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Internship Report On

Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited

Submitted to Md. Mamunor Rashid

Deputy General Manager
HRM Division

Submitted by Arajit Saha

ID: 17-34826-2

Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

American International University-Bangladesh

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) i

Letter of Transmittal

Md. Mamunor Rashid
Deputy General Manager (HRM) Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,

It is a wonderful moment for me to submit the final practicum report regarding Study on Power
Distribution and Substation Operation & Maintenance of DESCO as a partial fulfillment of the
requirements of B.Sc. Engineering degree in Bachelor of Science Electrical and Electronic
Engineering from AIUB. To make this standard report I have tried my level best.

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity and necessary guidance as well as direction
needed to prepare this report. I express my heartiest gratitude to you to go through this report and
make your valuable comments.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Arajit Saha

ID: 17-34826-2

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, EEE

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) ii

Myself Arajit Saha hereby declared that the presented report of Internship titled “Power
distribution, Substation Operation and Maintenance Activity of DESCO” is uniquely prepared by
me. This report is only prepared to my academic requirement and growth my knowledge not for
any other purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of the corporation.

DESCO reserves the right to reuse/update any proprietary material designed and developed for
this work.


Arajit Saha

ID: 17-34826-2

Faculty of Engineering, EEE

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) iii

At first, I would like to express our gratitude to almighty for His providential blessing without
which it might not are possible to accomplish this Internship with success and to give this chance,
time and knowledge to complete this Internship successfully. I would like to acquaint our gratitude
to the whole supervisor for being dedicated in supporting, motivating and guiding us through this
field study. This field study can’t be done without their useful advice and helps. Also thank you
very much for giving us opportunity to choose this field study.

I would like to thank Md. Mamunur Rashid Sir, Deputy General Manager, HRM Department for
allowing me to do an internship at Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited. I feel proud and
gratified that I was always held under the supervisor Engr. Md. Hossain Arafat Kibria (Executive
Engineer of Sales & Distribution Division, Tongi, East), Engr. Md. Golam Mowla (Grid system
Protection & Energy Audit Division), Engr. Mohammad Tanvirul Islam Bhuyan (Executive
Engineer, Training & Development), Engr. Mohammad Zahidul Haque (Executive Engineer of
MVSS Maintenance Division. I would like to thank the members of DESCO Ltd who have always
helped me through my internship period.

Finally, I would like to thank American International University, Bangladesh because for giving
me such a prospect to be involved in a real-life engineering project, which will help me to increase
my knowledge and also it will be very helpful for my future career.

Arajit Saha

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) iv

Executive Summary
Field attachment is the major approach to experience any practical knowledge regarding power
substations or power distribution. In this report, we have shortly described the total procedure for
power transmission, distribution, substation operation, controlling, and various protection systems.
There also mentioned how to maintain the regular operation of the substation. Technical
department refers to the section where an employee or manpower are directly occupied with
maintaining or operating the grid or distribution substation, control room, feeder room, switching
room or to install/uninstall or maintaining consumer transformer, maintaining distribution line,
load assessment, designing new distribution network, planning for future based on a real-time load
assessment, connecting or disconnecting consumer line, measuring consumption and building,
meter testing, etc. all technical and engineering works are done. During internship time, I have to
gather knowledge on line maintenance, power factor, and load management, and sub-station
operation. Also observed metering, one-point service center activities, billing and collection, load
sanction and load retention, disconnection, commercial complain, and solutions.

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Internship Program Schedule

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Internship Program Schedule

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Working Data Sheet

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Working Data Sheet

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Working Data Sheet

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LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ......................................................................................................... II
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................ IV
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... V
INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... VI
WORKING DATA SHEET .......................................................................................................... VIII
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... XVII
CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Energy Sector in Bangladesh .........................................................................................1
1.3. Objective ........................................................................................................................2
1.4. Methodology ..................................................................................................................3
1.5. Scope of the study..........................................................................................................3
1.6. Limitations of the Study ................................................................................................4
1.7. Organization of Book Chapters .....................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................5
2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................5
2.2. Historical Background ...................................................................................................5
2.3. Structure of DESCO ......................................................................................................7
2.4. Product & Services ........................................................................................................8
2.4.1. Postpaid connection .............................................................................................................. 8
2.4.2. Pre-paid connection............................................................................................................... 8
2.4.3. Services ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.4. Postpaid bill payment services .............................................................................................. 9
2.4.5. Pre-paid bill payment services ............................................................................................ 10
2.5. Vision & Mission.........................................................................................................10
2.6. Activities of DESCO ...................................................................................................10
2.6.1. Technical Activities ............................................................................................................ 11
2.6.2. Commercial Activities ........................................................................................................ 11 New Connection.......................................................................................................... 11 Disconnection/ Reconnection...................................................................................... 11 Energy Saving and Use of Alternative Energy ........................................................... 11 Metering ...................................................................................................................... 12 Annual Bill Clearance Certificate ............................................................................... 12 Consumer Complains .................................................................................................. 12 One Point Service Center ............................................................................................ 12

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xi Billing/ Collection ....................................................................................................... 12
2.6.3. Pre-paid metering system .................................................................................................... 13
2.6.4. Tariff rate ............................................................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 3 ..................................................................................................................................15
DESCO OPERATION ...................................................................................................................15
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................15
3.2. Load Sanction and Load Retention: ............................................................................15
3.3. Schedule Management .................................................................................................16
3.4. Control Room Activity ................................................................................................16
3.5. Power Factor Monitoring and Upgrading ....................................................................17
3.6. System Loss .................................................................................................................17
3.7. Substation Operation and Maintenance .......................................................................17
3.8. Line Maintenance ........................................................................................................18
3.9. Wireless and Telecommunication ...............................................................................19
CHAPTER 4 ..................................................................................................................................20
OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF GRID SUBSTATION ..................................................................20
4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................20
4.2. Substation ....................................................................................................................21
4.3. Types of Substations ....................................................................................................22
4.3.1. Transmission Substation: .................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2. Distribution Substation: ...................................................................................................... 23
4.3.3. Collector Substation: ........................................................................................................... 23
4.3.4. Switching substation: .......................................................................................................... 23 Service Requirement ................................................................................................... 24 Constructional Features: ............................................................................................. 24
4.4. Equipment of Substation .............................................................................................24
4.5. Switchgear ...................................................................................................................25
4.6. Busbar ..........................................................................................................................26
4.6.1. Advantage of Bus Bar: ........................................................................................................ 26
4.6.2. Disadvantage of Bus Bar: ................................................................................................... 27
4.7. Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................27
4.7.1. Types of circuit Breakers: ................................................................................................... 28 11 KV level ................................................................................................................. 28 33 KV level ................................................................................................................. 28 Oil circuit breaker (input type). ................................................................................... 28 123 KV level ............................................................................................................... 28
4.7.2. SF6 Circuit Breaker: ........................................................................................................... 28
4.7.3. Vacuum Circuit Breaker: .................................................................................................... 29
4.7.4. Advantages:......................................................................................................................... 29
4.7.5. Disadvantages: .................................................................................................................... 29
4.7.6. The fault clearing process of circuit breaker: ...................................................................... 29

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xii

4.8. Tripped Circuit Breaker: ..............................................................................................30
4.8.1. How to reset a tripped circuit breaker: ................................................................................ 30
4.8.2. Classification based on Arc Quenching medium: ............................................................... 31
4.9. Isolator .........................................................................................................................32
4.10. Earthling Switch: .........................................................................................................33
4.10.1. While opening, .................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.2. While closing, ..................................................................................................................... 34
4.11. CT (Current Transformer) ...........................................................................................34
4.11.1. Test:..................................................................................................................................... 34 Burden Testing ............................................................................................................ 34 Ratio Testing ............................................................................................................... 34 Burden +Ration Testing .............................................................................................. 35
4.12. PT (Potential Transformer) ..........................................................................................35
4.12.1. Types of construction of voltage transformer: .................................................................... 35
4.12.2. Parameters for voltage transformers: .................................................................................. 35
4.12.3. Tests .................................................................................................................................... 36
4.13. Lightning Arrester: ......................................................................................................36
4.13.1. Characteristic: ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.14. Conductor systems:......................................................................................................37
4.15. Neutral Grounding (Earthling) ....................................................................................38
4.15.1. Types of Grounding: ........................................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 5 ..................................................................................................................................40
FINDINGS OF STUDY .............................................................................................................40
5.1. Transformer .................................................................................................................40
5.1.1. Working Principle ............................................................................................................... 40
5.1.2. Power equation.................................................................................................................... 41
5.1.3. The Power transformer........................................................................................................ 41
5.2. Equipment of Transformer ..........................................................................................42
5.2.1. Tank .................................................................................................................................... 42
5.2.2. Cover ................................................................................................................................... 42
5.2.3. Rollers ................................................................................................................................. 42
5.2.4. Draining and Sampling Oil Valve ....................................................................................... 43
5.2.5. Neutral Earthing Link ......................................................................................................... 43
5.2.6. Low voltage Bushing .......................................................................................................... 43
5.2.7. Low voltage connectors ...................................................................................................... 43
5.2.8. Tap changer ......................................................................................................................... 43
5.3. Classification of Transformers According to the use: .................................................44
5.3.1. Distribution Transformer .................................................................................................... 44
5.3.2. Power Transformer ............................................................................................................. 44
5.4. Maintenance Schedule of Substation:..........................................................................44
5.4.1. Transformers: ...................................................................................................................... 44 without shut down activities ....................................................................................... 44

