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Hello here is my walkthrough for Zombies Retreat. It's a little messy but it will
work. If you can please support Siren's Domain for making this great game. Enjoy!


(-NOTE-) Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.

Main Quest...........................................................[ZR-MAQ]
Professor Cherry.....................................................[ZR-PRC]
Special Wardrobe.....................................................[ZR-SPW]
Photo Album..........................................................[ZR-PHA]


Zombie's Retreat is a zombie survival game with salvage and crafting elements.
Areas with available salvage will be indicated with a circle. Typically they are
found on what look like trash bins. A salvage point will replenish every two days.
There are five time periods for each day: morning, midday, evening, night, and
midnight. If you run out of food or water for two straight days you will get a game
over. If at any point you find yourself running low on either stop progressing and
focus on salvaging resources.

If you wish to re watch any previous scenes use the video game console found in
your bedroom.


Zombie's Retreat has three difficulty settings: Easy, Standard and Hardcore. To get
the full experience I would recommend you start on Standard. None of the
difficulties have any changes on any of the scenes.

Easy: For beginners or for those who just want to see the scenes. Here are the game
changes for the easy difficulty.

* Cheat Void available

* 100% salvage bonus chance to obtain items with party members from salvage
* Z-Cola is available
* Low amounts of zombies sighted outside. Electric zombies are slower.
Resource Consumption (Woman Rescued)

* 3-4: 1 food & 1 water

* 5-6: 2 food & 1 water
* 7-8: 3 food & 2 water

Standard: For players who want a moderate challenge. Here are the game changes for
the standard difficulty.

* Cheat Void is not available

* 66% salvage bonus chance to obtain items with party members from salvage
* Z-Cola is available
* Moderate amounts of zombies sighted outside.

Resource Consumption (Woman Rescued)

* 3-4: 2 food & 1 water

* 5-6: 3 food & 2 water
* 7-8: 4 food & 3 water

Hardcore: For veteran players who want a challenge. Here are the game changes for
the hardcore difficulty.

* Cheat Void is not available

* 66% salvage bonus chance to obtain items with party members from salvage
* Z-Cola is not available
* High amounts of zombies sighted outside. Stronger zombies appear sooner.

Resource Consumption (Woman Rescued)

* 3-4: 3 food & 2 water

* 5-6: 4 food & 3 water
* 7-8: 5 food & 4 water


Salvage Items

* Pistol Ammunition - Ammunition compatible with a basic pistol.

* Crossbow Ammunition - Wooden darts compatible with a crossbow.
* Shotgun Ammunition - Ammunition compatible with a shotgun.
* Water - A bottle of fresh-water. Essential for keeping the house well
* Scrap Metal - Crafting Material
* Scrap Wood - Crafting Material
* Scrap Rubber - Crafting Material
* Electric Fuse - Crafting Material
* Nightshade Berries - Crafting Material
* Medicinal Herb - A soothing plant capable of treating wounds. Restores 1
* Med Kit - A specialized medical kit for treating wounds. Restores HP to
* Wine - Used during dinner sequences and quest progression.
* Food (Fish) - Food used once per day (depending of resource consumption
* Food (Vegetable) - Food used once per day (used after Food (Fish))
* Food (Junk) - Food used once per day (used after Food (Fish) & Food
* Halloween Candy - A piece of delicious candy! It's a mix of a sweet and
sour flavor! Restores 1 HP.

Usable Items

* Pistol - A basic pistol capable of eliminating zombies.

* Wooden Crossbow - A basic crossbow capable of eliminating zombies. Uses
wooden crossbow darts to fire!
* Brute Club - A basic bat modified with nails for extra damage! It's
dangerous to use but it won't fail on you!
* Combat Shotgun - A bulky shotgun capable of firing in a wide pattern.
* Wood-Cutting Axe - A simple axe capable of salvaging wood from broken logs.
It will only last for a few uses.
* Metal-Cutting Saw - A simple saw capable of gathering scrap metal from
specific salvaging points. Will only last one use.
* Fishing Rod - A flimsy rod capable of catching fish. It won't catch more
than a few without breaking.
* Shovel - A basic shovel. It might be able to dig up items in small rocky
patches! Will break after a couple uses.
* Antidote - A special antidote that can clear out poisonous fungi blocking
* Flashlight - A weakly made flashlight that will help light up dungeons. It
can only turn on and off a few times.
* Bedroom Construction - A kit capable of furnishing an entire room!
* Z-Cola - Permanently increases maximum health by 1.
* Air Conditioning Unit - A specialized air conditioner that will cool a room
during even the hottest of summer days!
* Garden (Basic) - A simple garden that can harvest a small supply of food!
(2-8 Food (Vegetables)).
* Garden (Intermediate) - A beautiful garden that can harvest a bountiful
supply of food! (3-10 Food (Vegetables)). Requires Garden (Basic).
* Garden (Advanced) - A stunning garden that can harvest an amazing supply of
food! (4-12 Food (Vegetables)). Requires Garden (Intermediate).
* Water Basin (Basic) - A simple made basin that can collect a small supply
of water! (1-2 Water)
* Water Basin (Intermediate) - A large set of basins that can collect a
decent supply of water! (2-3 Water) Requires Water Basin (Basic).
* Water Basin (Advanced) - A large set of basins that can collect a great
supply of water! (3-4 Water) Requires Water Basin (Intermediate).
* Herb Garden (Basic) - A simple garden that can grow a small amount of
medical herbs! Gives 2 Medicinal Herbs every 2 days.
* Shortcut Point (Advanced) - A sign post that can lead you to specific
places in Camp Zomi!


