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Name : TRI HESTU HARYANI (G1B120058)


A. Read the excerpt of the research article. Then, answer the following questions:
1. What is the article about?
Answer :
This article discusses about expanding knowledge and roles for authority and practice
boundaries of emergency department nurses.
2. Who are the authors? Who are they?
Answer :
Yani Trisyani and Carol Windsor
3. When was it published?
Answer :
17 December 2018
4. Where was it published?
Answer :
International Jurnal of Qualitative Studies On Health and Well-Being
5. For what purpose does the research conducted?
Answer :
6. Do you agree with the author conclusion? Why?
Answer :
I agree with the conclusion made by the author, because the author says the
interconnection between political gains, tertiary knowledge, professional regulation
implementation of gender-sensitive policies to the development of the ED role, the
positioning of nursing within the health care system and improvement im quality of care
7. Is the article a relevant reading source for you as a nurse? Why?
Answer :
Because to increase knowledge and know the role of authority and limits of nurse practice,
learn grounded theory and know the role of nurses in Indonesian emergency rooms
B. The article has been annotated by highlighting, underlining, and signing.
1. What is annotation?
Answer :
An annotation is extra information associated with a particular point in a document or
other piece of information. It can be a note that includes a comment or explanation.[1]
Annotations are sometimes presented in the margin of book pages. For annotations of
different digital media, see web annotation and text annotation.
2. Can you guess what does the purpose of the highlighting?
Answer :
to mark or add background to sentences that are considered important
3. Can you guess what does the purpose of the underlining?
Answer :
Helps to know more from the text because several reasons. First, underscore physically
find key ideas, therefore accurate and faster and more efficient memorization. Second,
the process of selecting what to underline helps in linking information new with existing
C. Without using dictionary, guess the meaning of the following phrases:
1. Emergency department nurse =
2. Grounded theory =
3. Shifting work boundaries =
4. Securing legitimate power =
5. Health care system =
Answer :
1. Perawat unit gawat darurat
2. Teori dasar
3. Pergeseran batas kerja
4. Mengamankan kekuasaan yang sah
5. Sistem perawatan kesehatan

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