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`Knowledge Mgmt.

& ICT for PA

1single space of size 11
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

3 single space of size 11

College of Arts and Sciences

5 single space of size 18

1 single space of size 18
1 single space of size 18
PA 3110
1 single space of size 18

6 single space of size 18

Bachelor in Public Administration

4 single space of size 14

Prepared by:
1 single space of size 14

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA


Romblon State University as a premier institution of higher education in the MIMAROPA

region for a globally competitive Province of Romblon.


The university is committed to providing advanced education, higher technological and

professional instruction and training in agriculture and fishery, forestry, science and
technology, education, arts and sciences, and other relevant fields of study. It shall undertake
research and extension services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of


The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to provide relevant and quality training for
students in AB Political Science, BS Biology, AB English and AB Public Administration and
related fields to satisfy the needs of regional and national development thrusts and even
global arena, and to be of service to the community through extension program activities.


1. To provide adequate knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of good

2. To equip with the skills in management including planning, implementation,
monitoring and human, material and resource management for government and
civil society organization.
3. To indoctrinate high ethical values for public service, accountability, nationalism,
4. To promote strong sense of duty and protect public interest for the depressed and
the marginalized communities.
5. To develop abilities engaging in scientific research, educational innovation and in
decision making towards students.
6. To establish an avenue for social awareness and involvement in community
development through extension programs, effective leadership, and initiatives.
7. To endow/instill high appreciation for the demands and challenges in public
services in the minds of the students,
8. To uphold commitment to excellence and ethics to respond to the challenges of and
social responsibility.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA


This course is designed to discuss the essential principles of Knowledge Management

(KM) and how KM and CRM technologies work, and how they impact the ICT infrastructure
for public administration. This course also shows how to use team building and goal-setting
exercises to create excellent KM/CRM projects, and how to align e-business strategy and
technology choices.
In able for the nation’s need of development, knowledge has become one of the in-
demand assets. With the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
it has made a great impact in the growth of knowledge and learning network, thus KM with
ICT employs a vital promotion of integrative management culture by nurturing a knowledge-
supportive culture for Public Administration – including safe environment, ethical and
mutually respectful behavior, minimal politicking, collaboration and focus on delivering
quality work without delay.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

The primary purpose of this module is to present a pedagogical manner for the usual
course in college and universities. to familiarize students with current and emerging issues
in the use of computer and information technologies in the public sector.
The examples and problems will exercise the student’s critical thinking to identify the
needs of public administration for the impact of information technology, understand
components of the public sector information environment, and to synthesize and apply
knowledge to discover new opportunities and to manage and eliminate threats of using
advanced computer and information technologies.


`The Module in PA 3110 Knowledge Management and ICT for PA for Bachelor in Public
Administration was developed by Romblon State University-College of Arts and Science
Faculty to provide the Public Administration students with the additional instructional
manual which serves as exercises to deepen the public administration concepts being

COURSE OUTLINE: Knowledge Management and ICT for Public Administration

This course is designed to introduce students to the ways that Information and
Communications Technology affects governmental functions, democratic processes, and
public programs and how they implement Knowledge Management in each sector.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Contents Page

Title Page------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Rationale, Target Population, Course Information--------------------------------------------- 4
Table of Contents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5


The Meaning and History of Knowledge Management --------------------------------------------- 6
History ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Role of Knowledge Management for Public Administration--------------------------------------- 8
Components of Knowledge Management------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1. People--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2. Process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3. Content/IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
4. Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
The 8 Pillars of a Knowledge Management Strategy ----------------------------------------------- 10
Unit 1 Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12


The Meaning of Information and Communication Technology ----------------------------------- 15
Components and Role of Information and Communication Technology for PA --------------- 15
The Need for Information and Communications Technology ------------------------------------- 17
Unit 2 Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18


Information Sharing and Access ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Digital Literacy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
Digital Fraud --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
a Boiler Room -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
b Romance Scam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
c Lottery Scam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
d Banking and Online Account Scam ---------------------------------------------------------- 23
a. Card Skimmer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
b. Phishing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
c. Email Spoofing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Unit 3 Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26


Application of Public Administration with KM and ICT ------------------------------------------- 29
Unit 4 Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

Scoring Rubrics 34

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

Introduction to Knowledge Management

Learning Outcomes

After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Define Knowledge Management

2. Identify the need of Knowledge Management for Public Administration
3. Explain the emerging role of Knowledge Management
4. Conceptualize the foundations of Knowledge Management


Knowledge Management (KM) is the process by which the knowledge and information of an
organization is created, shared, used, and managed.