You can craft using the workbench found in the basement at the home base and in
Jessie's camp.

* Med Kit = Medicinal Herb (3x) + Wine (1x) + Nightshade Berries (1x) + Scrap
Rubber (1x)
* Wine = Water (1x) + Medicinal Herb (2x)
* Fishing Rod = Scrap Wood (1x) + Scrap Rubber (1x)
* Wood-Cutting Axe = Scrap Metal (1x) + Scrap Wood (1x)
* Shovel = Scrap Metal (1x) + Scrap Wood (1x)
* Metal-Cutting Saw = Scrap Metal (1x) + Scrap Wood (1x)
* Ammunition Pack (x3) = Scrap Metal (1x)
* Flashlight = Scrap Metal (1x) + Electric Fuse (1x)
* Antidote = Water (2x) + Medicinal Herb (2x) + Nightshade Berries (4x) + Wine (1x)
* Dart Pack (x5) = Scrap Wood (x1)
* Bedroom Construction = Scrap Metal (4x) + Scrap Wood (5x) + Medicinal Herb (1x)
* Garden (Basic) = Scrap Wood (5x) + Food (Vegetable) (2x) + Water (2x)
* Garden (Intermediate) = Scrap Wood (6x) + Food (Vegetable) (4x) + Water (4x)
* Garden (Advanced) = Scrap Wood (6x) + Food (Vegetable) (6x) + Water (4x)
* Water Basin (Basic) = Scrap Metal (3x) + Scrap Wood (5x)
* Water Basin (Intermediate) = Scrap Metal (5x) + Scrap Wood (3x) + Scrap Rubber
* Water Basin (Advanced) = Scrap Metal (5x) + Scrap Wood (3x) + Scrap Rubber (2x)
* Herb Garden (Basic) = Scrap Wood (3x) + Medicinal Herb (2x)
* Shortcut Point (Advanced) = Scrap Metal (2x) + Scrap Wood (5x) + Scrap Rubber
* Bathtub Faucet = Scrap Metal (3x) + Scrap Rubber (3x)
* Water Heating Element = Scrap Metal (4x) + Electric Fuse (1x)
* Air Conditioning Unit = Scrap Metal (4x) + Electric Fuse (2x) + Scrap Rubber (2x)

Trading with Jessie

You can trade salvaged and crafted items with Jessie to acquire various items. Some
items can only be obtained by trading with Jessie.

* Scrap Wood (5x) = Food (Vegetable) (7x)

* Scrap Metal (5x) = Scrap Rubber (7x)
* Water (5x) = Food (Fish) (6x)
* Electric Fuse = Medicinal Herb (4x)
* Nightshade Berries = Food (Fish) (1x)
* Camera = Med Kit (1x)
* Combat Shotgun = Scrap Metal (5x) + Scrap Wood (5x) + Food (Vegetable) (5x) +
Water (5x)
* Ammunition Pack = Scrap Metal (2x)
* Scrap Rubber (3x) = Medicinal Herb (5x)
* Dart Pack (10x) = Water (5x)


This section will outline how to complete the main quests. Details on how to
progress with each girl will be covered in their respective section.

#1 New Home

This is the beginning tutorial. It’s very straightforward and simple. Once
you have control go to the basement. You will be given instructions on how crafting
works and given the crafting guide (Beginner) and the Beginner's Survival Guide.
The crafting guide will give you access to beginner level crafting items and the
survival guide can be accessed to review tutorial information. Once that is done go
upstairs and talk to Rachel. She will be in her room. Once both objectives have
been completed go downstairs and watch the scene.

Leave the house and go south toward the bridge. After crossing the bridge
examine the map. This will unlock the map as a fast travel point. Make sure to do
this whenever you gain access to a new area. Once done go west to leave the area.

You will now be at the Recreation Center. After the scene talk to the
troublemaker. She will be next to the silver handled door. Afterword Rachel will no
longer be following you. Go south and go outside. When you go outside you will hear
gunshots! Go back into the Recreation Center. Rachel is in trouble! Grab the gun
and kill the zombie attacking Rachel. After the scenes go to your bed. When asked
what you want to do select Sleep (New Day).

#2 Restoring Power

Before doing anything make sure to talk to Rachel and Leslie. As a general
rule of thumb when talking to anyone be sure to exhaust all of their dialog. When
you start getting the same response you will know you are done (RPG playing 101).
Once you have talked to both of them you are going to want to party up with one of
them. When exploring the camp it is 99% of the time better to take someone with
you. At this point you only have two choices. Taking Rachel with you will help you
get bullets and scrap metal faster and she is able to unlock locked doors. If you
take Leslie with you, you will get Food (Vegetable) and Water in abundance. Unless
you are playing on hardcore I would take Rachel with you. However either choice is
viable. Once partied up leave home base by crossing the bridge.

If you skipped the tutorial day make sure you look at the map to unlock the
Home fast travel. Otherwise go west to enter the Summer Campsite. When you enter
the summer camp area don't forget to look at the map to unlock the fast travel
site. Zombies will now be patrolling the area. I don't recommend killing every
zombie you come across. Only attack a zombie if you have no other choice. The best
tactic is always to run way. You want to maintain as many resources as possible,
and you don't want to be out of ammo when you find yourself in a situation in which
you really need it.

