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Vietnam has a communist government. It is one of the five remaining communist

countries in the world today. According to Eli Save (2019), the president is the head of
the republic, and the prime minister is the head of the government. It has three
branches: the executive, which is administered by the government and the president,
the legislative, which consists of the national assembly of Vietnam, and the judiciary
which comprises of the courts. The party and state base on the ideologies of Marxism
and Leninism. It is organized on the principles of democratic centralism and is subject to
Vietnamese law and constitution. The people supervise the actions of the party and it
depends on their contribution to strengthen and unify it. Its highest organ is the national
congress which decided its direction. The Congress elects the central committee to
implement the decisions of the Congress. 
Vietnam is a socialist republic led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. The State of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is the central organization and the pillar of the political
system that realizes the will and power of the people, acts on behalf of the people and is
accountable to the people for the management of all activities of the social life and in
domestic and external affairs. The Party holds a national congress every five years to
outline the country's overall direction and future course as well as to formalize policies.
The National Assembly, which includes 498 members and is open to non-Party
members, is the supreme organ of state and the only body with constitutional and
legislative power. The President of the State and the Prime Minister are elected by the
National Assembly.The President has the right to nominate candidates for a number of
key positions including the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court and the
Procurator-General of the People's Office of Supervision and Control. Nominees are
then approved by the National Assembly. The Prime Minister, who is charged with the
day-to-day handling of the Government, has the right to nominate and dismiss the
members of his cabinet, though only with the approval of the National Assembly. He
also has at his disposal the power to cancel or suspend decisions or directives issued
by the ministries. The distribution of power from executive, legislative and judiciary is
properly diffused.

The Executive branch consists of the president, the prime minister, and the
government. The national assembly elects the president for a five-year term, and he can
serve for only two terms. He is the chairman of the Council for Defense and Security
and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president appoints the prime
minister, the vice president and the heads of courts with consent from the national
assembly over a vote of the majority. He can declare a state of emergency or war and is
in charge of foreign affairs. The prime minister is the head of the government which is
made up of the deputy prime minister, ministers, and other members. According to
Encyclopedia Britanica (2019), the Government is the highest body of State
administration of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. The Government has the same
term of office as the National Assembly. The Government administers the
implementation of the State’s affairs in the fields of politics, economics, culture, society,
national defense and security and foreign relations; ensures the efficiency of the State
apparatus from central to grassroots levels; assures that the Constitution and laws are
respected and executed; and guarantees the sustainability and improvement of the
people’s material and spiritual life. Initially, administrative responsibilities were divided
along narrow functional lines among many ministries; there were, for example,
numerous economic ministries concerned with agriculture and the food industry, marine
products, forestry, and water conservancy.

The legislative brunch of Vietnam has a unicameral parliamentary system

where the national assembly is the highest representative organ. It has both
constitutional and statutory powers. It formulates policies and controls all state
activities. The members are elected through elections and serve for a term of
five years. It has seven committees which are responsible for drafting laws,
examining bills, and preparing legal reports. The chairman of the national
Assembly is Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong. The National Assembly is the highest representative organ of the
people and the highest organ of State power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, wherein It exercise supreme
control over all activities of the State.
The National Assembly is the only organ with constitutional and legislative powers, it shall decide the fundamental
domestic and foreign policies,the socio-economic tasks, the country's national - defence and security issues, the
essential principles governing the organization and activity of the State machinery, the social relations and the
activities of the citizen.

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