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A dynamical systems approach to the control of chaotic dynamics in a

spatiotemporal jet flow

Article  in  Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) · September 2013

DOI: 10.1063/1.4820819 · Source: PubMed


6 246

3 authors:

Satish Narayanan Gemunu Gunaratne

Raytheon Company University of Houston


Fazle Hussain
Texas Tech University


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A dynamical systems approach to the control of chaotic dynamics in a spatiotemporal
jet flow
Satish Narayanan, Gemunu H. Gunaratne, and Fazle Hussain

Citation: Chaos 23, 033133 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4820819

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CHAOS 23, 033133 (2013)

A dynamical systems approach to the control of chaotic dynamics

in a spatiotemporal jet flow
Satish Narayanan,1,a) Gemunu H. Gunaratne,2 and Fazle Hussain3
Systems & Controls Engineering, United Technologies Corporation, East Hartford, Connecticut 06108, USA
Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, USA

(Received 3 April 2013; accepted 26 August 2013; published online 9 September 2013)
We present a strategy for control of chaos in open flows and provide its experimental validation in
the near field of a transitional jet flow system. The low-dimensional chaotic dynamics studied here
results from vortex ring formation and their pairings over a spatially extended region of the flow
that was excited by low level periodic forcing of the primary instability. The control method
utilizes unstable periodic orbits (UPO) embedded within the chaotic attractor. Since hydrodynamic
instabilities in the open flow system are convective, both monitoring and control can be
implemented at a few locations, resulting in a simple and effective control algorithm. Experiments
were performed in an incompressible, initially laminar, 4 cm diameter circular air jet, at a Reynolds
number of 23 000, housed in a low-noise, large anechoic chamber. Distinct trajectory bundles
surrounding the dominant UPOs were found from experimentally derived, time-delayed embedding
of the chaotic attractor. Velocity traces from a pair of probes placed at the jet flow exit and farther
downstream were used to empirically model the UPOs and compute control perturbations to
be applied at the jet nozzle lip. Open loop control was used to sustain several nearly periodic states.
C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. []

Excitation of fluids to enhance flow-mixing rates1–3 often nonlinear science, and the chaos control methodology has
generates instabilities resulting in chaotic or turbulent been successfully implemented in systems as diverse as chem-
flows.4 Nonlinearities play a significant role in such highly ical reactions, electronic communications, and lasers; see Ref.
driven systems1,2 and traditional control algorithms 12 for a comprehensive review. For example, chaos control
designed for linear systems5 are not always effective. In was used to show how the input power for a multimode laser
recent years, a solution was proposed based on the obser- could be increased to levels for significantly higher steady
vation that unstable periodic orbits (UPOs) are contained power output.13 Progress has been made extending chaos con-
in (the closure of) chaotic orbits.6,7 Since these periodic
trol methods to spatiotemporal and stochastic dynamical sys-
orbits are embedded in the chaotic flow, the control
tems.12,14 Petrov et al.15 studied the stabilization of periodic
required to force the system towards a periodic cycle is
small.8 The approach has been validated previously in states in a premixed flame, a spatially extended system. An
temporal dynamical systems ranging from model sys- algorithm based on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation was
tems8 to cardiac rhythms.9 In this paper, we experimen- proposed to stabilize and track a steady two-cell front in a pa-
tally validate the methodology for a periodically driven rameter range where the uncontrolled system undergoes a
open fluid flow. Periodic orbits embedded in a low- bifurcation sequence that terminates in chaotic dynamics.
dimensional chaotic attractor found in a jet flow are com- Algorithms based on linear control theory have been
puted, and the chaotic flow is controlled and stabilized to widely used to control hydrodynamic flows.16,17 However,
periodic cycles. their applications to turbulent flows have met with limited
success, perhaps due to the failure to account for the inherent
multi-scale organized motion. The presence of low-
dimensional chaotic dynamics in open flows including cylin-
der wakes,18 plane mixing layers,19 and axisymmetric jets20
Methods to perturb chaotic motion to periodic dynamics suggest that hydrodynamic phenomena relevant to jet
using “small” parameter changes yield a rich variety of states exhaust noise, aerodynamic drag, mixing and chemical reac-
that are highly relevant for practical applications.10,11 For tion in combusting flows, and flow-induced structural vibra-
example, they can be used to reduce aerodynamic drag by tions, are amenable to chaos control.
manipulating turbulence structure near walls and enhance the Prior control algorithms were applied to dynamical sys-
efficiency of combustion in aero-engines by preventing flames tems governed by a few coupled ordinary differential equa-
from being extinguished. Control of complex irregular dy- tions, one-/two-dimensional maps, or closed flows.8,21
namics has evolved to be an important application of Control of spatiotemporal chaos was attempted in homoge-
neous systems.22,23 However, most practically relevant flows
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: are inhomogeneous, e.g., spatially developing; even findings of low-dimensional dynamics, let alone nonlinear control in

