Beginners Python Cheat Sheet PCC If While

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Testing numerical values is similar to testing string values. Several kinds of if statements exist.

Your choice of which to

use depends on the number of conditions you need to test.
Testing equality and inequality You can have as many elif blocks as you need, and the
>>> age = 18 else block is always optional.
>>> age == 18 Simple if statement
>>> age != 18 age = 19
if age >= 18:
Comparison operators print("You're old enough to vote!")
>>> age = 19 If-else statements
>>> age < 21
True age = 17
>>> age <= 21
True if age >= 18:
If statements allow you to examine the current state >>> age > 21 print("You're old enough to vote!")
of a program and respond appropriately to that state. False else:
>>> age >= 21 print("You can't vote yet.")
You can write a simple if statement that checks one
condition, or you can create a complex series of if The if-elif-else chain
statements that idenitfy the exact conditions you're
age = 12
looking for.
You can check multiple conditions at the same time. The if age < 4:
While loops run as long as certain conditions remain and operator returns True if all the conditions listed are price = 0
true. You can use while loops to let your programs True. The or operator returns True if any condition is True. elif age < 18:
run as long as your users want them to. Using and to check multiple conditions price = 5
>>> age_0 = 22 price = 10
>>> age_1 = 18
A conditional test is an expression that can be evaluated as >>> age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21 print("Your cost is $" + str(price) + ".")
True or False. Python uses the values True and False to False
decide whether the code in an if statement should be >>> age_1 = 23
executed. >>> age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21
True You can easily test whether a certain value is in a list. You
Checking for equality
A single equal sign assigns a value to a variable. A double equal can also test whether a list is empty before trying to loop
Using or to check multiple conditions through the list.
sign (==) checks whether two values are equal.
>>> age_0 = 22 Testing if a value is in a list
>>> car = 'bmw'
>>> age_1 = 18
>>> car == 'bmw' >>> players = ['al', 'bea', 'cyn', 'dale']
>>> age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21
True >>> 'al' in players
>>> car = 'audi' True
>>> age_0 = 18
>>> car == 'bmw' >>> 'eric' in players
>>> age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21
False False
Ignoring case when making a comparison
>>> car = 'Audi'
>>> car.lower() == 'audi' A boolean value is either True or False. Variables with
True boolean values are often used to keep track of certain
conditions within a program.
Checking for inequality Covers Python 3 and Python 2
Simple boolean values
>>> topping = 'mushrooms'
>>> topping != 'anchovies' game_active = True
True can_edit = False
Testing if a value is not in a list Letting the user choose when to quit Using continue in a loop
banned_users = ['ann', 'chad', 'dee'] prompt = "\nTell me something, and I'll " banned_users = ['eve', 'fred', 'gary', 'helen']
user = 'erin' prompt += "repeat it back to you."
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' to end the program. " prompt = "\nAdd a player to your team."
if user not in banned_users: prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' when you're done. "
print("You can play!") message = ""
while message != 'quit': players = []
Checking if a list is empty message = input(prompt) while True:
players = [] player = input(prompt)
if message != 'quit': if player == 'quit':
if players: print(message) break
for player in players: elif player in banned_users:
Using a flag print(player + " is banned!")
print("Player: " + player.title())
else: prompt = "\nTell me something, and I'll " continue
print("We have no players yet!") prompt += "repeat it back to you." else:
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' to end the program. " players.append(player)

active = True print("\nYour team:")

You can allow your users to enter input using the input() while active: for player in players:
statement. In Python 3, all input is stored as a string. message = input(prompt) print(player)

Simple input
if message == 'quit':
name = input("What's your name? ") active = False Every while loop needs a way to stop running so it won't
print("Hello, " + name + ".") else: continue to run forever. If there's no way for the condition to
print(message) become False, the loop will never stop running.
Accepting numerical input
Using break to exit a loop An infinite loop
age = input("How old are you? ")
age = int(age) prompt = "\nWhat cities have you visited?" while True:
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' when you're done. " name = input("\nWho are you? ")
if age >= 18: print("Nice to meet you, " + name + "!")
print("\nYou can vote!") while True:
else: city = input(prompt)
print("\nYou can't vote yet.")
if city == 'quit': The remove() method removes a specific value from a list,
Accepting input in Python 2.7 break
Use raw_input() in Python 2.7. This function interprets all input as a
but it only removes the first instance of the value you
string, just as input() does in Python 3.
else: provide. You can use a while loop to remove all instances
print("I've been to " + city + "!") of a particular value.
name = raw_input("What's your name? ")
print("Hello, " + name + ".") Removing all cats from a list of pets
pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'fish', 'cat',
Sublime Text doesn't run programs that prompt the user for
'rabbit', 'cat']
input. You can use Sublime Text to write programs that
prompt for input, but you'll need to run these programs from print(pets)
A while loop repeats a block of code as long as a condition
is True. a terminal.
while 'cat' in pets:
Counting to 5 pets.remove('cat')

current_number = 1 print(pets)
You can use the break statement and the continue
statement with any of Python's loops. For example you can
while current_number <= 5: use break to quit a for loop that's working through a list or a
print(current_number) dictionary. You can use continue to skip over certain items More cheat sheets available at
current_number += 1 when looping through a list or dictionary as well.

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