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Slide 1 1 hour: The truths in this presentation

are the truths that will be clearly taught

The Gospel Made Clear through the TruthSeekers Bible lessons
used during the Awana Club Council
In Any Culture

Slide 2
A common method of sharing
the gospel is to start with:
“Where are you going when you die?”
“Jesus loves you. Repent of your sin, and
you can go to heaven.”
“You can know for sure where you are
going when you die if you admit you are a
sinner and believe that Jesus died on the
cross for your sins.”

Slide 3 Sin is often a hard thing for children (or

Why can this method be a problem adults) to understand as we try to
with some people? explain it by asking them if they have
Some people are sure they know where a ever: lied, stole something, disobeyed
person goes after death: maybe a spirit-being
floating around the earth or coming back as
parents, fought with brother or sister,
something/someone else. cheated in school, etc. Some children
Sin? (What’s that?) or adults don’t think they have ever
Jesus? Who is He? (A good person, prophet,
teacher?) done anything wrong, so if they are
Jesus died? (So what? Maybe someone put a perfect, how can you convince them
curse on Him.)
that they are sinners in need of a savior?
Actually, we are talking to them about
what sinners do, not what makes them a
sinner. What makes them a sinner is the
sin they inherited from Adam and there
is nothing they can do of themselves to
be freed from it. They can only be
saved from Satan’s control and even
further consequences of sin – that is life
in the lake of fire and separated from
God, forever — if a perfect human were
to save them through their
substitutionary death.

Slide 4
The Problem Around the World
Ignorance – Little or no Bible knowledge
Confusion – Bits and pieces of biblical
knowledge from many sources.
Syncretism – Two or more religious beliefs
mixed, possibly with culture.
- Parents may have different beliefs.
Spiritism or animism is part of their belief
False religions – cults.

Slide 5
Under these circumstances, we can’t
start with the cross and expect the
children to have a clear understanding
of the gospel.

We must first lay a biblical

foundation for their need of what
was done for them on the cross.
Slide 6
How Do We Make the Gospel Clear?
Because of the culture, animistic beliefs, and
mixed, false, biblical teaching of the people in
various countries, we must start:
From the beginning with the One true God
– as revealed in His Word.
From Creation to Christ – to help the
children have a true and clear
understanding of God’s plan of salvation
for all mankind.

Slide 7
A summary of

“Creation to Christ”

as taught in the

TruthSeekers lessons:

Slide 8 One God, not many Gods as some

cultures believe. 6 clicks

“I am the LORD, and there is none

else, there is no God beside me …”

Isaiah 45:5 and Deuteronomy 4: 35, 39

“This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus
Christ, whom You have sent.” John 17:3
Slide 9 We stress that God gave His Word
The Bible is God’s Word through the Israelites to be passed on to
the rest of the world. If a book comes
The Bible is God’s personal message to the through any other source, it is not God’s
whole world.
inspired Word. There are others out
Every word of the Bible is true. there who claim to have written God’s
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God …”
2 Timothy 3:16

Slide 10
The Bible Tells us about God.
That He

Slide 11 Many people have their own ideas of

The Bible Also: how our beginnings came about.
Gives a record of all beginnings. Since
God had no beginning, only He could
tell us exactly what happened.
Tells us what God thinks of us.
Tells us what God sees as our greatest
Tells us how our greatest need was met.
Slide 12
In the Beginning…

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the

earth." Genesis 1:1
“All things were made by him; and without him was
not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3
“Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and
the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that
is in the heaven and in the earth is thine . . .and thou
art exalted as head above all.” 1 Chronicles 29:11

Slide 13
“And God said…
Let us make man in our image, after
our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth.” (Genesis 1:26 )

Slide 14 14
God was pleased.
God had created a land to be occupied by the
people He had created.
All of God’s creation was perfect. Genesis 1:27-
There was no pain, disease, or death.
The first man and woman God created, Adam
and Eve, lived in a place called the garden of
Eden and had everything they needed.
God was their friend; He walked and talked
with them; He loved them, and they were very
happy. It was a perfect, wonderful place to live.
Slide 15
Today we have pain, disease,
and death.

