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What is Java?

Java is technology from Sun Micro Systems developed by James Gosling in 1991 with
initial name ‘Oak’. It was renamed to Java in 1995.

It is categories in three categories

1. Java Standard Edition (Java SE)
2. Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
3. Java Mobile Edition (Java ME)

Versions in Java

 Java has two kind of versions

o Product Version
 1.0
 1.1
 1.2
 1.3
 1.4
 5.0
 6.0
 7.0
o Developer Version
 1.0
 1.1
 1.2
 1.3
 1.4
 1.5
 6.0
 7.0


Java Development Kit 1.5+
Java Runtime Environment 1.5+

NetBeans (Sun)
Visual Age (IBM)
JDeveloper (Oracle)
File Extension : .java
Features of Java

1. Simple
2. Secure
3. Object Oriented Programming
4. Portable
5. Platform Independent
a. Write Once, Run Anywhere
6. Multi-Threaded
7. Robust
a. Java provides big set of classes for almost every process
b. Built-in capabilities of Garbage Collection using Garbage Collector
c. Built-in capabilities of Exception Handling


.java  JAVAC  .class (byte code)  JVM(Code Verifier Just-in-time compiler 

binary)  Execution

JRE is comprises of Java Virtual Machine and Garbage Collector

Every Java program must have at least one class and every executable Java program must
have an entry point.

public static void main(String args[])

Conventions use in Java

- All keywords and packages in lower case

i. int, float, double etc.
ii. java.lang,, java.awt, javax.swing etc.
- All methods and property starts with lower letter and every new word’s
first letter must be caps
i. length, readLine(), print(), println(), printf(), parseInt(), substring()
- All classes, interfaces etc. starts with caps
i. String, Math, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader

Writing First Java program

//First Java program as
class First
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Welcome to Java");

Compiling the Program

JAVAC <programname>

JAVAC  First.class

Running a class

JAVA <classname>

Java First

Note: If unable to run the class, add the current folder into the CLASSPATH variable



Using Kawa Editor

F7 – Compile
F4 – Run

Terminologies in Java

- A collection of related set of classes and interfaces
- java.lang
i. Default Package that provide generally used classes
1. System, String, Math, Integer, Float, Double etc.
i. Provides classes related with File Handling and other input/output
1. File, FileReader, FileWriter, InputStreamReader,
BufferedReader etc.
- java.awt
i. For GUI Programming in Java
1. Button, TextField, Checkbox, Menu etc.
- java.util
- javax.swing
- javax.servlet
- javax.servlet.jsp

Using the package in a program

- Use import command
import <classname with package>;


- A set of specification about an entity
- It contains a set of properties and methods

- A real entity created based on class definition

Classname objectname=new Constructor();

Data Types in Java

- All data types in Java are signed

- Integrals
i. byte – 1byte
ii. short – 2 byte
iii. int – 4 bytes
iv. long – 8 bytes
- Floatings
i. float – 4 byte (6 dec place)
ii. double – 8 byte (14 dec. place)
- Booleans
i. boolean – 2 bytes
ii. Can have only true or false
- Characters
i. char – 2 bytes

- The values used directly without keyboard input

- Integral Literals
i. Default is int. Use L or l for long
ii. int n=5;
iii. long k=6L;
- Floating Literals
i. Default is double
ii. Use f or F for floats as suffix
1. double k=6.7;
2. float k=5.6; //error
3. float k=5.6f; //no error
- Boolean literals
i. Default is false
ii. boolean married;
iii. married=true;
- Character literals
i. Same as C

Reserve words in Java

1. Keyword
a. Words used by the language for some purpose
i. int, double, float etc.
2. Values
a. true, false, null
3. Reserve words for future
a. const, goto

Conditional Statements
1. if
2. switch
3. ternary operator (?:)

Looping Statements

- while
- do-while
- for loops
i. General for loop
ii. For-Each loop used with Arrays and collections

for(datatype variable : arrayname or collectioname)


//Using For-Each loop
class ForEachTest
public static void main(String args[])
int num[]=

for(int i : num)

Next Topics

Reading Data from Keyboard
Wrapper Classes
Getting using Command Line

Reading Data from Keyboard

- Data can be read using two modes
i. Interactive Mode
ii. Non-interactive or command line mode
- Interactive mode can be achieved using two methods
i. Using Scanner class of java.util package
ii. Using BufferedReader class of package

Using Scanner class

- We need to define the location from which data to be read

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

Methods of Scanner class

String next()
int nextInt()
double nextDouble()

- Get name and age of a person check for validity of voter

Importing Static Members of a Class

- use import static command

import static java.lang.System.*;

import static java.lang.Math.*;

Using BufferedReader class

- Data is passed from keyboard ( and passed to an object of

InputStreamReader class which convert the stream of bytes to character
- These characters get passed to BufferedReader class for temporary
buffering until Enter key is pressed. A called readLine() of
BufferedReader is used to carry data from the buffer
i. String readLine()
- To convert data from string to numeric types Java provides special kind of
classes called as Wrapper classes
- Wrapper classes are the special classes corresponding to data types
i. byte  Byte
ii. short  Short
iii. int  Integer
iv. long  Long
v. float  Float
vi. double  Double
vii. char  Character
viii. boolean  Boolean
- These classes provides conversion functions as well as some additional
activities on their values