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xiii shut down activities ..................................................................................................... 44
5.4.2. Circuit breakers: .................................................................................................................. 45 Breaker Operation Checks .......................................................................................... 45 Measurement/testing ................................................................................................... 45 Medium Oil Circuit Breakers ...................................................................................... 45
5.4.3. Current Transformers: ......................................................................................................... 45
5.4.4. Potential Transformers: ....................................................................................................... 45
5.4.5. Disconnection and earth Switch:......................................................................................... 46 Main Contact ............................................................................................................... 46 Operating Mechanism ................................................................................................. 46
5.5. Battery and Charger: ....................................................................................................46
CHAPTER 6 ..................................................................................................................................47
CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................................47
6.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................47
6.2. Limitations of the work ...............................................................................................47
6.3. Future Scopes of the Work ..........................................................................................48
6.4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................48
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................49

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xiv

FIGURE 1.1 STRUCTURE OF POWER SECTOR .......................................................................2

FIGURE 2.1 DESCO PROVIDE PRE-PAID AND POST-PAID METER ..................................13

FIGURE 2.2 TARIFF OF PRE-PAID METER. ............................................................................14


FIGURE 3.2 CONTROL ROOM. .................................................................................................16

FIGURE 3.3 CAPACITOR BANK. ..............................................................................................17

FIGURE 3.4 TRANSFORMER.....................................................................................................18

FIGURE 3.5 LINE MAINTENANCE. ..........................................................................................19


FIGURE 4.1 230/132/33 KV TONGI NEW GRID .......................................................................20

FIGURE 4.2 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM TONGI NEW GRID ...................................................21

FIGURE 4.3 33/11 KV TRANSFORMER....................................................................................22

FIGURE 4.4 BUSBAR ..................................................................................................................26

FIGURE 4.5 CIRCUIT BREAKER. .............................................................................................27

FIGURE 4.6 PANEL OF CIRCUIT BREAKER. .........................................................................31

FIGURE 4.7 ISOLATOR ..............................................................................................................32

FIGURE 4.8 LIGHTING ARRESTER..........................................................................................37

FIGURE 4.9 NEUTRAL GROUNDING/ EARTHING ................................................................38

FIGURE 5.1 TRANSFORMER.....................................................................................................40

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xv

FIGURE 5.2 OIL TANK OF A POWER TRANSFORMER ........................................................42

FIGURE 5.3 TAP CHANGER PANEL ........................................................................................43

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DESCO, the Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited, is a well-known brand in the city. We
performed one month of field work on DESCO, that was a fantastic experience for us. DESCO is
in charge of distributing power in the northern sections of Dhaka and Tongi, Gazipur District.
There are three zones and sixteen sales and distribution divisions in this organization. We perform
in the sales and distribution division of Tongi (East). DESCO's Training and Development
Division, DESCO H/Q, Grid System Protection & Energy Audit Division, MVSS Maintenance
Division, Basic Substation, Domestic and Industrial Electrical Connection, Transformer
Installation in Pole, Tongi (East) S & D Division, Testing & Repairing Division are all covered in
this report. Working as an intern for the organization for a month, the major goal was to gather
information and data in order to analyze the organizational mission, working environment, and
other procedures. I've also watched their administrative operations in the control room, substation
operation and maintenance, commercial operation, system operation, and IT (Information &
Technology) operation, all of which will undoubtedly aid me in visualizing the efficacy in my
daily life.

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) xvii

Chapter 1

1.1. Introduction

Bangladesh's energy infrastructure is quite small, insufficient and poorly managed. The per capita
energy consumption in Bangladesh is considered low by global standards. Noncommercial energy
sources, such as wood fuel, animal waste, and crop residues, are estimated to account for over half
of the country's energy consumption. Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large
natural gas resources. Commercial energy consumption is mostly natural gas (around 66%),
followed by oil, hydropower and coal.
Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Bangladesh's
total installed electricity generation capacity (including captive power) was 15,351 MW as of
January 2017. As of 2014, only 62% of the population had access to electricity with a per capita
availability of 321 kWh per annum. Problems in the Bangladesh's electric power sector include
corruption in administration, high system losses, delays in completion of new plants, low plant
efficiency, erratic power supply, electricity theft, blackouts, and shortages of funds for power plant
maintenance. Overall, the country's generation plants have been unable to meet system demand
over the past decade.
On 2 November 2014, electricity was restored after a day-long nationwide blackout. A
transmission line from India had failed, which "led to a cascade of failures throughout the national
power grid," and criticism of "old grid infrastructure and poor management." However, in a recent
root-cause analysis report the investing team has clarified that fault was actually due to Lack in
electricity management & poor Transmission & Distribution health infrastructure that caused the

1.2. Energy Sector in Bangladesh

The utility electricity sector in Bangladesh has one national grid with an installed capacity of
21,419 MW as of September 2019. The total installed capacity is 20,000 MW (combining solar

© Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1

Bangladesh's energy sector is booming. Recently Bangladesh started construction of the 2.4-
gigawatt (GW) Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant expected to go into operation in 2023. According to
the Bangladesh Power Development Board in July 2018, 90 percent of the population had access
to electricity. However, per capita, energy consumption in Bangladesh is considered low.
Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Bangladesh's
total installed electricity generation capacity (including captive power) was 15,351 megawatts
(MW) as of January 2017 and 20,000 megawatts in 2018.

Power Division is responsible for formulating policy relating to power and supervise, control and
monitor the developmental activities in the power sector of the country. To implement its mandate
the Power Division is supported by several organizations, related to generation, transmission and
distribution. The organizational linkage is as follows:

Figure 1.1 Structure of Power Sector

1.3. Objective

I have been assigned to different offices and departments at this time as I am doing my internship
in DESCO Ltd. The principal objective is to see the workplace and process and the basic concept
of the DESCO works. the main aim was to obtain data and knowledge to assess the working
environment, to evaluate DESCO's culture and other similar activities during the one-month
internship period. I have been working in different departments, including the headquarters, ICT,

procurement and so on. this provided me with the opportunity to gather experience and knowledge
by working in different departments along with helping me to engage with many different people.
Information about the working procedure of DESCO has been collected by a face-to-face
conversation with the officers and staff, direct conversation with the participants, an initial lecture
from senior officers, practical work experience in different desks, study of different files and
reports of DESCO and the website of DESCO.
• To use theoretical knowledge in practice successfully.
• To study the operation of 132/33/11 KV substation.
• To study the process of power transmission & Distribution.
• To analyze total power consumption and various losses.
• To specify the fault and their protection system.
• Know their office culture.
• Study about the latest website and One point service.

1.4. Methodology

During the preparation of the paper several times it was cheeked by the authorized person of the
DESCO. The data was chosen accurately throughout the entire period of the session. Although
there were several sources but here some are mentioned as for the proper references. The
information of this report has been collected from the following sources:
• Management Manual.
• Operation Manual.
• Maintenance Manual.
• Product Brochure and Catalog.
• Quality Management Manual.
• Environment, Health & Safety Manual.

1.5. Scope of the study

This study describes shortly the complete procedure for electricity transmission, distribution,
substation operation, control and different security systems. How to dispute load from NLDC
(National Load Dispute Centre). It also indicated how to maintain the substation's routine service.
It also includes examples of different mechanical and electrical equipment used in DESCO for the
delivery of electricity.

