Attachment Innervation Muscle Action Picture

Gastrocnemius Lateral head: lateral Converge with soleus to Plantarflex foot
(Forms inferior borders of femoral condyle form Calcaneal Tendon (S1,
Popliteal Fossa) S2), inserting into *Since it crosses knee,
Medial head: medial Calcaneus flexes knee too
Soleus Soleal line of Tibia and Joins Calcaneal Tendon Plantarflex foot
Proximal Fibular Area inserting into CalcaneusTibial Nerve

Plantaris Lateral supracondylar line Descends medially, Plantarflex foot

of Femur blending with Calcaneal
Tendon *since it crosses knee,
flexes it too
Popliteus Posterior surface of Lateral condyle of femur Lateral rotate femur on
(Base of Popliteal Fossa) proximal Tibia and lateral meniscus of the tibia (unlocks knee so
knee joint flexion can happen)
Tibialis Posterior Interosseus Membrane Enters foot posterior to Plantarflex foot
(Tom, Dick and a Very (between tibia and fibula) medial malleolus Inversion (foot)
Nervous Harry) and posterior surfaces of Maintain medial arch of
the two bones foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus Medial surface of Tibia Plantar surfaces of Lateral Flex lateral four toes
(Tom, Dick and a Very Four digits
Tibial nerve
Nervous Harry)

Flexor Hallucis Longus Posterior surface of Fibula Plantar surface of great toe Flex great toe
(Tom, Dick and A Very phalanx
Nervous Harry)

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