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11/6/21, 5:09 PM PACOP G ee M6QC(201-250) F a hca d Q i e

Sc e ce / C e / A a ca C e

ACO G M6 C(201-250)

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201. In-process specification requires that the

percent loss on drying should not exceed 0.65%
of the sample weight. Based on the given data
below, what is the total amount of moisture?
Tare wt. 26.839 g
Gross wt. 36.506 g
Gross wt. after drying 36.495 g

A) 0.237 g
B) 0.060 g
C) 9.607 g
D) 0.011 g

205. Assay of atropine in Belladonna is an example


B A) Proximate assay
B) Ultimate assay
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B

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ACO G M6 C(201-250)
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11/6/21, 5:09 PM PACOP G ee M6QC(201-250) F a hca d Q i e

202. A reaction is led to completion by:

A) Formation of ash
B) Formation of insoluble acid
C) Production of slightly ioni ed molecules
D) All of the above

203. Karl Fischer electrometric titration is a

method used to assay for its:

D A) Oxygen content
B) Nitrogen content
C) Carbonate content
D) Water content

204. The primary standard used to standardi e

Karl Fischer reagent is:

C A) Anhydrous sodium carbonate

B) Potassium bipthalate
C) Sodium tartrate
D) Sodium oxalate

206. Oils with iodine value above 120 are classified


C A) Non-drying
B) Semi-drying
C) Drying
D) None of the above

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ACO G M6 C(201-250)
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11/6/21, 5:09 PM PACOP G ee M6QC(201-250) F a hca d Q i e

207. If a sample is beeswax is found to have an

acid number of 15.5 and a saponification value of
71.2, the ester value of the sample is:

A) 86.7
B) 55.7
C) 90
D) None of the above

208. The temperature for ignition described as dull

red heat is:

B A) 500 - 1000 oC
B) 550 - 700 oC
C) 500 - 750 oC
D) 300 - 450 oC

209. The assay of the aldehyde content of volatile

oils may be done by:

B A) Extraction
B) Bisulfite method
C) Bobcock method
D) Gravimetric method

210. Quantitative determinations of alkaloids may

be done by:

D A) Volumetric
B) Gravimetric
C) Spectrophotometric
D) Any of the above

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11/6/21, 5:09 PM PACOP G ee M6QC(201-250) F a hca d Q i e

211. Calculate percentage of Atropine in

Belladonna powder using 10.7 g sample and
adding 20 mL of 0.0225N H2SO4 and back titrated
with 12.5 mL of 0.0295N NaOH. Each mL of 0.02N
H2SO4 is equivalent to 5.788g of Belladona
alkaloids in terms of Atropine.

A) 5.60%
B) 0.56%
C) 0.59%
D) 0.22%

212. Calculate the normality of sulfuric acid

solution using 22.15 mL of it. The volume of NaOh
used in the standardi ation was 20.75 mL and its
normality was 1.1055.
A) 1.0356
B) 1.3056
C) 1.0035
D) 1.0030

213. Compute for the iodine value of corn oil

0.2048g dissolved in 10 mL chloroform and 25 mL
iodobromide TS was added, mixed and allowed to
stand for one hour. Thirty mL of KI TS and 100 mL
distilled water were added and titrated with 10 mL
of 0.1065 N sodium thiosulfate. The volume of
A sodium thiosulfate consumed in the blank was
25.7. I is equal to 126.9.

A) 103.61
B) 103.16
C) 101.36
D) 103.66
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11/6/21, 5:09 PM PACOP G ee M6QC(201-250) F a hca d Q i e

214. This is the acceptable tablet hardness range

of chewable tablets:

B A) 4 - 10 kg
B) 2 - 3 kg
C) 5 - 8 kg
D) 2 - 8 kg

215. How many samples should be tested if a

batch consists of 120 bottles of paracetamol
suspension when the square root method is used?

A) 12
B) 11
C) 10
D) 9

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