Waypoints 8.10

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ARMORER Rote IN THE CAMPAIGN ‘The world of fantasy can cover a variety of epochs, themes and leations| fiom the ancient past to medieval lands to stange visas of the fue. One thing all have in common is that of warfare, and ina world proc to the discovery of| [Runpowder the armorer was the artisan most in demand for those who subscribe to the tenets of war Forging weapons is fine a itself, but proection fam such weapons has always ben the desi of combatants rom the gladatoil arena to {he fourament field to the batleground of amis and kings. “The eration of armor isa specialized skill that takes years of study and practice o master Is true that the average Blacksmith ean forge simple shield bosses or rough pot helms o protect the yeoman fermertumed ige. But the orgng of Tinked chain mail or articulated plates is heyond the usual smiths ably. Armorers are rarely found seling thir wares outside a large town of ‘ity, While local armorers can be found in most large eases or keeps they are ‘usualy retained by the local Lord or Lady to forge armor forthe noble's retinue ‘of wartiors and wil acl be avilable to hire for custom work fan adventurer isa friend ofthe aforementioned noble, or the aisocrat is somehow inthe ‘character's deb then perhaps they could impose on the armorer to repatextar ‘qupment or forge new ones, ut the size and quality wil be based on the size of ‘the boon and ots amenable bth the nable athe amorer ae tothe proposal ‘Ammorers who Work only for themselves and have shops in towns wil vsually make chain or banded rmors forsale. Helmets to, but arly great Inlns or salts. Those styles of helm alongwith split or plate mals will be very expensive to make and will equre custom fiting. This ean usually tke anywhere from 4-6 weeks depending on how busy the armorer is atthe time ‘The armorer will have several examples of ther art on display, though as noted earlier they will be the more mundane items for sale, Chain mail armors fate the easiest to sel as fing them fora warrior only requires the armorer to remove or add rows of links to make the proper fit These removed rows of| Tinks can then be used to add to ether suits or peta even the base for new chain armor pieces themselves, Chainmail will usualy be riveted, with young. apprentices (with beter eyes and smaller hands than adults to insert the ny ‘veto close each link Ina high fantasy campaign this job could be taken by ‘gnomes or halfings, as even adults would have beter hand-eye coordination ‘than adult humans. Leather armors, even with metal plates attached to them (Briand) wil ‘be made by a leatherworker and only come fo the armorer forthe atachment ‘of metal plates to provide appropriate rigidity to the defense, Helmets wil probably need to be seapped by leatherworker as well butmany armorers will, Ihave anangements with ancarby leaherworke to do such small attachments as straps and suc: with a percentage of the sale going tothe leatherworker on ‘commission, Padded armors can be found here as well, though they will be sewn by a seamstress and will generally be forsale as padding to weer under ‘he metal armors instead of armor themselves, These willbe mae foe funtion ‘ot eaury, and someone wishing padded armor to wea by iself will probably ‘Wish t g0 10 a tailor to have the garments appearance improved. “Tae average shop has several rooms, and ike most medivel shopkcopers the armorer and his or her family will reside onthe second floor while the business covers the ground floor Renaissance fuires 19 the contrary, most armorers will have their forge and working equipment inthe yard behind the ‘hop instead ofin front, so that the noise is kept ftom the front oms as much as possible, This layout is also set to ensue tat the heat from the forge and bellows will be able to eseape into the outside ait. The font room will be ‘where the person keeping the rcsits and sales of the armor (usualy related to the armorer wil perform exchanges along with afeve sample items ofeach ‘ofthe wares far ale. Custom items will require the customer to speak with be larmorer themselves and haggle oma fair price for he item. Sock tems forsale «an be paid for without even meeting the armerer, though most purchasers of armors will probably want the fitings ofthe armor to be arranged to weet Well ‘This can sometimes be done by the armorer’s apprentices, but major fines ‘will require the armorers awn touch. ADveNTURE Hooks ‘The following are few ideas on how to get party involved with an T. When one ofthe characters putchases anew piece of armor fiom the local armorer in town, they later find thatthe item is magically cursed Ievitated, 81Ca's Craoie they go back tthe anmorer who denies ever having the item, This could be a ‘imple bait and switch, or the armorer honestly didn know it was cursed and laying dumb — because ifit got ou they had sold a cursed item it would destroy the business. The denial of knowledge by the armorer could even be a possible side effect of the cursed item — aller you gt rd of it you forget you {ver ovine it in the fist place 2. During aa overnight stay in town the character awakens in their roo atthe inn to find their armor stolen! While eying to discover the thir, they ‘ative that their amor is ow on sale atthe local armorer's shop. It has been ‘leaned and butfed to a fine shine and the ermorer denies any knowledge fof thievery, only insisting tht it was made that very week in the shop. This larmorerisa fence fr stlea pieces of armor from the local Thieves Gull. He Ina tured wo this career as he's discovered that its easier just to get already ‘made armor clea twp and maybe modily it sgh and hen reel instead ‘of the ard Work of making amor from Seach, Tis armorer will probably Ihave no apprenties and only the spouse would run the sales (les people: Snow thet). 