It refers to a multidisciplinary approach by making the best use of the knowledge to achieve
organizational objectives. What are these organizational objectives? The following lists are one of an
example of Organization Objectives:
▪ Achieving Financial Success
▪ Increasing Sales Figures
▪ Improving Human Resources
▪ Retaining Talented Employees
▪ Focusing on Customer Service
▪ Establishing Brand Awareness
To give you an idea why Knowledge Management is important. Imagine you are an employee
of an organization, now, we have mentioned earlier that a knowledge and information is created,

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
shared, used, and managed, what if these four are disregarded? do you think their Sale Figures will
increase? No, right? You see, managing knowledge is an important factor that is needed by your
belonged organization, forgetting, and disregarding even one of these processes will conceivably cause
a huge trouble, that is why you, as a future Public Administrator should make sure and keep in
mind that it is strongly advisable to use these processes, they are the foundation of the success of
your organization.
KM is important because it boosts the effectiveness of the decision-making capacity of an
organization. By ensuring that all employees or you as a future employee have access to the overall
expertise of the organization, a smarter workforce is created that is more capable of making swift,
informed decisions that benefit the organization; KM aims at sharing perspectives, ideas, experiences,
and information, ensuring that they are available in the right place at the right time to enable
informed decision-making and improvements.
KM also involves systematic/procedural approaches for finding, understanding, and utilizing
knowledge to achieve organizational goals. Being a knowledge-intensive organization, knowledge
workers should be trained in the profession of public administration. Knowledge management
governed by Public Administration in support of societal goals can bring broad benefits that enable
society to prosper and enhance its viability by making its people and institutions work smarter and
thus enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.
Our country, Philippines, faces critical
challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, corruption
and distance online and modular learning. These
challenges create a clear need for the organizational
agencies in the Philippines to embrace solutions to
knowledge management. With these, a Public
PUBLIC Administration needs to be competent with sufficient
ADMINISTRATION capacity and influence that they can provide for a great
society, but on the other hand, an incompetent or
dysfunctional Public Administration can lead society
into severity.

There is a long history of knowledge management efforts, including:

On-the Job Discussion Formal Apprenticeship

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

Discussion Forums Corporate Libraries

Professional Training Mentoring Programs

In the second half of the 20th century, which is 1950 until 2000, with increased use of
computers, specific adaptations of technologies such as knowledge bases, expert systems,
information repositories, group decision support systems, intranets, and computer-supported
cooperative work were introduced to further enhance these efforts.
While it can be said that different forms of knowledge management have been around for a
very long time, the explicit notion of knowledge management began as an offspring of rapid
developments in Information Technology. At the same time, current efforts to manage knowledge
sometimes resemble older methods like apprenticeships (training under a legal agreement that defines
the duration and conditions of the relationships between master and apprentice), which have been
around for millennia.
In the early 90s of the last century Knowledge Management emerged as a pure approach to
ICT. Knowledge has been perceived as having content written or digitized. Answers to knowledge
management have been sought in ICT tools like databases, online libraries etc. Currently this
approach translates into popular tools like wikis, blogs, social media, discussion forums etc. In the
late nineties, KM's focus shifted to the personal side of knowledge. This was partly because of the
realization that knowledge would not be included in ICT systems, but rather personal and subjective:
"knowledge is in people." The approach to human resource or development of human talent is focused
on personal capacity development, as individuals are seen as the main carrier of the knowledge. It
includes methods such as technical, managerial, and personal training, assessment talks, personal
goal formulation.


Knowledge management plays an important role in the administration of the public sector.
Each role serves specific purposes and constituencies and is implemented differently. Together, they
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
build the Intellectual Capital (IC) (the value of a company's employee knowledge, skills, business
training, or any proprietary information that may provide the company with a competitive advantage)
of society to improve the effectiveness of public and private decision-making and the handling of
situations. Four KM areas of Public Administration are considered: enhancing public service decision-
making; helping the public effectively participate in public decision-making; building competitive societal
IC capabilities; and developing a knowledge-competitive workforce. To serve these purposes numerous
KM approaches are adopted. Most of the efforts are directed to specific needs. Only a few persecute
broad, purposeful, and systematic KM. It discusses examples of these approaches and perspectives.
The premise for KM is that, in addition to being informed, effective and intelligent behavior depends,
among many factors, on having proper understanding.
There are four components Knowledge Management, these are people, process, content / IT,
and strategy.

✓ People ✓ Process ✓ Content/IT ✓ Strategy

Regardless of your Organization's industry, size, or knowledge needs, you as a future employee
and a future Public Administrator should always need people to lead, sponsor, and encourage the
sharing of knowledge. To manage and measure knowledge flows you need to have defined processes
You need knowledge content and IT tools which, at the right time, connect the right people to the
right content. Finally, you need a clear and documented strategy to use KM to meet the organization's
most important and pressing needs. Here are the four components of Knowledge Management:
1. People - "people, process, and technology" This paradigm – often referred to as the "golden
triangle " – has been used by organizational leaders since at least the early 1990s to guide
initiatives and lead organizational change. The idea is, your initiative is bound to fail if you
over-focus on one factor, you see, people need to train and motivate people to be integrated
and fully aware of the processes. And the order is important: Before you enter processes and
technology, you need to get the right people involved, why? just like what we have read at the
first few lines above - without proper order, the integration and the use of processes and
knowledge of the organization would be severely affected. So, when you start a KM program,
you need two types of people:
1. Senior Leaders - Providing sponsorship and insight into the broader organizational
strategy. Senior sponsors should be visible, committed business leaders with
something big to gain from implementing KM; They are often people who lead business
areas with significant, urgent need for knowledge.
2. Cross-Functional Stakeholders - is a group of people with different functional expertise
working toward a common goal. It may include people from finance, marketing,
operations, and human resources departments to guide implementation.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
2. Process – “Knowledge flows like a city water supply, just turn the tap on when someone needs
it”. The KM Team knows how everything flows within an organization, like a Public
Administrator. They've got strategic vision, conceptual skills, detailed attention, delegation, and
creativity. But the end user need not understand how all that stuff works. To them it's simple
and easy to get the knowledge they need. There are seven (7) step cycles of the standard
process of knowledge flow describing how knowledge flows through organizations, these are:
1. Create new knowledge (this is happening every day, all the
time, across all the organizational areas, same goes with you even as
a student)
2. Identify knowledge which is essential for strategy and
3. Collect knowledge so it can be shared with others
4. Review know-how to assess its relevance, accuracy, and
5. Share documented knowledge, informal posts, and
collaborative activities
6. Access knowledge through pull (e.g., search) and push (e.g.,
alerts) mechanisms
7. Use knowledge for quicker problem solving and more
informed decision making.

