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The Department of Health (DOH) logo is dominated by a caduceus, a winged staff with two snakes
wrapped around it, which is the symbol of the medical profession, its basic quality being the power
to heal. Inside the ‘shield’ are the figures of a building, representing a hospital; a microscope,
symbolizing research; and an anchor, denoting quarantine. Under these symbols is the motto
“Floreat Salubrita Populi”, meaning “Promotion of Health for the People”, which is an abstract of what
DOH is mandated to do.

Legal Basis

z Presidential Proclamation (June 23, 1898) created the Board of Health in the New Republic
under President Emilio Aguinaldo.
z Executive Order No. 317 (January 1, 1941) elevated the Board of Health into the Department of
Health and Public Welfare (DHPW).
z Executive Order No. 94 (October 4, 1947), pursuant to Republic Act No. 51 or the Reorganization
Act of 1946, transferred the Bureau of Public Welfare under the DHPW to the Office of the
President and renamed the DHPW to Department of Health (DOH).
z Executive Order No. 851 (December 2, 1982) reorganized the DOH to synchronize health
structures and operations with the shift to parliamentary form of government whence it became
known as the Ministry of Health (MOH).
z Executive Order No. 119 (January 30, 1987) reorganized the MOH (later, under the presidential
form, as Department of Health) and clustered agencies and programs under the Office of Public
Health Services, Office for Hospital and Facilities Services, Office for Standards and Regulations,
and Office for Management Services.
z Executive Order No. 102 (May 21, 1999) redirected the functions and operations of the Department
of Health consistent with the Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292) and the Local Government
Code of 1991 (RA 7160).


The Department of Health (DOH) provides assistance to local government units (LGUs), people’s
organizations (POs), and other members of civil society in effectively implementing programs,
projects and services that promote the health and well being of every Filipino; prevent and control
diseases among populations at risks; protect individuals, families and communities exposed to
hazards and risks; and treat, manage, rehabilitate individuals affected by disease and disability.


Societal Goal Poverty reduction and improved quality of life

Improved health status Desired population

Sectoral Goals of the population growth and distribution

Organizational Nutritional Access Access Access

Outcomes well being to quality to quality to social health
assured population and affordable insurance
management health products assured
information and services
and services assured

Major Final
Outputs Health, nutrition Capability Leveraging Regulatory Tertiary and
and population building services services services other specialized
policy for LGUs for priority health for health health care
and program and other programs products,
development stakeholders devices,
and facilities


By Agency/By MFO
(In thousand Pesos)
Health, Capability Leveraging Regulatory Tertiary and
nutrition and building services for services for other
population services for priority health specialized %
Particulars policy and LGUs and health products, health care TOTAL Share
program other programs devices,
development stakeholders equipment
and facilities

Department of Health
(Office of the Secretary) 2,526,066 2,528,804 2,373,703 683,794 7,280,791 15,393,158 94.68%

National Nutrition Council 34,324 439,001 - - - 473,325 2.91%

POPCOM 265,829 126,679 - - - 392,508 2.41%

TOTAL 2,826,219 3,094,484 2,373,703 683,794 7,280,791 16,258,991 100%

% Share 17.38% 19.03% 14.60% 4.21% 44.78% 100%

By Agency/By Expense Class
(In thousand Pesos)

Particulars PS MOOE CO TOTAL % Share

DOH-OSEC 6,266,311 7,410,829 1,716,018 15,393,158 94.68%

National Nutrition Council 30,883 427,892 14,550 473,325 2.91%

POPCOM 84,439 305,564 2,505 392,508 2.41%

TOTAL 6,381,633 8,144,285 1,733,073 16,258,991 100%

% Share 39.25% 50.09% 10.66% 100%

DOH-Office of the Secretary

Basic needs of the population are met towards poverty reduction

Societal Goal

Improved health status of the population

Sectoral Goal

Organizational Access to quality Access to social health

Outcomes and affordable insurance assured
health products
and services assured

Health policy and Capability Leveraging Regulatory Tertiaryand other

health program building services services services for specialized
health products,
development for LGUs for priority health devices, health care
and other programs equipment
Major Final stakeholders and facilities

