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Health System 5.

Gender equality
- consist of all organizations, people, and actions whose 6. Clean water and sanitation
primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health 7. Affordable and clean
- (WHO, 2007) 6 building blocks or components: 8. Decent work and Economic growth
1. service delivery 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
2. health workforce 10. Reduced inequality
3. information 11. Sustainable cities and communities
4. medical products, vaccines, and technologies 12. Responsible consumption and production
5. financing 13. Climate action
6. leadership and governance or stewardship 14. Life below water
15. Life on Land
Healthcare Delivery System 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- a network of health facilities and personnel which carries 17. Partnerships to achieve the goal
out the task of rendering health care to the people
SDG Goal 3
World Health Organization (WHO) - ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all
- specialized agency of United Nations (UN) ages
- provides global leadership on health matters - prevention and treatment, education, immunization,
- WHO constitution: the attainment by all people of the campaigns, and sexual and reproductive healthcare
highest possible level of health (WHO, 2006) - commitment to end the epidemics od AIDS, tuberculosis,
- core functions: malaria and other communicable diseases by 2030
> Providing leadership on matters critical to health and - aim: achieve universal health coverage, and provide
engaging in partnerships where joint actions are needed access to safe and affordable medicines, and vaccines for
> Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the all. Supporting research and development for vaccines is an
generation, translation, and disseminating valuable essential part of this process as well
> Setting norms and standards and promoting and THE PHILIPPINE HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEM
monitoring their implementation
Department of Health (DOH)
> Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options
- main governing body of health services in the country
> Providing technical support, catalyzing change and
- provides guidance and technical assistance to LGUs
building sustainable institutional capacity
through the center for Health Development in each of the
17 regions
Past decade, WHO with DOH
- mandates to develop national plans, technical standards,
- development and provision of services towards the
and guidelines on health
attainment of health-related Millennium Development
- the provider of special tertiary healthcare services and
Goals (MDGs)
technical assistance to health providers and stakeholders
- (2000) Millennium Development Goals
- holds the overall technical authority on health as it is a
- (2016) Sustainable Development Goals
national health policy-maker and regulatory institution
- The SDGs cover a broad range of social and economical
- major roles:
development issues. Those include poverty, hunger, health,
1. leadership in health
education, climate change, gender equality, water,
2. enabler and capacity builder
sanitation, energy, environment, and social justice
3. administrator of specific services
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Provincial Government
1. Reduce poverty and social exclusion
- responsible for administration of provincial and district
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
Municipal and City Government
5. Improve maternal health
- in charge of the primary care
6. Combat HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis
- Rural Health Unit (RHU) / Health Center
7. Ensure environment sustainability
- Satellite Outputs- Barangay Health Stations (BHS)
8. Partnership for development
Private Sector
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- composed of for-profit and non-profit agencies
1. No poverty
- provides all levels of services and accounts for a large
2. Zero hunger
segment of health service providers in the country
3. Good-health and well-being
4. Quality education
> Government (National and Local)  Consulting specialists in Medicine, Pediatrics,
> Private sources Obstetrics-Gynecology, Surgery
> Social Health Insurance  Emergency and Outpatient Services
 Isolation facility
R.A. 7875  Surgical/Maternity facilities
- National Health Insurance Act of 1995  Dental Clinic
- creation of PhilHealth
- aims for the universal health coverage for all Filipino Level 2
citizens  Level 1 plus
- tax-exempt government corporation attached to the DOH
 Departmentalized clinical services
for policy coordination and guidance
 Respiratory unit
 General ICU
DOH Administrative Order 2012-0012
Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of  High-risk pregnancy
Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines  NICU

Hospital Other Health Facilities Level 3

General A. Primary Care Facility  Level 2 plus
Level 1 B. Custodial Care Facility  Teaching/training with accredited residency training
Level 2 C. Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility program in 4 major clinical services
Level 3  Physical medicine and rehabilitation unit
Specialty D. Specialized Outpatient Facility  Ambulatory Surgical Clinic
 Dialysis Clinic
General Hospitals
- provides services for all kinds of illnesses, injuries, or

Specialty Hospitals
- offers services for a specific disease or condition or types
of patient (children, elderly, women) ANCILLARY SERVICES
Level 1
 Secondary clinical lab
 Blood station
Primary Care Facility  First level X-ray
- first-contact health care facility that offers basic services  Pharmacy
including emergency services and provision for normal
deliveries Level 2
- Basic Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Care  Tertiary clinical lab
- Rural Health Unit  2nd level X-ray with mobile unit

Custodial Care Facility Level 3

- provides long-term care to patients with chronic  Tertiary clinical lab with histopathology
conditions requiring ongoing health and nursing care due to  Blood bank
impairment and a reduced degree of independence in ADLs  3rd level X-ray
and patients in need of rehabilitation
Rural Health Unit (RHU)
Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility - known as health center
- for the examination of the human body, specimens from - primary level health care facility in the municipality
the human body for the diagnosis, sometime treatment of - focus: preventive and promotive health services and the
disease or water for drinking water analysis supervision of BHS under its jurisdiction
- 1 RHU: 20,000 population
Specialized Outpatient Facility
- performs highly specialized procedures on an outpatient R.A. 7160
basis - Local Government Code
- genuine and meaningful local autonomy
NEW CLASSIFICATION OF GENERAL HOSPITALS - enable local government to attain their fullest
Clinical Services for Inpatients development as self-reliant communities and make them
Level 1 more effective partners in the attainment of national goals
- creation of the Provincial Health Board and
City/Municipal Health Boards

- power is given to provinces and city/municipality
- national government confers power and authority upon
the various LGUs to perform specific functions and
- advantage: allowed local leaders to have a greater hand in
the future of communities
- disadvantage: fragmentation of the health care delivery
system in the Philippines

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