3. Content/IT - Content is any documented knowledge of any kind, from vetted best practices to
fast-and-dirty tips shared among colleagues. Content can be reusable stuff like templates and
how-to videos immediately, or it can be messy and unstructured information (e.g.,
documentation of project) - that’s how a content is. We 're putting content alongside IT because
it allows people to create that stuff, put it somewhere, and access it and reuse it. If you don't
have KM, people will still create and use content — but they'll put it in places other people
can't find, re-make things others have already created, and (most dangerously) reuse content
that's outdated or wrong. Effective KM programs have workflows for content creation and
vetting (v. examining carefully), content organization taxonomies, and technology tools for
connecting people to content. Advanced organizations use content management to facilitate
collaboration, to uncover innovations, and to automatically serve employee content.
4. Strategy - Each KM program needs a clear, documented, and enterprise-relevant strategy. You
can have the best technology tools and a super-smart KM team, but without strategy, it'll be
all for naught. Kenichi Ohmae may have said it best, “Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is
headed in the wrong direction”. You need a solid business case, showing a deep understanding
of the critical knowledge needs of your organization. The business case should sketch out:
a. the value proposition for KM (that is, how KM will solve business challenges)
b. the tools, approaches, and roles you’ll need to get there
c. a budget
d. the expected impact of KM.
We have mentioned above the four (4) components of KM, one component is the Strategy. As
mentioned above, there would be a clear and documented strategy to use KM to meet the
organization's most important and pressing needs.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Knowledge managers have several tools, methods, and tactics at their disposal to create
knowledge-sharing cultures that embrace learning and collaboration, and make the exhaust —
insights, ideas, and explicit knowledge in the form of content — discoverable and reusable by the
audience that will benefit. Think of Knowledge Management as an overarching skill with the
knowledge manager as coach and facilitator, nudging teams, and individuals to enhance their KM
skills. Here are the pillars of KM Strategy and what you must do to make use of these at your
1. Knowledge Auditing – Know your repositories and storehouse, and
what the current flow of knowledge looks like. Who are the experts and
where are the dangerous addictions. Which knowledge domains are
critical to the enterprise and do gaps exist. A single organization may
have dozens of locations where knowledge is stored or transferred —
search for system-wide duplication, and processes where knowledge
leaks out as no conversation has been captured to solve problems.
2. Document Management (or Content Management) – Early take your
explicit knowledge into the architecture of the information. It is much
easier to manage when content is centralized at one location and
maintained routinely.
3. Learning & Development – Map the development of personnel with
business goals and employee own interests to incorporate a learning
culture across your team and improve employee engagement.

4. Knowledge Operations – This is the part that is about knowledge

mobilization. Which methods do you use to ensure that knowledge
reaches where it needs to go? Maybe KCS for those business functions
that deal with repetitive issues like HR, customer support, finance,
and legal. Maybe it's a mobile-first intranet with an efficient search
engine for those teams working on-site out in the field.
5. Social Network Analysis – Know who your hubs and influencers are,
so you can facilitate organizational changes, and identify team
members who may be great mentors or coaches.

6. Co-creation & Facilitation – Uncover tacit knowledge and develop

group ownership to solve problems. They are someone that is brought
into a project to guide and spark a fresh creative perspective

7. Coaching & Mentoring – Excellent for transferring niche skills,

explaining organizational quirks to new hires, and building individual
trust and team performance in a strategic capacity.

8. Community Management – Foster more effective collaboration and

encourage group participation in social and customer support
networks for large enterprises to make high-value, reusable content
more discoverable.

UNIT I ACTIVITY `Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Comprehension Check (3 pts. each) Date:
Name: Course/Blk/Yr: Score:

Direction: Answer the following given question.

1. What do you think would happen if such Knowledge Management is not implemented in an

2. From a Public Administrator’s perspective, do such Knowledge Management plays an important

role in your career? Why? How?

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

3. What can you say about the Knowledge Management in a society if it dived into its severity?

4. There are four components of Knowledge Management, what would be the consequence when
the Process Component is removed? Explain why.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
5. From a Public Administrator’s perspective, do such Knowledge Management plays an important
role in your career? Why? How?