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033133-2 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

such flows have been scarce. Keefe’s24 demonstration of controlled flow to quantify the effectiveness of the approach
control with the strategy suggested in Ref. 8 using simula- are addressed elsewhere.34
tions of the spatially homogeneous Ginzburg-Landau equa- The paper is organized as follows: Sec. II describes the
tion necessitates velocity field information at several chaotic attractor obtained for the jet flow and the underlying
locations. Techniques have also been evaluated to control UPOs. In Sec. III, the chaos control approach and implemen-
chaotic dynamics in direct numerical simulations of two- tation method is described. Experimental results from chaos
dimensional turbulence governed by the incompressible control in the jet flow system are then discussed. Concluding
Navier–Stokes equations.25 Global and local feedback strat- remarks are presented in Sec. IV. Appendix describes the
egies were used to monitor the targeted periodic states and to adaptive filtering technique used in Sec. III to determine con-
provide control input to track the desired state, demonstrat- trol perturbations.
ing control of periodic states in the model system. However,
as for Ref. 24, control required a network of spatially distrib- II. ANALYSIS OF CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN THE
uted sensing and actuation, making it difficult to realize in CIRCULAR JET
practice. Despite significant advances, an experimental dem-
Using a coherence-based spatial coupling measure, it
onstration of chaos control in an open flow is still lacking.
was shown that the dynamics of the forced jet are coupled
Two approaches to control are prevalent: feedback-based
for a region extending from the jet nozzle exit to more than 4
and open-loop. The merit of feedback-based methods (e.g., see
jet diameters downstream.35 Spatial coupling implies the
Refs. 26 and 27) lies in their use of simple models and their
predictability of dynamics at one location from observables
applicability to non-stationary systems. Since real-time sensing
at another. Consequently, temporal attractors, reconstructed
of a local variable is used to modify the control perturbations,
from single-point measurements, suffice to describe the
sensing must be paired with nearly instantaneous actuation. In
low-dimensional dynamics. The physical mechanism for
contrast, open-loop control techniques do not require elaborate
coupling in the jet flow is verified to be feedback from large-
(and cumbersome) sensing/actuation and real-time processing,
scale vortex motion comprising vortex pairings, caused by
but need accurate models, may not achieve the desired dynam-
upstream propagating pressure perturbations;20 such internal
ics when the system contains multiple solutions, and are inef-
feedback can be detected in induced velocity signals at the
fective for non-stationary systems.28,29
nozzle exit. Evidence of such coupling is an important factor
A jet flow was selected for proof-of-concept since it
in the analyses presented below.
embodies key features associated with spatiotemporal dynam-
ical systems: the flow is spatially inhomogeneous, dispersive,
A. The chaotic attractors
and has linear and nonlinear instabilities. Furthermore, it has
been shown that low levels of periodic forcing at a frequency Single-frequency bulk excitation of a 4 cm diameter axi-
corresponding to the primary jet instability can result in low- symmetric jet (housed in a low-noise anechoic chamber)
dimensional chaotic dynamics. The choice of the jet flow is reveals at least two periodic and two chaotic attractors in the
also motivated by its technological relevance, and the avail- parameter space of fundamental forcing amplitude af ( u0f/
ability of many prior studies on the instabilities and dynamics Ue) and forcing frequency StD ( f D/Ue),20 where u0f is the
of this shear flow.30,31 exit-centerline rms velocity fluctuation at the excitation fre-
Periodic forcing has been used extensively to control quency f, Ue is the exit velocity, and D is the jet diameter.
large-scale vortex dynamics in jet flows.30–32 These methods Two tungsten-rhodium hot-wires of 4 lm diameter were
use pre-determined single/multiple frequency excitation to used (with 25 mm and 5 mm long prongs) at a 1.4 overheat
induce a periodic response in the flow. In contrast, using dy- ratio for the longitudinal flow velocity component measure-
namical invariants of the low-dimensional (chaotic) flow, ments. To maintain precise amplitude ratios of various fre-
namely the periodic orbits and their eigenvalues, the chaos quency components in the control signal at the nozzle exit,
control approach provides forcing to achieve periodic flow an additional excitation facility was installed.34 A 1500 acous-
states. Since the periodic orbit is embedded in the chaotic tic speaker is enclosed in a box packed with fiberglass wool
attractor, the forcing required is guaranteed to be smaller than and connected through 12 tygon tubes of equal length (ffi 30 )
that needed for traditional brute-force approaches used to to twelve 0.7500 diameter holes in a casing surrounding the
force the system to a pre-specified solution. Furthermore, to nozzle, terminating in a 0.6 mm wide uniform slit around the
obtain a specified flow response, conventional forcing meth- nozzle lip. Measurements of the transfer function of the exci-
ods probe the parameter space of several excitation frequen- tation facility were used to confirm its uniformity over the
cies, their amplitudes and relative phase differences among frequencies of interest, i.e., less than 10 dB variation and no
them.31,33 The excitation needed to generate a periodic discrete peaks over the entire frequency range of interest
response is determined experimentally for each desired flow [10–500 Hz]. A comprehensive description of the facility
state. The chaos control approach presented here is objective and data acquisition procedures employed is provided in
and systematic in the development of the controller. Once the Refs. 20 and 34.
low-dimensional chaotic attractor of interest is determined, Figure 1 schematically displays the spatiotemporal jet
unstable periodic orbits, desired periodic states to be con- dynamics: vortex ring formation and multiple pairings,
trolled, and the perturbations for their control can be obtained which feedback perturbations to the nozzle lip to trigger and
without any further testing. Detailed flow-field measurements sustain subsequent structure formation. Such vortex dynam-
of the mean velocity and turbulence characteristics of the ics are of considerable technological interest, e.g., mixing