The world is no longer that

perfect place to live.

What happened?
Let’s look back and see.

Slide 16
God’s Creation Disobeys

to think or act against the
one in authority

Slide 17
In the beginning…
God created all the spirits, called angels, to
love and serve Him.
The greatest angel was called Lucifer. He
was given authority and power over the
other angels.
Lucifer became proud of his position and
rebelled against God’s authority over him.
He wanted to take over God’s position as
the ruler of all things. (Isaiah 14:13-14)
Slide 18
God is the only true God!
Many of God’s angels followed Lucifer – also
called the Devil or Satan – rebelling (sinning)
against God.

No one can take God’s place!

God will not allow those with sin to live with


Satan and his followers, called demons, could

no longer live in heaven.

Slide 19
God Hates Sin!
God prepared a terrible place, the lake of
fire, for Satan and his demons.
One day in the future, God is going to
send Lucifer and all his demons to the lake
of fire to be punished forever (Matthew
25:41; Revelation 20:10)
God will not tolerate disobedience to Him;
God always demands punishment for
rebellion against Him.

Slide 20
Satan and his angels
hate God
From the time God removed Satan
and his demons from heaven until
today, they have been roaming the
earth fighting against God and
everything He loves and does.
Slide 21
Satan and his angels weren’t
the only ones who disobeyed

God’s Word explains…

Slide 22
The two trees

The tree of
The the
tree of knowledge
Life of
good and evil

God told Adam that of all the trees He planted for Adam for
food, there was only one tree that was a “no, no” for Adam and
Eve to eat from, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
(Genesis 2:16-17).

Slide 23
God made Adam and Eve.

They belong to God.

God told Adam what to do because

He is loving – He knows what is
best for His creation.
Slide 24
Obedience or Disobedience
If he and Eve obeyed God and ate only
what God said was good, they could eat of
the tree of life and live forever.

If Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they

would no longer be friends with God, their
bodies would start dying, and they would
spend eternity in the lake of fire.

Slide 25 Genesis 3:1-6

Satan knew if Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they

would be in trouble.
So Satan saw his opportunity to destroy those God
loved. He disguised himself as a snake and lied to
He told Eve that if she ate from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, she would not die, but
that she would be wise like God.
Eve believed Satan and ate from the forbidden
tree. Adam also ate from the tree.

Slide 26 Isaiah 59:2

Because God is holy and righteous,
He cannot continue in friendship
with those who sin – disobey His
Adam and Eve were no longer
perfect, so immediately their
friendship with God was dead and
their bodies began to die.
Slide 27 Genesis 3:22-24; Romans 6:23
Adam and Eve
were sent from the

Their world was no longer perfect. They

struggled against sickness, pain, hard work,
difficult weather conditions, insect pests,
weeds, sorrow, and death.

Slide 28
Even though people have different colors of skin,
we all originally came from the same parents,
Adam and Eve. All people in every country die
because we are descendants of Adam (Romans

Even though God gives us life, we, and all other

human beings, were born sinners, cut off from
God and under Satan’s rule. We were born unable
to know, love, and obey God.

Slide 29

A deliverer is someone who rescues us

or saves us -
a deliverer sets us free.
Slide 30

Slide 31
Until the Deliverer Came . . .
There was no way Adam and Eve or their
descendants could come to God.

Adam and Eve could not give anything to

God or do anything for God to pay for their
sins and make Him accept them.

They were sinners, and God hates sin.

The punishment for sin is death.

Slide 32
God loved mankind so He
planned a way for them to
come to Him and to escape
eternal life in the lake of fire.

People must, until the Savior

delivers them, follow God’s
instructions for finding
forgiveness of sin and a new
relationship with God.
Slide 33

When people came to God, they had to

bring a perfectly, healthy sheep, goat, or bull
as an offering to God. They must kill it in
such a way that the blood will flow out. The
Bible says that blood must be shed for sin
(Hebrews 9:22b).

The blood of the animals could

not pay their sin-debt. Sin must
be paid by perfect, human life
being given.