Try and enter the house directly north of the map. This will begin Natasha's
questline. For details on how to complete her quests see here ZR-NAT. Make sure to
talk to her every day and if possible complete her requests on the same day. Make
your way back to the Recreation Center. Before going in examine the pile of wood
and the tires next to the building. This will give you scrap wood and scrap rubber.
If see these on the map in any other area be sure to collect them. Keep in mind
these are one time salvage points. They will not respawn like the normal marked
salvage points. If you ever see any orange canisters like the one in the cafeteria
this will give you water. But like the tires and logs they are one time salvage

When you enter the Recreation Center you will need to kill all of the zombies
in the room. There should be some ammo on the right side of the room to assist with
this. After you have killed all the zombies examine the video game console by the
TV. This will unlock the gallery room and will let you re watch any sex scene you
have previously viewed. To access it examine the video game console in your

Explore the area and hit every salvage point you come across. There will be
one location in every building in this area. However stay away from the building in
the south east corner. You will come back to it later. Once you have hit all the
salvage points return back to home base. Go to the basement and craft a fishing
rod. If you are running low on ammo then craft some as well. You are going to need
at minimum 8 bullets for what comes next.

When you are done crafting leave home base and go to the stream next to the
boy's cabin. Now that you have a fishing rod with you should see a spot to interact
with. When prompted chose to go fishing. Every time you successfully fish you will
get one Food (Fish). Keep fishing until your rod breaks. When it does unless you
have another fishing rod you will be unable to fish. When you are done go to the
house that you ignored earlier. Kill the zombie blocking the door and enter the
cabin. You need to kill all of the zombies in order to rescue the survivor. When
they are all dead go and rescue the woman. After talking to Caroline you will
automatically be sent back to home base.

It should now be in the evening. Go into the kitchen and talk to Leslie.
Choose eat dinner. After exhausting everyone's dialog finish eating dinner. When
you do the power will go out! Well that's no good I guess you will have to fix it.
If you want you can craft a flashlight to help you see better in the upcoming area
(in my opinion this isn't really necessary as it is not that hard to see). Party up
with Caroline and make your way to the power plant. The power plant is located in
the North West area of the campsite. Take the elevator on the east side of the room
down. If you crafted a flashlight it should automatically turn on to help you see

After exiting the elevator go east. When you enter the hallway, enter the
door to the north. A salvage point and a computer should be in the room. Examine
the files on the computer to get the password to upgrade your security level. Exit
the room and continue going east. When you come to the end of the hallway go south
and enter the room. There will be a Z-Cola.

Exit the room and go west. Enter the room south of the computer room you
accessed previously. Continue going south to exit the room. Upon exiting you will
encounter your first electric zombie. Kill it as quickly as you can. Continue on to
the next room and you will see a normal zombie turn into and electric zombie. Kill
it and examine the computer at the end of the room. Like last time you need to read
the documents to learn the password to upgrade your security to level 3.

Now that you have the necessary security level make your way back to the main
area. Be careful as electric zombies have now spawned both in and outside the power
plant. Use the door to the south and make your way to the room with the panels.
Turn on the power and watch the scenes. When finished exit the power plant. You now
have access to the Lake View section of the camp. This can be reached from the
south end of the campsite.

#3 Seeds of Resolve

In order to start this quest you need to have brought Natasha to the home
base. Instructions how to do this can be found in her section ZR-NAT. Talk to
Natasha to start this quest. Before you go out make sure that you have a Shovel. If
you don't go to the basement and craft one. Once that is done party up with Natasha
and go to the Lakeview section of the camp. Go to the north east section of the
area. You should come across an area called the Camp Zomi Botanical Garden. The
path will be blocked with a bush but if you are with Natasha she will remove it.

Once the bush is removed enter the garden. Watch the cut scenes and head east
toward the shack. When you enter the shack a shelf will fall preventing you from
leaving. Examine the sparkling item in the room. You will have obtained the Brute
Club. After picking up the club a zombie will come out of the nearby closet. Kill
him and examine the picture to find the location of the Botanical Key (this is why
you needed the Shovel). After getting the key enter the Greenhouse.

Watch the cut scene. You will now be in control of Natasha. Complete the
puzzle by turning all the valves. Watch out for the zombies as Natasha does not
have a way to defend herself. Upon completing the puzzle use the north exit to
leave the Greenhouse. I would recommend saving before going any further. When ready
examine the plant monster. Oh no Natasha has been captured!
In order to damage the boss you need to shoot all the red flower minions
first. Make sure not to get hit by the vine walls. After the minions are dead you
can damage the boss. Do this three times and he will go down. If you run out of
ammo during the fight an ammo clip will spawn in the lower right corner. Once he is
dead watch the cut scene with Professor Cherry. You will now find yourself in a
cell. Watch the cut scene. Before leaving don't forget to grab the Z-Cola and the
Herbology Notes.

#4 The Final Battle

In order to start this quest you need to complete Talia's questline and have
acquired enough lust energy. If you are unsure if you have enough talk to Talia and
she will let you know when you have enough. For help on completing Talia's
questline go to the Talia section ZR-TAL.

Return to the Town Hall and use the exit to the north. Continue north to find
a barrier. Before entering make sure you have an adequate amount of ammo and
recovery items. When you feel you are ready save and cross the barrier.

When you enter watch the cut scenes. After which you will now be in a boss
fight with the wolves. At first you will have to fight one at a time but by the end
of the fight you have to defeat both at the same time. Don't try to attack them
when they are in there rage state (there eyes will be glowing and they will have a
red aura). After defeating the wolves watch the cut scene.