Conversion Formula

Datatype variable=WrapperClass.parseDatatype(stringdata);


InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader(;

BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(isr);

int age=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
double basic=Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());

Non-interactive or Command Line Mode

- When passing data to a program from DOS prompt is called as command
line mode.
- Data is passed to args variable of main() method

Java VoterCmd Rakesh 45

void main(String args[])


args[0]  Rakesh
args[1] 45


- An array is a variable that holds multiple values of similar type

- In Java arrays are treated as object
- Use new keyword to create the arrays
- Each array provides length property

Types of Arrays
1. Single Dimensional
a. int n[]=new int[5];
2. Two dimensional
a. int [][]n=new int[2][3];

//Using Arrays
class ArrayTest
public static void main(String args[])
int num[]=new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<num.length;i++)

Class and Objects

- A class is a set of specifications or template or blueprint about an entity
- A class contains a set of elements called members of a class
- Members in a class can be of two types
i. Static or Class members
ii. Non-static or instance members
- Static or class members can be access directly though the class name or by
instance. Use static keyword with such members.
- Non-static members always need an object to call them
- A class can be two categories of members
i. Fields
1. Variable
2. Constant
a. Use final keyword to define the constants
i. final double pi=3.14;
ii. Methods
Note: While naming the program name, if the program contains no public class then the
program name could be anything. If we define a class as public then program name and
class name must be same. A program can have many classes but only one can be public.

Static Blocks: special blocks that executes the code before main() and used to initialize
the static fields of a class

class StaticTest
public static void main(String args[])

Types of Methods
1. General Methods
2. Abstract Methods
a. A method which has the signature but no body contents
b. Body is provided by the child class through overriding
c. Such methods can be declared in two places
i. Class
ii. Interfaces
d. If declared inside the class, use abstract keyword
e. If declared inside the interface, no keyword is required
3. Final Methods
Special method that can never be overridden
a. Use final keyword with such methods

Types of classes
1. General classes
2. Abstract class
a. Special class that can never be instantiated
b. They are always used for inheritance purpose only
c. An abstract class may or may not have any abstract method
d. If a class contains any abstract method the it must be declared as abstract
e. Use abstract keyword with such classes
3. Final class
a. A class that can never be inherited
b. Use final keyword with such classes


Q1: Create a class to manage information about the bank customers with the following
1. Account Number
2. Name
3. Current Balance

Add the method for

Constructor to create an object
Depositing the amount
Withdraw the amount
Check the balance

Create the menu for basic operations

1. Deposit the money
2. Withdraw the money
3. Show the Current Balance
4. Exit


Object Oriented Programming in Java

- OOPs is a methodology for better project management

- It is based on four major concepts called as pillars of OOPs
i. Encapsulation
ii. Abstraction
iii. Polymorphism
iv. Inheritance

Encapsulation means combining all the members at one place.

class <classname>

Abstraction is defined for controlling accessibility of class members and class itself. Java
provides four kinds of abstraction layers
 Private – within the class
 Public – anywhere access
 Protected – in same or child class
 Package or Default – within the package or folder
Introduction to Packages
- A package is a special folder that contains the classes for specific purpose
- Every class that get placed in a package must have package command on
top of it
i. package <packagename>;
- Java provides a big set of packages
i. java.lang (default)
iii. java.util
iv. java.awt
vi. java.applet
vii. java.awt.event
viii. javax.swing
ix. javax.servlet
x. javax.servlet.jsp
xi. javax.servlet.jsp.tagext

Creating Custom Packages

1. create a folder to hold your packages somewhere on disc

2. create a folder with the package name in that folder
3. Save the classes with package command on top and
compile them

Using the custom packages

- First set the classpath for the folder having the packages
- For DOS
i. SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;e:\mypackages
- For Kawa
i. Packages  Classpath
Distributing the packages

- Packages are distributed as JAR or ZIP

- To create the zip file, go to the folder having the package, select all the
package with Ctrl+A and convert into zip file


Distributing softwares in Java

1. JAR (Java Archive)
2. WAR (Web Archive)
3. EAR (Enterprise Archive)

Creating JAR file

- Use JAR tool from JDK\BIN folder
- Use the following options
i. c – Create
ii. t – Tabulate
iii. x – Extract
iv. v – Verbose
v. f – Filename

Create the JAR

JAR cvf <filename.jar> <filestoadd>
View the contents of JAR
JAR tvf <filename.jar>
Extract contents of a JAR
JAR xvf <filename.jar>
Converting a package folder into a JAR file
- Goto DOS Prompt
- Select the Drive having the package folder
- Issue the JAR command
i. JAR cvf <filename.jar> *.*

- A concept that allows to do multiple operations by one item. It get
implemented by overloading.
- Java allows only method overloading
- Multiple methods with same name but different number of arguments or
the type of arguments

void area(int length, int width)


void area(double radius)


- Provides re-usability of code by reducing the code size hence reducing the
development time, cost as well as standardization of methods
- The class are categorized at three levels
i. Parents
ii. Super Class
iii. Current class
- Every Java class is child of java.lang.Object class
- Use extends keyword to inherit a class into other class
- Use JAVAP tool to view members of a class
- Use this keyword for current class objects and super keyword for super
class objects

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