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033133-3 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

FIG. 1. Schematic of the near field jet

flow illustrating the axisymmetric vor-
tex dynamics, internal feedback (re-
sponsible for spatial coupling), and the
placement of the velocity probe.

and noise generation.32,36 The transition region extends from sub-harmonic modulations and the broadband f/4 indicate vor-
the jet nozzle exit plane (the point-of-receptivity for instabil- tex pairings whose locations shift in x due to aperiodic dy-
ities) to 4–6D, where the flow develops significant three- namics. Such associations between centerline velocity signals/
dimensionality, leading to the generation of fine-scale spectra and the vortex dynamics are supported by flow visual-
random vorticity and turbulence. ization and measurements of the spatial vorticity distribu-
Due to the lack of evidence of low-dimensional dynam- tion.30 For this chaotic attractor, vortex formation is
ics in the unforced jet, small levels of periodic forcing at a completed by x/D ffi 0.5, the first vortex pairing is typically
single frequency were needed to reveal low-dimensional completed by x/D ffi 2, and the second pairing is completed
chaotic dynamics.20 In addition to periodic vortex formation by x/D ffi 4; these events were verified by smoke-visualization
(sustained by the low level forcing), the chaotic attractor is to be nominally axisymmetric.34 Henceforth, discussion of
found to involve up to two self-sustained quasi-periodic/cha- “downstream dynamics” will be based on data acquired on the
otic vortex pairings.20 A chaotic attractor termed quarter- centerline at x/D ffi 2, where the effects of vortex formation
harmonic chaotic attractor (QCA) was selected for this study, and both pairings are comparable.
since it has low-dimensional dynamics of both the first and It is well known that chaotic attractors contain UPOs.29
the second pairings. A chaotic orbit that reaches sufficiently close to a periodic
orbit can follow it closely for a time larger than the period of
1. QCA the cycle, and thus make a close return to the original. A cha-
This chaotic attractor is found for 0.008  af  0.02 and otic orbit can reach close to and follow many UPOs embed-
1.1  StD  1.3 with an embedding dimension of 4 revealing a ded in the strange attractor. The eigenvalues of these UPOs
correlation dimension in the range 2.5    3 and a positive can be used to estimate the dynamical invariants (such as
Lyapunov exponent.20 The longitudinal velocity time trace fractal dimension, topological entropy, and Lyapunov expo-
u(t) and its power spectrum Guu(f) in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) are nent) of the chaotic motion.37 The orbits can also be used for
from a sensor located at x/D ffi 2 (on the jet flow-field center- control.8 For fixed StD, as af is increased from very low back-
line) for af ffi 1% and StD ffi 1.2; here, the Reynolds number ground levels, the chaotic attractor appears first followed by
ReD ffi 23 000; such chaotic attractors were also found for a periodic attractor at higher values of af (5–10 times large
higher ReD (76 000). (Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter units forcing amplitude than for the chaotic attractor). Figure 3
are used for u(t).) The frequency peaks at the fundamental f, displays a 2D Poincarè section for QCA in a plane intersect-
the sidebands around the sub-harmonic, and the quarter- ing the time-delayed reconstruction of the velocity signal
harmonic f/4 are footprints of vortex formation, modulated data from the flow with scattered crossings that are typical of
first pairing, and chaotic second pairing. The nearly periodic chaotic orbits crossings.

FIG. 2. (a) Measured velocity-time

trace for QCA at x/D ¼ 2; (b) Velocity
power spectrum for QCA shows the
dynamically significant fundamental,
sub-harmonic sidebands and broadband
quarter-harmonic frequency components.

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033133-4 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

FIG. 3. Positive (A) and negative (B) direction crossings of the chaotic orbit FIG. 4. Histogram displays the dominant UPOs in QCA. The inset shows
with a Poincarè section. the number of UPOs found by varying e1, for period-4, period-11, period-13,
and period-15 orbits.