3. The armorer in the les! community ists the tavern where the party are resting afer the latest adventure. While there, the armorer decides that one fof the party's fighters has the perfect form to wear their newest masterpiece ‘of armor design. They will build a breasplatc, helm or shield custom for that adventurer for fee; but the recipient will ave to stay in tom for 1-2 weeks ‘ile this piece is built. The armorer 8 perfestonist and thus it might Be 8 long as 4 moath before the item i finished. It wil bea fine item, giving a Additional +I to she wearer's Armor Class over and above normal Tis merely 4 question of patience. The amore ea bit prickly in personality and wil quit ‘working onthe project the moment they Tel tha the recipient of thi “honor” ‘snot sufficient grate Armorer’s SHOP Fioor Pian 1. Disptay AND Sates Room This room is large (25 font by 35 fost) and has various armors, helms, shield and such like mounted on the walls surounding the woodea tab ‘where the sles are completed. the tables Rowena Kendrik the wif of the ‘Armorer. She i all with Blonde hair and normally has a pleasant demeanoe But she is also a shrewd bargainer and is not easily bullied or outwited, Her slates ae Roweena Kendtik caries knife and 10 copper pe 2. Vent Grit Inspection ofthe room will note a small vent pipe on the wall behind the table, transmitting the fait sounds of hammering and conversation. This will be explained by Roweena asa pipe leading tothe forge so that heat from ‘the back ean be funneled tothe font ofthe shop during the winter montis Ieean also ensure that any loud argument or scream willbe quickly heard by the armorer, Galvin Kendrik, and his tWo apprentices. 1 hese wo heat such a noise, they will stam quickly into the shop room armed and ready for combat, 3. Forae ‘This back potion ofthe shop is where mast of the actual making of armor takes place. A very lage fireplace provides the cols for beating metal, and ‘several racks ae bul into the sone 0 that items ean be rested arial inthe ‘coal heat without having to scrabble to tetreve them. There ate also double ‘doors leading tothe hack courtyard ofthe shop. While is smal, the Fenced in yan allows the doors tobe open and for heat o escape during the summer ‘months. The dors are ion reinforced, and deadbolted from the inside "Most days Galvia wil be found working back here on various amor pieces His two apprentices are Hanson and Santon, boll hit sont Jand who pla to take up the family profession when thir father decides 10 reite) Theit lattes ae sin abet pouch Warrowes |9 Galvin Kendsik carries a large mallet and wears large leather apron. He ‘has 2 gold pices, 23 silver pies and 14 copper pices. Hanson caries shamimer and wears ull leather pron, caries pieces and 16 copper poses Sanson caries ase of metal tongs and wears afl ether apron. He carries 4 silver pieces and 22 copper pieces 4, Stars ‘These stats ar located on the forge wall opposite from the forge proper ‘and lead upto the family's apartments onthe second floor. The door atthe Zp is wooden but with reinforced iron ftings and a strong Tock; both Galvin and Roweena have keys, and they are upstairs wien the shop is losed. Second FLoor 5. Sirmne Room ‘This area isthe room where the family gathers to st, vist, or eat meals “There area few chairs in the room at well ea table (pushed tothe wall when ‘ot being used to est) and a smal end table at two ofthe hairs for placing table lamps. There are three other doors in this oom, one leading othe kitchen and the other two to the bedrooms, Kircren AnD Pantry ‘This small room is where Roweens and er sons prepare meals. Thee isa ‘small fireplace attached to the chimney leading up fom the forge freplace on the floor below. Tis arrangement allows meals to be cooked quickly athe stones will already be somewhat hot from the heat escaping below. There is 4 sideboard style able where meals are prepared and various cookware hang, from hooks onthe roof rafter. small (4 foot square) are beside the replace aot a the pansy holding various feodstulls such as lor, dried fri, spices, potaloes, onions and such like. Thete are no other doors in the room silver 10| Car's Cente 7. Master BEDROOM ‘This is the bedroom used by Galvin and Roweena. There sa doublesized bed on the far side of the room, wo Wooden wardrobes made of rough wood in the far comers and a bronze mirtorom the wall next fo «low washstand and bowl. chamber pots held in the eabinet built underneath the washstend. The far wardrobe holds clothes for a lage man along witha finely made Dbroadsword (2x standard Value) and hidden in a Bollow backboard tothe wardrobe isa leather bag with 200 platinum pieces and 21 gold pieces: the family savings. The other wardrobe has women’s clothes in i and 8 alse ‘boriom to the wardrobe holding 300 gold picses worth oF jewelry. These are Rowcena’s dowry and ar rarely removed from the wardrabe as she docs not havea chance to wear them very often. 8, Beoroom This bedroom is shared bythe sons Hanson and Sanson Kendrk. Tere are two cotatyle beds in here with « wooden trunk a the foot of each, They are Tocked but the locks ate simple and mado of brass. Hansoa’s chest contains clothin’s, a spare par of boots and a shorsword made by his father. Sanson's thest contains the Same but in addition a magical +! dagger that he won in a smbling hall ew months ago (none of his eatves know of i). Tike the Maser Bedroom, ther is # washstand witha bain ontop and a chamber pot kept inthe lower cabinet.

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