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Positive Peac

“The freedom of our will knows

itself without proof, by the only
experience we have”
- Descartes

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Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi was called “Mahatma” (meaning
How did he

Non-Co-operation Movement One of the first

series of non-violent protests nationwide was
the noncooperation movement started by
Mahatma Gandhi. This movement officially
started the Gandhian era in India. In this
freedom struggle, the non-cooperation
movement was basically aimed at making the
Indians aware of the fact that the British
government can be opposed and if done
actively, it will keep a check on them.

Civil Disobedience Movement Gandhi again

took off with another nonviolent movement
known as the civil disobedience movement.
This movement was more active than the
non-cooperation movement and brought
about a revolution of sorts. This movement
aimed at bringing the British administration
to a stop by withdrawing support from
everything. A very important movement was
that of Salt Satyagraha where Gandhi
undertook the Dandi march as a protest
against the Salt tax.
Nelson Mandela was a social rights activist,
politician and philanthropist who became
South Africa’s first Black president from
1994 to 1999. After becoming involved in
the anti-apartheid movement in his 20s,
Mandela joined the African National
Congress in 1942. For 20 years, he directed a
campaign of peaceful, nonviolent defiance
against the South African government and
its racist policies. 
How did he
represent freedom?

According to Mandela, true freedom means

freedom not to be obstructed in leading a
lawful life. It was the desire for the freedom
of his people to live their lives with dignity
and self-respect that animated his life.

According to Mandela, freedom is something

that is indivisible. The chains on any of his
individual are putting a chain on all the
people. He is a courageous and brave man
who fought for the freedom of African
people after seeing the sacrifices that are
made by their people.

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