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Mutualism (Pistol shrimps and gobies)
True gobies (Gobiidae) are a family of about 2,000 species of fishes. Most of them are quite
small and live on the seafloor. In some cases, gobies will form mutualistic relationships with pistol
shrimps of the family Alpheidae.
Pistol shrimp are burrowers, digging holes in the sandy seafloor that they will maintain
and sometimes share with a goby. Outside the burrow, the pair stay close together, often with the
shrimp maintaining physical contact by resting its sensitive antennae on the fish.
When the goby spots a potential predator, it uses chemical cues and bolts for cover in the
shared burrow. The shrimp relies on these tactile and chemical cues to know when it needs to
hide, too. When the goby is active, it signals to the shrimp that it's relatively safe to be outside the
Commensalism (Sharks and Remora Fish)
The remora or suckerfish is a small fish that grows to about three feet. It is a member of
the ray-finned fish. The remora forms a commensal relationship with large sea organisms,
especially sharks, turtles, and whales. Its specially-designed suckers attach to the fins of the host
animals and thus benefit for transportation and protection from predators. It also feeds on the
leftover of sharks. The small size of the remora makes it less intrusive, and the shark barely feels
its presence.
Predation (A pride of lions attacking a larger animal, such as an elephant or wildebeest.)
Mammals are often the apex predators of their food chains. They include big cats, canine
packs, and marine mammals. Even your house cat is considered a predator.
Parasitism (Human and Mosquitoes)
The mosquitoes rely on humans for food. When an infected mosquito bites a human, the
parasite passes from cells in the salivary glands of the mosquito into the human's blood stream via
the mosquito's saliva.
Competition (plants)
Competition can be seen within plant that shares an ecological niche because they demand
identical resources like sunlight and nitrogen.

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