Independent University, Bangladesh: Department of Human Resource Management HRM410

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Section: 0
Submitted To:
School of Business
Date of Submission: 2021
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3
Theory of Recruitment Policy......................................................................................................................5
Organization Chart...................................................................................................................................5
Job Descriptions.......................................................................................................................................5
Recruitment of Meghna Group of Industries...............................................................................................7
Recruitment & Selection team activities in MGI......................................................................................7
Strategy of recruiting candidates in MGI.................................................................................................7
Company Website...............................................................................................................................7
Online job sites....................................................................................................................................8
Internal vs. External Recruitment........................................................................................................8
Strategy of Selecting Candidates in MGI..................................................................................................8
Online Application...............................................................................................................................8
CV screening........................................................................................................................................8
Assessment Test..................................................................................................................................9
Final Interview.....................................................................................................................................9
Probationary Period.............................................................................................................................9
Challenges of Recruitment and Selection in MGI....................................................................................9
Recruitment in terms of South-Asian Context...........................................................................................10
Impact of Covid-19 into recruitment.........................................................................................................10
Going virtual..........................................................................................................................................11
Geographic flexibility of candidates.......................................................................................................12
The way forward....................................................................................................................................12
Executive Summary
Recruitment & selection of MGI ltd. is imperative for HR dept. of the organization while other
functions also bear almost equal significance. Here, HR Dept. thrives for excellence in executing
HR functions for the entire company with remarkable efficiency. In this report I have briefly
provided the overview of the company. Then I have pointed the HR functions & practices of the
company. I have explained the theory of recruitment policy. Then talked about the whole
recruitment and selection process of the company. I have also talked about the Recruitment
policy of the South-Asian companies in comparison to the European companies and at last I
talked about the impact of covid-19 on recruitment and concluded my report.
Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) is one of Bangladesh's largest and most powerful
corporations. MGI is now functioning in 32 firms, 30 industries, with over 15000 workers, 3000
distributors, and 1000 suppliers under its umbrella, with a turnover of USD 2 billion and assets
of USD 1 billion. Meghna Group of Industries has a long history dating back to 1976, when its
precursor Kamal Trading Company was founded. Meghna Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd, founded
in 1989 on a tiny plot of land in Meghnaghat, Narayanganj, was the group's modest beginning.
The company now operates 30 industrial units on 350 acres of land.

Under the brand names 'Fresh', 'No.1', and 'Pure,' Meghna Group of Industries has been selling
different Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Cement, Commodities, Chemical, Seed
Crushing, Fish and Poultry Feed, Power Plant, other bulk, and industrial items. In addition, the
group is involved in shipbuilding, shipping, securities, general insurance, media, aviation, and a
variety of other companies. The company has over 35 years of national and international
experience. MGI brands and goods are used by one out of every three Bangladeshi homes.

Through the migration of its numerous goods, MGI has begun to expand its influence outside of
Bangladesh, particularly in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe, North and South America.
MGI has been particularly active in its expansion plans, and for three years in a row has been the
greatest investor in Bangladesh's industrial development. Mr. Mostafa Kamal, a visionary but
modest individual, is the driving force behind Meghna Group's aggressive commercial
expansion. Mr. Mostafa Kamal is well-known for his patriotism, as well as his contributions to
the development of the industrial, health, education, sports, social welfare, and other sectors.

His altruism, honesty, sincerity, and passion propelled the organization to its current heights.
Meghna Group has already spent $1 billion in new business lines and expansion plans, including
chemical complexes, electricity, salt, seed crushing, cement, and media. In the fiscal year 2012-
2013, Meghna Group paid about $75 million in taxes to the state exchequers. This is
unquestionably a shining example of a private sector investor's enthusiastic initiative and
pioneering leadership role in the country's economic and industrial growth.The number of
employees in MGI Ltd is 1500. There are more than 30 industries. They have 5 core
departments, which are as follows:
 HR & Admin Department
 Cost & Budget Department
 P&P Department
 Vat & Customs Department
 Marketing Department
 Finance & Accounts

Theory of Recruitment Policy

Recruiting and hiring employees requires tried-and-true human resources techniques to prevent
bad hires and high turnover. Small businesses often don’t have trained human resources
processionals to handle their hiring, so an understanding of HR theories and best practices will
help you put together the best possible team for your company. Planning ahead will help reduce
the necessity to fire or move employees to different areas if they weren’t brought on properly.