It's time to fight Serena. First Serena will send out copies of herself. You
need to attack the real one to start a damage phase. The real Serena will have a
purple aura around her. If you hit the correct one she will teleport to the middle
of the arena. Attack her now to do damage. After you successfully attack her she
will then try to mind control you. You will know you are in this state when your
character looks like a zombie. When in this state you will be unable to attack, but
you can dodge. Simply dodge her attacks and attack the real Serena. Do this three
times and she will go down. Watch the cut scenes and congrats you have finished the
main game! Now to the post game.

#5 Epilogue - A Dark Secret

After the credits go back to the power plant. Go down to the second floor. Go
all the way east until you come across a set of double doors (north of the door
where you got the first Z-Cola). When you enter take the elevator down. Continue
though the hallway to reach a room with a computer. Ignore the computer and go to
the window. You will be given the second Z-Choice here.

If you select two people you will see the Ann Missionary Sex scene (L-001).
If you select just one you will see the Ann pixel masturbating scene. After the cut
scenes Ann will ask you to get her data from her old hotel room. In order to access
the hotel you will need a Metal-Cutting Saw to cut through the fence. After you
have the saw go to Old Town. The entrance will be south of the weird lodge. Cut the
fence and go enter the shack. Kill the zombie at the fridge to get the Hotel Lodge

Now that you have the key go up the stairs and go east. Enter the room and on
the table with the papers on it will be Ann's data. Watch the cut scenes and return
to Ann. This will unlock Ann Missionary Sex scene (MC). If you go five days without
having sex with Ann the next time you see Ann the Ann Missionary Sex scene (L-001)
will be shown.
#6 Passion

After finishing the quest Epilogue - A Dark Secret go back to the home base
and sleep in your bed till the next day. Go downstairs to get a phone call from
Ann. She will tell you the rift Serena was using is acting strange. Go back to the
cave where you fought Serena and if you have played the game Town of Passion you
will see some familiar faces.

After the cut scenes enter the rift and begin the Goddess Trial. If you have
played Town of Passion then you should be very familiar with how this works. The
goal is to make it through the maze without being spotted. After completing the
trial go to the Lakeview Area. Go to the locked cabin (the one with the white
flowers in front of it) and talk to the Town of Passion MC.

Repeat the previous process two more times to complete the Goddess Trials.
When you have completed all of the Goddess Trials talk to the Town of Passion MC
and watch the scenes. This will unlock the Mary Riding Sex scene.


Party Up Bonus: Food (Vegetable), Water

1. In the morning talk to Leslie outside. She informs you the water heater is
broken and needs you to fix it. Craft the Heating Element. Once you have the
Heating Element go talk to Leslie she will take the Heating Element from you.

2. During the midday go to the bathroom and talk with Leslie. Watch the bath scene.
After the bath scene talk to her again.

3. During the midday take a bath with her again. This unlocks the Hand Job scene.
Talk to her in the kitchen and you will now have the option to flirt with her
during the evening.

4. After completing the Restoring Power quest, at night Leslie will be near the TV
at home base. Talk to her and she will tell you that the VCR is not working. You
offer to fix the VCR. To fix the VCR you need an Electric Fuse (1x).

5. After fixing the VCR talk to Leslie and choose to watch a movie. You and Leslie
will watch the movie Zombies in Space. This will unlock the Kiss scene.

6. In the morning talk to Leslie. She will mention that she wants to watch a new
movie and tells you that you may be able to find one in the student cabins.

7. Go to the Boy's cabin. Examine the scavenge point to get Mom's Naughty Secret
Ep.1. Go back to home base and talk to Leslie.

8. At night talk to Leslie and watch the movie Mom's Naughty Secret Ep.1 and unlock
the Blow Job scene. Afterwards sleep till the next day.

9. In the morning talk to Leslie she will say she needs a day to think things over.
Trying to take a bath or flirting with her during this period will not be

10. The next morning talk with Leslie and she will say she wants to talk with you
someplace private during the evening. Wait till the evening and party up with
Leslie and go to the Lakeview area. The Private Campsite is in the south west

11. Watch the cut scene. You will have to protect Leslie against three waves of
zombies. After succeeding watch the cut scene. You will then be automatically sent
back to home base.

12. At night talk to Leslie. She will tell you to come see her at midnight and to
bring wine.

13. At midnight and with wine go talk to Leslie to unlock the Riding Cowgirl Sex
scene. You will now also be able to request that she strips for you. This option
will only be available at midnight.

14. In the morning talk to Leslie she will talk about going back to the Private
Campsite. *If Rachel has not unlocked the door to the bathroom in the Recreation
Center skip step 15 and go to 16.*

15. Go to the bathroom and interact with the hole to unlock the Gloryhole Blowjob

16. Go back to the Private Campsite and watch the cut scene and obtain Horny Moms
Gone Wild Pt.6. After getting the movie go back to home base.

17. In the evening flirt with Leslie to unlock the Kitchen Doggy Sex scene.

18. At night talk with Leslie and watch the new movie. This will unlock the
Missionary Sex scene.

19. At midnight talk with Leslie and a new option for Foreplay will be available.

20. In the morning talk to Leslie and she will tell you the bathroom faucet is
broken. Craft a Bathtub Faucet and talk to her.

21. During the midday talk to Leslie in the bathroom and choose sex. Unlocks the
Standing One Leg Sex scene.

22. In the evening talk to Leslie she will mention going back to the Private
Campsite. Party up with her and go back to the Private Campsite to unlock the Tent
Missionary Sex scene.

