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1. What do you know about this course?

It is all about ARTS.
 Art is extremely important in our lives. It is one of the oldest and most important
modes of communication that man has devised. Art has sprung up as a language
charged with feeling and significance wherever men have lived together. The
desire to create this language appears to be shared by everyone. It is a pervasive
and potent cultural force. It can be found in even the most primitive societies. Art,
like love, is difficult to define. It is concerned with the expression of certain ideas
and feelings through a sensuous medium — color, sound, bronze, marble, words,
and film. This medium is fashioned into a symbolic language distinguished by the
beauty of its design and the coherence of its form.
2. What do you expect to learn from this course?
 To learn about all types of ARTS and their various roots. With the arrival of the
computer age, advanced science and technology have overwhelmed many aspects
of our lives, including our chances of survival. However, when we turn to the
humanities, where the world of man's spirit is visible in humans, rather than
technical values, we feel a sense of relief. The humanities can be enjoyable and
stimulating, especially when we try to comprehend what they cover.

Activity #1

In your own opinion, how important is Humanities or Art Appreciation?

 Humanities are important in our lives because without arts, we would be unable to
express ourselves. For example, by SINGING, DANCING, DRAWING, and so on, we
can learn more about ourselves in terms of expressing our emotions and well-being. And
one of our methods for releasing those tensions.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is the root of the word “humanities”?

 Indeed, the term humanities derives from the Latin word humanitas, which denoted (1)
those powers or capacities regarded as common to, and most characteristic of, "human
beings as such," and (2) the cultivation of these aspects of human nature in order to bring
them into active realization.

2. Define Humanities.

 The term "humanities" refers to the visual arts such as architecture, painting, and
sculpture, as well as music, dance, the theater or drama, and literature. They are the
various branches of knowledge.

3. What is the importance of Humanities?

 It is concerned with human thought, emotions, and relationships. Humanities have always
been concerned with the importance of the human being and his feelings, as well as how
he expresses those feelings.

4. What is common in all the areas of the arts?

 We identified five types of art: visual arts, music, dance, literature, and drama. But there
is one thing they all have in common. What is the link between a painting and a song, or
a play and a dance? Painting, sculpture, and architecture are only a few examples of
visual arts. We derive real pleasure from the many common things we use in our daily
lives. A chair, for example, can be both beautiful and comfortable. The visual arts can
include a wide range of objects, from purely functional products on one extreme to those
designed solely for their aesthetic appeal on the other. All other fields of art have a
similar range. We are surrounded by art in everything we see, hear, do, or use as a result
of this range. The aesthetic aspects of any work – whether a painting, song, story, dance,
or play – are what distinguishes it as art. The forms and psychological forms of art are
referred to as aesthetics.

5. What are added to the original ideas of the creator of the performing arts?

 Modern dances are also known as contemporary or interpretive dances. These dances are
a reaction to the classical formalism of ballet, emphasizing personal communication of
moods and themes. Previously, movements were instinctive and untrained. Today, there
are many different types of movements, which are usually based on the current trend.

6. When can a person be referred to as an artist?

 An artist is a person who works in one of the performing arts, such as acting or music,
and demonstrates exceptional skills in design, drawing, painting, and the like. He is more
sensitive and creative than most people. He has an unusual ability to translate ideas into
artistic form through the use of words, pigments, stone, notes, or any of the other
materials used by artists. When he sees or learns something that moves him, he expresses
himself in some way so that others can understand it as well. Thus, he learns to project
his creative impulse through symbols — a picture, a poem, or a piece of music,
depending on his current inspiration and training. His creative process, on the other hand,
differs only in degree from that of an amateur or beginner.

7. What are the major phases of creation?

 First, the artist must have an idea; second, he must have a material to work with; and
third, he must give his idea form.

8. What are space arts?

 Sculpture is an art of space because it is something we can see or take in at a glance in its

9. What are time arts?

 The hymn we hear takes a few minutes to sing or the entire composition to play, so music
is a time-based art form.

10. What does Humanities consist of?

 It includes architecture, painting, and sculpture, as well as music, dance, the theater or
drama, and literature. They are the areas of study that deal with human thought, feelings,
and relationships. Humanities have always been concerned with the importance of the
human being and his feelings, as well as how he expresses those feelings.

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