1.6. Limitations of the Study

The main limitation of the study is the collection of information. Most of the information is
confidential so they don't disclose them. Other limitations are as follows: :
• The officers are very co-operative but they stay very busy because of their huge routine
• Human resource department maintain a very strict rule and regulation on their confidential
activities and internal information.
So, I was not able to show any forms of confidential information which they used in the time of
my joining or we use to upgrade the files.

1.7. Organization of Book Chapters

Chapter-1: In this chapter the general information like introduction and background of the study
is collected. Information is gathered through the primary and secondary source. Also, it contains
the objective of the study which is to identify the activities and problems relating to the distributing
and development activities of DESCO.
Chapter-2: In the second chapter the report contains literature review, mission, vision and
objectives of the company.
Chapter-3: It includes the Description of DESCO Ltd. It also includes the recruitment and selection
process of DESCO Ltd and the evaluation of their training activity.
Chapter-4: The analysis of training and development activities of DESCO Ltd. It contains the
purpose of the training program and also all the preparation and implementation analysis of their
training plans. Along with it the restrictions they face while implement the training program is also
Chapter-5: Includes the finding of the study. It contains study research method.
Chapter-6: Conclusion.

Chapter 2

2.1. Introduction

Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited, commonly known as DESCO, is a public limited
company that distributes electricity in the Northern parts of Dhaka City and Tongi Town of
Gazipur District. The new company (DESCO) is being created as a public sector company,
incorporated under the Companies Act 1994 as a subsidiary of DESA. However, shares of the
company were offered to the private sector, other power sector entities and the general public to
make DESCO's management more responsive to its consumers. …

2.2. Historical Background

Electricity utilization in this region (Bangladesh) started in 1901 when a private generator was
installed at the residence of the then Nawab of Dhaka. Mr Bolton, a British citizen, switched on
the first electricity in Ahsan Monjil on 7 December 1901.

The electricity distribution system under private ownership was begun by DEVCO, a subsidiary
of Octavian Steel Company in the 1930s and the Dhanmondi powerhouse was set up for
commercial distribution of power.

In the year 1947, power generation and distribution of this part of the country were in the hands of
some private companies. The power supply to then 17 provincial districts was within the township
in a limited way. The generation voltage was 400 volts. Power used to be supplied to most of the
districts during nighttime only. The only exception was Dhaka City where power used to be
supplied by two 1500 kW generators and the generation voltage was 6.6 kV and this was the
highest supply voltage. There was no long transmission line and the total capacity of the country
was 21MW.

In 1947, at the time of independence of India & Pakistan, the installed generating capacity in then
East Pakistan was only 21 MW. Electricity was available to the only small elite in the district and

subdivisional headquarters. The distribution networks in these cities were isolated and were fed by
coalfired steam power plants or diesel generation. In an effort to expeditiously augment generation
capacity to feed a development economy, the Government of Pakistan issued and an ordinance in
1959 creating the East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (EWAPDA). The
Ordinance essentially provided for the Governments takeover of all generation, transmission and
distribution facilities from the private sector, thereby creating a total Government monopoly in the
sector. From 1960 to 1970 the generation capacity of the then East Pakistan rose from 88MW to
475 MW, supplied largely by natural gas and oil-fired, steam power and hydro plants. The
networks of Dhaka and Chittagong and then been interconnected albeit with weak 132 KV links.

In 1957, the government of East Pakistan took over all private power generation houses and
distribution lines and established Power Development Board (PDB) in 1959 as an associate of the
East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (EWPDA). It became an independent
body in 1972 and its headquarter was in Dhaka. Its responsibility was to control power plants and
distribution networks throughout Bangladesh. The first Government of Bangladesh, in an effort to
speed up the investment in the sector, issued an Ordinance creating the Bangladesh Power
Development Board (BPDB) as the successor organization of the power side of EWAPDA. The
Ordinance recognized the divergence of energy-related issues in development. From 1972 to 1995,
BPDB has increased the generating capacity in the country to 2818 MW, and the length of its 230
and 132 KV transmission networks to 419 KM and 2469 KM.

Rural Electrification Board was established in 1977. Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board or
BREB is a government organization in Dhaka, Bangladesh and is responsible for rural
electrification. It is the largest power distribution organization in Bangladesh. BREB has brought
all the 461 Upazilas on the grid under 100% electrification. Major General Moin Uddin is the
present chairman of the board. It implements electrification of rural areas in Bangladesh and builds
electrical lines and substations. It counterpart Bangladesh Power Development Board manages
electric distribution in urban areas. Palli Bidyut Samities in a subsidiary of the board and acts as a
consumer cooperative. The board has expanded rural electric connections rapidly. It has taken
some market shares of solar energy.

For the first time in December 1982, the eastern and western halves of the country were electrically
connected through the commissioning of double circuit 230 KV transmission line across the
Jamuna River energized at 132 KV between Ishwardi and Tongi called the first East-West
Interconnector. Generation sources were diversified to include a 230 MW hydropower station at
Kaptai on the Karnaphuli River and natural gas and imported fuel-based, open and combined cycle
power plants at different locations of the Eastern and Western parts of the country. The distribution
networks of all major towns and cities had been linked through 230 KV and 132 KVinter-ties.

In 1990, another ordinance was issued, which was subsequently enacted as an Act transferring the
132 kV, 33 kV transmission and distribution system in the Greater Dhaka Area including the
Metropolitan City to a newly created Government agency called the Dhaka Electric Supply
Authority (DESA). This was done to lessen the administrative burden on BPDB's management by
relieving it of the burden of managing about 50% of the energy distribution of the entire country.
The performance of BPDB and DESA has slowly but steadily improved, although they are by no
means near international levels of performance. In view of this Improvement and the restructuring
effort announced by the Government, the development partners have agreed to resume funding to
the sector based on the principle of "Reforms Fundina Linkaaes" i.e. every project funded by these
partners would have components addressing the reforms decided upon by the Government. The
Project has been linked to redefining the franchise area of DESA and handing over of distribution
networks outside Metropolitan Dhaka City to Rural Electrification Board (REB), and formation of
a corporatized Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) which will initially take over part of the
distribution network of DESA and ultimately take over all its assets. The formation of this
company is seen as an essential step towards " Corporatization and Commercialization" of the
sector and to reduce the excessive inefficiently in the distribution network in the capital.

2.3. Structure of DESCO

DESCO was incorporated under the Companies Act 1994 with its own Memorandum and Articles
of Association. The company as a whole is owned by the Government of Bangladesh and DESA
representing the government by acquiring 100% shares. DESCO is managed by a part-time Board
of Directors appointed by its shareholders, they are responsible for policy decisions. The Board of

Directors appointed managing Director and two full-time Directors and they were also members
of the Board Directors after the appointment. The organization of the company is as follows:
• The Chairman DESA being the Board of Directors on his nominee till such time DESA
owns the majority of the shares in DESCO.
• The Managing Director acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the company and is
responsible for the overall management of the company.
• The Director (Technical) responsible for development planning supply-demand
management and operation and maintenance of the system.
• The Director (Finance) is responsible for all financial matters and commercial operations
of the company.

2.4. Product & Services

DESCO was constituted to provide uninterrupted & stable power supply, better consumer service,
improve system loss & CI ratio and accordingly DESCO starting its operational activity since
September 24, 1998, by taking over of Mirpur area from DESA. Following are the initial activity
of DESCO which includes:
• Operation & Maintenance of Sub-Stations & Lines;
• Commercial functions like billing, consumer accounting, disconnection & re-connection
of consumers, testing & installation of consumer meters etc.
• Planning, Design and installation of Sub-stations & lines etc.

2.4.1. Postpaid connection

230 Volt Single Phase (up to 7 kW load demand), 400 Volt Three Phase (0 kW to 80 kW
load demand), 11 Kilo Volt Medium Tension (50 kW to less than 5 MW load demand), 33
Kilo Volt High Tension (5 MW to less than 30 MW load demand).

2.4.2. Pre-paid connection

230 Volt Single Phase (up to 7 kW load demand), 400 Volt Three Phase (above 0 kW to
80 kW load demand).

2.4.3. Services

Smart metering consumers have been provided with the credit facility during the general
holiday of the COVID-19 global pandemic crisis. 400 no’s of POS machine has been
introduced for vending as well as the simplification of prepaid meter recharging system.
Establishment of 24/7 Call Center Service (16120) for DESCO consumers. Providing New
Electric Connection of Different Category Load Extension of Existing Consumer.