B. The UPOs embedding dimension sensitivity studies), resulting in the

1. UPO identification choice of a 3D Poincarè section. e1 ffi 5% was chosen since
the number of UPOs of a given period levels off for e1  8%
The procedure to detect UPOs by analyzing returning tra- (see inset in Fig. 4). This choice provides a sufficiently large
jectories in phase space is similar to that developed in Ref. 38; sample of periodic orbits without introducing potentially spu-
subsequent developments have used return plots and unstable rious effects of averaging across multiple trajectories. The
periodic orbits to characterize chaotic dynamics.39 The delay selection of the return neighborhood size (e1) was also verified
co-ordinates are used to construct an m-dimensional represen- by analysis of the Jacobian associated with the unstable fixed
tation of the velocity; u(t) is defined as an m-dimensional vec- point in the Poincare section (see UPO stability analysis pro-
tor with components u(t), u(t þ s), u(t þ 2s),… u(t þ (m  1)s). vided later) to ensure a single positive Lyapunov exponent.
The time delay s corresponds to that for the first minimum of For a selected period, Poincarè section crossings are
the mutual information.40 A false-nearest-neighbor algorithm41 found to cluster;34 i.e., successive orbit returns are confined
is used to estimate the attractor’s minimum embedding dimen- to a few neighborhoods in the Poincarè section. For most of
sion m. We consider the m-dimensional orbits and study their the UPOs studied here, two to three clusters were found, sug-
crossings with a suitable Poincarè section: specifically, we con- gesting orbits of a certain period and within one of these
sider the intersection when the orbits pass from a specified side clusters that were similar to each other.34 The time traces
of the Poincarè section to the other. Iterates of a UPO will corresponding to the close returns of a certain period reveal
return to the initial point on the Poincarè section. We assume striking similarity (discussed further in Sec. II B 1).
that close returns of the orbit on the Poincarè section indicate
the presence of a UPO. Thus, we search for the smallest recur-
2. UPO stability
rence time T such that jj u(t þ T)  u(t) jj < e1.
The uneven scatter in the 2D projection of the Poincarè Since a positive Lyapunov exponent is a necessary con-
section from the chaotic attractor (Fig. 3) is expected due to dition for chaos, periodic orbits within the chaotic attractor
the low-dimensional dynamics; the time series is 300 000 will be unstable. The local stability of a UPO in phase space
data points and, for well-resolved Poincarè sections, is can be determined from successive linear mappings along
sampled at 20 times the fundamental frequency. The u(t þ 2s) the orbit until it returns to its initial neighborhood, or more
¼ u(t) þ u(t þ s) plane (i.e., passing through the u(t þ 2s) axis easily by a linear approximation near the corresponding
and intersecting the [u(t), u(t þ s)] plane at 45 ) is used to unstable fixed point in a Poincarè map.37,42,43 In terms of
obtain the 3D Poincarè section. The histogram of UPOs in the Jacobian A (an (m  1)  (m  1) matrix), we have
Fig. 4 is determined from the Poincarè section with e1 ffi 5%, [xiþn  x*] ffi A [xi  x*], where xi denotes a crossing at the
a fraction of the range of the Poincarè section coordinates; (m  1) dimensional Poincarè map and x* is a period-n fixed
the UPOs shown in Fig. 4 comprise 53% of all the observed point. When more than one cluster in the Poincarè map exists
crossings of the Poincarè section. The recurrence times are with the same return period, A is computed for the centroid
normalized by the fundamental period, the smallest signifi- x* of each cluster. We compute the eigenvalues kj of A,
cant time scale in the transition region. A detailed exploration which is estimated using a least-mean-square-error algo-
of the size of the return neighborhoods e1 across different rithm;44 at least 10 realizations around each fixed point were
embedding dimensions for the chaotic attractor was per- used. All the fixed points in the 3D QCA Poincarè map are
formed. The embedding dimension of m ¼ 4 was found to be found to be of the saddle type, i.e., one unstable (jk1j > 1), as
the lowest dimension in which unambiguous evidence of expected for chaotic dynamics, and two stable (jk2j, jk3j < 1)
low-dimensional chaos was obtained (also see Ref. 20 for eigenvalues.

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033133-5 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

3. Physical significance of UPO vortex ring cores during pairing (see inset in Fig. 5(a)). After
9 periods, the unstable nature of the chaotic orbit causes the
The transitional jet dynamics can be interpreted in terms divergence of this period-9 trajectory into the neighborhoods
of the UPO obtained from centerline velocity signals, assum- of other UPOs (with the same or different periods); i.e., the
ing nominally axisymmetric vortex dynamics. The spatial flow undergoes a different sequence of vortex ring interac-
sequence of the vortex dynamics can be inferred from the ve- tions. Period-9 orbits belonging to the other clusters resem-
locity trace along the time axis in the reverse direction, in ble that in Fig. 5(a). The signal corresponding to a period-11
the spirit of Taylor’s hypothesis. This correspondence is orbit in Fig. 5(b) reflects a sequence of five first pairings fol-
qualitative since the relative orientation, spacing, and lowed by a single unpaired vortex. The period-11 signals in
strengths of vortices could change during the structure pas- Fig. 5(c) (from a second Poincarè section cluster) also reflect
sage over a stationary sensor. a similar sequence of dynamics, but the relatively stronger
The period-9 orbit realization in Fig. 5(a) displays domi- quarter-harmonic component implies advanced stages of sec-
nant subharmonic and quarter-harmonic components in the ond pairing (similar to the inset of Fig. 5(a)). Snapshots of
induced velocity from advecting once-paired vortices and period-15 UPOs (Fig. 5(d)) indicate seven first pairings, six
vortices undergoing a second pairing. This orbit corresponds of which undergo second pairings, and an unpaired vortex.
to a sequence of four once-paired vortices, undergoing two The significance of the multiple realizations and the symbols
second pairings, and an unpaired vortex (numbered 4 in Fig. shown in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d) are discussed in Sec. II C.
5(a) inset). The second pairing process is evident from the In summary, the chaotic dynamics sweep through sev-
alternating peak-to-peak amplitudes of adjacent sub- eral unstable, nearly periodic states. Note that these can be
harmonic period segments in the centerline signal; the ampli- realized as stable periodic attractors but require much higher
tude variation arises from the different radial locations of the af (5–10 times larger than required to establish chaotic

FIG. 5. (a) Period-9 UPO; the inset illustrates advecting paired vortices and the process of second vortex pairings (responsible for the quarter-harmonic
component in the signal); (b) A period-11 UPO after crossing a Poincare section cluster shows a dominant sub-harmonic period; (c) The solid lines are all the
period-11 close returns from a different cluster, indicating resemblance of trajectories within a bundle; (d) The solid and dashed lines are three realizations of
period-15 UPOs from a Poincare section cluster; the result of averaging UPOs crossing cluster II is denoted by the symbols. The UPO time periods have been
normalized by the fundamental period.