☻Teacher’s Feedback:☻

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
Learning Outcomes

After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Identify what is Information and Communication Technology

2. Identify whether Information and Communication Technology is needed or not
3. Conceptualize the components and theories of Information and Communication Technology


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to
handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual
processing and transmission systems, and control and monitoring functions based on the network.
Though ICT is often considered an extended synonym for IT, its scope is broader.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve,
transmit, and manipulate data or information, often within a business or other enterprise context.
Generally speaking, ICT is an information system, a communications system or, more specifically, a
computer system – including all hardware, software, and peripheral equipment – operated by a limited
user group. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but
includes other technologies for the distribution of information, such as television and telephones.
• Cloud computing – The term is generally used to describe data centers which are available over
the Internet to many users. Large clouds, which today predominate, often have functions
distributed from central servers over multiple locations. If the connection is relatively close to
the user, an edge server may be designated. Clouds may be limited to a single organization
(enterprise clouds), may be available to many organizations (public cloud), or a combination of
both (hybrid cloud). Amazon AWS is the largest Public Cloud.
• Software - Is a set of computer operating instructions, data, or programs used to perform specific
tasks or in simple term, instructions that tell a computer what to do. In contrast to hardware,
which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a generic term for applications,
scripts, and programs running on a device. Software can be considered the
variable part of a computer, and the invariable part of the hardware. Software
is often divided into application software, or user downloaded programs that
satisfy a desire or need, and system software that includes operating systems
and any program that supports software for the application.
• Hardware – In the context of technology, refers to the physical elements that
make up a computer or electronic system and all other physically tangible
elements involved. This includes the monitor, memory, hard drive, and CPU.
To make a computer function, the hardware works hand in hand with
firmware and software. Hardware is just one part of a computer system;
there's also firmware that's embedded in the hardware and controls it

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
• Digital Transactions - Can be broadly defined as online or automated transactions between
individuals and organizations — without the use of paper. Digital transactions save time and
money, which leads to a better end result. Customer experiences are also enhanced (think of e-
signing convenience versus having to print a contract, sign it, and then send it back by mail or
fax). And digital transactions enhance tracking capabilities — helping to reduce errors.
• Digital Data - Data representing other forms of data, using specific machine-language systems
that can be interpreted using different technologies. The most fundamental of these systems is
a binary system that simply stores complex audio, video, or text information in a series of
binary characters, traditionally those and zeros, or the values « on » and « off ».
• Internet Access - is the process of connecting to the internet using
personal computers, laptops or mobile devices by users or enterprises.
Internet access is subject to data signaling rates and users could be
connected at different internet speeds. Internet access allows Internet
services / web-based services to be made available to individuals or
organizations. With dial-up internet access the internet started gaining
popularity. Internet access technologies changed within a relatively
short time, providing faster and more reliable options. Broadband technologies such as cable
internet and ADSL are currently the most widely used methods of accessing the internet. The
speed, cost, reliability, and availability of internet access depends on the region, provider of
internet service, and connection type. There are many different ways to get access to the internet
including wireless connection such as Wi-fi, mobile connection or mobile data in our term,
hotspots, dial-up, broadband, DSL, or satellite. But ICT commonly means more than its
component list. It also covers the application of all those different components.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are already expanding into developing
countries, transforming them into information societies, but this usually remains a privilege for only
a few, further widening the gap between those who can afford it and those who can't (the digital
divide). The use of ICTs has a positive impact on development and thus on closing the gap, making
it the most important prerequisite for becoming an equal and equilibrated information society. ICT
can be used to expand, compare, and learn from each other and improve performance as a result.
But technology use should not be the sole aim. It is emphasized that the organizational use of ICT is
not only intended to focus on efficiency, but also to empower citizens by making interactive access to
and use of information available to them. Public Administration can improve e-organizational services
by delivering value through essential functionality, good organization, accessibility of content, easy
content and function navigation, and clear information to build trust among public servants. An
electronic governance is the application of Information and Communication Technology to
organizational processes to bring about the governance of Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive,
and Transparent (SMART). Considering the institution of the electronic organization, one of the
public sector initiatives allowing the knowledge society to strengthen and maintain governance
through administrations that are:
− Open and clear, that is, an organization that is accountable to the public and responsive to
democratic engagement and scrutiny
− To the welfare of everyone, that is, to the resident and inclusive
− Efficient, i.e., maximum tax-money profit,
This means that less time will be spent in queues, there will be a drastic reduction in errors,
more time for one-on-one assistance and more rewarding work for public servants. It is essential to
promote e-learning in order to promote e-organization, because e-learning applications represent a
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
paradigm shift in learning models which provide the basis for e-organization. In many countries, ICT
has played an important part in reforming public administration. It changes the way the company
performs its functions and helps to reduce operating costs. At the same time, ICT may make
organizational services more efficient. ICT is one of the key tools promoting good governance by
increasing organizational transparency and accountability; this could ultimately help to reduce
opportunities for corruption. ICT empowers the general public to participate actively in policy
formulation and help ensure that public funds are used transparently. The experience of successful
developed and developing countries suggests that a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder task is to
put in place the appropriate infrastructure and broadly deploy ICT. ICT, in the context of e-
governance, has tremendous potential to enhance administrative efficiency and efficacy, and to
transform the flow of knowledge between organizations and people. For example, the use of ICT will
affect the provision and quality of governance services, access to these services and people 's
involvement in the governance sphere, potentially contributing to empowerment of the citizen.
Developing countries may enhance their public services by putting in place effective ICT policies to
help them counter terrorism and poverty.
ICT and e-Organizational
It is in the interest of Central Organization that businesses and individuals are able to carry
out online transactions securely and easily with the organization. In addition, information, and
communications technology (ICT) should help facilitate effective management of operations within the
central organization.
ICT objectives
Central organization’s objectives are to:
✓ Promote digital organizational services for businesses and individuals
A National Commissioner for Digital Organization has been appointed by central organization
to help achieve this key aim.
✓ Promote effective operational management
This is done by centralizing ICT facilities at the standard organization. Working with only a few
ICT service providers enables the pooling of information and skills.
✓ Organizational-wide policy on the use of ICT services
Wherever possible, organizational-wide ICT services are used.
Organizational ICT Projects
To prevent problems occurring with organizational ICT ventures, the ICT Evaluation Office
(BIT) was established. The BIT assesses big ICT initiatives in the central organization according to
technological and functional viability and the probability of success. If any aspect of a project is worth
300 million peso or more, the whole project will be measured by the Piece.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Comprehension Check (3 pts. each) Date:
Name: Course/Blk/Yr: Score:

Direction: Identify what would happen if the following component is removed from Information
and Computer Technology.

1. Cloud Computing

2. Software

3. Hardware

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
4. Digital Transactions

5. Digital Data

6. Internet Access

☻Teacher’s Feedback:☻

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Knowledge and Information Handling

Learning Outcomes

After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Identify information sharing access

2. Conceptualize how ICT work with Knowledge Management


Knowledge is of central importance to handling matters of Public
Administration. If information is managed successfully, it can be used to improve
the operations of organizational agencies by increasing the productivity of
employees, however mismanagement of that same information can contribute to
serious lapses or exposure points. Only through suitable forms of communication
during particular actions can knowledge sharing take place between people. Some
of these actions are common to both automated and non-automated information
systems but only digital information is relevant to a significant number of processes
that can generate organizational knowledge. The following actions are considered
relating to processes for the transformation of information into organizational
✓ Collection of information ✓ Linking information and putting it into a context
✓ Indexing ✓ Dissemination
✓ Filtering ✓ Usage of the created knowledge.
But the concept of sharing and accessing information varies widely across organizational
agencies. Only the more process-oriented agencies are inclined to integrate information in the sense
that they handle such information as can be shared. The prominent challenges for agencies that
handle highly sensitive information, such as local police departments, are the ability to secure access
and provide information in just-in-time. There is often a tendency for a one-way flow of information
and culture from rich countries to poor ones, but information and knowledge should flow in both
directions. Public administration should play its part not only by using new IT to boost its own
efficiency but also by providing guidance to society. Thus, developing countries should be able to
display a certain degree of creative spirit in integrating innovations and creating new ones, making
the best use of technology. The entire world is currently facing multiple problems, such as the COVID-
19 pandemic, wherein our country is also facing the same issue. Among others, it is important for
Public Administrators to tackle these problems carefully with sounds techniques. Therefore, it is
important to be good knowledge workers for Public Administrators to be able to handle information
properly and effectively.

Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where
communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet
platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

Developing your critical thinking skills is essential when you're confronted with so much
information in different formats – searching, sifting, evaluating, applying, and producing
information all require you to think critically.
Communication is also a key aspect of digital literacy. When communicating in virtual
environments, the ability to clearly express your ideas, ask relevant questions, maintain respect, and
build trust is just as important as when communicating in person.
You'll also need practical skills in using technology to access, manage, manipulate, and create
information in an ethical and sustainable way. It's a continual learning process because of constant
new apps and updates, but your future self will thank you if you keep your digital life in order!
Digital literacy is really important now, while you're a university student. It'll also be really
important in the future when you enter the professional world. In your workplace you'll be required
to interact with people in digital environments, use information in appropriate ways, and create new
ideas and products collaboratively. Above all, you'll need to maintain your digital identity and
wellbeing as the digital landscape continues to change at a fast pace.