• Load Clearance for bulk consumer

• Line Extension
• Customer requested shutdown
• Disconnection and Re-connection
• Transformer gave on Rental basis
• Supply of Electric Line Accessories
• Electric Line and Substation Maintenance
• Testing and Installation of Customers’ Meter
• Feasibility Study for line extension
• Inspection of Solar Panel
• Tariff Change, Name and Address Change
• Re-print of Electric Bill
• Bill payment statements and Certificate Delivery
• Prepaid Card issue and re-issue
• Service Cable Change at Customer Premises
• Customer Meter Change (with or without accessories)

2.4.4. Postpaid bill payment services

• Bill collection booths adjacent to the respective sales and distribution division. Almost
every branch of every bank within the distribution territory of the Company.
• Online bill collection through Debit and Credit Cards

• Payment through Mobile Banking (Like bKash, Surecash, Rocket, Gpay, my Cash, M
• Bill payment through mobile phone operators
• Bill payment through live payment gateway
• Online payment through mobile apps

2.4.5. Pre-paid bill payment services

• Vending Station adjacent to the respective sales and distribution division

• Vending Station on the different branches of different Bank
• Payment through Mobile Banking (Like bKash, Surecash, Rocket, Gpay, my Cash, M
cash, T cash)
• Online payment through mobile apps
• Payment through POS (South East Bank Limited, Dutch Bangla Bank Limited) ➢
Payment through Internet Banking (Islami Bank Limited)

2.5. Vision & Mission

Vision: To be an enabler of economic development and social progress by providing safe, reliable
and sustainable electricity.
Mission: Bringing comfort to customers, supporting business and commerce and building strong
communities. Achieving and maintaining the highest degree of efficiency, reliability and
responsiveness for a variety of customers.

2.6. Activities of DESCO

DESCO is a distribution company and its main work is to deal with customer. Customer
satisfaction is the main responsibility of it. Here are some activities described below:

2.6.1. Technical Activities

Started below are the highlights of major technical activities completed during the financial
years 2019-2020. DESCO still feels compatible with an increase in load and power. As
such, many capacity-building projects were required. The company's power handling
capability has improved by MVA 90/126 in FY 2019-2020. Every year DESCO expands
its sources line and distribution network. The following table shows the real picture of
electric line construction carried out during the financial year 2019- 2020.
2.6.2. Commercial Activities

The following examples are the key business operations completed during the year: New Connection

This year, our system has had up to 58,966 new contacts. The cumulative number of
electric connections at the end of the financial year under DESCO Stands was 818,274
for these new connections. Disconnection/ Reconnection

Electric line disconnection was regarded as an efficient instrument for recovering

pending receipts. A total of 36,235 defaulting services were disconnected during the
financial year by the use of these instruments. In addition, during the financial year,
9728 illegals were tracked and disconnected. Energy Saving and Use of Alternative Energy

Saving electricity requires generating electricity. DESCO has undertaken various

motivational programs for this slogan, such as the distribution of leaflets, posters and
feasts. Consumers are encouraged to use powerful appliances at home, to switch off
lamps and fans while they are not in use and substitute for CFL (Compact Fluorescent
Bulb) for the incandescent lamp etc.

11 Metering

DESCO could not leave a rock unturned for changing faulty meters, sealing meters,
and inspection meters because the metering was the company's 'cashbox.' 737 faulty
meters were modified during the financial year15. In addition, inspected 41,418 meters. Annual Bill Clearance Certificate

In order to ensure better satisfaction of the consumers, DESCO issues bill payment
clearance certificates to those consumers who do not have any dues for payment. Consumer Complains

DESCO continuously strives to offer ‘service excellence’ to its valued consumers.

Consumers complain in terms of the billing errors, the rectification of names and
address are seriously attended. During the financial year, 15,342 numbers of bills were
corrected. One Point Service Center

Customer’s satisfaction is the key to the success of any company. Our customers are
our prime focus, and we are to ensure satisfactory customer service as deemed suitable.
The issue is seriously considered by DESCO, which led to the establishment of
Customers ‘One Point Service Center” in each of the Sales and Distribution Divisions.
Any consumer coming to DESCO’s Sales and Distribution Division office may receive
desired service and solution from the staff of the “One Point Service Center”. Billing/ Collection

The primary objection of maintaining the financial potency of the company is achieved
by constant efforts to upload a vigorous billing/ collection ratio. Considering sales at
Tk 33,277.65 million and collections at 33,484.861 million, the billing collection ratio
works out to 100.62% and the collection/import (C.I) ratio to 99.33% this fiscal year.

2.6.3. Pre-paid metering system

DESCO launched a new user-friendly pre-paid metering system for its valued consumers
in 2005, which provides a digital pre-paid Smart Card metering system with bi-directional
communications facilities to allow customers to pay their electricity bills at the DESCO
sales station in advance while providing DESCO for the acquisition of all consumer

Figure 2.1 DESCO provide pre-paid and post-paid meter

Features of pre-payment system:

• Easy to add credit via smart card to the meter
• No outstanding
• Abnormal protection against voltage
• Temper protection
• Advance collection of bills
• Non-admission of penalized load
• Negative credit during hours/vacations
• Emergency credit

2.6.4. Tariff rate

This is for information of all concerned that in accordance with the BERC Order
#BERC/Tariff/Bitoron10/desco/ongsho-02/3062. Dated: 27 August 2015, the new tariff
rates with respect to retail sales of electricity of Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd.
DESCO has been made effective from bill month September 2015 as the following.

Figure 2.2 Tariff of pre-paid meter.

Chapter 3

DESCO Operation
3.1. Introduction

The functioning of the system is also an integral part of DESCO. The section referred primarily to
grid maintenance and substation maintenance. This section also manages the latest links, loans and
load retention, load management, operation of control rooms, Monitoring and upgrades of power
factor, maintenance and sub-station service, maintenance of the line, wireless and
telecommunications. During my DESCO internship. I learn a lot about the maintenance of sub-
station equipment and experience the maintenance time of the Kafrul sub-station in practice. There
are several substation inspections, but DESCO inspects substation equipment on a weekly,
monthly, semi-annual and annual basis. The following figure shows a single line diagram of
BSCIC 33/11 kV substation.

Figure 3.1 Single line diagram of Tongi new grid substation.

3.2. Load Sanction and Load Retention:

DESCO gives the load sanction permission. When a customer connects to his home or business,
he knows how much his load will require. That is why the user receives a request form and fills it
out. However, in this application type, the customer must note the load. If the buyer realizes that
the total demand load exceeds the maximum penalty load. The buyer then has to apply to DESCO

to raise the penalized load. If the DESCO authority believes that the load must be increased, they
accept the customer's request and grant the customer an additional load known as load retention.

3.3. Schedule Management

The power sector, especially the electricity sector, is going through a difficult period in terms of
production and distribution. In this sector which is the main focus of load management in the
DESCO region, there are several reasons:
• The cause of the power outage in the country and within DESCO's service area.
• In the power market, there is a pricing strategy.
• Owing to pricing strategy, there has been a loss of welfare.
• Shortage management of DESCO.

3.4. Control Room Activity

They monitor their substation from the control room. The control room of the Tongi new grid
Substation was visited. This place has been divided into two portions one is 132/33 which was
controlled by PGCB and the second is 33/11 which was controlled by DESCO. One of the most
interesting things was there was about the substation was GIS (Gas Insulated Switch Gear). We
witnessed a variety of events there such as Grid, GIS, Transformer, CT, PT, Lighting arrester all
kinds of equipment of transmission and distribution line. The calculation of voltage and current at
the control room panel is one of the most critical tasks.

Figure 3.2 Control room.

3.5. Power Factor Monitoring and Upgrading

The distribution company must maintain a power factor of 0.95, while the grid company must
maintain a power factor of 0.90. Low power factor does not occur often, which is why engineers
keep a close eye on the power factor. Inductive loads (such as transformers, electric motors, and
high-intensity discharge lighting) account for a significant portion of the electricity used in
industrial complexes, resulting in a low power factor. That’s the company strategy.

Figure 3.3 Capacitor Bank.

3.6. System Loss

The quantity of energy purchased and sold determines a primary performance metric for every
electrical distribution business. Between import and sales, the machine loses an equal amount of
money. In general, we used equipment, conductors, and cable to transport electricity, all of which
have some power system failure. Electrical energy is converted into heat, sound, and light energy
due to material resistance. The formula calculates the total theoretical device failure.
System Loss (%) = ∗ 100

The actual system loss of DESCO is 8.40%. The target it has to be make it near 5%.

