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1. Differentiate between NATIONALISM and PATRIOTISM.

As a tourism manager in
the future, how can you help promote and show your Love and DEVOTION to your
community or country? Write a three- paragraph explanation by citing examples or
related issues about it.

Nationalism means emphasizing unity through a shared cultural background,

including language and heritage. Patriotism refers to a love for a country, with a focus
on principles and beliefs.

Being an active young citizen is the finest method for a tourist manager to exhibit
their love and sense of belonging to our country. Participate in social activities to help
your community change for the better. Demonstrate your passion for your nation and
participate in the political process by voting and working to make it a better place.
Obey and accept the accurate and good rules, since they can help to mold our
country into more respectable places. Get an education and contribute to the
development of your country, since I believe that a country can only genuinely thrive
if its residents have the opportunity to educate themselves.

Another effective way to convey our passion and sense of belonging to our country
as a tourist manager in the future is to represent our countries in many international
and youth cultural exchange programs throughout the world. Accept the beneficial
changes that have occurred in our country as a result of historical mistakes and learn
about the wonderful achievements that our country has made in order to share your
country's narrative with people all around the world.

2. Write a Personal Reflection by discussing or presenting the different issues for

and against the RA 1425 specially focusing on the statements of the proponents of
and opponents to the Rizal Bill.

During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged Recto with being a communist
and an anti-Catholic. After Recto's election, the Church continued to oppose the bill
mandating the reading of Rizal's novels Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo,
claiming it would violate freedom of conscience and religion

Senator Claro M. Recto was the main proponent of the Rizal Bill. He sought to
sponsor the bill at Congress. However, this was met with stiff opposition from the
Catholic Church. During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged Recto with
being a communist and an anti-Catholic. After Recto's election, the Church continued
to oppose the bill mandating the reading of Rizal's novels Noli Me Tángere and El
Filibusterismo, claiming it would violate freedom of conscience and religion.  A
republic act as drastic as the Rizal Law, which requires the study of Rizal’s life and
works something that does not need to be required in the first place can only be born
out of the fact that Rizal and his works were not given a high priority in the
educational system of the country prior to the release of this act.Rizal Law. Jump to
navigation Jump to search. Republic Act No. 1425, known as the Rizal Law,
mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about José
Rizal. The measure was strongly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church in the
Philippines due to the anti-clerical themes in Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo .
Senator Claro M. Recto was the main proponent of the Rizal Bill. He sought to
sponsor the bill at Congress. However, this was met with stiff opposition from the
Catholic Church.
3. Based on the two videos about NATIONALISM, write a five paragraph essay
focusing on the important ideas stated on the said videos. Observe the following:
INTRODUCTION, BODY with important details and an effective CONCLUSION.

Nationalism is a belief and movement that the state and the nation should be in sync.
Nationalism as a movement tends to advocate the interests of a single country,
particularly with the goal of achieving and retaining the country's sovereignty and
self-governance over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern
itself self-determination, that a nation is the only legitimate source of political
authority, and that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity (popular

Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining the national

identity based on share characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion and
political goals or a belief in a common ancestry.

Nationalism can be considered as positive and negative in some case nationalism

refer to the belief that a nation should be able to control the government and all
needs of production. The word nation was used before 1800 in Europe to refer to
inhabitants of a country as while as the collective identities that could include share
history, law, language, political rights and religion and traditions.

Critics of the nationalism have argued who’s often here uncleared what constitution
and nation or weather a nation is legitimate unit of political rules. Nationalist hold that
the boundary of the nation and the state should conceive with the other nationalism
that tense to oppose with multi multicultural in also conflict with more than another
national group.

Always remember patriotism is one love of your on people comes first; nationalism
when hate for people other than your own comes first.

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