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Name: Feb Charabella L.


Section: SMITH




Terms Conceptually Operationally

Student A person who is enrolled or attends classes at school, Refers to a person who is enrolled and attends a
college or university. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy of this university.
Undergraduate A student at a college or university who has not yet Refers to a student who is enrolled in the course of
earned a bachelor’s or equivalent degree. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in this university who
has not yet received the degree.
Graduate A person who has completed a course of study or Refers to a student who has completed the degree of
training, especially a person who has been awarded an Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy of this university.
undergraduate academic degree.


Order Defined Terms
9 Response rate. In survey research, the actual percentage of questionnaires completed
and returned.
1 Accuracy. A term used in survey research to refer to the match between the target
population and the sample.
5 Precision. In survey research, the tightness of the confidence limits.
2 Control group. A group in an experiment that receives not treatment to compare the
treated group against a norm.
3 Data. Recorded observations, usually in numeric or textual form
4 Hypothesis. A tentative explanation based on theory to predict a causal relationship
between variables.
8 Reliability. The extent to which a measure, procedure or instrument yields the same result
on repeated trials.
7 Random sampling. The process used in research to draw a sample of a population strictly
by chance, yielding no discernible pattern beyond chance.
6 Parameter. A coefficient or value for the population that corresponds to a particular
statistic from a sample and is often inferred from the sample.
10 Synchronic reliability. The similarity of observations within the same time frame; it is not
about the similarity of things observed.
A. Direction: Define at least five (5) key terms in your research study according to a conceptual
definition. Write your answers to the space provided or on a separate paper.
1. Buying Behavior. is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using
2. Purchase Decision. is the thought process that leads a consumer from identifying a need,
generating options, and choosing a specific product and brand.
3. Purchase Satisfaction. Indicates the fulfillment that customers derive from doing business
with a firm.
4. Social Media Influence. is a marketing term that describes an individual's ability to affect
other people's thinking in a social online community.
5. Student Consumers. Is the student customers who consume the products they bought.
B. Direction: Using the terms in your conceptual definition, define them according to an
operational definition. Write your answers to the space provided or on a separate paper.
1. Buying Behavior. It refers to the action/s taken by student consumers before purchasing a product
with and without the engagement of social media.

2. Purchase Decision. It is a process that will lead the student consumers in identifying their needs,
generating options, and choosing specific products and brands.

3. Purchase Satisfaction. It refers to the pleasure a product provides as it fulfil the needs and
expectations of student consumers.

4. Social Media Influence. It is a major factor that can affect student consumer’s buying decision
through recommendations or connections.

5. Student Consumers. It refers to the students who consume products and services or participating
actively in the very process they are buying.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined in the context of this

Buying Behavior. It refers to the action/s taken by student consumers before purchasing a
product with and without the engagement of social media.

Purchase Decision. It is a process that will lead the student consumers in identifying their needs,
generating options, and choosing specific products and brands.

Purchase Satisfaction. It refers to the pleasure a product provides as it fulfil the needs and
expectations of student consumers.

Social Media Influence. It is a major factor that can affect student consumer’s buying decision
through recommendations or connections.

Student Consumers. It refers to the students who consume products and services or
participating actively in the very process they are buying.

Definition of Terms Answer
Mean. The average score within a distribution. The mean is the average or the most common
value in a collection of numbers.
Median=The center score in a distribution. Median is the middle number in a sorted list
of numbers.
mode. The most frequent score in a The mode is the most commonly observed
value in a set of data.
RANGE. The difference between the highest The difference between the largest value and
and lowest scores in a distribution.
the smallest value, is the simplest measure of
variability in the data.
ANOVA. A method of statistical analysis ANOVA is a test that provides a global
used to determine differences among the means
assessment of a statistical difference in more
of two or more groups on a variable.
than two independent means.

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