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It is not easy to be good parents

How would you describe good parents? I would say that being a parent is not the same as
being a good parent. Anyone can be a parent, but to be a good parent takes time, patience
and devotion (关爱;热爱) I would say that the most important qualities of good parents
are being responsible, understanding and supportive.

Good parents are responsible. They work hard to support their families financially in
order to give their children a comfortable life. However, good parents know they are
responsible for more than shelter or food for their families, Good parents spend quality
time with their children. They do activities together with their children, and keep track of
their children's performance in school, Good parents shoulder all these tasks and more to
bring up a child in a healthy fashion.

Another quality of good parents is they are understanding of their children's

personalities, dreams and challenges. This quality has a direct impact on their children's
mental and emotional development For example, children will find it easier to confide (信任;
信赖) in understanding parents and share their thoughts with them. Understanding parents
know that two-way honest communication is crucial(关键;决定性) to forge(建立) a strong
relationship of trust between parents and children.

Good parents are also supportive. They cannot force their children to live up to their own
expectations. Good parents give space to their children to have their own thoughts. They
should encourage their children to develop their own interests and support their point of
view. Supportive parents help a child to develop confidence which can help boost their
children's self-esteem, For example, a child who might be at a competition and who sees his
parents in the audience knows they are there for him, So, don't you think that being
supportive is a good quality for parents to have?

In conclusion, being a good parent Is not easy, It takes more than one good quality to qualify
as a good parent I feel that being responsible, understanding and supportive are the most
important qualities for good parents.

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