“A Lie can travel half-way around the world,
while the truth is putting on its shoes”
A. Mark Twain
Over the years a series of difficult challenges have been faced across the globe. And in terms
of online fraud, levels have been grave and unprecedented, as fraudsters sought to exploit the
increased use of digital channels such as online shopping and online transactions as well as the fear
and uncertainty everyday life has been shrouded in due to the pandemic.
As we look to the new year ahead, we do so with an optimistic eye, as we finally make
breakthroughs in the fight against Covid-19. However, in the world of online banking fraud there’s
a huge amount to be done in order to compete with the fraudsters and comprehensively fight online
fraud. Here is an example of Online Frauds and how you should protect yourselves from it:
A. BOILER ROOM - In business, the term boiler room refers to an
outbound call center selling questionable investments by
telephone. It typically refers to a room where salesmen work
using unfair, dishonest sales tactics, sometimes selling foreign
currency stock, private placements or committing outright stock
fraud. The term carries a negative connotation, and is often used
to imply high-pressure sales tactics and, sometimes, poor
working conditions. A boiler room usually has an undisclosed
relationship with the company being promoted or undisclosed
profit from the sale of the house stock they are promoting. The
managers of the boiler room usually have close ties to the same owners of the company
whose stock is being promoted. After the sales force of the boiler room sells their clients on
the idea of the Initial Public Offering (IPO), they are not allowed to sell the shares that the
customer invested. This is because there is no real “market” for the shares, so any shares
sold before buyers are attracted would create a large loss in the price of the stock, due to it
being thinly traded with no public support. Once the insider investors are in place, a boiler
room promotes via telephone calls to brokerage clients or spam email these thinly traded
stocks where there is no actual market.
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Protect yourself from Boiler Room
1. If a stockbroker calls you out of the blue with an offer that seems to good to be true, be
warned, it probably is.
2. Fraudsters are usually well spoken and knowledgeable. They are also persistent. They
might call their victim several times with offers of research, discounts on stocks in small
overseas companies, or shares in a firm that is about to float.
3. Another thing to watch out for is callers are increasingly threatening investors with
police action if they refuse to go ahead with an initially agreed transaction.
B. ROMANCE SCAM - Romance scams try to lower your
defenses by appealing to your romantic or
compassionate side. They play on emotional triggers to
get you to provide money, gifts or personal details.
Scammers target victims by creating fake profiles on
legitimate internet dating services. Once you are in
contact with a scammer, they will express strong
emotions for you in a relatively short period of time and
will suggest you move the relationship away from the
website to phone, email and/or instant messaging.
Scammers often claim to be working overseas. They will go to great lengths to gain your
interest and trust, such as sharing personal information and even sending you gifts.
Scammers may take months, to build what seems like the romance of a lifetime and may
even pretend to book flights to visit you, but never actually come. Once they have gained
your trust, they will ask you either subtly or directly for money, gifts or banking/credit card
details. They will pretend to need these for a variety of reasons. For example, they may
claim to be in the depths of despair due to financial hardship or an ill family member. In
other cases, the scammer might start off by sending you flowers, or other small gifts then
will tell you about a large amount of money they need to transfer out of their country or
that they want to share with you. They will then ask for your banking details or money to
cover administrative fees or taxes to free up the money.
Protect yourself from Romance Scam
1. ALWAYS consider the possibility that the approach may be a scam. Try to remove the
emotion from your decision making no matter how caring or persistent they seem.
2. Talk to an independent friend, relative or fair trading agency before you send any money.
THINK TWICE before sending money to someone you have only recently met online or
haven’t met in person.
3. NEVER give credit card or online account details to anyone by email.
4. Be very careful about how much personal information you share on social network sites.
Scammers can use your information and pictures to create a fake identity or to target
you with a scam.
5. If you agree to meet in person, tell family and friends where you are going especially
overseas travel.
6. Where possible, avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment
via money order, wire transfer or international funds transfer. It is rare to recover money
sent this way.
7. If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank
or financial institution immediately.
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
C. LOTTERY SCAM - An email, letter or text
message from a lottery company arrives from
out of nowhere. It will advise you that you
have won a lot of money or fantastic prizes—
in a lottery or competition you did not enter.
Lottery scams will often use the names of
legitimate lotteries, so that even if you do
some superficial research, the scam will seem real. The email, letter or text message you
receive about your winnings will ask you to respond quickly or risk missing out. The
scammers do this to try and stop you thinking about the surprise too much in case you
start to suspect it could be a scam. You could also be urged to keep your winnings private
or confidential, to ‘maintain security’ or stop other people from getting your ‘prize’ by
mistake. Scammers do this to prevent you from seeking further information or advice from
independent sources. You will usually be asked to pay some fees to release your winnings.
Scammers will often say these fees are for insurance costs, government taxes, bank fees or
courier charges. The scammers make money by continually collecting these ‘fees’ from you
and stalling the payment of your ‘winnings’. Some scammers may also be asked to provide
personal details to ‘prove’ that you are the correct winner and to give your bank account
details so the prize can be sent to you. Scammers will use these details to try to misuse
your identity and steal any money you have in your bank account.
Protect yourself from Lottery Scam
1. Do not send any money or pay any fee to claim a prize or lottery winnings.
2. Do not open suspicious or unsolicited emails (spam)—delete them.