3.7. Substation Operation and Maintenance

An electrical substation is a station in the electricity generation, transmission, and distribution

system that uses a transformer to change the voltage from high to low or the other way around.

Between the generating plant and the consumer, electric power may pass through several
substations and undergo several changes. A step-up transformer is used in a substation to increase
the voltage while lowering the current. For domestic and commercial distribution, on the other
hand, a step-down transformer lowers the voltage while increasing the current.
Since the power transformer is the most important component of a substation, the maintenance
method is based primarily on it. Aside from the power transformer, some of the substation's
equipment needs maintenance. Maintenance of substations:
• Check SF6 gas pressure.
• Check for oil leaks.
• Deformation of stress rings.
• Checking of insulation resistance.

Figure 3.4 Transformer.

3.8. Line Maintenance

Take the outsourcing squad to look after DESCO's upkeep. Tx is more of a load distribution
problem than a load overload problem. To take care of the line repairs. DESCO notifies their out-
sourcing team when a failure occurs on my line as a result of thunder or high voltage. The
outsource rushes to that location and takes the necessary steps. When a customer notifies DESCO

about a problem with their plan, DESCO dispatches a team to the location to address the problem.
DESCO's sourcing group consists of the following individuals:
• COSS (Commercial operation Support Service).
• LEM (Line and Equipment Maintenance).
• SSM (Substation and Switching Station Maintenance).

Figure 3.5 Line Maintenance.

3.9. Wireless and Telecommunication

The transmission of information or power between two or more points that are not linked by an
electrical conductor is referred to as wireless communication. They're used in wireless and
telecommunications applications to ensure that signals are reliably reproduced over a broad
frequency and voltage spectrum. When we make a phone call, the tower is enabled, but it is still
wireless. It is then wired after the tower. Wireless operations allow services such as mobile and
interplanetary communication, which are referred to as telecommunication systems in the
telecommunications industry.

Figure 3.6 SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).

Chapter 4

Operation & Maintenance of Grid Substation

4.1. Introduction

An electrical grid, electric grid or power grid, is an interconnected network for delivering
electricity from producers to consumers. It consists of generating stations that produce electric
power. High voltage transmission lines carry power from distant sources to demand centers. The
electric grid connects our homes, schools, businesses and cities through a network of power lines
to diverse energy sources. America's electric grid is one of the great feats of 20th-century
engineering, supporting the country's industrial and economic growth.
We had the opportunity to see how monitor were they doing in Tongi new grid 230/132/33 KV
Grid Substation in DESCO, here 230/132 KV controlled by PGCB then DESCO receives it 132
KV and converts it to 132/33 KV then it comes another Tongi 33/11 GIS Substation. After 11 V
it is ready for distribution.

Figure 4.1 230/132/33 KV Tongi New Grid

An electrical grid is a network of interconnected power lines that transports electricity from
generators to consumers. Grid is a term used in the energy industry to describe an electricity
network that can serve all or any of the following four district operations:
• Electric power transmission

• Electricity distribution
• Electricity control
The electric energy is transmitted to the distribution system through the transmission system after
it has been produced quickly. In Bangladesh, electricity is typically produced at a voltage of 11
kilovolts (kV). The voltage level in the transmission process is increased to 230KV to minimize
energy loss in long-distance transmission. The voltage level in the distribution hubs has now been
reduced to 132KV and 33KV. This transmission from 132KV to 33KV is achieved in a grid.

Figure 4.2 Single line diagram Tongi new grid

4.2. Substation

A substation is a component of electrical transmission, distribution, and generation system.

Substations change the voltage from high to low, reverse the current, and perform a variety of
other tasks. Between the generating plant and the market, electric power can pass through multiple
substations and its voltage can change in several stages.
For domestic and industrial delivery, a step-up transformer raises the voltage while decreasing the
current, while a step-down transformer decreases the voltage while raising the current. The term
"substation" dates back to the days before the delivery system was organized into a grid. The first
substation was only connected to one power station, which housed the generators and was a
subsidiary of that power station.

Figure 4.3 33/11 KV Transformer.

4.3. Types of Substations

A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. Substations

transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important
functions. Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several
substations at different voltage levels. A substation may include transformers to change voltage
levels between high transmission voltages and lower distribution voltages, or at the interconnection
of two different transmission voltages.
Substations may be owned and operated by an electrical utility, or may be owned by a large
industrial or commercial customer. Generally, substations are unattended, relying on SCADA for
remote supervision and control.

4.3.1. Transmission Substation:

A transmission substation is a structure that links two or more transmission lines together.
When all transmission lines have the same voltage, the situation is the easiest. High voltage
switches are often present in substations, allowing lines to be linked or disconnected for
fault clearance or maintenance. Transformers to switch between two transmission voltages;
voltage control/power factor adjustment devices such as capacitors, reactors, or static vary
compensators; and equipment such as phase-shifting transformers to control power transfer
between two adjacent power systems are all examples of transmission station equipment.

4.3.2. Distribution Substation:

Power is transferred from the transmission grid to the distribution system of a period via a
distribution substation. Directly connecting electricity users to the main transmission
network is uneconomical unless they consume a significant amount of power, so the
distribution station lowers the voltage to a level appropriate for local distribution. A
distribution substation's input usually consists of at least two transmission or sub-
transmission lines. The input voltage could be 115KV or whatever is available in the field.
The number of feeders is the production. Distribution voltages are usually medium voltage,
ranging from 2.4 to 33 kV, depending on the size of the region covered and the local utility's
practices. The feeders run overhead or underground, depending on the situation, and power
the distribution transformers at or near the customer's location.

4.3.3. Collector Substation:

A collector substation will be needed for distributed generation projects such as wind
farms. Since the power flow is in the opposite direction, from several wind turbines up into
the transmission grid, it resembles a distribution substation. The collector system is usually
operated at 35 kV for construction cost savings, and the collector substation steps up
voltage to a grid transmission voltage. If necessary, the collector substation may also
provide power factor correction, metering, and wind farm control. A collector substation
can also house an HVDC static inverter plant in exceptional circumstances. Collector
substations can also be found in areas where several thermal or hydroelectric power plants
with similar output power are close together.

4.3.4. Switching substation:

A switching substation is one that does not have any transformers and only operates at one
voltage frequency. Collectors and distribution stations are often used in switching
substations. In the event of a malfunction, they are often used to swap current backup lines
or parallelize circuits. The switching stations at HVDC Inga-Shaba, for example, are a good

Substations can be categorized in a variety of ways. However, the following are the two
most important ways to categorize them: Service Requirement

A substation might be called upon to adjust the voltage level, increase the power factor,
or convert AC power to DC power, among other things. Substations may be divided
into the following categories depending on their service requirements:
• Transformer Substation.
• Switching Substation.
• Power factor correction substation.
• Frequency changer substation.
• Converting substation.
• Industrial substation. Constructional Features:

A substation contains several components that must be securely housed in order to

provide consistent and reliable service. The substation is graded as follows based on its
constructional features:
• Indoor substation.
• Outdoor substation.
• Underground substation.
• Pole mounted substation.

4.4. Equipment of Substation

❖ Bus-bar - Incoming & outgoing circuits connected to bus bars.

❖ Circuit breaker - Automatic switching during a normal or abnormal condition.
❖ Isolator - Disconnection under no-load condition for safety, isolation & maintenance.
❖ Earthing Switch - To discharge the voltage on deadlines to earth.
❖ Current Transformer - To step down currents for measurement, control & protection.

❖ Voltage Transformer - To step down voltages for measurement, control & protection.
❖ Lightning Arrester - To discharge lightning overvoltages & switching overvoltages to earth.
❖ Shunt Reactor - To provide reactive power compensation.
❖ Series Reactors - To reduce the short circuit current or starting current.
❖ Neutral Grounding Resistor - To limit the earth currently.
❖ Coupling capacitor - To provide the connection between high voltage line and power line
carrier current equipment.
❖ Line Trap - To provide high-frequency signals from entering during low loads.
❖ Shunt Capacitors - To provide compensations too.
❖ Power Transformer - To step up or step down the voltage.
❖ Series Capacitors - Compensation of series reactance of long lines.

