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Review of Related Studies/System

As stated by William (2020), the increasing trend towards purchasing inputs and other
raw materials from outside the organization and procurement has become significant tactic
in most companies. The previous approach in which there are several functions that still
perform manually and these include, short of suppliers, calls for proposals and tendering
process. After having these issues, William proposed e-procurement that improve the
future performance on business and organization. The proposed system has led to cost
reduction, improved transparency, accountability, and the improvement in competitive
bidding and sourcing.

According to Eric (2010), a web-based procurement system was developed to help

improve the tendering process and aim of providing an adequate solution to the problem.
Eric designed and implemented a system that improve the speed of work, and allow the
users to access the system anytime, easier, and practical.

Based on Nikolaos P. (2004), electronic procurement was established to solve the public
and private sectors problem in transacting with suppliers and customers in virtual markets
in Europe where the research was conducted. The proposed solution enables the
organization to reach and transact with suppliers and customers. The system enhanced the
administrative functions to buyers and suppliers, resulting in operational efficiencies,
potential cost saving, and is of great opportunities to a different range of the companies.

In the same way, Moreno et al. (2013) created a procurement system that is effective in
all cases relationships with the suppliers and digitalized the procurement process and
eliminate all the manual procedures. The buying and selling processes are simplified and
carried out in much less time.

According to Stefano et al. (2010), an e-procurement technology was developed to

improve the advantages over competitors’ ability to charge high and build the relationship
to the suppliers, enhanced effectiveness of the purchasing process. The demand of e-
procurement to both the public and private sectors is the expectation of improved
efficiency. Likewise, Towns (2001) constructed an e-procurement for public officials,
promoted the idea of online transactions between agencies and their constituents and
business partners will spark huge gains in government efficiency and user-friendliness.

In addition, Khi (2017), developed a procurement system operated in the environment

and is built on four pillars: procurement laws and regulations, procurement workforce,
procurement process and methods., and the procurement organizational structure. The
system is determined by the government and is influenced by its economic, cultural, legal,
political, and social environment. Conversely, the procurement system can influence its
environment and the government.

Furthermore, Conan et al. (2005) presented a procurement system that filled the need to
support and reliably locate the buyers and sellers each other in real time in electronic
marketplaces, facilitate the automated transactions, evaluate products, and negotiate prices.
This procurement system was based on an analysis of mainline e-commerce architectures.

Attaran, M. (2001). The coming age of E-Procurement. Retrieved from Emerald Insight.

Brandon-Jones, A. &. (2011). " The impact of user-perceived EProcurement quality on system and
contract compliance". International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 31,
Iss.- 3, pp. 274 – 296. Last retrieved dated 07.07.2015 from Emerald Insight .

Butt, K. (n.d.). MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Implication of E-Procurement System in a
B2B Environment CSFs, Benefits, Challenges, Implementation Steps, Applications and Future
Outlook A Case Study of UAE. Retrieved from ResearchGate:
Camungao, G. N., Clam, S. T., Doncillo, N. E., Naguita, J. D., & Talle, J. P. (n.d.). Project Procurement
Management System. Retrieved from Academia:

Chopra, S. e. (n.d.). “B2B e-Commerce Opportunity”. Supply chain Review, 5 (3), pp. 50-62.

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Eyholzer, K., & Hunziker, D. (n.d.). The Use of the Internet in Procurement: An Empirical Analysis.
Retrieved from ResearchGate:

Hokey Min, W. P. (1999). Electronic commerce usage in business‐to‐business purchasing. Retrieved from
Emerald Insight:

Hulsen, D. (2010). The History of Procurement: Past, Present and Future. Retrieved from RFP360:

Interchange, D. (n.d.). History and Future of EDI. Retrieved from Data Interchange:

Judith Gebauer, C. B. (1998). Impact of the Internet on Procurement. Retrieved from DAU:

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implementation steps, application and future outlook.
Moreno Muffatto, A. P. (2020). Integration of Web-Based Procurement and Fulfillment: . A comparison
of case studiesa.

NDIZIHIWE, E. (2012). E-Procurement Management System (e-PMS). Retrieved from

Neef, D. (2001). E-Procurement from Strategy to Implement. Retrieved from Financial time Prentice hall
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Nikolaos A. Panayiotou, S. P. (2004). An E-procurement System in Government Purchasing.

Nolan, M. (n.d.). History of Procurement: Past, present, future. Retrieved from SourceSuite:

Oppong, W. A. (2020). Electronic Procurement and Organizational Performance Among Commercial

State Corporations. Project Management Scientific Journal, PMSJ Vol.4, Issue 3, Page: 26-43.

Shaikh, I. B. (2015). An Indepth Understanding of e-Procurement: A Case Study Approach. Retrieved

from IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering:



Tate, W. F. (2018). Purchasing and Supply Management: Enhancing Competitiveness and Customer
Value. Retrieved from MyEducator:

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