23. If you have completed Rachel's quest line go upstairs and a cut scene will
occur. This will unlock the Leslie & Rachel Threesome Sex scene. To re watch the
scene you need to party up with either Leslie or Rachel in the Evening or Night.
Talk to the other girl and you will see an option for threesome.

24. If you have completed Rachel and Caroline's questline and have completed the
Leslie & Rachel Threesome Sex scene and the Cardio Threesome Sex scene, then when
you go upstairs you will see a cut scene. After the cut scene you will unlock the
Four Way Bedroom Blowjob Sex scene. You can re watch the scene by talking to Leslie
at Midnight.


Party Up Bonus: Scrap Metal, Pistol Ammo

1. In the morning talk to Rachel. Party up with her and go to the Recreation Center
at the campsite. Try and open the silver handled door. Rachel will pick the lock
and tell you to scavenge inside. Examine the hole in the wall to unlock the
Gloryhole Blowjob scene.

2. During the midday talk to Rachel (if you don't she won't progress). Wait until
the next day.

3. During the morning talk with Rachel. At night (not midnight) go to your room and
a cut scene with Rachel will occur.

4. In the morning talk with Rachel, then go to the basement and craft a Metal-
Cutting Saw. Go back to your room and use the Metal-Cutting Saw on the hole in the

5. At night use the hole you made to unlock the Bedroom Gloryhole blowjob scene.

6. In the morning talk with Rachel and she will blackmail you into getting her a
magazine. The magazine is located in the Girl's cabin. If you have not unlocked the
Girl's cabin craft a Shovel and examine the rocks near the Girl's cabin to find the
key. Get the Teen Zine: Issue 57 from the scavenge point and give it to Rachel.
When you go to sleep you will unlock the Bed Blowjob scene.

7. After completing the Restore Power quest, talk to Rachel. She will want to get a
boom box from the Welcome Center in the Lakeview area. Party up with Rachel and go
to the Welcome Center. Go to the silver handled door and Rachel will pick the lock.
scene will occur followed by a boss fight. The boss cannot be damaged in the dark.
You need to activate the light switch to stun and damage the boss. Use the table as
a buffer while you wait for the light switch to re activate. If you run out of ammo
some will spawn at the top of the room.

8. After you have defeated the boss go back to home base. Talk to Rachel and she
will tell you to come to her room during the evening. Rest until evening and talk
to Rachel in her room. You will unlock the Modified Lying Doggy sex scene.

9. After completing the previous step a number of scenes with Rachel will now
unlock. When you use the Gloryhole in either the bedroom or the Recreation Center
you now have the option to have Gloryhole Sex. When having dinner if choose the
option to tease Rachel you can repeat the Bed Blowjob scene when you sleep in your

10. If you have completed Natasha's questline when you go to the basement you will
trigger a cut scene that will unlock the Natasha & Rachel Double Tit Fuck scene.

11. At night if ask to sleep with Rachel you will unlock the Riding Cowgirl scene.

12. After unlocking the Riding Cowgirl scene, if you have wine in your inventory
you will be able to offer some to Rachel during dinner. If you do and at night go
and try and sleep with her you will unlock Riding Cowgirl Anal scene.

13. If you have completed Leslie's quest line go upstairs and a cutscene will
occur. This will unlock the Leslie & Rachel Threesome Sex scene. To re watch the
scene you need to party up with either Leslie or Rachel in the Evening or Night.
Talk to the other girl and you will see an option for threesome.

14. If you have completed Leslie and Caroline's questline and have completed the
Leslie & Rachel Threesome Sex scene and the Cardio Threesome Sex scene,then when
you go upstairs you will see a cut scene. After the cut scene you will unlock the
Four Way Bedroom Blowjob Sex scene. You can re watch the scene by talking to Leslie
at Midnight.


Party Up Bonus: Medicinal Herb, Scrap Wood

1. Go to the Campsite and kill the zombie blocking the door and enter Caroline's
cabin. You need to kill all of the zombies in order to rescue the Caroline. When
they are all dead go and talk to Caroline. After talking to Caroline you will
automatically be sent back to home base.

2. Talk to Caroline and then party up. Get hit by a zombie and return to home base.
This will launch a cut scene.

3. The next day talk to Caroline and then party up. Get hit by a zombie and return
to home base. This will unlock the Hand job scene.

4. The next day talk to Caroline and then party up. Get hit by a zombie twice and
return to home base. This will unlock the Blowjob scene. You can now request a
medical examination anytime.

5. After completing the Restore Power quest, talk to Caroline. She will tell you
she needs to pick up her favorite lingerie from her cabin. *BEFORE GOING IT IS
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU SAVE.* Party up with her and go back to Caroline's
cabin. The lingerie will be in same room she was in when you rescued her. Don't
worry about the locked box for now you need to progress in her questline before she
gives you a clue how to unlock it. After getting the lingerie and trying to leave a
cut scene will play and then you will be in a boss fight with Johnny. Johnny is not
difficult to beat. All you have to do is shoot and then immediately run. Rinse and
repeat until victorious. If you run out of ammo some more will spawn near the

6. After beating Johnny return to home base and talk to Caroline. When you choose
medical examination you will unlock the Fondle scene.