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033133-6 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

These results suggest that orbits neighboring a UPO

evolve in a nearly identical way. The clustering of UPO
crossings signifies preferential occurrence of certain sequen-
ces of vortex formation and interactions; thus, low forcing
levels will suffice to maintain these UPOs for control (see
Sec. III B). Since UPOs of smaller periods are typically the
dominant ones (see Fig. 4), these represent the dominant
flow dynamics. The spirit of averaging UPOs described here
resembles ensemble averaging of multi-point vorticity sig-
nals to describe organized vortical motion,30 but differs in
that the procedure employed here does not require explicit
phase-alignment and thresholding of the signals (both sub-
jective features of the conventional flow eduction proce-
dure). Such averaging of trajectories near UPOs—phase-
space eduction—can be used to describe the evolution of
dynamically significant flow structures (as in Sec. II B). In
FIG. 6. Distribution of UPOs detected in the upstream signal is similar to particular, using a weighted average of these UPOs (e.g.,
that in Fig. 4. based on the number of close returns found or the magnitude
of the most unstable eigenvalue), one can construct a
dynamic model.
dynamics) and different StD.12 Control seeks to stabilize
these unstable states for lower, fixed af and StD.
C. The averaged UPO representation
Convective instabilities in open flows are generally
A key feature of the UPOs is that the close returns are undesirable due to their noise-sensitivity. However, such
found to be nearly identical, with only slight variations in instabilities can be advantageous for control. By providing
amplitude and/or phase [see Figs. 5(c) and 5(d)]. The orbits localized perturbations at the point-of-receptivity with suffi-
crossing the clusters remain in “bundles” and evolve in a cient amplitude to dominate over ambient disturbances, one
nearly identical manner in phase space. At most three dis- can effect significant changes in the downstream dynamics;
tinct clusters in the Poincarè section are found surrounding conventional flow control methods exploit this feature.32
all UPO crossings with periods lower than 15. Studies Having chosen the UPO to be stabilized, we achieve
have shown that low period UPOs yield the coarsest fea- control by perturbing the flow at the flow origin to maintain
tures of chaotic attractors and successively higher period the attractor dynamics observed downstream near the
UPOs that tend to be scattered reveal finer details.37 Thus, selected UPO. Since a chaotic trajectory visits many UPOs,
UPOs with low periods visit only few neighborhoods of given sufficient time, the attractor dynamics can be expected
the attractor. to approach the low order UPOs (which typically have
After distinct clusters in a single Poincarè section are smaller eigenvalues than orbits of larger period); such
identified, UPOs are recorded for the time interval between “dominant” UPOs are visited frequently. Since evolution of
their origin from a cluster and their return. Figure 5(c) dis- orbits close to a specific UPO are similar (see Sec. II C), in
plays all period-11 UPOs crossing a cluster in the Poincarè the absence of “noise” (i.e., background disturbances within
section, revealing striking similarities. The differences the instability bandwidth), the desired dynamics will be self-
between the UPOs are most pronounced just after 6 funda- sustained for at least one orbital period. Low-level control
mental time periods, when a relatively distinct isolated fun- perturbations are then needed to prevent the dynamics from
damental period is seen. The physical configuration wandering away due to the unstable nature of the orbit. For a
comprising an unpaired vortex between two stronger, once- convectively unstable flow, continuous control is needed to
paired vortices is extremely sensitive to ambient perturba- overpower ambient perturbations, since the growth and
tions. This may explain why it is impossible to repeat the advection of disturbances leaves the flow origin susceptible
same sequence of vortex dynamics in every sequence. In to new perturbations, i.e., “noise.” As noted earlier, pairing
phase space, the underlying UPOs display slight differences. feedback induces spatial coupling in this open flow; i.e.,
Use of smaller e1 reduces the differences but does not elimi- feedback perturbations generally dominate over broadband
nate them. Only three period-15 orbits a Poincarè section ambient disturbances. It is expected that, for a chaotic state,
cluster are shown in Fig. 5(d) to better display their average. although perturbations from UPOs are fed back to the origin
Similar results are obtained for other UPOs. Orbits crossing (primarily from vortex pairings downstream), they are not
distinct clusters are averaged, removing slight variations in strong enough to sustain phase-locking, i.e., periodic behav-
amplitude/phase, to reveal the underlying UPO. Figure 5(d) ior. The control provides additional energy at the appropriate
also displays the averaged period-15 UPO for QCA (indi- frequencies to enable locking to a specified flow state, i.e.,
cated by symbols), which is virtually identical to other stabilize the selected UPO. Appropriate upstream perturba-
orbits from the cluster. Such will obviously be the case in tions at the receptivity point are needed for control, and
Fig. 5(c) too. approaches to determine this are described next.

