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ACTIVITY 2 (SEPT 08, 2021)

A. List down three (3) activities or processes involved in each of the following:
1. Measurement
(a) an orange was used to find the circumference
(b)a ruler was used to measure the length of a pencil
(c)a measuring tape was used to measure the waistline of students
2. Assessment
(a) Roll the Dice
(b) Peer Quizzes
(c) Past Postcards
3. Evaluation
(a) Research posters
(b) Digital portfolios
(c) final presentations

B. Differentiate each of the following pairs; examples may be to further clarify the
1. Assessment and Evaluation
• The assessment is a one-on-one approach that does not compare you to pre-
determined criteria while Evaluation is used to assess a person's performance.
2. Formative evaluation and Summative evaluation
• The purpose of formative assessment is to track student progress and provide
continuing feedback that instructors and students can utilize to improve their
teaching and learning. Formative assessments are typically low stakes, meaning
they are worth little or no points while Summative assessment is used to assess
student learning at the end of a unit of instruction by comparing it to a standard or
benchmark. Summative assessments are frequently high-stakes, which means
they are worth a lot of points.
3. Mental skill and Manual skill
• Mental skills refer to knowledge or the cognitive domain of learning, whilst Manual
skills refers to psychomotor or skills that need to be acquired by school-aged
members of society.
4. Measurement and Evaluation
• The process of obtaining a numerical description of an individual's degree is known
as measurement. Calculating how much a learner has learned. Making
judgements regarding the quality of a student's performance or a potential course
or action is what evaluation is all about. It is a procedure in which the school seeks
to improve a student's conduct.

C. By means of a diagram, show that institutional outcomes broad statements compared

to program/degree outcomes, co subject outcomes and learning/instructional outcomes.

Institutional outcomes broad Program/degree outcomes

Students are expected to learn information, While a program's degree outcome is a
skills, abilities, and attitudes as a result of statement of a student's knowledge, skills,
their entire college experience, including and values at the program's
classes, activities, and student services. end/conclusion, The program learning
outcomes help students understand why
this knowledge and these competencies
are important to them.

Subject outcomes Learning/instructional outcomes

Determine what your students will know Identifying the content that students will be
and be able to do after successfully expected to study.
finishing your subject.

D. Formative assessment is "when the cook tastes the soups; summative assessment
is when the guest tastes the soup." Do agree? Why or why not?

• Due to a variety of factors, I strongly believe that the formative is "when the cook
tastes the soup" and the summative is "when the guests eat the soup." First, when
we talk about formative assessment, we're talking about "monitoring," which
means tracking performance and providing feedback while it's working or in the
middle of a process, similar to what the cook did. In order to achieve a better result,
we must examine the areas that need to be repaired and enhanced in order to
achieve a remarkable result. Summative assessment, on the other hand, is when
you put what you've learned in the process into practice.
E. "All tests are forms of assessment, but not all assessments tests: Which definitions
of assessment given in F support statement?

• “Assessment is the process of documenting knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs,

usually in measurable terms,” I believe is the finest definition that supports the
aforementioned statement. Rather than simply being assessed, the purpose of
assessment is to improve.” Because the purpose of evaluation is to see if you have
learned something and if so, how you will use it in a real-life or practical setting.
F. Here are how authors distinguish measurement, assessment evaluation:
∙ Evaluation is the process of making judgments based criteria and evidence.
∙Assessment is the process of documenting knowledge, s attitudes and beliefs usually
in measurable terms. The goal of assessment is to make improvements, as opposed to
simply being judged.
∙In an educational context, assessment is process describing, collecting, recording,
scoring and interpreting information about learning.
∙Measurement refers to the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some
physical objects are determined with the exception of IQ or attitudes.
∙Assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known
objective or goal. A test is a special form of assessment.
∙Evaluation is a process designed to provide information to help one make a judgment
about a given situation.

G. Based on the notes given above, distinguish among measurement, assessment and
evaluation. Cite examples each.

• When it comes to teaching, measuring is used in the same way that it is in any
other field. It simply refers to determining an object's, talent's, or knowledge's
features or dimensions. While assessment is the process of collecting data,
evaluation is the process of putting that data to good use. Teachers utilize this data
to analyze the connection between what the teacher intended for the lesson and
what was learned.

DUE DATE: SEPT 20, 2021

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