EFAPP-LAS-5-Macaday and Loveres-ABM-and-GAS-2021-2022

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San Isidro College


City of Malaybalay


School Year 2021-2022


Name: Venze Adrianne D. Macaday______Partner/s: Schuyler Loyd Z. Loveres_________

Grade and Section: ABM G11-St. Catherine____________
Teacher: Mrs. Cipriana P. Flores, LPT

Exercises and Activities:

I. Checking for Understanding: p173 – 10 points

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8, T 9. T 10. F

II. Let’s Practice: Evaluate the movie review (‘Heneral Luna’ Review: Essential viewing)
using the rubric below: 10 points

Criteria VGE 5 GE 4 SE LE 2 N1
Main idea is clear ✓
Explanation is comprehensive and sufficient ✓
Explanation has depth ✓
Supporting details are linked to the main idea ✓
Introduction states the title, director, and the main idea ✓
of the reviewed movie
Review presents the summary of the movie ✓
Review presents the different perspectives of the issues ✓
Review clearly points outs the weaknesses of the movie ✓
Explanations and opinions are supported by evidence ✓
Ideas are presented convincingly ✓
Conclusion states the overall impression of the work ✓
Sub total 30.55
Review uses an organizational pattern and structure ✓
appropriate for the genre
Cohesive devices are effectively used ✓
Ideas are organized well ✓
Flow of ideas are smooth and easy to read ✓
Sub total 22.5%
Review showcases the writer’s voice ✓
Review uses a variety of sentences ✓
Review eliminates sexist language ✓
Review uses language appropriate to the context ✓

Review eliminates wordiness ✓
Sub total 18.4%


Grammar is accurate ✓
Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are ✓
correctly used
Word choice is appropriate ✓
Sentences are well-structured ✓
Sub total 10%
Review uses correct citation and reference format ✓
Sources are reliable ✓
Sources are relevant to the topic ✓
Sub total 9.33%
TOTAL 90.78%/100

Summary of your general evaluation, use the table below. Give 3 for each: 30 points
Criteria Evaluation
Good features of the review: (3) The review provides others, mostly readers, with information about
several characters as well as the background of the film Heneral Luna.

What is most fascinating about Tarog’s Heneral Luna is that it does not
place its intent ahead of its craft. The film is beautiful to gaze at. The
score made by Tarog is subtle during moments when the drama does
not require distracting melodies, but hauntingly intense at the high

The film is plotted precisely, never really focusing on the larger aspects
of history but on the smaller stories that perfectly construct a hard-
hitting picture of a revolution built on suspicion and dissent.

Bad features of the review: (3) Ambiguity is not typically regarded as a virtue when it comes to
historical films about national heroes. Most of the films that have
tackled our history past have a definite agenda of feeding their viewers
with a very general emotion of pride for one’s country.

Heneral Luna, while precise in its storytelling and in its depiction of the
major players of the revolution, evokes ambiguous emotions about a
nation that has been revealed to be built on a rickety foundation of
questionable motives and personalities.

Tarog is as blunt as he is poetic. He does not shirk away from detailing

the violence of war. In fact, he often laces the gruesome deaths he
stages with humor, perhaps to reflect on the folly of war despite its
inevitability. Amidst the indulgence in spilling blood and exploiting
gunpowder is a tenderness that is genuinely affecting.

Revisions needed: (3) When it comes to historical films about national heroes, confusion is
not often considered as a virtue. Most films that have dealt with our
country's history have a clear objective of instilling in their audiences a
broad sense of patriotism.

Heneral Luna, while exact in its narration and depiction of the

revolution's principal protagonists, inspires confusing sentiments
regarding a society revealed to be founded on a shaky foundation of
uncertain motives and characters.

Tarog is as straight as he is poetic. He does not shy away from

describing the horrors of war. In fact, he frequently injects humor into
the terrible murders he portrays, maybe to reflect on the foolishness of
war despite its inevitability. Amidst the revelry in pouring blood and
exploding ammunition comes a compassion that is quite moving.

III. Let’s Reflect – 10 points

I/we thought… I/we learned that …

We thought that to critique a movie is to criticize We learned that writing a reaction paper the
it and say bad reviews. We thought that to write a main focus is our thoughts, feelings, and
reaction paper is to only say what we feel. We rationalizations about what's discussed in the
thought that writing a review, critique, and original text. We learned that we need state
reaction does not need to be formal. our opinion or judgement and support it.
Also we learned that critique writing is
important because in order to write a good
critique you need to critically read.

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