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033133-7 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

A. The upstream control perturbations 2. Adaptive filtering

One approach to obtain a unique relationship between This technique is used in signal-processing for modeling
the upstream and downstream signals is a “nonlinear transfer control systems, and filter design.46 It was used here for
function,”45 which involves computationally intensive, error- “inverse system modeling:” using a set of weights, the rela-
prone procedures (even for quadratic nonlinearity). Spatial tionship between a pair of simultaneously sampled signals
coupling in the flow guarantees that an upstream velocity [x(t), y(t)] is approximated. Figure 7 shows this schemati-
signal contains footprints of all the UPOs. Thus, analyses of cally. The least-mean-square algorithm to determine the fil-
close-returns in the upstream signal, sampled simultaneously ter weights is described in Appendix. Using the estimated
with the downstream signal, should reveal (unstable) peri- adaptive filter and the averaged downstream UPO to be
odic orbits as well. For two-point measurements, a long- controlled xUPO(t), the corresponding upstream perturbation
prong hot-wire probe is positioned at an angle at the nozzle xorigin(t) is evaluated. Signals sampled for QCA (of at least
exit (near r/D ffi 0.25), minimizing probe interference effects, 300 000 data points) are used to evaluate the filter weights,
and a second probe is stationed, aligned with the flow, on the taking simultaneously sampled data at the nozzle exit plane
centerline at x/D ¼ 2. and at x/D ¼ 2. The stepping size l (¼ 106) and the number
of weights Nw (¼ 10 000) are chosen to yield early error con-
1. Upstream signal analysis vergence (within 5000 fundamental periods); these parame-
ters are discussed in Appendix. The error e(t) remains
The distribution of UPO signatures at the nozzle exit
converged even after further samples of x(t) and y(t) are pro-
plane (using e1 ¼ 5%) in Fig. 6 resembles Fig. 4 (for the
vided. The upstream perturbation evaluated is then averaged
downstream signal). The difference in the number of UPOs
over the time period of the UPO selected for control (ignor-
detected and the absence of some UPOs in Fig. 6 (com-
ing initial transients during convergence). This removes
pared to Fig. 4, at x/D ¼ 2) is due to the inability of
effects of slight variations in the filter weights, which con-
upstream measurements to resolve the corresponding close
tinue even after e(t) appears to converge. The averaged
returns; the additional frequency components (associated
upstream perturbation in Fig. 8 is determined by applying
with these UPOs) are much weaker (at x/D ¼ 0) in compari-
adaptive filtering on an averaged downstream period-11
son to the dominant fundamental frequency component (see
UPO. The small variations in the peak-to-peak amplitudes of
also Fig. 8). Clusters as well as trajectory bundles like those
the signal are footprints of the dynamics observed down-
analyzed in Sec. II B are found for this upstream signal as
stream; the fundamental frequency (the dominant periodic
component) is evident. Since bulk-excitation (by single-
To identify the upstream signal corresponding to a
frequency forcing) is already provided to establish QCA, the
UPO obtained downstream, signals were sampled simulta-
fundamental frequency component must be eliminated from
neously at the two points. Whenever a UPO crosses a
the averaged upstream perturbation for control.
Poincarè section cluster observed in the downstream attrac-
tor, a realization is simultaneously extracted from the
B. Control experiments in the axisymmetric jet
upstream signal for the UPO period, assuming that feedback
is instantaneous and is dominant compared to background The effectiveness of chaos control is assessed by com-
disturbances (evidenced by strong spatial coupling). These paring the velocity signals u(t) from the controlled and the
realizations are then averaged from the upstream signal (as desired flows. After selecting a UPO to be controlled, the
in Sec. II C) to obtain a perturbation that will excite the averaged upstream perturbation is used to generate a periodic
flow and keep the downstream attractor dynamics in the vi- control signal (see Sec. III A). After the fundamental fre-
cinity of the desired downstream UPO. For control, this quency is filtered, this signal is provided through a digital-to-
perturbation is provided continuously with sufficient ampli- analog (D/A) converter and an adjustable external gain, to an
tude at the nozzle lip. acoustic speaker, connected through several tubes to a thin
Spatial coupling for several commonly encountered slit around the nozzle lip (see Sec. II A).
open flows (e.g., channel flows, far wakes, and boundary
layers) may not exist or are not known. However, the preva-
lence of large-scale vortices in these flows suggests low-
dimensional dynamics that can be manipulated for control.
For these flows, selective amplification of certain perturba-
tions from a broadband of local disturbances results in
nonlinear dynamics downstream. Adaptive filtering was
explored as a means to obtain the upstream control perturba-
tion. This technique can easily be extended to other open
flows such as mixing layers, wakes and boundary layers.
Note that the instantaneous feedback invoked here to
obtain the control perturbation from the upstream and down-
stream signals is not a hard requirement since any delays are
FIG. 7. Schematic of the empirical modeling of the spatiotemporal dynamics
automatically accounted for in the adaptive filtering proce- by adaptive filtering, using upstream x(t) and downstream y(t) velocity sig-
dure used. nals; z(t) is the adaptive filter prediction and e(t) indicates the prediction error.

