Analyses of A Movie - Ekeh Celestine Chigozie - 2006513002

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The types of evidence used against OJ Simpson were legal evidence and material evidence. The
material/real evidence were the bloody glove, blood samples recovered from his car, and also his
clothes and shoes which were examined. The legal means of proof was the letter written by OJ
Simpson to his families when he was accused of the crime. The testimony of the A Charge
witnesses incriminated OJ Simpson because all of them were consistent that they saw him around
the house within the hour the murder took place. Meanwhile, there are several indications that
suggests that OJ Simpson could be preparator of the murder because his ex-wife Nicole had called
911 on several occasions die to life threats on her by OJ Simpson, which later caused her to divorce
him. Other indication was that he was actually jealous of his ex-wife relationship with other men
according to the legal analyst. The
On the admissibility of the witnesses, the A Charge witness incriminated him because all their
statements were consistent in that they saw him around his ex-wife’s house between the hour the
murder occurred. However, because the forensic expert was accused to be a racist by the A D
charges witnesses, his testimony was not satisfactory to the jury because OJ Simpson was a black
American and there were indications that the forensic expert would present false evidence to
incriminate him.

In comparison to the CP Code revisions, the judgement was made using the Negatief Wettelijk
Bewijs theory because upon all the evidences presented against OJ Simpson, the jury was not
convinced that he was guilty of the murder. Meanwhile, according to KUHAP, the witnesses must
meet both the formal and material requirements for their testimonies to be admitted but in the
movie, they did not meet the formal requirements because not all of them were under oath during
the trial. Moreover, the burden of proof was equal burden of proof because the prosecutor was
obliges to prove that OJ Simpson committed the murder while OJ Simpson too was obliged to
prove that wasn’t the murderer.

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