Organization Chart
Many small-business owners would not hire the same people in the same positions they currently
have if they had a chance to restart their company. This is because entrepreneurs often don’t start
building their company with a realistic organization chart, instead hiring to fill perceived needs
or gaps as the company grows. Effective workforce creation requires an organization chart that
accurately diagnoses and plans a company’s labor needs.

Job Descriptions
To effectively recruit and interview employees, you’ll need job descriptions for each position.
This will help you attract job applicants who know exactly what the job entails, whether or not
they can do it and if they have the qualifications, skills, and competencies. To retain employees,
you’ll need to make them feel they are being treated fairly, and this requires giving them annual
reviews based on their job descriptions. Employees become frustrated when they are told they
did not perform tasks they did not know were part of their responsibilities.

Recruiting workers starts with an accurate want ad. The ad should include a detailed, accurate
job description. This not only increases your chance of getting qualified applicants but also can
help prevent legal problems later. Advertise on job boards and in publications where people with
the background you seek congregate. If cost is an issue, give a brief overview of the job, then
direct applicants to a more-detailed description on your website.

Create a list of attributes your ideal employee will have, and divide resumes and applications into
three piles, based on the number of applications you receive. Assign one point for each attribute,
and divide your resumes and applications in A, B and C piles, based on the score of each person.
Interview those receiving A scores, toss the C pile and keep the B pile on hand for one more
review in the event you don’t find your candidate from the A pile — B candidates might have
attributes you overlooked during your first inspection. During interviews, ask employees to
discuss their management or work with other people, how they solve problems, their specific
experience in relation to your job opening and what they can do for you company. Your focus
during job interviews should not be to determine how applicants performed for others in the past,
but on how they might perform for you in the future.

When hiring employees, discuss compensation, including pay and benefits. A good benefits
package, including vacation time, personal time off, health insurance, daycare, and voluntary
benefits, such as dental or vision insurance, can help make you an employer of choice. The ethics
of salary negotiation can sour a relationship with a new worker before it even starts. If you know
what the position is worth to the company and the candidate you have selected is the best choice,
offer them what you have determined the position is worth. If you want to pay as little as
possible, even if it means paying your employee less than the job is worth, ask candidates for
their salary history or salary requirement. You may find the employee is willing to work for less
than your job is worth. Salary histories do not provide an accurate estimate of an applicant’s
worth, because she might have improved her skills, have other, better-paying options because of
her recent growth or skill development or have worked for a small or large company that could
afford to pay differently than you. Ask for references from finalist candidates and conduct
Recruitment of Meghna Group of Industries

The HR department of Meghna Group of industries divided into four sections. Those are –

1. Recruitment & Selection team

2. Organizational Development team

3. Compensation Team

4. HR service team

The recruitment and selection team is responsible for finding, screening, sorting, and joining for
an employee. This is a long process, but this team has to do in a short time in an effective way.

Recruitment & Selection team activities in MGI

Meghna Group of Industries is one of the biggest industries in our country and depend on that it
have a large HR department that supports other departments. HR department deals with the
responsibility of managing human resource of the company. HR department handles the
recruitment and selection process and analyzes employee efficiency. They select candidate
through many stepped processes and recruit them accordingly. They promote friendly working
environment and ensures employee rights and conducts appraisal and rewards as well. They
provide all the requirements activities and selection process. Meghna Group provides employees
medical benefits, vacation leaves, sick leaves, maternity leaves, and provident fund.

Strategy of recruiting candidates in MGI

MGI recruitment system is country’s one of the best where they are looking forward to choosing
their upcoming employee. Meghna Group and industry do recruit their employee from inside
reference and from outside candidate through online.

Company Website: In the company website of Meghna Group of industry, they generally
provide the job circular for newcomer to apply. Additionally, they spend huge amount of money
for giving ad on the renowned publisher
Online job sites: Nowadays an abundance of company would love to pick their suitable
candidate by using online job sites. They post different attractive features of the job in the
various website.

Internal vs. External Recruitment: Generally, any organization small or large is intensely
depended on sources. Sources are considering two types of internal sources or external sources.
Meghna Group of industry chooses any of sources given that situation. MGI follows external
sources when they are collecting fresh employee for their industry. On the other hand, they
similarly use internal source when the question comes for promotion and responsibility. It’s same
as job rotation and job enrichment.