7. The next day talk to Caroline choose medical examination this will unlock the
Tit Fuck scene.

8. After the Tit Fuck scene talk to Caroline again. She wants to learn more about
zombies and thinks the library in the Welcome Center will have answers. *BEFORE
GOING IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU SAVE.* Party up with Caroline go to the
Lakeview area and enter the Welcome Center. Examine the bookcase to unlock a secret
passage (If you have not already don't forget to pick up the Crafting Guide
(Intermediate)). Follow the path until you reach a room. When you enter the room a
cut scene will occur triggering a boss with Johnny. Use the same strategy as before
and he should go down for good. After the cut scene examine the computer in the
room if you want more information about what this area was used for. After that go
back to home base.

9. Talk to Caroline. She wants you to tune up her bedroom. Craft a Bedroom
Construction and upgrade her room. Once done at night talk to Caroline again to
unlock the Riding Sex scene.

10. With the previous step complete the nude variations to the Fondle and Tit Fuck
scene have been unlocked. Also during dinner you can give wine to Caroline. This
will change the dialogue during the Riding Sex scene.

11. Party Up with Caroline and go back to her cabin. Examine the med kit and she
now will give you a clue on how find combination for the locked box.

12. If you have completed Leslie and Rachel's questline and have completed the
Leslie & Rachel Threesome Sex scene and the Cardio Threesome Sex scene,then when
you go upstairs you will see a cut scene. After the cut scene you will unlock the
Four Way Bedroom Blowjob Sex scene. You can re watch the scene by talking to Leslie
at Midnight.


Party Up Bonus: Medicinal Herb, Food (Vegetable)

1. Enter the Campsite and try and enter the cabin directly north of the map. You
will not be able to enter and the person inside will not come out, but they are
willing to trade with you. For the first trade you need to give them one Food
(Vegetables). Upon doing so you will get two Water.

2. Return the next day this time they will want three Scrap Wood. When you hand
over the Scrap Wood you will receive three Scrap Metal. You will also learn that
the strangers name is Natasha.

3. Return the next day and Natasha wants two Medicinal Herbs. If you give her the
herbs she will give you an Electric Fuse. She then tells you that she will join you

4. Come back the next day and Natasha will join you at home base.

5. After completing the Seeds of Resolve quest, talk with Natasha she wants to show
you her gratitude with a kiss but she needs to have her bedroom upgraded. Get the
Crafting Guide (Intermediate) from the Welcome Center in the Lakeview area and
craft the Bedroom Construction and upgrade her room. At night talk with Natasha and
unlock the Kiss Hand job scene.

6. The next day talk to Natasha. She will tell you about a car in Old Town. To
reach Old Town you need to craft Antidotes to remove the infected roots. It’s best
to craft two or three but if you can only craft one use it on the path to Old Town
from Lakeview. Once you have crafted an Antidote party up with Natasha and go to
Old Town.

7. In Old Town enter the Strange Cabin (the one with bush blocking the stairs) and
examine the scavenge point. This will give you the car key. Exit the cabin and go
east. You should see a clearing to the south with the car. Go to the car and unlock
the Car Riding Reverse Cowgirl Sex scene.

8. If you have completed Rachel's questline when you go to the basement you will
trigger a cut scene that will unlock the Natasha & Rachel Double Tit Fuck scene.

9. After unlocking Professor Cherry's Sitting Reverse Cowgirl Sex scene, talk to
Natasha. She will want to find a way cure Professor Cherry. She now knows how to
remove that bush that was in the Strange Cabin (the one where you got the car
keys). Party up with Natasha and go to the Strange Cabin and examine the bush.
Natasha will remove the bush.

10. Go downstairs and enter the room to the east. Examine the computer and read the
documents to learn the password to gain access to the lab. When you pick up the
serum a new enemy type will permanently become active. The female plant zombies. At
present there is no way to kill them you can only run away from them. Now that you
have the serum you need to deliver it to Professor Cherry. You will not be able to
run, attack or fast travel. You have to walk there and if you get by a zombie you
have to go back to the lab and start over. Take the southern exit from Old Town as
it is faster to reach the Greenhouse.

11. When you deliver the serum Professor Cherry she will now be to change to her
human form. If you talk Professor Cherry in her human form while you are partied up
with Natasha you can unlock the Natasha & Cherry Double Tit Fuck scene.

12. After finishing the quest The Final Battle party up with Natasha and go to the
go to the shack in the Lakeview area (the place where you and Natasha were locked
up) and talk with Serena. Watch the cut scene and you will then unlock the Natasha
& Serena Threesome Sex scene.


Party Up Bonus: Crossbow Ammo, Water

1. After completing the Restore Power quest, craft a Fishing Rod and go to the Pool
Room building (the one with the pool) in the Lake View area. Go to the pool and
fish out the Boiler Room Key. Use it to unlock the locked door and release Ashley.
You will then automatically escort her to home base.

2. Talk to Ashley and she will offer to give you swimming lessons. Party up with
Ashley and go to the pool. Be careful when entering the Pool Room building as
zombies will now spawn. You will then unlock the CPR Kiss scene.

3. At night go talk to Ashley in her room.

4. In the morning talk to Ashley and she tell you that she is looking for her lucky

5. In the evening you will see Ashley under the table (or her ass at least) if you
sit down and eat dinner you will see a new option to Check Under Table. Choosing it
will unlock the Table Hand job scene.

6. At night talk to Ashley in her room. She will request for to upgrade her room.
Get the Crafting Guide (Intermediate) from the Welcome Center in the Lakeview area
and craft the Bedroom Construction and upgrade her room. Once her room is upgraded
talk to her again. She now knows where her whistle is. It's on an island in the
Lakeview area.