4.5. Switchgear

The electric power system can be divided into five categories:

• Generating stations.
• Transmission system.
• Receiving station.
• Distribution system.
• Load points.
Switchgear is needed in both of these locations. Switchgear is a broad word that refers to a wide
variety of equipment that deals with switching and security. The word "Switchgear" is used to
describe all equipment involved in the fault-clearing operation. Switchgear is an essential
component of both a power grid and any electric circuit. Switchgear involves devices such as
switches, fuses, circuit breakers, isolators, relays, control panels, lightning arresters, current
transformers, and other related products. Any switching point in the AC power system necessitates
the use of switchgear. There are a number of voltage levels between the generating station and the
final load point.

4.6. Busbar

The switchgear-related "buses" do not have wheels and do not carry people. However, they were
referred to as buses, perhaps because they were similar to omnibuses in that they had conductors
and transport electricity. The conductors to which several local feeders are linked were previously
mentioned. Buses are now also conductors bearing strong currents. Bus bars are conducting bars
that are linked to a variety of nearby feeders. A constant voltage is applied to the bus bar. The
world and each other are also shielded from the bus bars.

Figure 4.4 Busbar

The Bus bar can be configured in a variety of ways, including:

• Single Bus bar.
• Mesh Bus bar.
• Duplicate Bus Bar.
• Ring Bus bar.
• One and half bus bar.
• Sectionalization of Bus.

4.6.1. Advantage of Bus Bar:

• Flexibility of operations is increased.

• Load shedding is easier to achieve.

• Extension of the switchgear without de-emerging is possible.
• Non-synchronized systems can be used, to supply outgoing circuits.

4.6.2. Disadvantage of Bus Bar:

• Cost of equipment is more.

• Operation is more complex.
• Requires more space.
• The cost of installation is more.
• The cost of maintenance & spares holding is more.

4.7. Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers are automatic switches that can stop fault currents from flowing through them.
The medium of arc extinction is commonly used to identify the type of circuit breaker. Switching
and current interrupting devices are known as circuit breakers. A circuit breaker is made up of a
combination of fixed and movable contacts. An arc is formed when two current-carrying contacts
are separated. A suitable medium, such as dielectric oil, air vacuum, or SF6 gas, is used to
extinguish the arc. Any switching point in the AC substation requires the use of circuit breakers.
The vacuum is both a good arc quenching medium and a good dielectric medium. Vacuum
interrupters were invented in the 1960s and are now commonly used for applications up to 36 kV.
In large cities, SF6 Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) are favoured for voltages greater than 33 kV.

Figure 4.5 Circuit Breaker.

4.7.1. Types of circuit Breakers:

• Airblast circuit breaker.

• Bulk oil type breaker.
• Air brake circuit breaker.
• Low voltage circuit breaker.
• Vacuum circuit breaker.
• SF6 circuit breaker There is some circuit breaker which are used for different voltages. 11 KV level

Vacuum Circuit Breaker (indoor type). 33 KV level

SF6 circuit breaker (indoor & output type). Oil circuit breaker (input type).

Vacuum circuit breaker (input & output type). 123 KV level

SF6 circuit breaker (Outdoor type)

4.7.2. SF6 Circuit Breaker:

It is made up of fixed and moving contacts that are enclosed in an arc interruption chamber
filled with SF6 steam. The SF6 gas reservoir is linked to the chamber. Sulfur hexafluoride
(SF6) gas is used as the quenching medium in this circuit breaker. SF6 is an electronegative
gas with a heavy proclivity for absorbing free electrons. A high-pressure flow of SF6 gas
opens the contacts of the breaker, causing an arc to form between them. The gas quickly
captures the conducting free electrons in the arc, forming relatively immobile negative
ions. The arc's insulation strength builds up enough to extinguish the arc as the conducting
electrons in the arc are lost. For high-power and high-voltage applications, SF6 circuit
breakers are suitable.

4.7.3. Vacuum Circuit Breaker:

These breakers disrupt current by generating and extinguishing an arc in a vacuum

container, and they have a rated current of up to 3000A. These are typically used to describe
the voltage spectrum of a power system. As compared to air circuit breakers, vacuum
circuit breakers have a longer life expectancy than overhauls. Circuit breakers made by
DESCO are known as VCBs.
Vacuum interrupters are used to crack and make load and fault currents in a vacuum circuit
breaker. The new to be current zero when the contacts in the vacuum interrupter split.
Within microseconds, the arc is extinguished, and the conductive metal vapour condenses
on the metal surfaces within a metal surface. As a result, the material and shape of the
contacts have a significant impact on the interrupter's efficiency. Various forms of contact
material have been used during the manufacture of the product. Because of the use of
special material, current chopping is restricted to 4 to 5 Amps.

4.7.4. Advantages:

• In a sealed container in the arc and hot gas is not exposed.

• Contact the gap small, only a few millimeters of 40 millimeters.
• Conductive rid moves the inertia is small, suitable for frequency operation.
• Small and simple structure and operating mechanism.
• Since no oil, so the risk of the fire and explosion lights the fire.

4.7.5. Disadvantages:

Operation noise.

4.7.6. The fault clearing process of circuit breaker:

The process of fault clearing has the following sequence:

• A fault has occurred. Since the fault impedance is low, the currents increase as the
fault occurs, and the relay is triggered. Because of the rise in working torque, the

relay's moving component moves. It takes a long time for the relay to close its
• Relay contacts the trip circuit of the circuit of the breaker close and trip coil is
• The operating mechanism starts operating for the opening operation. The circuit
breaker contacts are separate.
• Are is drawn between the breaker contacts. The arc is extinguished in the circuit
breaker by suitable techniques. The current riches final zero as the arc is

4.8. Tripped Circuit Breaker:

We go to the basement and look at the electrical panel, reset the circuit breaker, and it trips again,
or it trips again when we return upstairs and switch back to what we were using when it tripped
the first time. At this point, we need to come to a halt and figure out what's causing the circuit
breaker to trip.
The circuit breaker control's basic connections for operating the circuit breaker.
• Relay.
• Trip coil of circuit breaker.
• Trip circuit.
• Battery.
• Relay Contacts.
• Potential transformer.
• Current transformer.
• Auxiliary switch contacts.
• Protected element.

4.8.1. How to reset a tripped circuit breaker:

Electricity reaches our home and travels to a circuit breaker box, where it is split into
several circuits. Each circuit is secured by a breaker or fuse. 15-amp circuits are often used
in bedrooms, living rooms, and other areas where only lamps and small electrical devices
are often used. Heavy-duty 20-amp circuits are typically used in kitchens, laundry rooms,
toilets, and dining rooms, where we are most likely to use toasters, irons, hairdryers, and
other high-wattage appliances. Major equipment, such as 5000-watt electric water heaters
and 10000-watt electric ranges, require 30 to 50-amp dedicated circuits that are shielded
by large, "double pole" breakers. If we try to pull too much current through the circuit
breaker mechanism, the circuit breaker trips before a potential threat occur. If a circuit
breaker detects more current flowing through it than it is intended to, it trips or shuts off
and prevents the flow of electricity through the circuit. The circuit breaker prevents the
circuit and its wiring from overheating, which could result in damage such as fire, by
tripping. Then we go to the electrical panel and reset the circuit breaker, which causes it to
trip again when we flip the switch or press the button. At this stage, we must pause and
determine the root cause of the problem that is causing the circuit breaker to trip. If any of
the following unsafe circumstances arise, circuit breakers are programmed to trip and shut
down the battery.

Figure 4.6 Panel of Circuit Breaker.

4.8.2. Classification based on Arc Quenching medium:

The rated voltages of ac circuit breakers can be used to categorize them. Low voltage ac
circuit breakers are those that have a rated voltage of less than 1000V, whereas high voltage
ac circuit breakers have a rated voltage of more than 1000V. The medium of arc extinction

is commonly used to identify the type of circuit breaker. The following is a classification
of circuit breakers based on the medium of arc extinction:
• Air brake circuit breaker /Miniature circuit breaker.
• Oil circuit breaker.
• Air blast circuit breaker.
• Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker Ø Vacuum circuit breaker.

4.9. Isolator

Under load, the operator of the isolator (disconnecting switch). It has no stated current breaking or
current making capability. The isolator isn't even used to stop load currents from flowing. Isolators
are used in addition to circuit breakers and are installed on either side of each circuit breaker to
provide insulation and facilitate maintenance.

