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Actions to be taken
Area of Concern Actual Accomplishments
(Tasks that you intend to do)
1. Waste Reduction Buy eco-friendly bags Bought eco-friendly bags in
order to lessen plastic bags.
Do not engage on hasty buying Being well-planed in buying
habits. will help us buy only the things
that are necessary with that, we
can avoid so much wastes.
There must be trash bins in our Labelling the trash bins with
house. category of: biodegradable,
non-biodegradable and
Segregating wastes. In the segregation process, we
have to be more thoughtful not
to put into waste the things that
can still be recycled.
Crafting the materials that can be The recycled materials become
recycled. new and decoration.
6. Waste Segregation Setting up a bin or trash bins and The trash bins for
putting labels. biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and recyclable
materials have been set.

Start to segregate the craps, trashes The craps, trashes and wastes
and wastes. are being segregated to their
category (either biodegradable,
non-biodegradable and
recyclable materials).
After the segregation process, The recyclable materials such
recycling of the materials is next. as: bottles, cans, newspapers,
cardboards etc. are being
recycled in order to use it for
new materials and the
remaining recyclable materials
will be sell to junk shops.
After the segregation and As the planed goes on, in order
recycling process, it is time for for us to lessen the waste we
planning on how to strictly lessen have to bring always eco-bags
wastes. when we shop; buy things in
bulk, have a reusable cutlery,
water bottle and do not buy
unnecessary materials and be
thrifty, buy only the necessary.
10. Reusing Wastes There must be trash bins The trash bins are labeled with:
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and recyclable
Segregating wastes The segregated wastes are
sorted based on their category.
The segregated biodegradables and The biodegradables and non-
non-biodegradables must be put biodegradables have been
into the Community Wastes Bins. transferred in Community
Wastes Bins.
The recyclable materials should be The recyclable materials such
crafted to a new one, or modified. as bottles, newspapers,
cardboard are crafted as
decorations, pot for plants
(bottles and cans), and used as
design for projects in school
(e.g., newspapers are used as a
background for scrapbook).
14. Recycling Waste There must be trash bins. The trash bins are made through
recyclable materials such as:
cans and plastic bottles.
Collection and processing the The ways are segregated and
wastes sorted based on its category
either biodegradable, non-
biodegradable or recyclables.
The waste such as plastic bottles, Bottles, cans and other
cans, and other recyclable recyclable materials are being
materials should be segregated and crafted as a decorations and
compiled. adornments (e.g., the plastic
bottles are used to craft parol).
Crafting these recycled materials. Crafted materials can be sold.
The excess ways or recycled The excess recyclable materials
materials can be put in junk shops. such as newspapers are put into
junk shop.

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