7. The next day party up with Ashley and examine the boat in the Lakeview area. The
boat is busted but can be fixed if you have four pieces of Scrap Wood. Once
repaired the two of you can now travel to the island. *THERE ARE A LOT OF ZOMBIES
island you will find the lucky whistle. However this will trigger a zombie horde to
raid the island. There are five waves of enemies you need to survive while
protecting Ashley. If you run out of ammo some will spawn near Ashley. After
beating the horde go back to home base.

8. The next day party up with Ashley and go to the pool for your swimming lesson.
You will then unlock the Pool Sex scene.

9. You will now be able to ask Ashley to go under the table during dinner (as long
as you ask her before dinner). If you do there is now a new option that will unlock
the Table Blowjob scene.
10. At night if you visit Ashley you can request sex. Unfortunately she says her
room is too hot and she needs an Air Conditioner first. Go craft an Air
Conditioning Unit and upgrade her room. Talk to her again and unlock the Bed
Missionary Sex scene.


Party Up Bonus: Scrap Metal, Scrap Rubber

1. After completing the Seeds of Resolve quest, craft an Antidote and remove the
infected roots to gain access to Old Town. Go to the Neat Cabin (the cabin directly
south of the north entrance) and kill all of the zombies. When they are all
defeated unlock the room Talia is in. You will then automatically escort her back
to the home base.

2. Talk with Talia and she will tell you that she wants her room upgraded. Get the
Crafting Guide (Intermediate) from the Welcome Center in the Lakeview area and
craft the Bedroom Construction and upgrade her room. When you have upgraded her
room talk to Talia again. She will ask that you talk to her tomorrow.

3. The next day talk with Talia again and she will request that you find a spell
book. Go to the Welcome Center and examine the salvage point to get the Draconian
Spell book. Go back to home base and talk with Talia.

4. Wait until night to talk with Talia and choose the option story. This will
unlock the Breast Suck Hand job scene.

5. The next day talk with Talia. Party up with her and go to the Town Hall in Old
Town (the building with the barrier). Enter the Town Hall and examine the black
void on the right side. A cut scene will trigger and a new type of enemy will
appear Werewolves. You cannot hurt the Werewolves. Avoid there sight and leave the
Town Hall from the south end. After the cut scene return to home base.

6. Talk with Talia again and she will agree to go all the way with you. But you
need to make preparations first. She wants you install an Air Conditioning Unit and
to bring wine. After crafting and installing the Air Conditioning Unit and wine, at
night talk with Talia and you will unlock the Side Saddle Sex scene.

7. During the midday talk with Talia to unlock the Table Sex scene.


Party Up Bonus: Medicinal Herb, Nightshade Berries

1. After completing the Seeds of Resolve quest, a cave can be accessed on the right
side of the boss room. Enter the cave and turn the valve. This will remove the
yellow plant in front of Professor Cherry's office in the Greenhouse.

2. Read her notes on the computer and exit. When you do Professor Cherry will enter
and you will unlock the Sitting Reverse Cowgirl Sex scene.

3. After completing Natasha's serum quest, Professor Cherry can switch between her
plant and human form. In her human form she can be party up to assist with salvage
or if you are with Natasha unlock the Natasha & Cherry Double Tit Fuck scene.

Party Up Bonus: Shotgun Ammo, Scrap Metal

1. After completing the Seeds of Resolve quest, craft an Antidote and go to the
Lakeview area and locate the infected roots. Jessie's camp will be next to the sign
with tent. After the cut scene of entering her camp you will know be able to use
her camp as you wish. Examine the backpack east of the workbench and you will
encounter the first Z-Choice. The picture will change depending on what you pick.
So I recommend saving before selecting to get the picture you want. If you are able
to trade with Jessie for five of her items, she will trust you and will now be
available to party up (the five trades are not mandatory to progress in Jessie's

2. Talk with Jessie and she will send you on a mission to get food out of the
freezer in the Cafeteria at the Campsite. She will give you a hammer so that you
can access the freezer. Once inside go to the fuse box in the top left of the room
and hit it with the Brute Club. This will thaw out the zombies. Kill all the
zombies and search the room for hidden resources. When your done exit the freezer
for a cut scene.

3. The next day go back to Jessie's camp and after the cut scene kill all the
zombies. When they are all dead you will unlock the Table Missionary Sex scene.

4. Talk to Jessie again and select Medicine. This will allow you to unlock the Kiss
scene or repeat the Table Missionary Sex scene.


Party Up Bonus: None

1. It would be best not do Clara's questline until you have completed Natasha's and
Leslie's. Go to Jessie's camp and enter Clara's tent. Talk to Clara and she will
request an upgrade to her tent. Go to the work bench and craft the Bedroom
Construction and upgrade Clara's room.

2. Talk to Clara and she will say she wants to explore Camp Zomi. Take her to the
car in Old Town and unlock Car Riding Sex scene.

3. Take Clara to the Private Campsite and unlock the Tent Missionary Sex scene.

4. Take Clara to the Recreation Center. Go to the bathroom and interact with the
hole to unlock the Gloryhole Blowjob scene.

5. Take Clara back to Jessie's camp and remove her from the party. Then talk to her
she will tell you to visit her at night.

6. At night talk to Clara in her tent and you will see a new option for Undress.
This will unlock the Undress scene. When you get fully nude the portal to take
Clara home appears but she decides to stay.


Party Up Bonus: Wine, Med Kit

1. After completing The Final Battle quest, go to the shack in the Lakeview area
(the place where you and Natasha were locked up) and talk with Serena.
2. You will have the option to have sex with her. This will unlock the Doggy Sex
scene. If you have her transform first you will transformed version of the Doggy
Sex scene.