3. Never reply to a spam email (even to unsubscribe).
4. Never call a telephone number that you see in a spam email.
5. Never respond to a text message which says you have won a competition that you did
not enter.
6. Do not click on any links in a spam email, or open any files attached to them.
7. If it looks too good to be true—it probably is.
8. If you receive an email, letter or text message telling you that you’ve won a lottery or a
sweepstakes prize—do not respond. Do not write back and do not send any money or
personal details to the scammers.
9. Providing personal details such as bank account details will make you vulnerable to
having your identity stolen. You may have your bank account cleaned out or a loan
taken out in your name. Responding to emails through internet links might also
threaten your computer security through the use of spyware.
10. If the lottery is anything other than a registered lottery—say no Be very wary of
sweepstakes competitions that ask you to send money or personal details.
a. CARD SKIMMING - Card skimming is the illegal copying of
information from the magnetic strip of a credit or ATM card.
The scammers try to steal your details so they can access your
accounts. Once scammers have skimmed your card, they can
create a fake or cloned card with your details on it. The
scammer is then able to run up charges on your account. Card
skimming is also a way for scammers to steal your identity or
personal details and use it to commit identity fraud. By stealing
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
your personal details and account numbers the scammer may be able to borrow
money or take out loans in your name.
Protect yourself from Card Skimming
i. Keep your credit card and ATM cards safe. Do not share your personal identity
number (PIN) with anyone. Do not keep any written copy of your PIN with the
ii. Check your bank account and credit card statements when you get them. If you
see a transaction you cannot explain, report it to your credit union or bank.
iii. Choose passwords that would be difficult for anyone else to guess.
iv. If you are using an ATM, take the time to check that there is nothing suspicious
about the machine.
v. Ask yourself if you trust the person or trader who you are handing your card
over to. If a shop assistant looks like they are going to take your card out of your
sight, ask if it is really necessary.
vi. If an ATM looks suspicious, do not use it and alert the ATM owner.
vii. If you are in a shop and the assistant wants to swipe your card out of your sight,
or in a second machine, you should ask for your card back straight away and
either pay with a check or cash, or not make the purchase.
b. PHISHING - The word phishing comes
from the analogy that Internet scammers
are using email lures to fish for passwords
and financial data from the sea of Internet
users. Phishing, also called brand
spoofing is the creation of email messages
and Web pages that are replicas of
existing, legitimate sites and businesses.
These Web sites and emails are used to
trick users into submitting personal, financial, or password data. These emails often
ask for information such as credit card numbers, bank account information, social
insurance numbers, and passwords that will be used to commit fraud. The goal of
criminals using brand spoofing is to lead consumers to believe that a request for
information is coming from a legitimate company. In reality it is a malicious attempt
to collect customer information for the purpose of committing fraud.
Protect yourself from Phishing
i. Protect your computer with anti-virus software, spyware filters, email filters and
firewall programs.
ii. You can verify a website’s authenticity by looking for “https:” at the beginning of
the internet address.
iii. Contact the financial institution immediately and report your suspicions.
iv. Do not reply to any email that requests your personal information.
v. Look for misspelled words.
c. EMAIL SPOOFING - Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a
forged sender address something which is simple to do because the core protocols do
no authentication. Spam and phishing emails typically use such spoofing to mislead
the recipient about the origin of the message. The word “spoof” means “falsified”. A
`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
spoofed email is when the sender purposely alters
parts of the email to masquerade as though it was
authored by someone else. Commonly, the
sender’s name/address and the body of the
message are formatted to appear from a legitimate
source, as though the email came from a bank or
a newspaper or legitimate company on the Web.
Sometimes, the spoofer will make the email appear
to come from a private citizen somewhere.
Dishonest users will alter different sections of an
email so as to disguise the sender as being
someone else.
Protect yourself from Email Spoofing
i. Consider what personal information you post on social/business networking
services. Scammers use publicly available information to identify potential
ii. Check if a website has a digital certificate.
iii. Install and regularly update antivirus, antispyware, and firewall software.
iv. Never click on links provided in emails or open attachments from strangers. An
email with an attachment that arrives unexpectedly could contain malware.
v. Never provide your personal, business, credit card or account details online
unless you have verified the website is authentic.
vi. Ensure your businesses postal mail is delivered to a secure/locked mailbox.
vii. Shred all business documents before you dispose of them.
Many scams originate overseas or take place over the internet, making them very difficult to
track down and prosecute. We all heard the timeless admonition “If it sounds too good to be true, it
probably is”—great advice, but the trick is figuring out when “good” becomes “too good.” There’s no
bright line. Investment fraudsters make their living by making sure the deals they tout appear both
good and true. They’re masters of persuasion, tailoring their pitches to match the psychological
profiles of their targets. They look for your Achilles heel by asking seemingly benign questions about
your health, family, political views, hobbies, or prior employers. Fraudsters or con artists are excellent
intuitive psychologists. Just like magicians they understand enough about how the mind works to
exploit its vulnerabilities. Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages, and income levels. If you lose
money to a scam, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover your loss. No single academic discipline
or methodology is likely to yield all the answers we would seek from this kind of presentation. In all
transactions either on or offline, the greatest weapon of a fraudster or con artist is getting your trust
and confidence by trickery through deception. For all of us the tools to fight such misgivings will be
skepticism and awareness in all levels.

