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HS 20-101-03 [11] HKU SPACE

LMLS4003 Higher Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science (2021 - 2022)

Haematology and Serology (Year 2)

Venue 15 October 2021

Lecture L02-019/025, Block T, Queen Mary Hospital
HKU Lecture Theatre 1 or 2, UG, New Clinical Building, Queen Mary Hospital
UNC = United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong (Exit D, Admiralty MTR Station) IEC = 494 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B3, North Point MTR Station)
Practical :
BTS Lectures : L02-025 Block T, Queen Mary Hospital

Week Date Lecturer Demonstrators

Lecture Time Venue Practical Time Venue
No. (Thurs)
(face-to-face teaching)
Blood Banking and Transfusion Practice
15 6-Oct-21 Orientation to the Blood Transfusion Service, and the Routine 7:00 - 9:00pm UNC603 Mr Chan Kam Hung
(Wednesday) Blood Bank Laboratory. Hemopheresis. Beny

16 13-Oct-21 Donor Selection and Blood Collection. Tests on Donor Blood. 7:00 - 9:00pm IEC601 Ms Lo Wai Mei Rita
(Wednesday) Blood Group Serologic Test, Infectious Disease Screening and ADC302
18-Oct-21 Confirmatory Tests, and Molecular tests.

17 20-Oct-21 Principles of blood component therapy. Whole blood, 7:00 - 9:00pm UNC603 Mr Chan Kam Hung
(Wednesday) components and plasma derivatives, preparation, Beny
preservation,and indication of use. Artificial blood.

18 27-Oct-21 Alternative technologies in routine blood bank. Information 7:00 - 9:00pm UNC607 Mr Chan Kam Hung
(Wednesday) systems in the blood bank including program design for Beny
Computer Cross-match. Autologous blood donation and

19 4-Nov-21 Quality system and accreditation in Blood Banking. Quality 7:00 - 9:00pm UNC608 Ms Wong Kit Chu
Control Program in Blood Banking. Angela

20 11-Nov-21 Incompatibility testing 6:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor

21 18-Nov-21 Special consideration of transfusion in clinical practice + 6:00 - 7:30pm HKULT2 Dr Lee Cheuk Kwong Investigation of the specific causes of in vivo 7:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
Blood Transfusion adverse reaction and in vitro incompatibility

Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

22 25-Nov-21 Cord Blood and Stem Cell Banking 7:00 - 9:00pm TBC Dr Lee King Yiu

Advanced Serology
23 2-Dec-21 Serological investigation and blood transfusion of auto-immune 6:30 - 7:30pm Block T, QMH Mr Yan Kin Fan Investigation of specific causes of in vivo and 7:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
haemolytic anaemias: WAIHA, CHAD, PCH, drug-induced in vitro incompatibility (continued)
haemolytic anaemias.

24 9-Dec-21 Significance of antigens and antibodies in the following blood 6:30 - 7:30pm Block T, QMH Mr Yan Kin Fan Serological investigation on AIHA; full 7:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
group systems: MNSs, P, Lutheran; Duffy, Kell, Kidd. Diego antigen typing when DAT is positive
antigen and Miltenberger complex in Chinese; practical
25 16-Dec-21 I-I, Xg; high incidence and low incidence antigens; 'high-titre, 6:30 - 7:30pm Block T, QMH Mr Tong Chi Yeung Detection of clinically significant 7:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
low-avidity' antibodies, Sid, Chido/Rodger antigen, Bg blood alloantibodies in the presence of
group. Platelet serology. autoantibodies
HS 20-101-03 [11] HKU SPACE
LMLS4003 Higher Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science (2021 - 2022)
Haematology and Serology (Year 2)

Venue 15 October 2021

Lecture L02-019/025, Block T, Queen Mary Hospital
HKU Lecture Theatre 1 or 2, UG, New Clinical Building, Queen Mary Hospital
UNC = United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong (Exit D, Admiralty MTR Station) IEC = 494 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B3, North Point MTR Station)
Practical :
BTS Lectures : L02-025 Block T, Queen Mary Hospital

Week Date Lecturer Demonstrators

Lecture Time Venue Practical Time Venue
No. (Thurs)
26 23-Dec-21 1) Principles and application of monoclonal antibodies in blood 7:00 - 9:00pm TBC Mr Wong Hok Fai
group serology. Red cell polyagglutinability: T, Tk, Tn, Cad, Th,
Tx, HEMPAS. Clinically insignificant antibodies

2) Haemolytic Diseases of the Newborn: Rh, ABO incompatibility,

and other blood group systems: prevention, monitoring and
laboratory investigations
27 30-Dec-21 Christmas Break. No Class.
28 6-Jan-22 Relative specifications on eluates 6:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor

Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

29 13-Jan-22 Bone Marrow Transplant - blood and marrow processing 7:00 - 9:00pm TBC Dr Lee King Yiu

Advanced Serology
30 20-Jan-22 Serological investigation of Haemolytic 6:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
Disease of the Newborn

Haemostatic Disorders
31 27-Jan-22 A briefing on the laboratory investigation of haemostasis 6:30 - 8:30pm TBC Dr Albert Sin

32 3-Feb-22 Lunar New Year Break. No Class

33 10-Feb-22 1) Theory of Haemostasis 6:30 - 8:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Albert Sin
2) Genetic and clinical aspects of haemostasis
3) Prothrombin time and related tests

34 17-Feb-22 1) Demonstration of automated coagulation 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
equipments in Haematology Lab QMH
2) PT and APTT by different brands of

35 24-Feb-22 1) Thromboplastin generation test and derivatives - factor assays 6:30 - 8:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Albert Sin
2) Quality control in haemostatic system

36 3-Mar-22 1) Mixing tests and inhibitors 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
2) Factor assays

Integrated Laboratory Investigations of Haematological Disorders

37 10-Mar-22 1) Fibrinolytic system; Thrombophilia - protein C, protein S etc. 6:30 - 9:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Leung Yuk Yan Rock
2) Action of blood products and drugs on haemostasis -
anticoagulant therapy and its control

38 17-Mar-22 1) Quality Control: ISI and INR 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
Fibrinogen assay (Clauss method) and
Thrombin time,
2) Demonstration: Bleeding time, Platelet
functions, D-dimer

39 24-Mar-22 Anaemias & erythrocytosis 6:30 - 8:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Albert Sin
HS 20-101-03 [11] HKU SPACE
LMLS4003 Higher Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science (2021 - 2022)
Haematology and Serology (Year 2)

Venue 15 October 2021

Lecture L02-019/025, Block T, Queen Mary Hospital
HKU Lecture Theatre 1 or 2, UG, New Clinical Building, Queen Mary Hospital
UNC = United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong (Exit D, Admiralty MTR Station) IEC = 494 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B3, North Point MTR Station)
Practical :
BTS Lectures : L02-025 Block T, Queen Mary Hospital

Week Date Lecturer Demonstrators

Lecture Time Venue Practical Time Venue
No. (Thurs)
40 31-Mar-22 Examination of blood and marrow smears in 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
haematologic malignancies I

41 7-Apr-22 White cell disorders I & II 6:30 - 8:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Leung Yuk Yan Rock

42 14-Apr-22 Examination of blood and marrow smears in 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
haematologic malignancies II

43 21-Apr-22 Application of cytochemistry and immunophenotyping study in 6:30 - 8:30pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Mr Leung Chi Shing
the diagnosis of haematologic malignancies.

44 28-Apr-22 Cytochemical stain and flow cytometry in the 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
diagnosis of haematologic malignancies

The HLA System

45 5-May-22 The HLA System - Genetics, Clinical Importance and Testing 6:00 - 7:00pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Dr Jenny Ho Demonstrations for serology and molecular 7:00 - 9:00pm Room 733, 7/F Clinical HKU SPACE Tutor
Methods testing of HLA antigens/antibodies Pathology Building,

Cytogenetic and molecular testings in haematologic disorders

46 12-May-22 Cytogenetic and molecular biology of leukaemias 6:00 - 7:00pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Mr Chan Wing Kwong Cytogenetic techniques I 7:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor

47 19-May-22 Genetics & Chromosomes. Applications to haematology 6:00 - 7:00pm Block T, QMH Dr Ip Ho Wan Cytogenetic techniques II 7:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor

Molecular Testing in Haematology

48 26-May-22 Molecular Testing in Haematology 6:00 - 9:00pm HKULT 1 or 2 (TBC) Mr Tommy Tang

49 2-Jun-22 Parentage testing 6:30 - 7:30pm Block T, QMH Mr Tong Chi Yeung 1. Paternity Tests 7:30 - 9:30pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
2. Serology practical revision

50 9-Jun-22 Tutorial / Revision / 6:00 - 9:00pm Block T, QMH HKU SPACE Tutor
Blood film revision

TBC 1. A Tour to the HK Red Cross Blood to be confirmed

Transfusion Service
2. Demonstration of screening, confirmatory
and molecular tests of variuos infectious
agents in donor blood
3. Blood component preparation, storage and
quality control. Frozen Red Cells and
deglycerolized red cells, Filter red cell, blood
irradiation and inactivation
4. Automation: Olympus PK7300, Microplate
technology, Flow cytometry application in
component Q.C.
Gel Technology, Coombs washing machine.
Laboratory Information System
5. Documentation control program.
6. Demonstration - Cord blood and Stem Cell
Processing - preparation, QC, freezing &

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