Figure 4.7 Isolator

The circuit is opened first, followed by the isolator, when opening a circuit. When a circuit is
closed, the isolator is closed first, followed by the circuit breaker. The isolator should be switched

on automatically whenever possible. The most common type of isolator used in power systems is
a three-pole isolator. The three poles of the 3-pole isolator are similar. Each pole is made up of
two to three insulator posts that are attached to a fabricated support. The insulator posts are used
to protect the conducting components. On the isolator posts, the conducting sections are assisted.
Conducting copper or aluminum rods, both fixed and moving contracts, make up the conducting
portion. The conducting rods swing apart during the opening process, resulting in isolation. In the
future, there will be a similar operating process for all three poles.
• The operating mechanism is manual pules one of the following:
• Electrical motor mechanism.
• Pneumatic mechanism.
The circuit breaker must be turned off before the isolators can be turned on. The isolator must be
turned off before the circuit breaker can be turned off. While they are capable of dealing with a
limited charging current of bus-bars and connections, these are basically offloading machines.
Isolators and substations have a lot in common when it comes to construction. The flowing feature
of the isolator design is taken into consideration.
• Space Factor.
• Insulation Security.

4.10. Earthling Switch:

The earthling switch connects the line conductor to the ground. When the line is connected, the
earthing switch is normally open; however, when the line is disconnected, the earthing switch is
closed to discharge the voltage trapped on the line. Despite the fact that the line is disconnected,
there is some voltage on the line, which charges the capacitance between the line and the earth.
This is particularly important in high voltage systems. By closing the earthling switch before
beginning the maintenance work, these voltages are discharged to the earth.

4.10.1. While opening,

• Open Circuit Breaker.

• Open Isolator.
• Close Earthling Switch.

4.10.2. While closing,

• Close Isolator.
• Open Earthling Switch.
• Close Circuit Breaker.

4.11. CT (Current Transformer)

Present transformers are contained inside the secure transformer. The secondary circuit safety
transformer is attached to the relays. CTs come with either a 5A or 1A regular voltage. There are
six different ways to handle regular secondary CTs.
• Over circuit breaker Bushing.
• In separate post type housing.
• Over moving to a bush of some type of insulator.
• Overpower transformer of reactor bushing.
• Over well or roof bushing.
• Over cables.
In all except the second of the list, the CT’s occupy incidental space and do not affect the size
layout. The CT’s become more remote from the circuit breaker in the order listed above.

4.11.1. Test:

The three methods for testing the integrity of an installed current transformer. Burden Testing

Burden testing checks only the effect of additional burden (resistive load) on the CT
secondary output current. Ratio Testing

Ratio testing checks only the CT ratio and angle as measured from the actual CT
primary & secondary output current.

34 Burden +Ration Testing

As the additional pressure is applied, Burden +Ration Testing tests the CT secondary
current and ratio at the same time. Burden+ Ratio testing is recommended if possible
because it offers ratio data that can be directly compared to the nameplate value, and
the percentage ratio change plot indicates whether or not the CT is burdened.

4.12. PT (Potential Transformer)

For both calculation and safety, a potential transformer (voltage transformer) is used. As a result,
they are either measuring type voltage transformers or protective type voltage transformers.
Single-phase or three phase units are both possible. Voltage transformers are needed for voltage
protection, as well as directional and distance protection. Between phase and field, the primary
voltage transformer is connected to the power circuit. In comparison to power transformers, the
voltage transformer has a lower volt-ampere rating.

4.12.1. Types of construction of voltage transformer:

• Electromagnetic potential transformer, in which primary and secondary are wound on

magnetic core like in usual transformer.
• Capacitor potential transformer, in which the primary voltage is supplied to a series
capacitor group. The voltage across one of the capacitors is taken to auxiliary voltage
• CCTV combines the function of the coupling capacitor and VT.

4.12.2. Parameters for voltage transformers:

The following aspects should be determined while selecting the current transformer:
• Rated primary voltage.
• Rated secondary voltage.
• Rated burden.
• Supply frequency.
• Number of phases.

• Class of accuracy.
• Insulation level.
• Limits of dimension.
The PTs are using at the Tongi 132/33KV sub-station Capacitor voltage transformer.
• Rated primary voltage 132/33KV
• Direct system voltage: 145KV
• Rated insulation level: 275/650KV
• Frequency: 50Hz
• Weight: 570 kg
• Rated voltage a-n 110/3 da-dn 110/3
• Accuracy class: 53P
• Rated capacitor: 0.006micro Faraday

4.12.3. Tests

Several routine and types of tests have to be conducted on CTs before meeting the standards
specified above. The test can classify as:
A. Accuracy test to determine whether the errors of the CT are within specified limits.
B. To assess if the discharge is below the required limits, dielectric insulation tests
such as power frequency withstand voltage tests on primary and secondary
windings for one-minute, induced overvoltage tests, impulse tests with 1.2u/50u
wave, and partial discharge tests (for voltage>=6.6 KV) are performed.
• Temperature rises tests.
• Short circuit tests.

4.13. Lightning Arrester:

A lightning arrester is a device that protects the insulation of an electric power system from the
damaging effects of lightning. A high voltage terminal and a ground terminal are found on the
typing lightning arrester, also known as a surge arrester. When a lightning strike or a switching

surge flow down the power line to the arrester, the current is redirected around the shielded
insulation and, in most situations, to earth.

Figure 4.8 Lighting Arrester.

4.13.1. Characteristic:

• Smaller in size, light in weight, high withstand collision, flexible installation,

particularly suitable for use in the switch cabin.
• Special structure, the overall compression molding, no air gap high sealing
performance, moisture-proof explosion-proof.
• Large creepage distance, good hydrophobic, strong resistance to incompetence, stable
performance and the reduced operation and maintenance.
• High-performance zinc oxide varies or high capacity, low leakage.
• Real with DC reference voltage, square wave pass flow capacity.

4.14. Conductor systems:

An ideal conductor should fulfil the following requirements:

• Should be capable of carrying the specified load currents and short time currents.
• Should be able to withstand forces on other conductors and equipment, short circuit forces
and self-weight and weight of other conductors and equipment, short circuit forces and
atmospheric forces such as wind ice loading.
• Should be corona free at rated voltage.
• Should have the minimum number of joints.
• Should need the minimum of supporting insulators.

• Should be economical.
The most suitable material for the conductor system is copper or aluminum. Steel may be used but
has limitations of poor conductivity and high susceptibility to corrosion. In an effort to make the
conductor ideal, three different types have been utilized and these include:
• Flat Surfaced Conductors.
• Stranded Conductors.
• Tubular conductors.

4.15. Neutral Grounding (Earthling)

The three phases 50Hz AC power systems with neutral grounding at every voltage level is used
for generation, transmission, distribution and utilization. The neutral points (start point) of star-
connected 3 phase winding of power transformer, generator, motors, and earthling transformers
are connected to low resistance ground. Such as connection is called Neutral Grounding.

Figure 4.9 Neutral grounding/ Earthing

4.15.1. Types of Grounding:

• Underground system
• It is using no more. The neutral is not connected to earth. Also called insulated neutral

• Solid Grounding
• The neutral is directly connected to ground without any international impedance
between neutral and ground. The coefficient of earthing is less than 80% for such
• Reactance Grounding
• Reactance is connected between neutral and ground.
• Resonant Grounding
An adjustable reactor of correctly selected value to compensate the capacitive earth current
is connected between neutral and earth. The coil is called Peterson coil or Arc suppression
coil or earth fault neutralizer.

Chapter 5

5.1. Transformer

A transformer is a system that uses inductively coupled conductors, such as the coils of the
transformer, to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. A changing current in the
primary winding causes a changing magnetic flux in the transformer hub, which results in a
changing magnetic field in the secondary winding. In the secondary winding, the changing
magnetic field causes a changing electromagnetic force (EMF) or voltage. Inductive coupling is
the term for this phenomenon. thirteenth.

Figure 5.1 Transformer.

5.1.1. Working Principle

The transformer is based on two principles: first, an electric current can generate a magnetic
field (electromagnetism), and second, a changing magnetic field within a coil of wire
induces a voltage across the coil's ends (electromagnetic induction). The magnetic flux that
is developed changes as the current in the primary coil is changed. A voltage is induced in
the secondary coil by changing magnetic flux. The secondary current in an ideal
transformer arises from the action of the secondary EMF on the load impedance. A
magnetic field is created by the current passing through the primary coil. Most of the
magnetic flux passes through both the primary and secondary coils because the primary
and secondary coils are wrapped around a core with high magnetic permeability, such as
iron. When a load is connected to the primary winding, the load current and voltage will
be in the same directions as the primary current and voltage.