General Administration Service Delivery Regulation Programs Operation of CHDs Service Delivery
& Support Services Programs •Regulation of Food & • Field coordination, Programs
Support to Operations • Epidemiology & Drugs internal & area sectoral • Operation of Special
P/A/Ps • Formulation &
Development of
Disease Surveillance
• Regulation of Health
planning, human Hospitals, Medical
resource development Centers & Institutes for
National Health Policies • Disease Prevention Facilities & Services & other support Disease Prevention &
& Plans including & Control services Control
Essential National • Regulation of Devices
Health Research • Operation of PNAC and Radiation Health • Implementation of • Operation of Dangerous
• Health Information health regulations & Drug Abuse Treatment &
Systems & Technology • Health Promotion • Quarantine Services & standards Rehabilitation Centers
Development International Health
• Health Human Resource • Health Emergency Surveillance • Local health Foreign Assisted
Dev’t assistance including Projects
• Development of • Health Facility • National health systems • Development of a Sub-
policies, support Planning, Operations Pharmaceutical development & public specialty Centers for
mechanisms & & Infrastructure Development including health program support Heart, Lung, Kidney
collaboration for Development provision of drugs and Disease in Luzon,
international health medicines • Direct service Visayas & Mindanao
cooperation Foreign Assisted provision
• Health System Projects
Development • Help for Catubig
• Health Care Assistance agricultural
Foreign Assisted Advancement Project
• Health Sector • Women’s Health
Dev’tProject and Safemotherhood
• Health Sector Reform Project II

(MFO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) (MFO 1, 2, 3) (MFO 1, 2, 3, 4) (MFO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) (MFO 5)


FY 2007 FY 2008
Targets Amount Targets Amount

Health policy and health program development 1,072,898 2,526,066

Performance Indicators
• Number of policies/standards/programs developed vs
planned 487 525
• Number of policies monitored for implementation* 0 525
• Number of management information system developed* 30 40
• Number of special studies and surveys conducted vs.
planned 17 26

Capability building services for LGUs and other 1,072,871
stakeholders 2,528,804

Performance Indicators
• Number of local health system models developed 92 120
• Number of advocacy activities conducted for LGUs to
adopt systems/models developed 1,254 1,300
• Number of LGUs assisted to implement the local health
systems/model developed 270 300
• Number of health training courses developed and
implemented vs master training plan 558 673
• Number of men and women successfully completing
training (per type of course) 35,220 39,350
• % of participants who rate training as satisfactory* - 80%
• Number of persondays of technical assistance 61,509 67,750

MFO 3 1,126,169
Leveraging services for priority health programs 2,373,703

Performance Indicators
• % of budget (drugs, etc.) allocated/provided to increasing
LGUs based on service performance* percentage
• % of procured logistics distributed within standard time 75% 80%
• Disbursement rate (for F1 sites)*
• Number of outbreaks investigated within standard time 21 30
* New performance indicators

FY 2007 FY 2008
Targets Amount Targets Amount
Regulatory services for health products, devices, 699,801 683,794
equipment and facilities

Performance Indicators
Application backlog 20,297 22,153
• Number of applications processed within standard processed processed
time/total received 25,500 25,457
received received
• Number of complaints addressed within standard
time/no. of complaints received 30 30
• Number of complaints resolved 120 130
• Number of health products (food, drugs)/health
establishments (food, drugs, cosmetics)/health
facilities/health devices and technologies
registered/licensed/accredited 45,887 42,548
• % reduction in prices of list of essential drugs
commonly bought by the poor 50% 50%

Tertiary and other specialized health care. 7,427,032 7,280,791

Performance Indicators
• Occupancy rate 85% 85%
• Nosocomial infection rate <2% <2%
• Net hospital death rates (deaths beyond 2.5% 2.5%
48 hrs. after admission) and below and below
• Cost/bed day*
3rd level referral hospital Php 1,200 Php 1,200
2nd level referral hospital Php. 800 Php. 800
1st level referral hospital Php. 500 Php. 500
Infirmary/primary care Php. 300 Php. 300
• % of MOOE used for drugs and supplies* - at least 50%
of MOOE +
• % of filled and unfilled prescriptions by hospital - 0% unfilled
pharmacy* prescription by
• % of Philhealth enrolled members (by type) - increasing
patients against total admissions* percentage
• % of internally generated funds for indigent - increasing
patients against total budget*
• Ratio of hospital income to hospital total budget.* - increasing

TOTAL, DOH-OSEC Appropriation 11,398,771 15,393,158

* New performance indicators
NOTE: Amount for FY 2008 includes the RLIP and Special Account.