3. If you are with Natasha a cut scene will play and you will unlock the Natasha &
Serena Threesome Sex scene.

Special Wardrobe [ZR-SPW]

To access the special events you need to find the costumes hidden about Camp Zomi.
After obtaining a costume you can watch the event by examining the closet on the
west side of your bedroom. Once an event has been completed you can change their
costumes at any time.

Special Event #1 - Exercise Costumes

This costume can be found in Old Town in the Weird Lodge. You will need to
push a ball onto a pressure plate to get to the costume. You will need to have
completed Leslie's and Caroline's questline to view this event. When viewed it will
unlock the Cardio Threesome Sex scene.

Special Event #2 - Spooky Costumes

This costume can be found in Old Town in the Zomi Lodge. In order to access
the hotel you will need a Metal-Cutting Saw to cut through the fence. After you
have the saw go to Old Town. The entrance will be south of the weird lodge. Cut the
fence and go enter the shack. Kill the zombie at the fridge to get the Hotel Lodge

Enter the hotel and go west. Enter the room and answer the quiz questions to
get the costume. If you get an answer wrong a zombie will spawn but you will still
progress. There is no bonus for correct answers.

To view the event you need to complete Leslie, Rachel and Ashley's
questlines. After the cut scene enter the Recreational Center and talk the either
Leslie or Ashley. They will give you a quest to find eight pieces of candy. Candy
can be found in trash bins, or sparkle spots on the ground. Two of zombies will
also drop candy. Go to the workbench and craft a fishing pole if you don't already
have one.

To find the Darkness Fragments you will need to fish one out of the water,
complete the maze in the south west corner of the map, and go trick or treating at
all the houses. Once you have all the Darkness Fragments and the necessary candy,
go back to the Recreational Center and talk to either Leslie or Ashley. This will
unlock the Leslie & Ashley Threesome Sex scene.

Next go to the workbench and craft the Dark Keystone. With the Dark Keystone
go talk to Rachel. She will tell you that you have to fight the Dark King. *BEFORE

Try not to get distracted by the zombies. The Dark King will try and hit with
his hands. Dodge and shoot his hands when they appear. After a number of hits he
will be weakened and you can shoot him in his face until he is defeated. After
defeating the boss you will talk with Rachel and unlock the Standing Doggy Sex

Special Event #3 - Summer Costumes

After completing Special Event 1 and 2, go to the Town Hall in Old Town. On
the east side of the room (where the black void was) you will see a set of stairs.
Examine the papers on the stand to unlock the first door. Then examine the paper on
the wall next to the statue. This will unlock the second door allowing you to get
the costume.

To view this event you need to have completed Leslie, Rachel, Caroline, and
Jessie's questline. Talking to Rachel and choosing swim will unlock a photo of
having sex with Rachel in the pool. Talking to Caroline and choosing sneak off,
will unlock a photo of her giving a hand job. Talking with either Jessie or Leslie
will unlock the Pool Standing Sex scene. Talking to Leslie, Rachel or Caroline and
selecting 4-Some, will unlock the Rachel, Caroline, Leslie Pool Blowjob scene. When
you want to leave talk to Ashley.

Special Event #4 - Maid Costume

This costume can be found in the Girl's cabin. To enter you need to dig up
key from the nearby dirt patch with the shovel. To view this event you need to have
viewed the Leslie Riding Cowgirl Sex scene. When viewed it will unlock the Maid
Leslie Chair Sex scene. When this scene has been unlocked a number variations to
this scene will also be unlocked. All of the other costumes have a variant of this
scene and there is a regular and nude version as well. To view them examine the
area near the dinner table at night.


#1 - After completing Seeds of Resolve in the cave near the plant boss.
#2 - In the Med Kit safe in Caroline's cabin.
#3 - Have the camera and have Table Sex with Talia.
#4 - Have the camera and get a Table Blowjob from Ashley.
#5 - Have the camera and flirt with Leslie for sex.
#6 - Have the camera and complete Special Event 1.
#7 - Have the camera and unlock Clara's scene in the car.
#8 - Have the camera and complete Special Event 2.
#9 - Complete Epilogue - A Dark Secret.
#10 - Swim with Rachel in Special Event 3.
#11 - Sneak Off with Caroline in Special Event 3.
#12 - Have the camera and have a Threesome with Natasha & Serena.
#13 - Complete Leslie's questline.
#14 - Complete Rachel's questline.
#15 - Complete Caroline's questline.
#16 - Complete Natasha's questline.
#17 - Complete Ashley's questline.
#18 - Complete Talia's questline.
#19 - Complete Jessie's questline.
#20 - Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old Town.
#21 - Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old Town.
#22 - Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old Town.
#23 - Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old Town.
#24 - Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old Town.


*Cheat Void - A void found at home base on Easy Difficulty to set amounts of
Crafting Resources, Health Points and Max Health, Food and Water.
*Cheat Rock: The rock is somewhere outside home base, hidden in plain sight and
allows for Passwords (all case sensitive) to be used:

ResetHer - Resets naming and role for Leslie.

ResetHim - Resets naming for MC.
ResTutor - Resets naming and role for Rachel.
ResCouns - Resets naming and role for Caroline.
SirenSez - Sets Leslie, Rachel and Caroline to their intended roles.
Autosave - Turns Autosave On or Off.
TooHard - Tone down the harder difficulties.

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