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Trudeau Announces $10 Billion to Fight

Climate Change
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces a $10 billion infrastructure plan to
create jobs and help fight climate change.

“Through the Canada Infrastructure Bank, this three-year growth plan will
invest in a number of sectors, including clean energy, zero-emission buses,
and energy retrofits. high-speed Internet and irrigation infrastructure for
farmers, he announced at a press conference on Thursday. Through smart
investments like these, we can get people back to work, grow the economy,
and build a healthy and sustainable future for all.”

Trudeau made the announcement alongside the bank’s new Chair of the
Board, Michael Sabia, and Minister of Infrastructure, Catherine McKenna. A
backgrounder provided to the media states that the bank’s growth plan is
expected to create 60,000 jobs across the country.

The Trudeau government launched the Canada Infrastructure Bank in 2017

with the authority to spend $35 billion over 10 years. The idea was for the
bank to mobilize funds from private sector partners, particularly large
institutional investors such as pension funds, to pay for what the
government called “transformational” infrastructure projects.

However, the bank has been criticized for the relatively few investments it
has made so far in only nine projects. In last fall’s federal election, the
Conservatives and the NDP promised to abolish the bank if they came to

The bank invested $1.28 billion in REM’s automated light rail transit system
in Montreal and pledged up to $2 billion to expand GO Transit service
between Toronto and Hamilton. and up to $300 million to increase container
handling capacity at the Port of Montreal. Other investments are smaller.

Michael Sabia, a former executive of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du

Québec, was appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canada
Infrastructure Bank in April, amid a wave of senior bank executives.
Trudeau announces $10 billion towards the infrastructure to fight climate change
In the article the prime minister announces that $10 billion will be towards the infrastructure to
fight climate change.
He wants to ‘invest in a number of sectors, including clean energy, zero-emission buses, and
energy retrofits. high-speed Internet and irrigation infrastructure for farmers’
He wants to “invest in a number of sectors, including clean energy, zero-emission buses, and
energy retrofitd. High-speed internet and irrigation infrastructure for farmers”
the media states that the bank’s growth plan is expected to create 60,000 jobs across the
The media states that the bank’s growth plan is expected to create 60,000 jobs across Canada.
launched the Canada Infrastructure Bank in 2017 with the authority to spend $35 billion over 10
The gouvernemt launched the Canada Infrastruscture Bank in 2017 was allowed to spend $35
billion over 10 years.
idea was for the bank to mobilize funds from private sector partners, particularly large
institutional investors such as pension funds, to pay for what the government called
“transformational” infrastructure projects.
The main idea was for the bank to take funds from private sector partners, mainly large
institutional investors such as pension funds, to help pay for what the government called
“transformational” infrastructure projects.
the bank has been criticized for the relatively few investments it has made so far in only nine
The bank is blamed for a few investments it made so far with only nine projects.
the trio are expected to lay out the priority areas in which the bank intends to invest, as well as
the amount of money it will devote to each area.

In the article the prime minister announces that $10 billion will be towards the infrastructure to
fight climate change. He wants to “invest in a number of sectors, including clean energy,
zero-emission buses, and energy retrofitd. High-speed internet and irrigation infrastructure for
farmers”. The media states that the bank’s growth plan is expected to create 60,000 jobs across
Canada. Dans l’article, le premier ministre annonce que 10 milliards de dollars
seront consacrés à l’infrastructure de lutte contre les changements
climatiques. Il veut « investir dans un certain nombre de secteurs, y compris
l’énergie propre, les autobus zéro émission et la modernisation énergétique.
Internet haute vitesse et infrastructures d’irrigation pour les agriculteurs ».
Les médias affirment que le plan de croissance de la Banque devrait créer 60
000 emplois partout au Canada.
The gouvernemt launched the Canada Infrastruscture Bank in 2017 was allowed to spend $35
billion over 10 years.The main idea was for the bank to take funds from private sector partners,
mainly large institutional investors such as pension funds, to help pay for what the government
called “transformational” infrastructure projects.The bank is blamed for a few investments it
made so far with only nine projects.Le gouvernement a lancé la Banque
d’infrastructure du Canada en 2017 et a été autorisé à dépenser 35 milliards
de dollars sur 10 ans.L’idée principale était que la banque prenne des fonds
de partenaires du secteur privé, principalement de grands investisseurs
institutionnels comme les fonds de pension, aider à payer ce que le
gouvernement a appelé des projets d’infrastructure « transformationnels ».
La banque est blâmée pour quelques investissements qu’elle a faits jusqu’à
présent avec seulement neuf projets.

This article is connected to our unit because this article talks about how we can save climate
change. Our unit is about brining awareness to global warming and climate change, and here in
our country the prime minister justin trudeau is discussing how to make Canada a greener and
cleaner country.

Cette article est connecte avec notre unite parce que cette article parle de comment dont nous
pouvons sauver le changement climatique. Notre unité vise à sensibiliser la population au
réchauffement de la planète et aux changements climatiques. Ici, au Canada, le Premier
Ministre Justin Trudeau discute de la façon de faire du Canada un pays plus vert et plus propre.

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