By MFO/Expense Class
(In thousand Pesos)

Particulars PS MOOE CO TOTAL % Share

Health policy and health program development 451,904 1,569,104 505,058 2,526,066 16.41%
Capability building services for LGUs and other stakeholders 451,867 1,571,881 505,056 2,528,804 16.43%
Leveraging services for priority health programs 383,379 1,491,938 498,386 2,373,703 15.42%
Regulatory services for health products, devices, equipment
and facilities 187,772 383,930 112,092 683,794 4.44%
Tertiary and other specialized health care 4,791,389 2,393,976 95,426 7,280,791 47.30%

TOTAL 6,266,311 * 7,410,829 * 1,716,018 15,393,158 100%

% Share 40.71% 48.14% 11.15% 100%

*Amount of PS and MOOE includes RLIP and Special Accounts.

Commission on Population

The Commission on Population (POPCOM) logo is a symbolic form of

all types of people. The adjoined loops connote interrelationship or
togetherness, whether in connection with a family or with individuals in a
community. Completing the logo is a circle enveloping the symbolic
family or community, signifying that the family and the individual in the
community are the main focus of all POPCOM’s efforts.

Legal Basis

! Republic Act No. 6365 (August 16, 1971) established the National Population Program and
created the Commission on Population.

! Presidential Decree No. 79 (December 8, 1972) revised certain provisions of RA 6365, placing
POPCOM under the control and supervision of the Office of the President, and its purposes,
objectives and functions redefined.

! Executive Order No. 123 (January 30, 1987) reorganized the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) and made POPCOM one of its attached agencies.

! Executive Order No. 408 (June 18, 1990) transferred POPCOM from DSWD to the Office of the

! Executive Order No. 476 (August 14, 1991) attached POPCOM to the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) to facilitate coordination on policies and programs relative to

! Executive Order No. 188 (March 24, 2003) attached POPCOM to the Department of Health


The Commission on Population (POPCOM) is the central policymaking, planning, coordinating, and
monitoring body of the population program.


Societal Goal Poverty reduction and improved quality of life

Attain a desired population Improve health status

Sectoral Goals growth & distribution

Access to quality population management

Organizational Outcome
information & services improved

Major Final Outputs Population Policy and Program Capability Building Services
Development for LGUs
and other stakeholders

Coordination of the implementation Provision of technical

Programs/ of approved national, sectoral, assistance, skills
regional, and local population enhancement (on POPDEV
program, plans, and policies data management, M & E,
Projects advocacy and resource
Formulation and development mobilization), and subsidies
of long-range and annual to LGUs and other population
population policies, programs, partners
and plans


Particulars FY 2007 FY 2008

Target Amount Target Amount

MFO 1 265,829
Population Policy and Program Development

Performance Indicators:

No. of policies formulated in coordination with Not targeted

national and local bodies (e.g. RP/NFP, CSR, in 2007
RH/FP, POPDEV Integration) because 50
No. of POPDEV sensitive program/agency plans different sets
and guidelines/standards developed at the of indicators 1 national
national, regional and local levels were used 15 regional
No. of advocates/advocacy networks organized
and maintained, materials produced, and 2/region
events organized/ promoted at the national 17 maintained
and local levels 80 events
No. of population information/ knowledge centers
maintained/ updated and No. of clients/users 16
served 4,000
MFO 2 126,679
Capability Building Services for LGUs and
other stakeholders

Performance Indicators:

No. of LGUs with local policies, resolutions Not targeted 1,000

No. of LGUs with ordinances formulated and in 2007
implemented to support POPDEV Integration because 60
No. of TA through TOT, training, orientations, different sets
workshops and others for capability building, of indicators
policy formulation, plan development, were used
standard/guideline setting, M & E and
resource mobilization on the three (3)
program areas (POPDEV Integration, AHYD,
RH/FP, RP/NFP) provided to LGU program
workers and other stakeholders 30
No. of satellite information centers
established/maintained 200
No. of clients served at the satellite centers 5,000
Satisfaction rate of clients served 90%

Total 392,508

FY 2008 MFO Budget

By MFO/By Expense Class

(in thousand pesos)

Particulars PS MOOE CO TOTAL % Share

Population Policy and
Program Development 84,439 178,885 2,505 265,829 67.73%
Capability Building Services
for LGUs and other
stakeholders 126,679 126,679 32.27%

TOTAL 84,439 305,564 2,505 392,508 100%

% Share 21.51% 77.85% 0.64% 100%

National Nutrition Council

The National Nutrition Council (NNC) logo is a spoke of spoons denoting

that improving the nutrition situation cannot be achieved by spoonfeeding
alone, nor by the generosity of a single sector’s ‘spoon’. The solution
requires a collaborative effort, or a contribution from several ‘spoons’.
It means creating and recreating ideas, seeking unity and a totality of
approach for the improvement of Filipino lives.