Slide 34
If their sin-debt wouldn’t be paid,
why kill an animal?
Because God wanted them to remember that the punishment
for sin is death.
God wanted them to remember that they could die and go to
everlasting punishment in the lake of fire (Hell) unless He
saved them.
If they agreed with God that they were sinners and that only
He could save them from everlasting punishment and brought
an animal and killed it, as God had told them to do, then He
would accept them and temporarily forgive their sins.
The animal was a sacrifice — one who died in the place of the
sinner. The blood sacrifice for sin was part of God’s gracious
plan to deliver man from the control of sin and Satan and
from everlasting punishment in the lake of fire.

Slide 35
Slide 36

Who among Adam’s descendants could

qualify as a perfect sacrifice for all mankind’s
No one! All people are born with sin.

Where could God find a perfect, human

sacrifice for our sins?

Where would God ever find someone to be

our Deliverer?

Slide 37

When we first talked about

These three
God, we learned about the are:

We learned that, although

there is only one God, God
is three persons who are
equal in every way.

Slide 38 What does that have to do

with God’s Promise?
After many years of sacrificing to God and waiting
for the Deliverer, the people were finally going to see
the Deliverer God had promised to Adam and Eve.

“And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And,
behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name
JESUS.” Luke 1:30-31

“Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel
answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the
Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee
shall be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:34-35
Slide 39

Slide 40

Slide 41

Jesus began to teach the people and command

To agree with God that they were sinners,
who could not help themselves.

To believe the gospel (“good news”) that He

had come to tell them (Mark 1:14-15).
Slide 42

By believing God and trusting in

the Savior, we can escape Satan’s
control and come into friendship
with God.

Slide 43

The people He came to live with were

That sin had to be paid for if people were to
receive God’s forgiveness and freedom from
Satan’s control and from eternity in Hell.
What was going to happen to Him; He had
been fulfilling prophecies which were
written about Him hundreds of years before.

Slide 44

That in order to be our Savior,

He would have to go through
more terrible suffering than
anyone has ever been through.

The payment for that sin was death —

without the shedding of blood is no
forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:22b).
Slide 45

Jesus is God, and He came to earth to be

the Savior of sinners.
He was doing all this because of God’s
love for us; it is God’s will.
Jesus came to be our Deliverer, and He
was willing to suffer the punishment that
we deserved for our sins.

Slide 46

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the
Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29

God raised Jesus from the dead. God would not have raised Jesus if God had not been fully
satisfied with the payment which Jesus made (Romans 4:24-25).

There was no longer any need to offer the blood of animals (Hebrews 10:10). Jesus was
God’s Lamb, sacrificed for the sins of everyone in the whole world. The work Jesus did for
us by dying on the cross is the only work that God will ever accept as payment for our sins
(John 14:6).

Slide 47
Slide 48

Agree with God that we are sinners.

Agree with what God has written in His Word –
that Jesus gave His blood as the full payment for
our sins and rose again from the dead to give us
eternal life with Him (John 3:16).
Trust only in Jesus and His payment for our sins,
then God forgives, forever, all of our sin and
brings us into friendship with Himself
(John 5:24, 7:3).

Slide 49

We are forever accepted into God’s family — we are

children of God, no longer under Satan’s control.

God gives us the gift of everlasting life — a future

home forever with Him in heaven, rather than
everlasting life in hell (John 10:28-29).

And much more found in His Word, the Bible.

Slide 50

After Jesus
commanded His Some day, Jesus, as
disciples to take this Almighty Judge, will
Good News to every send all those who
person, He left do not trust in Him
them and returned and His payment for
to His Father in their sin, along with
heaven (Acts 1:9). Satan and all
his angels, into the
everlasting fire
( Acts 17:30-31).
Slide 51

Once a child clearly understands the

gospel message, then he or she must
accept it or reject it.

It is our job to make it clear, and

the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Slide 52

The reward of seeing a child come

to the realization of his or her need
and God’s provision, and accept
that provision, is worth all the work
we put into clearly explaining it!!

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