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033133-8 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

time-shifted to best align the desired and the controlled states

but no amplitude re-scaling.) Note that, the desired period-11
UPO is observed for only one orbital period in the chaotic
state, while it is sustained indefinitely in the controlled flow.
Interestingly, the nozzle exit signal in the uncontrolled cha-
otic flow (see dashed lines) and the control perturbation,
denoted by solid line, also match very closely (Fig. 9(b)).
Thus, the amplitude of the perturbations to achieve the
period-11 dynamics is not much larger than that in the
uncontrolled flow; this is because forcing is needed only to
preserve the period-11 flow state intrinsic to the chaotic dy-
namics. Also note the low-level control energy provided in
the power spectrum of an upstream signal from the con-
trolled flow (solid line in Fig. 9(b)). The power spectrum of
the downstream signal in the controlled flow is shown in Fig.
9(c). In comparison to the QCA power spectrum (see Fig.
FIG. 8. Adaptive filter prediction of upstream control perturbations for a 2(b)), the sidebands around the sub-harmonic frequency are
period-11 UPO. sharper, the modulation frequency, now at 24 Hz, is stronger
(30 dB above background), and the broadband quarter-
The period-11 UPO from one of the two possible harmonic is uniformly suppressed by at least an order of
Poincarè section clusters (also see Fig. 5(b)) is selected to be magnitude (except for weak modulation frequencies at 48 Hz
controlled for two reasons: (i) controlling a period-11 orbit and 72 Hz). The absence of the quarter-harmonic component
demonstrates the effectiveness of the chaos control strategy in is also evident in the time trace in Fig. 9(a) (e.g., compare
stabilizing UPOs of relatively large periods, overcoming a with Fig. 9(c)). Moreover, the broadband spectral back-
common shortcoming in prior chaos control methods;8 and ground is uniformly suppressed by at least 10 dB. The broad-
(ii) controlling the orbits from the selected cluster, with the band pedestal remaining below the sidebands around the
least quarter-harmonic frequency content, will suppress the subharmonic frequency is due partly to slight aperiodicity in
second vortex pairing. The latter results in the suppression of the controlled flow and partly to spectral leakage when
quantities such as turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses resolving nearby frequencies of discrete power spectra.
with potential implications for reducing noise radiated from Figure 9(d) shows the mutual information from QCA
the jet flow system.36 Evidence of low-dimensional chaotic (dotted line) and from the controlled flow. This displays the
dynamics in the plane mixing layer19 and its similarity with rapid loss of information in the chaotic flow and the recovery
jet chaos suggests the use of pairing suppression to control of information at a delay corresponding to the period-11 orbit
large-scale flow separation in wall-bounded flows. in the controlled flow; the increase of the floor to almost 1 bit
The control signal is synthesized from realizations simi- is expected for the periodic controlled flow. Similar results for
lar to that shown in Fig. 8 and is then low-pass filtered to period-11 control were also obtained by using the upstream
minimize the otherwise dominant fundamental component, control perturbation estimated by an adaptive filter approxi-
reduced here by more than two orders of magnitude. The mation (see Sec. III A). A period-11 UPO intersecting a differ-
bulk excitation signal and that provided at the exit are phase- ent cluster was chosen to assess control when multiple phase-
locked at the fundamental frequency, which is not com- space bundles of the same period are present. An upstream
pletely eliminated from the exit control signal. Single- control perturbation resembling that in Fig. 8 was used to sta-
frequency bulk forcing is first employed (at af ffi 1% and bilize the selected period-11 UPO. The close match between
StD ffi 1.2) to establish QCA. The control signal is then con- the controlled flow and the desired period-11 UPO in Fig. 9(e)
tinuously applied at the nozzle lip with an external gain demonstrates that the control strategy can be effective even in
which is increased until the desired UPO is sustained, the presence of more than one UPO of the same period.
observed by a downstream centerline probe (as in Fig. 1); The control of period-13 UPOs, Fig. 9(f), shows signals
the flow system dynamics locks on to the selected UPO after from the controlled flow and the corresponding averaged
a transient. Ceasing control causes the flow to revert back to downstream UPO. The absence of the quarter-harmonic com-
the chaotic dynamics of QCA, showing that the low-level ponent in the signal indicates nearly complete suppression of
control perturbations merely keep the dynamics in the vicin- the second vortex pairing. Due to the shorter instability wave-
ity of the selected UPO. For much larger control signal am- lengths at these large StD (> 1), the second pairing is usually
plitude, a period-11 flow state is observed which does not unavoidable in the uncontrolled jet. The periodicity of these
resemble the desired UPO; i.e., a new flow state (not intrinsic controlled states persists up to about 4 jet diameters, follow-
to the chaotic dynamics) is established. ing which the jet transitions to turbulence, as also ascertained
Figure 9(a) displays the close match between a velocity by spatial coherence measurements.34 The selected period-13
time trace from the controlled flow at x/D ¼ 2 and repeated UPO belongs to one of two Poincarè section clusters found
segments from a signal obtained downstream for QCA asso- (not shown). The control of the period-13 UPO from the sec-
ciated with realizations of the desired period-11 UPO ond cluster (with dominant quarter-harmonic) was unsuccess-
(denoted by symbols), e.g., Fig. 5(b). (All signals have been ful: the flow frequently wandered away from the UPO to the

