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Reduce air travel - As of 2017, the amount of transportation-related carbon dioxide emissions
eclipsed the amount of electricity generation emissions. Transportation is now the number-one
source of greenhouse gases. Eliminating just one roundtrip transatlantic flight will save you 1.6
metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per year.
Make your driving more efficient - While living a car-free lifestyle may not be possible for
everybody, try substituting car trips with bike rides, bus trips, train rides, or other forms of
public transportation. When you drive, cut back on fossil fuel emissions by accelerating slowly
and using the air conditioning sparingly.
Plant trees - Deforestation is one of the significant causes of carbon emissions. Trees absorb and
store the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but they can no longer absorb carbon once they are
cut down. Planting trees is among the most inexpensive, natural ways to take climate action and
reduce our negative environmental impact.
Switch to clean energy - Clean energy is another way to help reduce carbon emissions. Solar
panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy are all energy sources with a higher level of
sustainability, produce low carbon emissions, and lower our dependence on natural gas and
resource harvesting.
Eat less red meat - Over 220 grams of carbon dioxide are produced for every gram of beef
produced, resulting in almost four percent of the total GHG emissions. Eating vegetarian more
often or consuming less beef can lower the amount of carbon present in our atmosphere.
Make your home more energy-efficient - If you live in a state that allows you to choose your
energy supplier, the first thing you should do is look for a supplier that uses renewable
energy sources. For instance, a coal-fired power plant burns fossil fuel and is more harmful to
the environment than wind power or solar power.

Support Organic Farming Practices - Organic farmers keep livestock longer instead of replacing
old cows with younger calves. Young calves produce no milk but still contribute methane gases.
Using a cow into its later years means the total number of cows is fewer leading to less methane
in the atmosphere.
Eat Less Red Meat- If the amount of red meat consumed is limited, there will be fewer cows
contributing to methane emissions.
Support Farms who use "digesters" - Anaerobic "digesters" utilize microorganisms to
decompose cattle manure within a huge container. The resulting biogas can be harvested and
used for "free" electricity production, rather than be expelled into the atmosphere.
Become Active in Your Community - Landfills actively produce methane. Many communities are
organizing to help convert this greenhouse gas from a pollutant into energy.
The application of nitrogen fertilizers accounts for the majority of N 2O emissions in the United
States. Emissions can be reduced by reducing nitrogen-based fertilizer applications and applying
these fertilizers more efficiently, as well as modifying a farm's manure management practices.
Nitrous oxide is a byproduct of fuel combustion, so reducing fuel consumption in motor vehicles
and secondary sources can reduce emissions.
Additionally, the introduction of pollution control technologies (e.g., catalytic converters to
reduce exhaust pollutants from passenger cars) can also reduce emissions of N 2O.
Nitrous oxide is generally emitted from industry through fossil fuel combustion, so technological
upgrades and fuel switching are effective ways to reduce industry emissions of N 2O.
Production of adipic acid results in N2O emissions that can be reduced through technological

Refrigerants used by businesses and residences emit fluorinated gases. Emissions can be
reduced by better handling of these gases and use of substitutes with lower global warming
potentials and other technological improvements.
Industrial users of fluorinated gases can reduce emissions by adopting fluorinated gas recycling
and destruction processes, optimizing production to minimize emissions, and replacing these
gases with alternatives.
Sulfur hexafluoride is an extremely potent greenhouse gas that is used for several purposes
when transmitting electricity through the power grid.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are released through the leakage of refrigerants used in vehicle air-
conditioning systems. Leakage can be reduced through better system components, and through
the use of alternative refrigerants with lower global warming potentials than those presently

o Metallize parts as quickly as possible after base coating. The longer parts are exposed to
the atmosphere, the more water they will bring into the chamber with them.
o Keep the chamber clean. Aluminum deposits are porous and will absorb lots of water.
o Keep chamber closed and under vacuum unless loading or unloading parts.
o Air-condition or dehumidify metallizing area.
o Learn the proper use of your mechanical pump’s gas ballast.
o Consider installing a cryogenic pump to trap water vapor. This is expensive but highly
effective. It usually pays for itself with shorter cycle times and fewer bad parts.
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hands holding pipette
carbon-emissionsMale researcher laboratory

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