Strategy of Selecting Candidates in MGI

After gathering the CVs, the HR personnel conduct quick list concerning the CVs because
qualified candidates according to call them because of the interview or written exams. There are
6 steps of starting as a candidate to becoming a permanent employee. These are given bellow:

1. Online Application.

2. CV screening.

3. Primary Interview.

4. Assessment Test.

5. Final Interview.

6. Probationary Period

Online Application
Generally, applicants must fill up an online application which is offered on the website of MGI.
Candidates are given instruction and requirement to fill up the form on the website. Meghna
Group receives online application for a particular time (15 days). Meghna Group of industry
publishes job circular advertisement before these 15 days get started. MGI provides job circular
at least one month earlier to the start of online application period.

CV screening
After the online application the next stage is CV screening. Before writing on CV screening, it is
mentionable that MGI experiences all the online applications and select just the individuals who
match with their normal criteria. The nominated applicants in the step of CV screening are being
invited for the primary interview. In this stage, Meghna Group of industries meets with candidate
for the first time.

Assessment Test
Assessment test takes a little bit of time for every candidate, and it is a lengthy process. To attain
this test an applicant must stay long in assessment center of MGI. Usually, assessment test
begins 8am o’ clock and end to 6 o’ clock. This stage given test are being formulating like
Focused Group Discussion, Individual Role Play, Presentation.

Final Interview
This step does not take too much time like assessment test. This step goes consecutively one
after another. In this stage, employers try to seek the candidate’s future goal. If his/ her goal
match with organization goal, then they gets selected and get eligible for the next step.

Probationary Period
After getting selected through every stage, employees are considered as Probationary member.
And every employee has to pass this period. Probationary periods stay more or less six months.
Given this time employee are being analyzed also their contribution is being measured to justify
his or her becoming the permanent employee of MGI.

Challenges of Recruitment and Selection in MGI

To reach any successful process all things have to face a challenging step. Like that in
recruitments and selection process also have some challenge those are given below:

Short of talented: It takes an average of 27 working to fill a new position.

Shortage of top talent: The best candidates are off the market within 10 days.

High hiring cost: The average cost per new hire increase day by day.

Poor candidate’s experience: 64% candidates share negative experiences for the applying for the
position and 26% will even actively discourage others from applying in MGI.

Long hiring cycle: In MGI there requirements process are very lengthy.

Impact of unfilled positions: unfold job positions make 60% of employers concerned.
Struggle to find top talented: 86% the most qualified candidates are already employed and not
actively seeking a new job.

High expectation: 21% recruits are finding it difficult to deal with rising candidates demands.

Negative employer branding: 55% of job seekers abandon applications after reading negative
review in online.

Recruitment in terms of South-Asian Context

Comparing the Recruitment policies with European countries we can take into consideration the
factor of recruiting skilled and unskilled labour. Examining HRM practices in Europe it was
found that employment regulation set by the EU influenced the investment in a skilled labour
force as a means of enhancing European firms’ capabilities and international competitiveness.
However, they agreed that EU policy acts more as a catalyst and that there is no strict regulation
which produces or prevents the employment of unskilled workers. Therefore, the increase in the
proportion of a skilled labour force has been incentivized through the introduction of technology
and knowledge transfer across European countries, as well as through intensive investment in
R&D. As a result, European firms tend to employ a large proportion of skilled labour and pay
particular attention to specific skill traits using formal recruitment and selection procedures. In
comparison, there are two important factors affecting the skilled/unskilled ratio in South-Asian
firms. First, the fast growth rate of South-Asian MNEs makes it difficult to recruit sufficient
skilled labour. Second, despite the increasing number of new graduates in South-Asia,
approximately 2 per cent are regarded as suitable to work in MNEs. This is due, in part, to the
inadequacies of educational institutions and exacerbated by a high degree of in-group
collectivism resulting in South-Asia firms utilizing internal recruitment practices.