5.1.2. Power equation

If the secondary coil is attached to a load that allows current to flow, electrical power is
transmitted from the primary to the secondary circuit. Ideally, the transformer is perfectly
efficient. All the incoming energy is transmitted from the primary circuit to the magnetic
field and into the secondary circuit. If this condition is met, the input electric power must
equal to output power. Giving the ideal transformer equation below.
Transformer normally has high efficiency, so this formula is a reasonable approximation.
If the voltage is increased, then the current is decreased by the same factor. The impedance
in one circuit is transformed by the square of the turn’s ratio. For example, if an impedance
Zs is attached across the terminals of the secondary coil, it appears to the primary circuit
to have an impedance of (Np/Ns)*2Zs.

5.1.3. The Power transformer

EHV (Extra High Voltage) power transformers are usually oil immersed with all three
phases in one tank. Also, transformers can offer advantaged of smaller physical size and
reduced losses. The different classes of power transformers are:
• Oil-immersed, natural cooling.
• Oil-immersed, air blast cooling.
• Oil-immersed, oil circulation forced.
• Oil-immersed, oil circulation forced, air blast cooling.
Power transformer at the substation used to step up or step down the voltage and transfer
power from one ac voltage to another ac voltage at the same frequency.

5.2. Equipment of Transformer

5.2.1. Tank

The transformer tank consists of the bottom plate, frame and tank sides. The tank sides are
made of corrugated panels in order to increase the total cooling area. The tank of a sealed
type transformer is filled with oil and is sealed. The corrugated panels do not allow the
creation of a significant increase of pressure internally, which is caused by the increase of
oil temperature during the transformer’s operation.

Figure 5.2 Oil Tank of a Power Transformer

5.2.2. Cover

There are two lifting lugs on the tank cover, which are used for lifting and carrying the
transformer. On request, the thermometer pocket and the thermocouple with two electrical
contacts are placed on the cover. Moreover, a natural earthing link is also placed on the
cover. A pressure relief device is usually placed on the cover of the sealed type transformer.

5.2.3. Rollers

The Transformer up to 160KVA is usually manufactured as a pole mounted. The

transformer above 160 KVA is equipped with bi-dielectric strength.

5.2.4. Draining and Sampling Oil Valve

In the lower part of the tank side there is draining and sampling oil valve, which allows the
oil sample in order to test the oil dielectric strength.

5.2.5. Neutral Earthing Link

The e link ensures the neutral earthing of the three-phase winding with transformer tank.
For medium voltage of 10, 20, 30 KV porcelain bushing according to DIN 42531 are used.
Alternatively, on request, plug in bushings can be used.

5.2.6. Low voltage Bushing

Low voltage bushings of 1 KV series, according to DIN 42530 are used in the low voltage.

5.2.7. Low voltage connectors

Low voltage connectors, according to DIN 43675 are used.

5.2.8. Tap changer

The applying medium voltage to the primary winding of transformer is not stable and
depends upon the transformer position in the distribution network. Therefore, taken the
primary voltage as granted, the tap changer is used in order to keep the secondary voltage
of the the transformer as stable as possible.

Figure 5.3 Tap Changer Panel

5.3. Classification of Transformers According to the use:

5.3.1. Distribution Transformer

They are used in the distribution networks in order to transmit from the medium voltage
(MV) network to the low voltage (LV) network of the consumers. Their power is usually
ranging from 50 to 1600 KVA.

5.3.2. Power Transformer

They are used in the power generating stations for voltage step up and in the transformer
substations for voltage step up or step down. c) Autotransformer
They are used for voltage transformer within relatively small limits, for connecting of
electric energy systems of various voltages, for starting of AC motors etc.

5.4. Maintenance Schedule of Substation:

5.4.1. Transformers: without shut down activities

• Checking of bushing oil level

• Checking of oil level in conservator
• Checking of oil leaks
• Checking condition of silica gel in breather
• Checking pf oil level in oil seal breather shut down activities

• External clearing of radiator

• Cleaning of all bushing
• Checking auto starting of cooler pumps and fans
• Maintenance of OLTC driving mechanism
• Frequency response analysis

• Testing of Buchholz relay by oil draining

5.4.2. Circuit breakers: Breaker Operation Checks

• CB operating time.
• Checking of all interlocks.
• Checking of pressure setting. Measurement/testing

• Checking of close/trip coil currents.

• Checking of the healthiness of operation counter.
• Capacitance and tend measurement of grading capacitors. Medium Oil Circuit Breakers

• Checking of oil leak from grading capacitor.

• Testing of oil for BDV.
• Maintenance of breather and change of silica gel.

5.4.3. Current Transformers:

• Checking of below expansion.

• N2 pressure checking.
• CT ratio test.
• Checking of burden on the secondary winding.
• Checking of marshalling box and junction box.

5.4.4. Potential Transformers:

• Checking of oil leaks.

• Measurement of voltage at control room panel.
• Capacitance and Tan Delta measurement.
• Testing of EMU tank oil break down voltage (BDV).
• Checking of rust and painting.

5.4.5. Disconnection and earth Switch: Main Contact

• Cleaning and lubrication of main contacts, pins and bearing.

• Checking of interlocks.
• Operation check of isolator Ø Checking of alignment. Operating Mechanism

• Cleaning of auxiliary switch contacts and greasing with silica grease.

• Checking for all mounting bolts for tightness.

5.5. Battery and Charger:

Battery is heart of substation. It is a storage device. Battery supplied 110V dc voltage to the control
and protection circuit when ac fails.

Figure 5.4 Battery& Battery Charger

Chapter 6


6.1. Introduction

DESCO has devised a strategy to increase load demand. DESCO's load demand is expected to
grow to 3,108 MVA by 2025 and 4,827 MVA by 2030, according to the mission. This will
necessitate the construction of 72 new 33/11 KV Substations and 17 new 132/33 VK Grid
Substations, as well as the upgrading of some existing Substations. Rajuk is currently developing
two new townships in the DESCO area, namely "Purbachal Model Town" and "Uttara Model
Town (3rd phase)." Purbachal Model Town and Uttara Model Town (3rd phase) are expected to
have load demands of around 500MW and 352MW, respectively.

6.2. Limitations of the work

For rules and regulation, we can’t collect some internal data because of their some internal &
external system like as, if they publish the data for all, then the government rules break dawn and
it is also very important that’s why every company or organization should have some regulation
otherwise it wouldn’t possible to run properly. Always hardware development is not possible,
Because, there always running mechanical system, and only some few times faced trouble-some
problem if unnecessary worked has been done suddenly. They have no enough manpower for
guiding to us because low policy and their losses. We can’t properly observe some equipment for
restricted area because a sub-station is a very dangerous and restricted area for the high voltage
electricity which is very dangerous for un experience person and outer person. It was not possible
to present a complete report like- statistics, financial involvement, costing, etc. regarding the topic
or the opportunity. It had to be taken care of that the report does not contain any company
confidential information and harm the organization in their strategic stance.

6.3. Future Scopes of the Work

During the training period we have learnt about power transmission system and distribution system,
controlling and operating breakers, isolators, acknowledge of alarm observing the signal. It had also
learnt about various maintenance like transformer dielectric strength of oil test, insulation test of
conductors etc. Everyone thinks DESCO should continue such Internship opportunities. It will be a
great help for students who are going to complete their degree of Bachelor of Science in EEE. If
government give and should have to force for sub-station training for develop knowledge and practical
knowledge with good performance, then an engineering student know more with theory.

6.4. Conclusion

This internship was extremely beneficial to me. I've learned new things, developed new skills, and
met a lot of new people. I gained an understanding of the professional practice. In today's job
market, there is no alternative to the demand for practice work experience. This is a fantastic
opportunity to gain this experience through an internship. The internship also allowed me to
discover my strengths and weaknesses. This aided me in determining which skills and knowledge
I need to improve in the near future. Being an intern at DESCO makes me feel very proud. Because
DESCO is one of our country's best practical grounds for electrical and electronics engineers, it
has given me more confidence in my ability to face future job interviews. This experience and
knowledge, on the other hand, will aid in the development of my future career in the power
industry. Everyone thinks DESCO should continue such Internship opportunities. It will be a great
help for students who are going to complete their degree of Bachelor of Science in EEE. If
government give and should have to force for sub-station training for develop knowledge and
practical knowledge with good performance, then an engineering student know more with theory.




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