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Annisa Amelia S

Analysis Semiotics

A Widespread Bullying and Handling in Coca Cola Advertisement

Semiotics is the science of signs, this term comes from the Greek word 'Semeion' which
means sign. One of the fields related to semiotics is advertising. Advertising is a form of
mass communication. Advertising is a process of delivering messages that contain
information about a product, both goods and services, which aims to persuade the public to
buy the company's products. With advertising, manufacturers try to convey messages about
the superiority of their products to consumers. The message is conveyed through various
signs, both in the form of language and images. Therefore, an advertiser is required to be able
to make signs that are able to direct potential consumers to buy or use the product to be
advertised. As seen in the Coca Cola ad edition ”#RayakanNamamu”, this advertisement is
not only aimed at selling Coca Cola products, but is also a form of campaign carried out by
Coca Cola Indonesia to invite the public to stop bullying others with nicknames. negative
ones. This research was conducted to find out how the moral message is conveyed in the
Coca Cola advertisement "#RayakanNamamu".
What is the topic?The topic is about the analysis of advertisment Coca Cola using Charles
Pierce teory (symbolic, iconic and index). Why choosing this topic? The writer chooses this
topic since will examine or want to know the message that is implicitly contained in the Coca
cola advertisement or the message to be conveyed in the Coca cola advertisement. because
almost every single years Coca Cola make a new video advertisement. What is the primary
data (object)? The primary data (object) is the advertisement coca cola, because this ad is
very different from Share A Coke global campaign that the campaign to celebrate your name
carries the theme anti-bullying as its main message. Why this? The advertisement video
seems has a meaning message to be conveyedin the Coca Cola advertisement. This would be
interesting enough to understand what the writer want to conveys to the viewer.What do you
want to achieve? From the research, the writer wants to achieve the most accurate message of
the advertisement using Charles Pierce theory (symbolic, iconic and index).
Theories needed (elaborate some theories needed for your article)
Peirce (CP 1.291, 2.243) offers several typologies of signs. What he himself regards as ‘the
most fundamental’ division of signs (first outlined in 1867) has been very widely cited in
subsequent semiotic studies (2.275). Although this is often referred to as a classi - fication of
distinct ‘types of signs’, it is usually interpreted in terms of differing relationships between a
sign vehicle and what it refers to – which in Peircean terms are relationships between a
representamen and its object. Whereas Saussurean ‘sign relations’ are between the signifier
and the signified (and internal to the language system), in the Peircean model the concept is
referential. Here then are the three different relations:
1. Symbolic: based on a relationship which is fundamentally unmotivated, arbitrary, and
purely conventional (rather than being based on resemblance or direct connection to
physical reality) – so that it must be agreed upon and learned: e.g. language in general
(plus specific languages, alphabetical letters, punctuation marks, words, phrases, and
sentences), numbers, Morse code, traffic lights, national flags.
2. Iconic: based on perceived resemblance or imitation (involving some recognizably
similar quality such as appear - ance, sound, feeling, taste, or smell) – e.g. a portrait, a
cartoon, a scale-model, onomatopoeia, metaphors, realistic sounds in ‘programme
music’, sound effects in radio drama, a dubbed film soundtrack, imitative gestures.
3. Indexical: based on direct connection (physical or causal). This link can be observed
or inferred: e.g. ‘natural signs’ (smoke, thunder, footprints, echoes, non-synthetic
odours and flavours), medical symptoms (pain, a rash, pulse-rate), measuring
instruments (weathercock, thermometer, clock, spirit-level), ‘signals’ (a knock on a
door, a phone ringing), pointers (a pointing ‘index’ finger, a directional signpost),
recordings (a photograph, a film, video or television shot, an audio-recorded voice),
personal ‘trademarks’ (handwriting, catchphrases). These three well-established forms
of relations between sign vehicle (representamen) and referent (object) form part of
Peirce’s triadic model of the sign. Once again we need to remind ourselves that, for
Peirce, signification is a three-way relation (requiring an interpretant) rather than
simply a two-way sign–object relation. Nothing is intrinsically a symbol, an icon, or
an index. The same sign vehicle can, in different contexts, involve different sign
relations (Sebeok 1994a, 67). The sign relations differ according to the type of
interpretant functioning in the context of the process of semiosis on any particular
occasion (Deledalle 2000, 19). However, the use of these distinctions is not limited to
Peircean semioticians. In structuralist and poststructuralist discourse, these sign–
object relations are often imported into a dyadic framework employing the Saussurean
terms signifier and signified – where sign vehicle and referent (or object) would be
less misleading.

These three aspects are an integral part of Peirce's semiotic analysis, which are
interrelated and cannot be separated from one another. From this aspect, a conclusion
can be drawn about how the moral message contained in the Coca Cola advertisement
"#RayakanNamamu" edition can be drawn.
Before discussing these forms of sign relations in detail, I will explain this coca cola
advertising campaign. In this video Coca-Cola Indonesia together with the anti-
bullying community, Already Dong, launched a campaign titled Celebrate Your
Name. This campaign carries a mission to make Indonesian people aware of the
beauty of the meaning of a name. The campaign was marked by the launch of a short
film containing the stories of three people representing victims of verbal bullying
through the practice of giving names or calling names. What is bullying? Bullying is a
repeated aggressive behavior where one person (or group of people) in a position of
power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces an individual with the intention to
hurt that person physically or emotionally. Acts of bullying can be physical or
verbal. The following is an example of the discovery of a #RayakanNamamu video
ad. Showing testimonials from three victims who experienced name calling bullying.

The emotion built by describing the victim's sadness when he was given the nickname
"kribo" which eventually became "bokri".

The testimony of the second victim who with a sad expression conveyed his
disobedience was dubbed “raiso”, that is, a person who can do nothing.
Next was the victim of verbal bullying who from a young age was given the nickname
yellow tooth which eventually got the nickname "tooth".The victim here is a not-so-
sad man telling his story.

The three characters who experienced name calling expressed their hope that
everyone around them would call with their real names that match the birth names
given by their parents, not with the name calling they had experienced. If all three of
these victims are still doing name calling, they will ignore the person who called
them. Another interesting thing is that the launch of the Coca Cola advertising film
version of #RayakanNamamu was accompanied by the launch of the Coca Cola
packaging edition of popular Indonesian names which was broadcast on television.

In the advertisements that have been seen, there is the use of the word greatness in
every speaker's words in the video. They perform these actions with a variety of
different factors. Psychological factors of the perpetrator who
have an unfavorable background to the factor for the popularity of the perpetrator's
own good name. Although this is considered normal by some perpetrators or some
people. But we don't know how the victims of bullying really feel. Is he okay or is he
hurt but covered up. In the conclusion, Coca-Cola makes an effort to attract or grab
the attention of the target audience, because teenagers are very vulnerable to verbal
bullying, especially name calling
Chandler, Daniel. (2017) Semiotics The Basics Third Edition. New York

Learning transform lives. (2013) Preventing Bullying [Fact Sheet]. Retrievied from

Sari Pradhita, D. (2016, Januari 14). Coca-Cola Lawan Bullying Lewat Kampanye
Rayakan Namamu [Online forum comment]. Retrievied from

Advertisement video Coca Cola

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