Impact of Covid-19 into recruitment

There has been no part of our personal and professional lives that has been untouched by the
Covid-19 crisis, and that includes recruitment. The economic impact has been big in many
industries affecting the recruitment market itself. According to the Asian Development Bank,
new job postings reduced by 87 percent within a month of Covid emerging in Bangladesh. Thus,
instead of recruiting more people to expand, companies have been forced to decrease the number
of employees and minimize the less profitable or more problematic areas.

However, the effect has been asymmetrical, to say the least. Some industries, particularly in the
service sector, have experienced a sharp decline in their business leading some of them to
temporarily close shops while other industries have seen their business flourishing during this
pandemic. Therefore, the effects of Covid on recruitment have been different from one
organization to the next. But one thing is for certain, this is a time of uncertainty and as such,
requires a much more empathetic and holistic approach to recruitment than usual.

So, even though the Covid crisis has been a strong limiting factor, this does not necessarily mean
that companies have stopped hiring. In order to understand the effects of Covid on hiring, we
first need to understand what has changed.

Going virtual
Recruitment in Bangladeshi companies has traditionally been a physical phenomenon. Face-to-
face interviews and in-person assessment tests have been a staple of the recruitment process for
as long as one can remember. And for good reason. Physical evaluations tend to give the best
approximations of a candidate's ability, where interaction skills and body language can be
judged. Even though virtual methods are not unheard of, physical assessments have formed the
meat of the recruitment process for most companies.

However, with the advent of Covid-19, all that has changed. Answering pandemic demand and
replacing lost business have meant taking on new products and technologies and exploring new
opportunities, and this has driven recruitment, particularly anything involving digital
communications, streaming and virtual events—all of which have been key enabling
technologies during the lockdown. The hiring process itself has had to change to keep up with
the pandemic. Where previously a physical selection process or a blend of physical and online
were used, nowadays a fully digital recruitment process has become the norm for most
companies. According to a report, 86 percent of businesses globally are now conducting virtual
interviews, with Bangladeshi companies following suit.
Recruitment is changing in significant ways due to the pandemic. Bdjobs recently launched their
"Video Resume" feature, which lets users record a short video of themselves explaining their
skills and competencies and answering a predetermined set of interview questions. They then
upload this video to the database, which is then sent to companies for selection purposes. This
can be a very useful tool, particularly in the earlier stages of the selection process, when
interview etiquette and body language is important. This also facilitates remote screening of
candidates, which is invaluable during this pandemic.

When it comes to job advertisements, circulars that offer remote work options are getting far
more applications than if they remain as an on-site offer. Since interaction between candidates
and company is lower than usual, it is important to follow a good, transparent communication
policy in job advertisements. Companies need to highlight features like flexible working hours,
telecommuting, and health insurance—benefits that candidate look for in these uncertain times.
Thus, it is important for the HR department to work together with the PR and marketing teams to
deliver uniform, consistent messages.

Geographic flexibility of candidates

The pandemic has widened the talent pool in terms of geography, says HR executives. Location
has also become less relevant, thanks to remote working.

While many expect a hybrid, flexible model of working to become the norm post-pandemic, the
need to live "nearby" is widely recognized as less important today, according to recruiters.

Traditionally, for jobs that require local involvement and frequent coordination with the head
office, candidates who live nearby are preferred. However, since virtual working took off,
managers have been more flexible with their location requirements. This has significantly
increased the number of applications from candidates. Pre-Covid, employers may not have been
so eager for such an arrangement.

The way forward

The current Covid-19 situation has forced companies to test new ways of hiring employees and
re-evaluate their old practices. The combination of remote working acceptance and online
interviews has widened the talent pool geographically and increased the mobility of work. Going
forward, HR departments will be more accommodating for interviewing schedules thanks to
technology. Indeed, the current pandemic experience has taught us new techniques and ways of
doing things, the best of which can be absorbed into our future normal. The ultimate goal is to
give employees of today and tomorrow the best possible job experience. And that experience
starts with the recruitment process.

Meghna Group of Industries is one of the largest conglomerates with about 30,000 employees.
Each and every employee is contributing for growth of the company and HR is always trying to
place the best manpower for continuous growth of the company. HR take the whole
responsibility of other employees, supervise the performance, and Implement strategy to build
sustainable manpower. Meghna group of industries is good example as a local company which is
successful to build trust with their product. It is proven that in every one of three-household
fresh’s product is available. If MGI can keep its progress with introduction of advance
technology, it will become top company of the world.

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