UNIT III ACTIVITY `Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Comprehension Check (3 pts. each) Date:
Name: Course/Blk/Yr: Score:

Direction: The following list are scenarios of fraudsters trying to trick you to take advantage of
your information and privacy. Now, being a digitally literate individual, what should you do when
you encounter such given things? Explain to at least five (5) sentences.

1. A Facebook friend of yours sent you a link which is and

told you to visit the said link and claim a Lazada voucher worth 800 pesos.

2. You have met a stranger guy/girl online with unknown identity just a profile picture and over
the past few weeks you were so close already, then this time, the guy/girl asked you to lend
him/her a money worth 2,000 pesos and told you that he needs the money for his/her mother
who is sick.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

3. You were about to download Kdrama/Anime/Movie online, and you saw an advertisement that
contains sexually suggestive images and telling you to click that ad.

4. A facebook friend mentioned you in a post containing a link of…

with graphic imagery.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA

5. You were checking on your email and stumbled upon a new inbox, opened it, and contains an
invitation that tells you to visit the link so that you can win a brand-new car.

☻Teacher’s Feedback:☻

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Learning Outcomes

After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Apply concepts of idea to Public Administration

2. Identify the emerging challenges in Public Administration with Digital World


Being computer literate and being knowledgeable in Information Technology nowadays is a
must, you have already understood the digital frauds circulating all around the internet and all
around the world, try to think of it, what if you were one of the victims of these doings? And the thing
Is, you are not even aware on how to identify and prevent this kind of fraud. That makes your
information and all of your transactions unsafe and vulnerable, you might even compromise the
confidential documents and files in your future job. Now, let us take a look at the common circulating
frauds in the digital world.
Digital transactions have been part of our daily needs during this
pandemic. But in the long run, fraudsters kept gaining advantage of the
technology and trying all means of hacks to deceive users. With this
example, the fraudsters are trying to look like a GCash Help Service. With
all its message, even computer literate person can also be deceived, but
how do we identify it is a fake GCash Help Service? Take a look at the
image, you can see that it is telling the user to visit the link but be wary
about how its link is different from their normal domain. GCash uses the
domain, but not with this incident, it is using Now we can clearly say that this message is a fraud, and
we must not visit the link at all cost.

Same with this GCash 20th Anniversary that kept circulating in our
facebook messenger, from group chat to private messages. Once visited,
it’ll redirect you to a website and pretend to look like a GCash website,
once a user, which is the victim, entered his/her confidential information
in the form, that information will be compromised and chances that the
account’s balance will be entirely taken or even inaccessible. Such things
like this are even occurring in emails, so be careful even in that platform.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Be careful that digital literacy is separate from computer literacy. Digital literacy requires
critical thinking skills, an awareness of the necessary standards of behavior expected in online
environments, and an understanding of the shared social issues created by digital technologies. Or
alternatively: digital literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement. Since a
Public Administrator needs to be computer and digital literate, you must keep in mind and consider
these things to be such one.
✓ Understanding how to use web browsers, search engines, email, text, wiki, blogs, Photoshop,
Powerpoint, video creation/editing software, etc. to showcase learning.
✓ Evaluating online resources for accuracy/trustworthiness of information.
✓ Using online meeting to enhance learning and knowledge sharing in the organization.
✓ Choosing appropriate media to showcase learning - understand what platforms will best
illustrate your message and learning to peers.
✓ Using an interactive whiteboard in the meeting for presentations and allowing colleagues to
use the interactive whiteboard on a daily basis.
✓ Encouraging co-workers to use technology to further showcase their learning.
✓ Using the web (web sites video, music) to enhance the learning of your co-workers.
✓ Co-workers and employer creating online content to be utilized both in and out of the
✓ Using word processors, spreadsheet generators, and presentation software, you should have
the ability to use these types of computer programs used to be noteworthy on résumés, but
today, it’s mandatory for many office-based jobs. Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are
probably the most popular programs to master, but Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are great
to learn, too!
✓ Make sure to choose a secure service to keep your company files with, as well as inform
employees about proper practices when it comes to storing data. Make sure your co-workers
understand how digital data is stored and secured, and – more importantly – how not to lose
it. The data your company creates, and stores is very important.
✓ Choose an appropriate platform to showcase your content and media – How your business
conducts outreach is very important, but there may be more than one way to describe what
your company does. The ability to recognize the best way to use digital media to present
information is a very valuable skill.
✓ Many positions require working as part of a team. If your work requires input from multiple
people, consider learning how to use a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Evernote.
These services help you get work done as part of team by allowing your team members to see
real-time updates changes made to project documents.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
✓ Once you’ve got all your skills down, make sure you set up a LinkedIn profile to showcase
everything you can do to a future employer. If you are the boss, be sure to check out LinkedIn
and other online networks of professionals to see what your potential future employees can do!

Learning or having skills even one of these will further improve your literacy. And will make
sure your team and organization will be far as productive and flexible.

UNIT IV ACTIVITY `Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
Comprehension Check (1 pt. each) Date:
Name: Course/Blk/Yr: Score:
Direction: Make a list of must have characteristics/traits of a Public Administrator when it
comes to digital technology so you as a future Public Servant will be able to adapt to the emerging
technological developments. Place your answer in the right portion of the table under
Characteristics/Traits. Be specific as possible and write a maximum of 5 per given technology.

Technology Characteristics / Traits

1. Using Office Suites such as Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Publisher, & etc.

2. Identifying fraud/scam posts, messages,

emails, links, & etc.

3. Adding antivirus and anti-malware in

Personal Computers.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA
4. Avoiding clickbait advertisement that
contains sensationalist text or imagery.

5. Logging out actively after using social media

or online banking transactions.

`Knowledge Mgmt. & ICT for PA


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