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033133-9 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

FIG. 9. (a) Controlled state closely matches the desired state (indicated by symbols) for a period-11 UPO, where “*” denotes the isolated fundamental period;
(b) Power spectra from the controlled (solid line) and the uncontrolled (dashed line) flows at x/D ¼ 0 shows the small control energy used; (c) Power spectrum
measured from the controlled flow at x/D ¼ 2 shows increased order (compared to Fig. 2(b)) and suppression of the quarter-harmonic component; (d) Mutual
information from the controlled flow signal shows an expected peak at a delay of 220 (corresponding to a period-11 UPO), compared to the rapid decay in the
chaotic flow (see dotted line); (e) Signal from the controlled flow and that corresponding to the period-11 UPO (indicated by symbols) from cluster II in Fig.
5(a) match closely; (f) Signal from the controlled flow and that corresponding to the desired period-13 UPO (indicated by symbols) match closely.

flow state shown in Fig. 9(f). This loss of control seems to be are more spread out than those for the period-11 UPO.
caused by the relative stability of the orbits in the neighboring “Adaptive” control could resolve this problem.
cluster, having a smaller magnitude of the unstable eigen- The discrepancies between the controlled flow and the
value. Moreover, the clusters for period-13 UPO crossings desired UPO [see signals in Figs. 9(a), 9(e), and 9(f) and the

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033133-10 Narayanan, Gunaratne, and Hussain Chaos 23, 033133 (2013)

spread in the spectral peaks (Fig. 9(c))] indicate the occa- low-dimensional dynamical system from multipoint meas-
sional drift of the dynamics away from the desired UPO. urements is needed; e.g., see Ref. 51 for such a study.
These could result from: (i) the variations among orbits in There are several technologically beneficial applications
a UPO bundle, (ii) uncertainty in determining the control of chaos control in open shear flows. Jet control can be used
perturbations, and (iii) ambient disturbances (e.g., airflow to enhance mixing in combusting flows and to suppress tur-
blower oscillations, wind tunnel acoustics) within the band bulence for aerodynamic noise reduction.36,52 Controlling
of frequencies present in the exit control perturbations, vortex pairings in free shear flows enable mixing control53
requiring further investigation. and separation control during slot injection over airfoils.54
Chaos control of the organized near-wall flow structures in
wall-bounded shear flows could be used to achieve drag
reduction and heat transfer enhancement.55
An effective approach to control chaotic dynamics in an
open flow is proposed and demonstrated experimentally in a
circular jet flow. Inherent periodicities underlying the chaotic FOR ADAPTIVE FILTERING
dynamics are revealed, viz., UPOs, which are amenable to
control. The strategy is to provide low-amplitude perturba- The adaptive filter weights (see Sec. III) are computed
tions to maintain the dynamics in the neighborhood of a using a least-mean-square algorithm;45 these weights are
selected UPO. The approach involves two steps. The first is used to evaluate upstream control perturbations for desirable
to determine the size of the region that can be driven to the downstream dynamics, i.e., as an “inverse” model. The sim-
UPO. The second step, required for spatially developing plest gradient estimate for the kth iteration of this steepest
flows, is to estimate the mapping of the UPO dynamics descent type algorithm is: Wkþ1 ¼ Wk þ 2 l ek Xk, where l
between the control and the monitoring locations. When the is the gain constant that regulates the speed and stability of
chaotic dynamics at the two locations are strongly correlated, the adaptation, ek is the error (ek ¼ dk  XTk Wk), Wk is the
perturbations at the control location associated with a selected weight vector with elements {w1, w2, …, wNw}, Xk is the
UPO at the monitoring location can be detected (to within a input vector, dk is the actual (output) response for testing the
phase delay) by simultaneous sampling. Experimental evi- adaptive filter prediction, and Nw is the number of weights.
dence of UPO stabilization demonstrates success in achieving The two criteria to evaluate the accuracy of an adaptive filter
the desirable periodic state. For long period UPOs, the accu- are: (i) convergence of the envelope of ek (within 610% of
mulation of ambient noise causes the orbits to be scattered on peak-to-peak signal amplitude), and (ii) convergence of the
the attractor. Open loop control is ineffective for such orbits. rms of all the weights (R wi2)k. The adaptive filter prediction
Detailed flow field measurements revealing the spatial extents is also inspected (expected to be periodic for each UPO) to
over which the periodic states are maintained are described in ensure that no major changes occur in its envelope. To con-
Ref. 34. It should be noted that control was enabled by tinue refining the approximated weights, the input/output
evidence of low dimensional chaos in the flow system for pair of signals is provided to the algorithm even after achiev-
which low levels of periodic forcing were needed. To the best ing acceptable convergence of the weights. The actual
of our knowledge, this is the first experimental demonstration upstream signal (from a second set of two-point data) was
of chaos control in an open flow system. also compared with that predicted using the adaptive filter
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chaotic dynamics in the flow. Evidence for the existence of QCA data) to ensure reliable adaptive filter predictions.
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