Legal Basis

! Presidential Decreee No. 491 (June 25, 1974), or the “Nutrition Act of the Philippines”, created
the National Nutrition Council (NNC) under the Office of the President as the policy-making and
coordinating body for nutrition.

! Executive Order No. 234 (July 22, 1987), “Reorganization Act of the National Nutrition Council”,
reaffirmed the need for an intersectoral national policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition,
transferring NNC to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

! Administrative Order No. 88 (August 28, 1987) transferred the NNC as an attached agency
from the DSWD to the Department of Agriculture (DA), the latter having been named Chair of the
NNC Governing Board.

! Executive Order No. 472 (November 2005) named the Department of Health (DOH) as NNC
Chair and transferred the NNC to DOH as an attached agency.

! Executive Order No. 616 (April 2007) created the Anti-Hunger Task Force composed of 29
national government agencies, led by DOH through NNC, to ensure that hunger mitigation
programs are in place.


The National Nutrition Council (NNC) oversees the implementation of the hunger mitigation program.
It formulates national food and nutrition policies and strategies; and coordinates planning, monitoring
and evaluation of the national nutrition program.


Societal Goal Poverty reduction and improved quality of life

Sectoral Goal Improved health status of the population

Organizational Nutritional wellbeing of all Filipinos assured


Major Final Nutrition policy Nutrition capability building

Outputs and program development services for LGUs
services and other stakeholders

Programs/ Planning and policy formulation - Multi-level Development, production, and distribution of
Activities/ program formulation printed and audio-visual materials and other
technical materials
Projects • Medium-Term Philippine Plan of Action Conduct of and participation in training and
for Nutrition conferences
• Nutrition program management
• Accelerated Hunger-Mitigation • Training on the Barangay Nutrition
Program Scholar Program
Organization and conduct of special events
• Legislative Agenda on Nutrition toward intensified nutrition advocacy
Provision of logistics support to local nutrition
Maintenance of Nutrition Management programs
Information Systems • Barangay Nutrition Scholar Program
• Provision of cash awards to LGUs with
outstanding nutrition improvement and
hunger mitigation programs
Coordination of nutrition program at regional
and local levels

Performance No. of policies, standards, programs developed No. of conferences, worlshops, training with built-
Indicators No. of policies, standards, programs coordinated in evaluation mechanisms conducted
No. of policies, standards, programs monitored No. of participants oriented/trained and monitored
No. of special studies/surveys/program No. of local nutrition action plans formulated,
implementation reviews conducted locally budgeted/funded implemented, monitored
No. of program management systems developed and evaluated
Program management systems updated No. of modules, manuals amd syllabus
No. of nutrition assessment/situationer report developed, printed and distributed, by kind
released, disseminated No. of nutrition IEC materials in various ttiles
developed, aired, printed, installed and distributed


FY 2007 FY 2008
Particulars Target Amount Target Amount
(In ‘000) (In ‘000)
MFO 1 24,266 34,324
Nutrition policy and program development services

Performance Indicators
No. of policies, standards, programs developed 5 6
No. of policies, standards, programs coordinated 5 6
No. of policies, standards, programs monitored 5 6
No. of program management systems developed 10 10
No. of nutrition assessment, situationer/report
released/disseminated 2 2

MFO 2 28,134 439,001

Nutrition capability building services for LGUs
and other stakeholders

Performance Indicators
No. of conferences, workshops, training with built-in evaluation
mechanisms conducted 25 1,277
No. of participants oriented/trained and monitored 50 800,906
No. of local nutrition action plans formulated, locally
budgeted/funded, implemented, monitored and evaluated 22,404 22,404
No. of modules, manuals and syllabus developed, printed and
distributed, by kind 1,911 2,310
No. of nutrition IEC materials in various titles developed, aired,
printed, installed and distributed 11,047 595,060
TOTAL 52,400 473,325


By MFO/By Expense Class

(In thousand pesos)

Particulars PS MOOE CO Total % Share

14,034 18,790 1,500 34,324 7.25%
Nutrition policy and program development services

Capability building services for LGUs and other 16,849 409,102 13,050 439,001 92.75%

TOTAL 30,883 427,892 14,550 473,325

% Share 6.52% 90.40% 3.07% 100%



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