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Republic of the Philippines


Don Felipe Larrazabal

Ormoc City

Name: Angelica B. Nunez

Section: 2-BEED



“The grace of dancing can be taught but the good values cannot”-Catherine Estenzo. This is
what we always hear to keep going in every Sinulog competition. Being graceful in everything
can be taught through motivation, but having a good value is hard to caress to someone who’s
not willing to do so. Motivation that can lead to perfection in every step you’re taking.

As an individual we are gained to do good things to further develop our good values for
today. In fact, some of us are doing things pretty good for others but for instance, others take this
as an advantage in aiming their goals, without patience, hard work and perseverance in dealing
the situation. Having a good manner is a protection as well as a way of easing communication.
Our careers can be advanced too. Even wealthy people won’t have a secured future if they don’t
have polite social manner either. What is the use of having tons of money but not having a good

Good manners are those habits which not only prove a person as sensible, civilized and
mature but also enhance the inner quality of a person and make him/her a good individual. In our
daily activities, various moments come when we have to show and behave with manners. We all
want our child to have the good values that we want to take them as they grow old. By saying
“Thank you” when you get something from others and say “Sorry” when you do some mistakes
and “Please” before asking any favour or want thing from others. There is no any particular place
designated learning good manners, we can learn these elsewhere. Maybe others will seems a
little about having a good manner but it matters the most. Having good manners has become the
necessity of a person in this changing world. In school, as a student with good manners becomes
the favorite of the other classmates and his/her teacher too. At workplace, an employee becomes
trustworthy and faithful to her boss. In society, a person with good manner is always admirable
and accepted by all. Etiquettes of good manners are the inner quality of a person which even
hides the physical abilities of that person. A person, whether he/she isn’t having a seducing look
and outer beauty but is humble and kind to others, reserves a special place in others heart and
mind. Learning good manners should be ended in life as they are the general requirement for
people in this changing and advanced world.

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