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Taylor Bohannon

G-CI 150

October 2, 2020

The Need for Education

The education system plays an essential part in shaping young people’s attitudes and

abilities to be equipped and prepared for the real world. Without it, we would live in a society

where uneducated people would hold jobs such as teachers, doctors, and lawyers, and society as

we know it would crumble. Out of the four schools of philosophy, the most appealing and

applicable ones were essentialism and progressivism. Essentialism is where the focus of

education is on specific, fundamental skills that students must acquire. Progressivism, on the

other hand, is where the focus of education is solely on the student as opposed to the content.

The material must be relevant and interest students in order for this philosophy to be successful.

It also encourages students to become lifelong learners.

Education plays a huge part in everyday life. Whether someone is currently in school,

working a job, or is an educator themselves, they would not be in that position today without

basic schooling and education. There is a direct correlation between people who go to school and

people who are successful in the work world. Students should be able to achieve specific goals

throughout their educational journey. These goals include things like developing their critical

thinking skills, the ability to preserve through difficult problems, self-awareness, accountability,

and the ability to work well with others. Critical thinking skills are vital to have in the work field.

If there is a problem that arises, employees need to have the tools and skills to solve such

conflicts. It is not like school where they can go to the teacher every time they have a question or

problem. The person has to be able to solve issues on their own in an effective and timely
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manner. Perseverance is another critical skill that students should obtain. All throughout life

people with be faced with various challenges and struggles. Students must learn how to push

through the little things now so that when they do get to the bigger problems, they can face them

head-on. Self-awareness and accountability call for students to grow as individuals and recognize

where they are mentally, physically, and emotionally for the day. This also encourages them to

follow through with their promises and show up when they say they will. Lastly, working well

with others is a goal that all students should meet while attending school. Every day, students

will be faced with the task of working with other people, which translates precisely for life

outside of school as well.

A very general statement, but one that I agree with entirely, is that schools should teach

students how to think, not what to think. Schools should be the hub that provides students with

the opportunities to grow their skills, collaborate and learn from their fellow peers, and develop

as productive members of society. We live in a world that is constantly advancing and changing.

If students cannot keep up and adapt to those changes, they will fall behind. More specifically,

schools should teach students the general classes of mathematics, literature, science, and history,

while also offering various elective courses. Schools should also have opportunities for physical

exercise throughout the day, as well as the option to take FACS and vocational courses. Students

should be required to take specific general education classes but still have the ability to choose

electives that interest them and possibly align with a specific career pathway. A well-rounded

education gives students endless possibilities and exposure to finding the right career path for


For schools to carry through with the philosophy’s details described above, they must have

certified and passionate teachers willing to do so. In the classroom, a teacher should be used as a
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facilitator and resource that students can go to for help. Teachers should also be viewed and

treated with respect. If respect for the teacher is not there, the process will be ineffective, and the

students will walk all over the teacher. Another essential characteristic of a teacher is that they

should deliver content that is relevant and applicable to a student’s education. All of these things

are what makes teachers some of the most influential people in a student’s life.

The role of a student in a school is to put forth the effort to better themselves through

education. School would not be possible without students. Students should show up to every

class prepared and ready to learn. Students should also take pride in their school and community

and work to foster relationships with their fellow peers and staff members. It is critical that

students see the importance in education and be eager to further their knowledge and skills.

These characteristics, along with the ideology of essentialism and progressivism, allow

students to meet the overarching goal of education; to become productive, well-educated

members of society. A combination of focusing on the child and on developing basic skills

would allow for a highly effective approach to modern education. As society continues to evolve

and change, so should our approach to education. No two students are the same. Therefore, a

method that allows for various ways to deliver content and interact with students is what society

needs in the modern world of education.

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